SISD: STAAR ALT 2 Training: Security and

STAAR Alternate 2 Administration Procedures &
STAAR Alternate 2 Security & Confidentiality
Sheldon ISD
STAAR Alternate 2 Overview
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®)
Alternate 2 is:
• an assessment based on alternate academic standards
designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities
receiving special education services
• a standardized paper-based assessment (redesigned based on state
legislation) administered individually to each eligible student
• an assessment with individual student responses transcribed into a
TestNav online transcription form
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Eligibility and Participation Requirements
The admissions review and dismissal (ARD) committee determines
whether a student with a significant cognitive disability is eligible to
take STAAR Alternate 2 based on specific criteria.
Please review the Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2
for additional information on eligibility and participation requirements.
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Assessment Window and Tested Subjects
The STAAR Alternate 2 testing window is February 9–27, 2015.
Districts may choose when to administer each subject and grade-level
test within the window. GOAL: complete testing by February 20th.
The test will be administered in the following grades and subjects:
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
9/22/2014 – 10/24/2014
11/5/2014 – 2/27/2015
Up to 10 days before 2/9/2015
2/9/2015 – 2/27/2015
3/2/2015 – 3/3/2015
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Participation counts window
SDU submission window
Registration available
Deadline to order additional materials
Materials list posted online
Test session creation
Materials due in district
Proctor caching available
Preview window
STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment
Transfer date: students entering the district
on February 10 or later do not have to be
Data verification
Test administrators can continue
transcribing student responses
Return nonscorable materials
Grades 3 – 8 reports due in district
EOC reports due in district
Materials list posted online by: 1/9/2015
Due in district by: 1/23/2015
Deadline to order additional materials: 02/20/2015
Return secure nonscorable materials to Pearson by: 3/6/2015
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Security &
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Security
Pages T-25-26
STAAR Alternate 2 standardized test administration materials are
considered secure.
Test security involves accounting for all secure materials and
confidential student information before, during, and after the test
Test administrators for the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment must be
aware that they are viewing secure content and that discussing
the content of the test at any time is strictly prohibited.
As a reminder of this obligation, STAAR Alternate 2 test administrators
are required to sign a separate section of the test administrator’s oath.
No person may discuss student responses or STAAR Alternate 2
scoring information during or after a test administration.
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Security
Pages T-25-26
Ensure STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals, student
booklets, and photocopies of stimuli from the student booklets remain
in secure locked storage when not in use within the confines of the
school building at all times.
Return the STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Document to the testing
coordinator after student performance is marked on the form. The
CTC must keep the scoring document after the information is entered
in TestNAV as it will be returned to Pearson.
DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Security
Pages T-25-26
The TA may not discuss, show, or share any secure test content in the
STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals and student booklets,
including but not limited to other test administrators, special education
directors, school administrators, diagnosticians, parents, peers, or test
Ensure that when testing has concluded that all secure materials have
been accounted for and returned to the campus coordinator
10 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Pages T-26
Protecting all secure materials!
This requires compliance with, but is not limited to, the following
Before handling secure test materials, all testing personnel must undergo
training and must sign the security oath affirming that they understand
their obligations concerning the security and confidentiality of the state
All tests must be administered in strict accordance with the instructions
contained in the test administration materials.
11 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
No person may reveal or discuss the contents of a test booklet or a
test administrator manual before, during, or after a test
administration unless specifically authorized to do so by the
procedures outlined in the test administration materials.
Test administrators for the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment must be
aware that they are viewing secure content and that discussing the
content of the test at any time is strictly prohibited. As a reminder
of this obligation, STAAR Alternate 2 test administrators are
required to sign a separate section of the test administrator’s oath.
No person may discuss student responses or STAAR Alternate 2
scoring information during or after a test administration.
12 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality
of Assessments
Violation of security and confidentiality of any test required by Texas
Education Code (TEC), Chapter 39, Subchapter B, shall be prohibited.
A person who engages in conduct prohibited by the Test Security
Supplement may be subject to sanction of credentials.
Conduct that violates the security and confidentiality of a test is
defined as any departure from the test administration procedures
established in the test security supplement and other test
administration materials (manuals).
13 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality
of Assessments
Conduct of this nature may include, but is not limited to, the following acts
and omissions:
► changing or altering a response or answer of an examinee to a secure test item
► providing, suggesting, or indicating a test question response to an examinee;
► aiding or assisting an examinee with a response or answer to a secure test item;
► identifying incorrect responses for students;
► solving questions in the test or scoring a student’s test either formally or informally;
► duplicating secure examination materials; viewing a test before, during, or after an
assessment unless specifically authorized to do so;
► disclosing the contents of any portion of a secure test;
► failing to report to an appropriate authority that an individual has engaged in conduct
outlined in the items listed above;
► fraudulently exempting or preventing a student from participating in the administration of
a required state assessment; or
► encouraging or assisting an individual to engage in the conduct described in the items
listed above.
14 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality
of Assessments
Any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another
to violate or assist in the violation of test security or confidentiality, as
well as any person who fails to report such a violation is subject to the
following penalties:
► placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of
a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term;
► issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand;
► suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term; or
► revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without
opportunity for reapplication either for a set term or permanently.
15 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality
of Assessments
Release or disclosure of confidential test content is a Class C
misdemeanor and could result in criminal prosecution under TEC
§39.0303, Section 552.352 of the Texas Government Code, and
Section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code. Further, 19 TAC §249.15
stipulates that the State Board for Educator Certification may take any
of the above actions based on satisfactory evidence that an educator
has failed to cooperate with TEA in an investigation.
In addition, any irregularities in test security or confidentiality may
result in the invalidation of students’ assessments.
16 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Administrator Oath
Test administrators must initial and sign the test administrator oath
following training on test security and general testing procedures and
before handling secure test materials.
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Serious Irregularities
Pages T-28
Serious irregularities constitute severe violations of test security and/or
confidentiality and can result in the individual(s) responsible being
referred to the TEA Educator Standards and Certification Legal Division
for consideration of disciplinary action (including suspension or
termination of educator certification credentials). Examples of serious
violations involve, but are not limited to, the following:
■ tampering with student responses
■ falsifying STAAR Alternate 2 student scoring information
■ viewing secure test content without authorization
■ discussing secure test content, student responses, or student
18 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Procedural Irregularities
Pages T-28-29
Procedural irregularities are less severe, more common, and
are typically the result of minor deviations in testing
 Eligibility Error
 IEP Implementation Issue
 Improper Accounting for Secure Materials
 Monitoring Error
 Other Procedural Errors
19 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Reporting Testing Irregularities
Page T-30
Each person participating in the Texas student assessment program is
responsible for reporting any violation or suspected violation of test
security or confidentiality.
Campus staff must notify their campus or district testing coordinator if
they witness an irregularity or suspect that one has occurred, and
district coordinators must in turn notify TEA.
The district testing coordinator must contact the TEA Student
Assessment Division immediately to report incidents involving alleged
or suspected violations that fall under the category of a serious
irregularity as soon as the district testing coordinator is made
aware of the situation.
Testing personnel should contact TEA if they are unsure about whether
an irregularity has occurred or if they are unclear regarding what
constitutes a serious violation.
20 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Administration
21 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Design
• Six clusters comprise a test form resulting in 24 scripted questions
per test.
• The test materials will include a test administrator booklet and a
student booklet for each subject.
• The test administrator booklet contains scripted questions and
guidelines for how the test will be administered.
• The student booklet contains stimulus images and text for the
presentation of test items and answer options.
• This design allows for standardization of the assessment and
eliminates the need for teachers to prepare tasks or materials.
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Page T-5
Who Can Administer STAAR Alternate 2?
The STAAR Alternate 2 test administrator:
• should be the student’s teacher for the subject being
tested, and
• must have a high level of familiarity with the student
so that testing accommodations can be prepared
appropriately and the student’s typical response
modes can be understood.
23 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Certified and noncertified paraprofessionals who may serve as test
administrators or test administrator assistants are:
• currently employed by the district, and
• routinely work with students in the classroom.
Paraprofessionals must be supervised by a certified professional on
the same campus throughout the test administration, receive training
and sign the test administrator oath.
Sheldon ISD’s does not allow paraprofessionals to serve in the role
as the test administrator.
24 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Administrator Assistants
The test administrator assistant can provide assistance
• manipulating materials during the testing session,
• translating or signing information for the student, and
• managing student behavior.
All test administrator assistants:
• must be trained in test security and administration procedures
prior to the assessment, and
• must sign the test administrator’s oath of test security and
25 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Test Administrator Responsibilities
• maintaining security of test materials while in their possession,
• preparing test materials for each administration,
• implementing the test administration processes and procedures
stated in the manuals,
• reporting any suspected violation of test security to the campus
• transcribing student responses into TestNav, and
• preparing test materials for return to the campus coordinator at
the conclusion of test administrations
26 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Preview Test Materials
Page T-9
Once test administrators have been trained on security and
confidentiality and have signed an oath of test security, they need to
preview the STAAR Alternate 2 test materials to become familiar with
the test and to prepare for any necessary accommodations.
These materials are considered secure and the campus coordinator must check
them out to the test administrator using the STAAR Alternate 2 Materials Preview
Control Form.
Test administrators may preview the test immediately upon their receipt in district
and on through the testing window. Accommodations should be prepared during
the preview period but may also be prepared during the testing window.
Testing materials should be checked out during the preview period only when
needed by the test administrator to become familiar with the test and prepare for
accommodations. At the end of each day, all materials, including photocopied
pages from the student booklet, must be returned to the campus testing
Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Preview Test Materials
Page T-9
The test administrator should use the preview period to:
• Preview the “Guidelines for STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator
Instructions” and “Scoring” sections of the test administrator
manual to become familiar with the policy for presenting and
scoring questions.
• Practice reading the script and following the presentation
instructions for actual questions while maintaining the secure
contents of the assessments.
• Review the “Scoring Instructions” for actual questions and plan
teacher assistance for specific questions.
• Preview the student booklet to plan and prepare accommodations
for any student that may need an accommodation according to the
guidelines outlined in the “Accommodations” section.
28 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Plan and Prepare Accommodations
Page T-20
The accommodations
• maintain the integrity
of the assessment,
• avoid leading to or
providing the student
a direct answer,
• be used routinely in
• reflect the student’s
learning styles, and
• allow a student to
respond using a mode
that is appropriate for
the student
T-21Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Accommodations Information
Page T-20
• Accommodations must be determined and prepared BEFORE the
test session begins on Monday, February 9, 2015
• The test administrator must present the accommodations
uniformly so that the correct answer is not emphasized over the
other answer choices.
• Routinely used accommodations for positioning and behavioral
supports can be provided for any student to ensure that the
student can physically access the stimuli provided and maintain
focus throughout the testing session.
• It is appropriate to add language that encourages the student to
stay on task.
• It is not appropriate to add language about the content of the
30 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Response Modes
Page T-22
The student may respond using his or her primary mode of
communication, or any other mode of communication appropriate at
the time of testing.
The critical issue is not how the student responds but that the student
clearly communicates the preferred answer choice to the test
Any response modes will be deemed acceptable responses for the
communicated directive and will not need to be predetermined by the
Student response modes may be verbal, physical, or visual.
See pages T 22-23 for more examples
31 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Photocopying Guidelines
Page T-23-24
The student booklet cannot be disassembled
The district must maintain test security and confidentiality when
photocopying the student booklet.
Photocopying must be done within the district by a test administrator or
test administrator assistant who has signed the “Oath of Test Security and
Confidentiality for Test Administrator.” This includes signing the additional
section on the oath for test administrators who are authorized to view
secure state assessments.
If a math test is photocopied but not enlarged, the copier must be set to
copy at 100% and the scaling option set to “no scaling” or “zero” to
ensure that graphics results in the intended measurements.
The memory on the copier must be cleared.
All photocopied pages of the test questions, for both Stimulus A
and B, need to be returned with nonscorable shipment after
Any accompany pictures, objects, textured materials, or instructional tools
do not need to be returned.
Administer the Assessment
Page T-10
All assessments must be administered within the testing window.
Individual student administrations may be started or stopped at any time
within the testing window.
The test does not have to be given in one session if the student is not able
to maintain stamina or focus.
Test items must be administered in the order they appear in the
student booklet.
The test is designed in clusters of four items that build on one another
and assess a targeted essence statement. If the test is not to be
administered in one session, TEA recommends that the test be
stopped between clusters. At no time may a student go back to
previously answered items, including after an administration has
been stopped and resumed for an emergency.
Administer the Assessment
Each test is individually administered.
Students are not expected to read, write, or manipulate the
test booklet.
The test administrator is given directions to present the item,
specifically what to direct the student to, and what to communicate
to the student.
34 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-10
Consider Timing Options
STAAR Alternate 2 is an untimed assessment and may take as long as
necessary to be completed within the testing window. Some timing
options include
administering the assessment at a time that is most appropriate for
an individual student
allowing breaks, as necessary
administering the test over several days with several sessions per
administering the test over several days, one session each day
35 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-12
Administer the Assessment
To present is to introduce the stimuli with needed accommodations.
Options may include
• pairing with like tactile symbols or objects;
• highlighting, coloring, or enlarging; or
• pointing and gesturing.
To direct is to focus the student on certain parts of the stimulus.
Options may include
• alerting orally or through sign;
• pointing to, highlighting or covering up sections until addressed; or
• guiding the student’s hand to specific places in the stimuli.
36 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Administer the Assessment
Page T-12
To communicate is to relay the bolded text exactly as written.
Options may include
• stating, signing, or translating into another language,
• providing in written form, or
• pairing with tactile or picture symbols.
37 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Repeating the Presentation Instructions
Page T-13
Students can be directed back to the stimulus any time if the student
loses focus.
Students can be provided verbal encouragement to stay focused.
Students can request to have information repeated but not defined or
If the student is distracted during the presentation, the test
administrator can repeat sections of the presentation instructions
without a student request up until the answer choices and “find”
statement are given.
Reading passages can be reread as needed before the answer choices
and “find” statement have been given.
Once the answer choices and “find” statement are given, the test
administrator must wait for the student to respond without repeating
any part of the instructions or gesturing back to any stimulus images.
38 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-13
Repeating the Presentation Instructions
If no response is given after a reasonable wait time, the answer
choices and “find” statement can be repeated once.
Once an answer is given, the test administrator must follow the
scoring instructions to determine how to proceed.
The order in which the last two bullets for the answer choices and
“find” statement in the presentation instructions are communicated
to the student can be reversed from the order listed in the
presentation instructions.
After the student responds incorrectly, the teacher assistance has
been applied, and the initial presentation is being replicated, the
“find” statement and answer choice presentation order can be
switched from that provided in the initial presentation.
39 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-13
Repeating the Presentation Instructions
40 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-14
Presenting Reading Passages
Test administrators have the option of starting a reading passage over
and repeating the text from earlier questions in a cluster if they feel
that the student needs to hear the previous sections of the passage
before finding what is requested.
To accomplish this, the test administrator can
 turn back to previous questions in the cluster and read the sections
for the student from the test administrator manual without the
student looking at the text, or
 photocopy previous sections of the text to combine with the next
section of the passage as the student proceeds through the cluster.
41 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-14
Returning to Previous Questions
Although the reading passages can be read or photocopied to be used
in presenting other questions in the cluster, no other information from
previous items can be used during the test administration.
Students cannot request to go back to previous test questions
in the student booklet and change their answer after the
question has been scored and the student has moved on to the
next item.
42 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-15
An asterisk (*) next to a section on the stimulus image or a boxed answer
choice indicates the correct answer.
In most cases, the asterisk is located on the upper left hand corner for
boxed answer choices.
 The asterisk only appears in the test administrator instructions.
When answer choices are boxed with an asterisk placed outside the box, the
student receives credit for touching or identifying anything in the box.
When more than one correct answer is possible, asterisks appear in all
viable options.
When the asterisk is next to a detail inside a boxed answer choice, the
student must find the place next to the asterisk for a correct answer.
The “Student Action” section of the Scoring Instructions describes exactly
what the student must find for a correct answer.
43 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-15
The test administrator must refer to the scoring instructions for
each question to determine how to proceed once the student has
responded to the “find” statement.
Each question has a unique set of scoring instructions.
During testing, the test administrator should not place the test
administrator instructions in the student’s line of sight because the
correct answer is indicated.
Additionally, other students in the room during testing cannot be
exposed to the content of the test questions.
44 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
45 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Scoring Instructions for Question 1
Page T-17
 Specific instructions are given for EXACTLY what the student must find to
get credit for the question.
 If an incorrect response is given, the TA is directed to remove the
stimulus, wait at least 5 seconds, and then repeat the initial presentation
instructions for reduced credit.
 No extra assistance is allowed, because the answer is provided and
modeled during the presentation
46 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Scoring Instructions for Question 2
47 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-17
Scoring Instructions for Question 3
48 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Page T-18
Scoring Instructions for Question 3
Page T-18
If the student is not able to find the correct answer after the initial
presentation, the test administrator must select one of the provided
allowable teacher assists before repeating the presentation
instructions. Providing an assist after an incorrect response is not
optional since the student still has an opportunity to receive points.
The allowable teacher assists were written to address various
learning modalities of students. The test administrator can choose
only one assist; therefore, the assist that is chosen should be one
that the test administrator feels would be most helpful to the
student and was not provided as an accommodation during the
initial presentation.
49 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Scoring Instructions for Question 3
Page T-18
Test administrators can only provide an assist that is specifically listed
on the individual question. Test administrators cannot assume that an
assist used on one question will be available for another question.
The allowable teacher assist will specify if the student must perform
the action (Have the student think about the sides of the shapes.) or if
the student or test administrator can perform the assist (Trace the
outline of each shape.). If not specifically stated, the action can be
performed by the student or the test administrator.
The direction to highlight can be performed by the test administrator
or the student. Make sure that the method used to highlight does not
interfere with the stimulus information on the back of the page.
If the student gives incorrect information when asked to perform the
assist, the test administrator can correct the student so that the
student receives a correct assist before the presentation instructions
are repeated
50 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Scoring Instructions for Question 4
Page T-19
If the student is not able to provide the correct answer after the
initial presentation, the initial presentation instructions must be
No other assistance can be provided, because the student must
apply the information on his or her own to answer the question.
51 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Recording Student Responses
Page T-19
A STAAR ALT 2 scoring document is provided in your non-secure
You will use this document to record the student’s score for each
question and applied accommodations for the entire test. You will
mark A, B or C on the scoring document according to the scoring
TEA requires the use of the document to ensure that the student
responses have been captured correctly.
Once you mark on this form it becomes SECURE! This document
must be turned in to your CTC and it will be returned to Pearson.
52 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Transcribe Student Responses into TestNav
Students taking the
STAAR Alternate 2
communicate answers
directly to the test
administrator. The test
administrator records
the student’s responses
on the STAAR Alternate
2 Scoring Document
based on scoring
information provided
for each item.
The procedures for entering scores in TESTNAV will be covered in January
53 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Return Test Materials to the Campus Coordinator
After each test session, the test administrator must return all test
materials to the campus coordinator. As appropriate, test materials
will be redistributed before the next test session.
Return the following materials to your campus coordinator:
STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals, student booklets,
STAAR Alternate 2 Scoring Documents, photocopies of secure test
materials, if needed.
Any accompanying pictures, objects, textured materials, or
instructional tools do not need to be returned.
Your campus coordinator will verify that you have returned all test
materials assigned to you, as recorded on the STAAR Alternate 2
Materials Control Form, and will then initial the “In” box.
Your signed oath of test security and confidentiality will be retained
by your campus coordinator for five years.
54 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Materials that will be returned to PEARSON….
• student test booklets grouped by grade for grades 3–8
• student test booklets grouped by course for EOC assessments
• Secure Alternate 2 scoring documents
• secure Alternate 2 test administrator manuals
• photocopies of secure test materials, if any were created
55 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
This information is not in your PowerPoint
Prepare the Testing Environment
Test administrators must prepare the environment for the administration of STAAR Alternate
2. STAAR Alternate 2 is administered to students in a one-on-one setting. Test sessions must
be conducted under the best possible conditions with minimal distractions and in a setting
that is arranged in the most appropriate way for individual students. Some options include:
■ administering the test in a separate location,
■ providing adaptive or special furniture, and
■ providing special acoustics.
To support test security and standard assessment practices, STAAR Alternate 2
administrations require that
■ no element of the testing room environment should hinder any student’s performance
,■ a “Testing—Do Not Disturb” sign should be posted outside the testing room,
■ bulletin boards and instructional displays that could aid students during testing must be
covered or removed,
■ clocks (either analog or digital) in the testing room do not have to be covered or removed,
■ all desks used for testing must be cleared of books and other materials not required for the
test, and
■ test administrators must prevent students who are not part of the current testing session
from viewing another student’s test administration.
The test administrator will determine the most appropriate seating arrangement based on
individual student needs.
56 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
January Meeting
• Assigning tests during the assessment window
• Procedures for entering scores into the online transcription form in
• Deadlines for testing and entering scores in TESTNAV
• Additional procedural items
Before the January meeting:
 Read the non-secure portion of the STAAR ALT 2 Manual
 Read the Educator’s Guide to STAAR ALT
 Have the list of accommodations for each of your students.
57 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
• Educator Guide for STAAR A and STAAR Alternate 2
• User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System
• 2015 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
• STAAR Alternate 2 Test Administrator Manuals
• STAAR Alternate 2 Sample Items
• STAAR Alternate 2 Administration Participation Collection
(broadcast e-mail)
• STAAR Alternate 2 Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements
• STAAR Alternate 2 No Authentic Academic Response Eligibility
• Texas Education Agency:
58 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns….
Angel Lozano
District Testing Coordinator
Office: 281-727-1304 or 1303
Cell: 832-833-5942
59 DRAFT Texas Education Agency - Student Assessment Division
Bobbye McCain, Ed.D.
Coordinator of Special Programs
Office 281-727-2041
Cell 281-468-4032