2015 STAAR: Writing/Reading/English EOC

2015 STAAR:
Writing/Reading/English EOC
Sheldon ISD
This training does not take the
place of reading your TEST
Testing Dates
• Monday, March 30, 2015
– 4th/7th Writing Day 1
– English I EOC
• Tuesday, March 31, 2015
– 4th/7th Writing Day 2
– 8th Reading
– English I EOC make-up
• Wednesday, April 1, 2015
4th/7th Writing make-up
8th Reading make-up
English I EOC make up
English II EOC
• Thursday, April 2, 2015
– 4th/7th Writing make-up
– 8th Reading make-up
– English I or II EOC make-up
Allowable Test Administration
Procedures and Materials
• Reminding students to stay
on task
Translating test administration
directions into the native language
of an English language learner
Allowing a student to read the test
aloud to facilitate comprehension
Providing reading assistance on the
grade 3 mathematics test for any
student; however, if a student
needs the entire test read aloud, the
eligibility criteria for oral
administration must be met
Making the following assistive
tools available: scratch paper,
color overlays, blank place
markers, magnifying devices,
highlighters, colored pencils, or
Using tools to minimize
distractions or to help maintain
Conducting individual and
small-group administrations
Signing test administration
directions for a student who is
deaf or hard of hearing
Reading aloud or signing the
writing prompt to any student
who requests this assistance
Test Security Reminders
• No one may view, reveal, or discuss the
contents of a test booklet before, during, or
after the assessment.
• Do not leave materials unattended.
• Students MAY NOT carry test materials.
• Review test security and confidentiality,
penalties for prohibited conduct, serious and
procedural irregularities (pp.16-22)
Prepare for Testing (pg.26-27)
• Review your room roster
• Review accommodations; get clarification
• Prepare ELLs for testing with linguistic
• Prepare for online testing if administering
Prepare the Testing Environment (pg.27)
• A “Testing—Do Not Disturb” sign should be posted outside
the testing room.
• All desks or computer work stations must be cleared of books
and other materials not required for testing (nothing UNDER
the desk)
• Bulletin boards and instructional displays that could aid
students during testing must be covered or removed.
• Make sure that desks are spread out in testing rooms
• Make a determined effort to keep students from seeing each
other’s monitor in a computer lab.
Seating Charts
• Must (required by TEA) include the following:
names of each student testing
(include test being taken)
location of each student while testing
Names of all test administrators involved in the session
Start and stop time for each session (including restart
times for allowed breaks)
• Additional seating charts must be completed if
students are moved to another room for testing
(overflow, etc.)
• Mark absent students on the seating chart
Receiving Materials (pg. 28)
• Test administrators must ensure the following required materials are
– #2 pencils with erasers per student
– One test booklet per student
– One answer document per student
• Online test administrator must ensure the following required materials are
– Test Session Rosters
– Student Authorizations
– Pencils or pens for use with scratch paper and graph paper
• Dictionary
– 4th Writing: allowed on day 1 and day 2 ONLY as an accommodation or a linguistic
– 5th Reading: allowed only as an accommodation or a linguistic accommodation
– 7th Writing; 8th Reading, English 1, English II: required
Receiving Materials (pg. 29)
• Test booklets will be checked out to test administrators each day
• Verification of materials
– Count your books: MUST match the number on the Materials Control Form before you
sign out for materials
– Count your answer documents
– Check that the serial numbers on the books match the numbers on the Materials
Control Form.
• After you have verified that you have received the EXACT number of test
booklets issued to you then you will initial the “OUT” box for the
appropriate day on the Materials Control Form.
• Once you sign out for the materials YOU are responsible for them. If
someone, including the Campus Coordinator, needs to remove a booklet
from your room, be sure materials are signed “IN” for you or there is a
system to track the materials.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures (page 30-33)
• Insert campus procedure for prevention of cell
phone and other electronic use
• A trained test administration must be present
in each testing room at all times (1 to 30)
• Students on day 2 are NOT allowed to return
to the day 1 section of the test
• Students are day 1 are NOT allowed to work
on the day 2 section of the test
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures (page 30-33)
• Test administrators should:
– Confirm that students are working only on the
subject area assessment (OR DAY) being
administered that day
– Verify that students have access only to allowable
– Ensure that students are marking their responses
on the correct section of the answer document.
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures (page 30-33)
• Remind students regularly to record their responses on their
answer document. “Remember that you must record your
response on the answer document.”
• Answers marked in the test booklet will not be scored.
• Student are not allowed to marked their answers on the
answer document AFTER the time has expired.
• Test administrators are not allowed to require students to
mark their answers in the test booklet before transferring
them to the answer document.
• Important to ACTIVELY MONITOR that students are marking
answers on the answer document!
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures (page 30-33)
• Only students are allowed to erase stray marks or darken
answer choices, and only during the scheduled test sessions.
“Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have
accidentally made on your answer document.”
• Reinforcing, reviewing for, and/or distributing testing
strategies during an assessment is strictly prohibited.
• Test administrators MUST alert students of the time left to
test in one hour intervals.
• Students must remain seated and must not talk while testing
is in progress.
• Students may read a book when finished.
STAAR Test Session Time Limits
• STAAR and STAAR Modified English I and English II assessments will have a fivehour time limit.
• All other assessments (STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A) will have a
four-hour time limit.
• The time period begins after the test administrator reads directions and tells
students to begin working on their tests.
SISD Time Reminders
• 3 hours remaining (TEA required)
• 2 hours remaining (TEA required)
• 1 hour remaining (TEA required)
• 30 minutes remaining (SISD)
• 15 minutes remaining (SISD)
• 5 minutes remaining (SISD)
• 1 minute remaining (SISD)
A clock or timer may be projected for
Computers must be OFF if not being used
for the timer.
Test administrators are NEVER allowed to
be on the computer unless administering
an online assessment.
Writing Assessments (pp32-33)
• The test administrator may read aloud or sign the writing prompt to
any student who requests this assistance.
• Reading or discussing student compositions is not allowed at any
• At no time before, during, or after the administration are test
administrators permitted to assist students with their composition.
• The test administrator may NOT do the following:
Elaborate on the prompt
Give students an opening and/or closing sentence
Give students an outline for organizing their compositions
Give students ideas about how to develop their compositions
Translate the prompt into another language
Answer Students’ Questions (pg. 34)
• Test administrators may answer questions about directions or
• Test administrators are NEVER allowed to answer any
questions related to the content for the test itself. “I can’t
answer that for you; just do the best you can.”
• Test administrators are NOT allowed to do the following:
– Translate test questions or passages, including the written
composition prompt into another language
– Rephrase or add information to questions or the prompt
– View or discuss test questions with anyone before, during or after the
– Score test questions or discuss with students how they performed
Collect Test Materials (pg. 34)
• Test administrator will scan the completed answer
document to be sure the student has recorded his or
her answers as instructed. If a student has not done
so (including short answers or compositions) and
time remains, the test administrator MUST say, “You
have not recorded your responses on the answer
document. Please go back and mark your answers
on it now.”
• If the student refuses, and time remain, send for an
administrator, and documentation will be required.
Collect Test Materials (pg. 34)
• Test administrator will may not look or comment on
answers to individual test questions or point out
individually skipped test questions.
• Test responses, which include the written
composition and multiple choice questions can not
be scored unless they appear on the answer
• Report any blank answer document to the campus
coordinator. A testing irregularity will occur if the
test administrator was not actively monitoring.
Collecting Test Materials (pg. 35)
Account for all test booklets and answer documents
– Make sure each student’s name is written on the test booklet BEFORE you collect it
– Verify that answer document has not been left inside the test booklet
– Verify that the booklet number is written at the top of the answer document
Ensure that the answer document fields have been completed
– Once you verify that the student has marked all the answers, you will verify the
appropriate fields and bubble in appropriate fields in front of the student.
– Make sure the student has written the composition in the correct location on the
answer document.
– Mark the “S” for the score code on the student’s desk and in front of the student.
– EOC: bubble in the day of the exam (Example: March 30 bubble 30)
– 4th Grade: language has been bubbled (Eng or Span)
– All grades: Verify that the correct form number has been bubbled
– If applicable: Verify that accommodations have been bubbled (see coordinator for
specific instructions)
Collecting Test Materials (pg. 35)
• Return Test Materials to the Campus Coordinator
Insert campus specific directions
Answer documents (alphabetical order)
Test booklets (numerical order)
Seating charts
Any used or unused scratch paper
Other documentation or forms (electronic logs, late arrival forms, overflow, attendance)
• Materials Control Form
– Campus coordinator will verify that you have returned all materials and initial the “IN”
box on the materials control form.
4-5th Grade
Test Administrator Directions
• 4th Grade Writing (day 1): page 45
• 4th Grade Writing (day 2): page 53
• 4th Grade Spanish Writing (day 1): page 67
• 4th Grade Spanish Writing (day 2): page 75
• 4th Grade STAAR A Writing (day 1 and day 2): page 97
• 5th Grade Reading: page 61
• 5th Grade Spanish Reading: page 83
• 5th Grade STAAR A Reading: page 117
7-8th Grade
Test Administrator Directions
• 7th Grade Writing (day 1): page 45
• 7th Grade Writing (day 2): page 53
• 7th Grade STAAR A Writing (day 1 and day 2): page 77
• 8th Grade Reading: page 61
• 8th Grade STAAR A Reading: page 101
Guide to Directions
You must read the Guide to the Test Administration Directions
before administering any state assessment (pp. 41-44)
• Narrow boxes contain procedural instructions for the test
• Wide call-out box contain subject or program specific
instructions that should be read aloud to the students.
• You must read the BOLD print word for word.
• Review the wide call-out boxes prior to administering the
test and mark out boxes your will not need to read and
highlight those that you will read.
4th/7th STAAR and 4th STAAR SPANISH
Writing (Day 1)
• Day 1
– Composition (actively monitor to ensure that students
are writing the composition on the correct page)
– Revising and Editing Multiple Choice section (actively
monitor to ensure that students are marking the
multiple choice answers on the correct page)
• Day 2
– Composition
– Revising and Editing Multiple Choice section
4th/7th STAAR and 4th STAAR SPANISH
Writing (Day 1)
• Insert campus procedure for FORM #
– Will Test administrator or student fill in the form
number (read pg 47 for specific directions on what to
• Test booklets will have two seals. Only the first
seal will be opened on day 1.
• If any students break seal 2 on accident, then the
test administrator should immediately reseal it
using tape. If the broken seal is discovered after
testing has begun or day 1 is complete, contact
the campus testing coordinator.
4th/7th STAAR and 4th STAAR SPANISH
Writing (Day 2)
• Students are NOT allowed to open or work on the Day 1
portion of the test.
• 4th/7th grade: look at page 54 (page 76 in 4th Grade Spanish): this
boxed information only needs to be read to students that
were absent on day 1.
Writing Assessments (pp32-33)
• The test administrator may read aloud or sign the writing prompt to
any student who requests this assistance.
• Reading or discussing student compositions is not allowed at any
• At no time before, during, or after the administration are test
administrators permitted to assist students with their composition.
• The test administrator may NOT do the following:
Elaborate on the prompt
Give students an opening and/or closing sentence
Give students an outline for organizing their compositions
Give students ideas about how to develop their compositions
Translate the prompt into another language
5th/8th STAAR Reading
& 5th STAAR Spanish Reading
• Answer documents will have the math
• NOTHING should be marked on the math score code or
answer portion of the answer document for math
• Test administrators will need to actively monitor to
ensure that students are marking their READING
responses on the correct page on the answer document.
• Test administrators may instruct students to mark answers
on the correct portion of the answer document if it is
discovered that the student is marking or has marked
answers in the wrong section AND there is still time
5th/8th STAAR Reading
& 5th STAAR Spanish Reading
• Know the subject you are testing and any accommodations
that may be allowed in your room prior to testing.
• Mark out any boxes you don’t need to read (example:
science) and highlight the boxes your will need to read.
• Dictionaries are allowed on the 8th grade Reading assessment
and must be provided.
• Dictionaries are allowed as an accommodation or linguistic
accommodation for 5th Reading.
Specific Training
• STAAR Writing Accommodations
• STAAR Reading Accommodations
• STAAR A Testing Procedures
STAAR Writing Accommodations
There are more accommodations that are allowed on the writing assessments
but the following have more specific instructions to cover:
• Oral Administration
• Spelling Assistance
• Basic Transcribing
• Dictionary
Linguistic Accommodations
• Dictionaries of various types
• Clarification in English of word meaning in the writing prompt
• Clarification in English of word meaning in short answer questions (EOC)
STAAR Writing Accommodations
The following are accommodations for students with disabilities (not linguistic)
• Oral Administration
 Allowed: Required reference materials, if applicable (dictionary, supplemental aid)
 Reading aloud the writing prompt is an allowable procedure for any student. Must be read to
those that have it documented per IEP and IAP.
 Not Allowed: Revising and editing passages, test questions, and answer choices may NOT be
read aloud to students
 For writing tests, an oral administration is NEVER allowed for any part of the
revising and editing passages, questions or answer choices.
• Spelling Assistance
 Allowed: Spelling Assistance may be used on written compositions
 Not Allowed: Spelling Assistance may NOT be used on the multiple-choice revising and
editing section.
 Accommodation includes ONLY (frequently misspelled word list; spell check function on a
word processor; pocket spell checker; word predictor software; text-to-speech software;
speech-to-text software)
 Notes: students may NOT have access to the internet
 Test administration must have a procedure in place to ensure that the student does not have
access to spelling assistance when working on the revising and editing section.
STAAR Writing Accommodations
The following are accommodations for students with disabilities (not linguistic)
• Dictionary (4th grade accommodation)
 Allowed: May be used on all portions of the 4th writing test
 Includes ONLY standard English dictionary; Spanish dictionary for Spanish version;
dictionary/thesaurus; electronic dictionary; bilingual dictionary; ESL dictionary; picture
dictionary; sign language dictionary
Basic Transcribing (must sign bottom portion of oath)
Multiple Choice section: student may circle answers in the test booklet; point to the
answers; dictates the answers; writes responses on another workspace or types
responses; speech-to-text software
Composition or Short Answer Questions: student may write responses on another
workspace (scratch paper or computer, dry-erase board); speech-to-text software
Special Instructions/Considerations
– Must write “Transcribed by (NAME) because student is eligible for this
accommodation.” Statement needs to be written at the top of the answer
document where the student identification information is located
– Test administrator’s role is to record exactly what the student has indicated. The TA
may not edit or alter student responses in any way and may not provide feedback
regarding the correctness of the student’s response.
STAAR Writing Accommodations
The following are accommodations for students with disabilities (not linguistic)
Basic Transcribing (must sign bottom portion of oath)
– The TA must indicate to the student the space allowed for his or her composition (26
lines for a composition. Samples of the lined pages may be printed from the STAAR
resource webpage and.
– It is allowable for the student to review the transcription and make edits WITHIN the
time constraints.
– If a test administrator transfers the student’s final responses after the time period
has ended, the student may NOT make edits. It is recommended that the test
administrator ensure that he can read and understand the student’s intended
responses prior to the student leaving the testing room.
– Any typed or handwritten responses must be given to the CTC to be destroyed after
– Spell check, word predictor, and all other special features must be disabled when a
student types responses to the writing prompts on a word processor (unless he/she
has spelling assistance).
STAAR Writing Accommodations
Linguistic Accommodations (Determined by the LPAC)
• Extra Time
• Dictionaries of various type (allowed on 7th grade writing)
– 4th Grade Writing: Allowed: May be used on all portions of the writing test.
– Dictionaries allowed include:
English dictionary
ESL dictionary
Bilingual dictionary
Monolingual dictionary in languages other than English
Picture dictionary
(includes electronic dictionary)
– Consideration: Test administrator will need to know if specific ELLs need specific
types of dictionaries.
STAAR Writing Accommodations
Linguistic Accommodations (Determined by the LPAC)
• Clarification in English of word meaning in the writing prompt
– Student may ask the test administrator to clarify the word meaning on the
writing prompt. The test administrator may provide clarification of words and
phrases. Clarification may be provided on a per request basis only.
– To clarify meaning, the test administrator may use simpler English, pictures,
and/or gestures.
– The test administrator is NOT permitted to reinforce or emphasize any part of
the information on the prompt pages or assist in any way with the planning,
organizing, or writing of the composition.
– The Test Administrator is NOT allowed to translate the prompt.
STAAR Reading Accommodations
There are more accommodations that are allowed on the
reading assessments but the following have more specific
instructions to cover:
Accommodations for students with disabilities:
• Oral Administration
• Basic Transcribing
• Dictionary
Linguistic Accommodations:
• Dictionaries of various types
STAAR Reading Accommodations
Oral Administration (pages 145-153 grades 3-5; pages 127-138 grades 6-8; pages 109-120 EOC
 Allowed: Test questions, answer choices, and required reference materials may be read
aloud to a student.
 Not Allowed: Reading selections may NOT be read aloud to a student.
Two levels of support are allowed:
• Read parts of the test questions and/or answer choices at the student’s request
• Read all test questions and answer choices throughout the test
Ensure that the Test administrator and student(s) have the same form number (01).
 Test administrators may wait to read aloud the next question and answer choices until all
students are ready to go on. Test administrators may also walk around the room and quietly
read aloud the questions and answer choices to students at their own pace (this may be the
better choice during the reading test due to students reading the passages at their own pace).
 Test administrators must not rephrase, clarify, or interpret any test content
 Test administrators must keep their voice inflection neutral; however, words that are boldfaced,
italicized, or printed entirely in capital letters must be emphasized.
 Unauthorized verbal or nonverbal assistance may not be provided to students.
STAAR Reading Accommodations
• Dictionary (4th grade accommodation)
 Allowed: May be used on all portions of the 4th writing test
 Includes ONLY standard English dictionary; Spanish dictionary for Spanish version;
dictionary/thesaurus; electronic dictionary; bilingual dictionary; ESL dictionary; picture
dictionary; sign language dictionary
Basic Transcribing (must sign bottom portion of oath)
Multiple Choice section: student may circle answers in the test booklet; point to the answers;
dictates the answers; writes responses on another workspace or types responses; speech-totext software
Composition or Short Answer Questions: student may write responses on another workspace
(scratch paper or computer, dry-erase board); speech-to-text software
Special Instructions/Considerations
– Must write “Transcribed by (NAME) because student is eligible for this accommodation.”
Statement needs to be written at the top of the answer document where the student
identification information is located
– Test administrator’s role is to record exactly what the student has indicated. The TA may
not edit or alter student responses in any way and may not provide feedback regarding
the correctness of the student’s response.
STAAR Reading Accommodations
The following are accommodations for students with disabilities (not linguistic)
Basic Transcribing (must sign bottom portion of oath)
– When transcribing a student’s dictated responses to a short-answer reading question, the
test administrator is not required to ask for clarification from the student about intended
use of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling because these conventions are not part of
the scoring rubric used to assess student responses to short-answer reading questions.
– The TA must indicate to the student the space allowed for his or her Reading Short
Answers (10 lines for a each short-answer reading question. Samples of the lined pages
may be printed from the STAAR resource webpage and.
– It is allowable for the student to review the transcription and make edits WITHIN the time
– If a test administrator transfers the student’s final responses after the time period has
ended, the student may NOT make edits. It is recommended that the test administrator
ensure that he can read and understand the student’s intended responses prior to the
student leaving the testing room.
– Any typed or handwritten responses must be given to the CTC to be destroyed after
– Spell check, word predictor, and all other special features must be disabled when a
student types responses to the writing prompts on a word processor (unless he/she has
spelling assistance).
STAAR Reading Accommodations
Linguistic Accommodations (Determined by the LPAC)
• Extra Time
• Dictionaries of various type (allowed on 8th Grade Writing)
– 4th Grade Reading: Allowed: May be used on the reading test
– Dictionaries allowed include:
English dictionary
ESL dictionary
Bilingual dictionary
Monolingual dictionary in languages other than English
Picture dictionary
(includes electronic dictionary)
– Consideration: Test administrator will need to know if specific ELLs need specific
types of dictionaries.
• Administration Procedures
• Accommodations
4 /7
Online tests that will take place over two days
Test Administration will need:
• TAMS login
• Test administration manual
• Student authorizations for each student
• Reminder cards if applicable
• Scratch paper
• #2 pencils
Each computer must be logged in using the following
username and password:
• XP Labs – KHS – CE – ME (testnav – testnav)
• 7 Labs KMS – NMS – GE – RE – SE and KASE (testnav2 –
• Once logged in, you will need to select: TestNav Test
Each student computer should then open to this screen…..
Grades 3-5: you can type the information in for the students (from the student authorization
sheets) except for the last digit on the username. Then when you are ready, the students will
type the last number and click enter.
Grades 6 and higher: students will need to enter their own information (case-sensitive)
When you are ready to begin, you will need to login to TAMS, click on your test session and
select the START button.
Make sure you start the session BEFORE you tell students to login.
Only the CTC or
the DTC will mark
a test complete
Resuming a test
If a student exits the test, the test administrator will need follow these
steps to resume the test:
 check the box next to the student’s name
 Click the Resume Test button
 Tell the student to log back in with the information on the student
authorization sheet
 Once the student has logged back in, click refresh, and the status
should change to active
At any point during the test session, the test administrator may
use the SAY directions or paraphrase to assist students if they
are having trouble navigating through the assessment or need
reminders of how to turn the tools and accessibility features on
or off. In addition, the TA may read aloud the information
presented to the student in the Help tool.
Grade 4 Writing Day 1: page 104 CHANGES
Page 104
Administrator directions
2nd paragraph
1st sentence
Change the sentence “After students submit their tests online, they may be allowed to
quietly read books or leave the testing room” to read “After students exit their tests
online, they may be allowed to quietly read books or leave the testing room.”
Page 104
Administrator directions
3rd paragraph
Delete the following paragraph: “After all students have submitted their tests, you must
stop the test session. Refer to the “Complete Online Administration Process” section in
this manual for instructions for stopping a test session.”
Add the following paragraph: “When students are finished with their tests, you should
select the Exit button and then select the "I want to exit this test and finish later" option.
The writing test should NOT be submitted after Day 1, and the test sessions should NOT
be stopped after Day 1. When the students return to test on Day 2, they must use the
same student authorizations that they used on Day 1. For information about resuming a
test session, see the User's Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System, section
Grade 7 Writing Day 1: SEVERAL CHANGES
Test Administration Directions for STAAR Grade 7 Writing (Day 1)
Page 47
3rd “SAY” direction
3rd paragraph
2nd sentence
Add the word “expository.” The sentence should read “Then turn to the next page to
find the expository writing prompt.”
Grade 7 Writing Day 1: SEVERAL CHANGES
Test Administration Directions for STAAR Grade 7 Writing (Day 2)
Page 55
3rd “SAY” direction
between 1st and 2nd paragraph
Insert this new paragraph: “At this time I will read the directions for the written
composition. After I explain the writing task, I will read the directions for the revising
and editing section. You may use a dictionary for all portions of the writing test.”
Page 55
3rd “SAY” direction
2nd paragraph
2nd sentence
Add the words “personal narrative.” The sentence should read “Then turn to the next
page to find the personal narrative writing prompt.”
Page 56
Last “SAY” direction
2nd paragraph
Delete the following paragraph: “Now turn past these blank pages and find the next
writing prompt. You should see a row of squares above the box. Look at the information
provided in your test booklet and read the prompt to yourself. If you would like me to
read it to you, please raise your hand.”
Page 56
Administrator directions
last paragraph
Delete the paragraph “Using the same guidelines as above, read the prompt aloud to any student who
requests it.”
Grade 7 Writing Day 1: SEVERAL CHANGES
Test Administration Directions for STAAR A Grade 7 Writing (Day 1)
Page 84
Administrator directions
last paragraph
Change the sentence “After students submit their tests online, they may be allowed to
quietly read books or leave the testing room” to read “After students exit their tests
online, they may be allowed to quietly read books or leave the testing room.”
Page 85
Administrator directions
1st paragraph
Delete the following paragraph: “After all students have submitted their tests, you must
stop the test session. Refer to the ‘Complete Online Administration Process’ section in
this manual for instructions for stopping a test session.”
Add the following paragraph: “When students are finished with their tests, you should
select the Exit button and then select the "I want to exit this test and finish later" option.
The writing test should NOT be submitted after Day 1, and the test sessions should NOT
be stopped after Day 1. When the students return to test on Day 2, they must use the
same student authorizations that they used on Day 1. For information about resuming a
test session, see the User's Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System, section
Student has completed testing on DAY 1:
End of testing
• Assist the student with submitting his/her test
• MUST select “I want to exit my test and finish later”
• Review the test overview screen that shows that all answers have
been marked
• Select “I am finished with my test and would like to submit my
• Collect any scratch paper
• Student authorizations
• Other distributed materials
• Write final stop time on the seating chart
4 /7
• Students will log back into TestNav the same as day 1
• Each student will use the same student authorization sheet
• Test administrator(s) will need to individually give the seal
code to students (4 digits) or type it in.
• Do not announce the seal code to the class.
• Seal codes are secure
• The seal code and student authorization sheets will only
work with that specific test session and student.
• When students finish they will select, “ I am finished with
my test and would like to submit for scoring.”
grade ONLY
Transcribing the composition on day 1 and day 2 for 4th Grade
• Have scratch paper and lined paper available
• Students will write his/her composition on the lined paper
(available on the Sheldon ISD website)
• It is not required to do it on the lined paper but will help to ensure
that the composition will fit in the space provided.
• Test Administrator will type the composition into the student’s
online test form. Please review the basic transcribing guidelines.
• Suggestion: Assign 2 or more people in the room so one can
monitor and one can complete transcriptions.
• All scratch paper and lined paper must be given the to the CTC to
be destroyed.
Can pop-ups and rollovers be read aloud by
• Text-to-speech does NOT read aloud pop-ups and
rollovers. However, the test administrator may read
aloud these embedded accommodations at students’
• The test administrator may NOT read aloud any text
in reading selections, editing selections, and editing
items. This will be indicated by a DO NOT READ icon.
Texas Education Agency
Why has the DO NOT READ icon only been placed next to the
title in reading and editing selections and not on every page
of the selection?
• This decision was made intentionally based on several
 Test administrators have never been allowed to read the
reading selections or the editing selections/questions. This
policy remains the same for STAAR A. This information will be
included in all test administrator manuals and should be part of
test administrator training.
 If the icon had been added to every page in a selection, the
page count for each selection would have increased. This may
have been a problem for students with disabilities, since
educator feedback has indicated that this population has
difficulty scanning through multiple pages in a selection to find
answers to test questions.
Texas Education Agency
Available on the Testing & Assessment
site (CTC resources and STAAR A link)
Students may complete preferences
and the form may be given to the
student on the day of testing.
The test administrator may NOT set
up the student’s accommodation
preferences nor can the test
administrator require a student to use
the preferences determined during
the tutorials.
However, a test administrator may
provide the student with a “reminder
card” that indicates the settings the
student prefers as determined during
the tutorial session. The student must
be allowed to determine whether he
or she uses these settings when
taking STAAR A.
Does eligibility for Oral Administration need to be
documented for students taking STAAR A? What about
documenting the level of reading support students will
receive on STAAR A?
• No. According to the Oral Administration policy, this
accommodation does NOT apply to STAAR A since this assessment is
not listed in the “Assessments” section of the policy.
• In addition, the rationale for Oral Administration NOT applying to
STAAR A is included in the “Examples/Types” section of the policy.
• The IEP/IAP should NOT list Oral Administration (or levels of reading
support) as a testing accommodation if the student is eligible for
STAAR A. Text-to-speech is an embedded accommodation and the
student will use it independently when needed.
Texas Education Agency
How can spelling assistance be used on
• Spell check is NOT an embedded accommodation for the written
composition. Students eligible for Spelling Assistance will use what they
use in class. See below for special instructions if using spell check, speechto-text, text-to-speech, or word predictor.
• The student may use a separate laptop/computer while STAAR A is open in
TestNav. He or she will need to transfer the response to the composition
typing box (unless eligible for Basic Transcribing).
• OR
• The student can exit the test session, use the accommodation, print out
the response, log back in to STAAR A in TestNav, and then transfer his or
her responses in the composition typing box (unless eligible for Basic
Caution: Once STAAR A is exited, the student will not be able to see the writing
prompt, the pop-ups or rollovers, or the writing checklists. TEA is currently
discussing possible solutions to this problem.
Texas Education Agency
How can linguistic accommodations, such as
clarification in English, be applied to STAAR A?
• Linguistic accommodations are available for eligible ELLs who also meet
requirements for participation in STAAR A. The ARD or Section 504
Committee, in conjunction with the LPAC, may decide that clarification of
words in English is appropriate for an ELL taking STAAR A. The
accommodation will be provided by the test administrator in a similar
fashion to how it has been previously provided in other administrations of
state assessments.
• The test administrator may orally clarify any construct-irrelevant words in
test questions including popups and rollovers. However, it is important
that any clarification provided by the test administrator not interfere with
the content assessed in the question.
• Please also note that special attention must be paid to the testing
environment to ensure that the provision of this accommodation to
specific students does not disturb, or provide an advantage to other
students in the room.
Texas Education Agency