Shampoo Advertisement Analysis: Brands & Marketing

Advertisement Analysis
-Garnier Fruitics – Long and Strong (2011).
-In 2011, Garnier partnered with TerraCycle.
-Market place environment, specifically set to appear in a
village like setting.
-Adds a pop of color to the commercial making it look
-Beautiful young women with long, shiny hair.
-Bright hair color, and also her skin complexion is clearly
-The other people : rural people other than the model and
her friends.
-Marketplace, vibrantly coloured elements like the
truck – Blue.
-Base in promoting long and stronger hair.
-The commercial sets a start with the truck getting
struck in a pit and a beautiful young women with
long,shiny hair pulling the truck away from the pit
with her 5x stronger hair, as the product claims.
-Women of all ages.
- Uses cultural assumption that great hair will
make women empowered and stronger.
-As a brand that exudes freedom and youthfulness,
promotes glossy, fortified hair.
- The claim extends to longer, stronger and better
hair, reduced breakage with the tag that reads ‘5x
stronger hair’ on a comparitive basis to other
-Bold text for facts.
-Images of a lime and -fresh, clean, and new.
-Colors are bright and attract to the eyes.
-The ad wants you to believe that Garnier Fructis will improve your hair.
They also want you to believe that you will be happier if you use their
shampoo. This ad uses the cultural assumption that great hair will make
you happier.
-Uses a change of tone in the music to project a good impression
-This comparative superiority claim has no basis and is false and
misleading. Such a claim cannot be made based only on a consumer
study unless it is clinically proven.
-Advertiser has no basis to claim that its shampoo is superior to the
competitors, unless such claim is supported by a published peerreviewed clinical study done for the products on a head to head basis.
In supporting this arguments, an article stats that the false claims
made by the advertisers is on rise in the recent years.
Advertising laws
The Chapter 1 of the standards of Conduct by Advertising standards
council of India.
“Advertisements shall neither distort facts nor mislead the consumer by
means of implications or omissions.
Advertisements shall not contain statements or visual presentation which directly
or by implication or by omission or by ambiguity or by exaggeration are likely to
mislead the consumer about the product advertised or the advertiser or about any
other product or advertiser.”
“Supers” should be clearly legible and on TV ads should be held long enough for the full
message to be read by average viewer on a standard domestic TV set. Therefore following
minimum size of lettering of “Supers” and its holding time on screen for TV ads is required.
1) For Print Ads the font size of the “Supers” shall be minimum 6 and 7 points for 100 cc or
less and more than 100 column centimeter or equivalent size ads respectively.
2) For TV Ads the size of the “Supers” shall be of minimum 12 pixel height and stay not less
than 4 seconds duration on the screen for up to 2 lines of “Supers”. For every additional line
of “Super” additional 2 seconds of hold time would be required. Script of the “Supers” should
be in the same language as the audio of the advertisement.
Product or service is the commercial:
- Unilever launched Dove in the US in 1957 as a
bar of soap. Over the next 40-odd years it grew by
launching into other countries and other 'personal care'
 Setting:
-Set indoor and showcases a studio environment.
-Theme color is white – symbolises purity and goodness,
this soothes the eyes of the consumer.
 People in the Commercial:
-The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty (and Real Women)
has been in worldwide existence since 2004. Dove uses a
successful marketing strategy in setting the wider agenda
for ‘real’ woman to see and feel beauty in themselves in
perhaps ordinary and everyday ways. This commercial does
not have celebrity endorsement. The three models in this
commercial appear to mirror ordinary consumers of Dove.
Commercial explained: The commercial is set in a studio
environment, and the commercial starts with a question that reads, “To
see what happens because of hairfall”, the models are asked to do a test
in which they fail and notice breakage in hair. Then the commercial
claims with use of Dove shampoo, they get visibly fuller hair.
Target Audience: This ad's target audience is women of all ages.
Specifically, women of agegroup 18-34.
Commercial creators claim: The Dove Hairfall Rescue commercial
claims that the advanced nutrilock technology present in dove
nourishes damaged hair and reduces hairfall. It also claims for visibly
fuller hair.
Visual techniques used to convince customers: The visual
representation of how the nutrients present in the product nourishes
the hair and reduces hairfall, convinces the customers on the action of
the product.
Aural Techniques: The audio/music is used very effectively as the
tone of the music gradually transition from sad to happy tone depicting
the transformation of their hair after the use of the product.
Product or service is the commercial: The
L’oréal Paris 6 Oil Nourish Shampoo - specially
created by the L’oréal Research & Innovation
Centre in India.
Setting: The commercial is set like a living
room where the product is endorsed by a
celebrity. The set up looks porshe and
extremely mordernised.
People in the Commercial: The Loreal paris,
6 oil nourish is endorsed by Katrina Kaif.
Commercial explained: The commercial is
set in a living room environement to give a
personal care and trust from the celebrity to
the consumers. Creating suspense element to
know the secret this motivates the buyer and
holds their interest. The creative visualization of
the product is also vibrant and bold that makes
the facts and the claims presented by the
product clear.
Target Audience: This ad's target audience is women of all ages.
Commercial creators claim: The Commercial claims that the
product contains a blend of six nourishing oils that has 6 benefits in
making the hair. Claims to enhance the shine and texture of hair.
Visual techniques used to convince customers: The visual
representation consists of black and gold as the theme colors. This
instills a sense of porshe,high end product value. Katrina’s hair is
made to look long,bouncy and shiny that mirrors healthy, strong
Aural Techniques: The audio/music is subtle yet effective.
The CCPC recently have noticed that,
Endorsement & Image Rights:
The endorsement of a product is one of the many
ways in which an actor exploits his image rights. An
endorsement contract is a form of personality
endorsement. Personality endorsement is when a
well-recognized public figure ‘endorses’, i.e.,
supports or approves of a particular product or
service. The consumer base that the endorsement
generates is attributed to the fact that the
celebrities who endorse the products are trusted
and emulated by a wide section of the population.
False Advertising & Consumer Protection Laws:
In India, consumers can bring a case in a consumer court for
‘unfair trade practice’ which has been defined under section
2(1) (r) of The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and includes
false claims made for promoting sale of any goods.
When we speak specifically in context of food items, according
to section 24 of the Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA), any
person who makes false claims (orally, in writing, or visually)
about the nutritional value of the product or the efficacy of the
product without providing any scientific justification stands in
violation of the Act. The motivation for a consumer to buy a
product comes not only from the appeal of the commercial but
from the ‘person’ who has done the commercial. Both the Acts
cover false claims made orally or by visual representation and
the celebrity can well fall in the purview of the legislations.
Product or service in the
commercial: TRESemmé shampoo.
Setting: Salon, Fashion show and celebrity
People in the commercial: Salon expert,
Objects in the commercial: Shampoo.
Commercial explained: This shampoo
Target Audience: Young girls.
photo shoot.
Movie actor.
will make your hair smooth and you will feel
like an actor after using it.You will feel as if you
have been to a salon after every shower.
Commercial creators claim: It will smoothen your hair for
Visual techniques :They wash the model’s hair and after the
wash her hair shines and she feels like an actor.
Aural techniques: Chair worthy hair. That is you get your hair
smooth and shinny even at home by using TRESemmé.You can
save money too.
Product or service in the commercial: Shampoo
Setting: House(interview)
People in the commercial: VOX POP, Researcher, Shreya
Objects in the commercial: Shampoo
Commercial explained: The model explains about how she
feels after using Pantene shampoo and it reduces her hair fall.
Target Audience: Young girls.
Commercial creators claim: 15
crore women claim that
PANTENE is the best shampoo.
Visual techniques used to convince
the customers: Shreya Sharan
endorses, they show how the
shampoo penetrates through the
scalp and strengthens your hair.
Aural techniques: 91% women
believe in PANTENE.
Fiama Di Wills
Product or service in the commercial: Shampoo
Setting: Outdoor
People in the commercial: Female models, Deepika Padukone( Actor)
Objects in the commercial: Shampoo
Commercial explained:
 One girl feels sad for her hair being dry, Deepika’s hair keeps glowing
because she uses Fiama Di Wills daily. She suggests her friend also to use it,
she uses it and feels great.
 Second ad: She is able to break the laser beams with her strong hair.
Target Audience:Young girls
Commercial creators claim:
99% hair fall control
Visual techniques used to
convince the customers:
Makes your hair strong and
Aural techniques: It contains
both natural and scientific
values and it will keep your
strong and shinny.
Product or service in the commercial: Sunsilk Thick
and Long Shampoo
Setting: Red Carpet
People in the commercial: Celebrity endorsement –
Priyanka Chopra.
Objects in the commercial: Shampoo
Commercial explained: Priyanka Chopra shows off
her hair that is thick and shiny
 Target Audience: Young Gls
Commercial creators claim:
Hair thick to the tips, long
Visual techniques used to
convince the customers:
Makes your hair strong and
smooth. (2x stronger)
Aural techniques: It
contains both natural and
scientific values and it will
keep your strong and shiny.
Clinic Plus
Product or service in the commercial:
Clinic Plus
 Setting: Home
 People in the commercial:Mother
Daughter relationship
 Commercial explained:
 Target Audience:Young Gls