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Departmental Card
Office of the Controller
Office of the Controller
What’s in your wallet?
Office of the Controller
Departmental Card Introduction
There are 3 types of Departmental Cards. They are designed to
provide University faculty and staff the ability to place orders for
supplies and services, as well as travel related expenses for the
department or both.
Depending on the Cardholder’s needs, the Cardholder may apply for
the Departmental Card for the following:
 Departmental Travel Only (i.e.. Airfare, Hotel, etc.)
 Dual Use (both Commodities and Departmental Travel)
Office of the Controller
Who is Eligible?
The Departmental Card is issued to University staff responsible for
making purchases and/or travel arrangements on behalf of their
departments or programs. The Cardholder must understand the
Departmental Card policies and procedures, and must provide
documentation for all transactions.
Full-time A&P employee
Part-time staff
Full-time USPS employee
Full-time Faculty employee
Research Assistants
Non-University Employees
Office of the Controller
Application & Training Process
 Applicant must submit a completed Cardholder Application form.
 The Credit Card Solutions Team will notify the applicant of
upcoming training sessions. The dates and times of the training
session are available through the Office of the Controller’s website.
 Applicant must attend the required training session.
 Applicant must complete and sign the Cardholder Agreement.
 The Credit Card will be ordered after the application, agreement,
and training session are completed by the applicant.
 The Credit Card will arrive to the Cardholder’s campus address
within 7-10 business days.
Office of the Controller
Card Limits and Controls
Departmental Card (Commodities) Standard Limits:
 $5,000 monthly credit limit.
 $1,000 single transaction limit -“Per Transaction” does not mean “Daily
 OCO items CANNOT be purchased with the card. OCO items are items
over $5,000.
 ‘Attractive Property’ are items less than $5000. It is recommended that
you not use the Commodities card. Rather use the Requisition Purchase
system if greater than $1,000.
 Billing cycle runs from the 1st of the month to the last day of the month.
 These are initial limits, and are subject to reduction or increase, based
on usage as determined by the Credit Solutions Team.
Office of the Controller
Card Limits and Controls
"Attractive Property” – “Attractive” items are University property
costing less than the threshold amount of $5,000, but which are
particularly vulnerable to theft and misuse. “Attractive” items will
vary from department to department, but might include such things as
laptops, cell phones, iPads, e-Readers, or video recorders.
Departments should evaluate “attractiveness” in the context of their
own environment. Factors they should consider include the security
of the property location, the size and portability of the item, and its
potential resale value if stolen.
These items should be marked as University property and catalogued
by the user department.
Special property tags are available upon e-mail request from Asset
Management/Property Control: property@fiu.edu.
Office of the Controller
Do You Need a Credit Increase?
All temporary and permanent increases must include a justification and
approval from the Cardholder’s Business Unit Approver (VP, Dean or
 For Temporary Increases, utilize
the “Temporary Account
Maintenance Request” form:
 For Permanent Increases, utilize
the “Departmental Card
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Acceptable Purchases
All purchases on the Departmental Card must provide a benefit to the University.
Art Supplies
Audio & Video Equipment (cost < $1,000) and Videos
Books and Publications
Car Rental for Local Travel Only
Computer Supplies & Parts
Courier Services
Delivery Services
(FIU has a contract with FedEx and UPS)
Educational Materials & Supplies
Electrical Supplies
First Aid Supplies & Replenishment
Lab/Research Supplies (excludes purchases of hazardous
materials [biohazard, radioactive chemicals, controlled
substances including drugs, alcohol and tobacco]).
Contact Environmental Health and Safety for additional
Maintenance Supplies
Minor Equipment (if cost < $1,000)
Office Supplies / Paper / Materials
(FIU has a contract with OfficeMax)
Duplicating Services
Photographic Supplies and Paper
Printing Services
Subscriptions (Journals, Magazines)
Toner Cartridges
Tools (cost < $1,000)
University Bookstore Purchases
Food/Food Products - Refer to "Food Purchases" section
for conditions (FIU has preferred vendors for Catering)
Office of the Controller
Acceptable Purchases
Prior to making any food purchases, the “Authorization to Purchase
Food” form must be completed and submitted to the Credit Card Solutions Team,
and must be approved by a member of the Credit Card Solutions Team.
 Food may only be purchased under the terms &
categories of the approved “Authorization to
Purchase Food” form.
 You will only need one form per funding source
(Activity Number or Project ID) or category
 Catering is limited to those vendors who have
been designated as FIU’s authorized
On-Campus Caterers.
 For a list of authorized caterers, refer to
 For all unauthorized food purchases, the
Cardholder must reimburse the University.
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Acceptable Purchases
(Commodity/Dual Use) can be used to purchase software with per unit cost of
$1,000 or less under the following conditions:
The software is not available for purchase through UTS.
The software is not installed on the Network.
Procedure is followed for “click through” agreements .
If the software has a “click through” agreement for terms and conditions, you are required to send an
email to your merchant, informing them that you are not an authorized signatory for FIU and do not have
the authority to enter into agreements on behalf of the University. As such, the university is not bound to
the terms and conditions in the click through.
 You should then include a copy of your “disclaimer” email sent to the merchant with the backup
documentation for this purchase.
 Please note that you are not required to receive a validation back from the vendor in order to proceed
with an allowable purchase.
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Declined Transactions
The most common reasons that a transaction is declined include:
 Exceeding the single or monthly transaction limits.
 Data connection error between the merchant and the Bank.
 The merchant falls under the Blocked Merchant Category (i.e..
liquor stores, ATM machines, flower shops, etc.)
 Expiration Date or CVC Code is being input wrong
Need a temporary lift of the merchant block or
a temporary increase? Utilize the Temporary
Account Maintenance Request form.
Please allow 1-2 business days for the approval
of this request.
Office of the Controller
Restricted Purchases
The following items may NOT be purchased with the Departmental Card:
All Entertainment Providers (except for Motion Picture-Video
Tape Production/Distribution)
Savings Bonds
Trailer Parks & Campgrounds
Shoe Repair
Dating & Escort Services
Counseling Services
Massage Parlors
Child Care Services
Accounting Auditing & Bookkeeping Services
Bail & Bond Payments
Government Loan Payments
Duty Free Stores
Candy, Nut & Confectionary Stores
Drinking Places - Bars, Taverns, Night Clubs, Lounges, Discos
Used Merchandise Stores
Pawn Shops
Antique Reproduction Stores
Gift Card, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops
Art Dealers & Galleries
Financial Institutions, ATMs, Insurance Sales, Real Estate
Agents, Payment Service Providers, Money Transfers,
Merchant Payment
Sporting & Recreational Camps
Beauty Shops
Health & Beauty Spas
Funeral Services
Tax Preparation Services
Babysitting Services
Political & Religious Organizations / Religious Good Stores
Government Services - Court Costs & Fines
Intra-Government Purchases
Florist Supplies, Nursery Stock & Flowers
Freezer Locker Meat Providers
Wig & Toupee Shops
Cigar Stores & Stands
Package Stores, Beer, Wine & Liquor Stores
Antique Shops - Sales, Repairs & Restoration Services
Wrecking & Salvage Yards
Jewelry - Watches, Clocks & Silverware Stores
Luggage & Leather Goods Stores
Telecommunication Equipment & Services
* View entire list on the Credit Card Solutions Website
Office of the Controller
Restricted Purchases
No Personal Purchases
This includes items that are for decorative purposes, personal meals, parties or
party supplies, coffee mugs, coffee makers & supplies, plants, portable heaters,
or purchases that are not for official University business purposes.
 No Contractual Services
If a vendor requires that the Cardholder agree to terms & conditions, or sign a
contract, the service or item may not be purchased using the card. Employees
may not sign a document on behalf of FIU. The terms & conditions and/or
contract must complete the Contract Process in the Purchasing Department.
 No OCO Purchases
The purchase of capital equipment (over $5,000) is not allowed.
 No Computer or Laptop Purchases
The purchase of computers or laptops (i.e. iPad, Galaxy), e-Readers (i.e. Kindle,
Nook) and MP3 Players (i.e. iPods) must be purchased through Purchasing
 No Gift Card Purchases
Gift Card purchases must go through Purchasing Services.
Office of the Controller
Internet Purchases
 Use good judgment. Do not use your Departmental Card if you
would not use your own personal credit card at the Internet Site.
 Always select vendors who have secure Internet sites. Look for
the closed lock symbol usually found in the lower right hand portion
of the screen or a site address that starts with “https://”.
 Before completing the transaction,
the Cardholder should make a
print screen of the information or
use the confirmation email to serve
as the receipt.
 After completing a transaction,
the Cardholder needs to verify that
a vendor does not keep or store the
card number or cardholder information.
Office of the Controller
State of Florida Sales Tax Exemption
All transactions made within the State of Florida are exempt from the
State of Florida Sales and Use Tax.
 The Cardholder should inform the
vendor that the purchase is tax-exempt
before the transaction is completed.
 If the vendor will not deduct the
sales tax or will not honor the tax
exemption without additional paperwork
(even after speaking with a manager),
the Cardholder may continue with the
purchase, but should note on the receipt
that an attempt was made to not have
the sales tax charged and that the
vendor refused.
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Misuse of the Departmental Card
Any Cardholder, who knowingly and willingly makes purchases or
attempts to make purchases that violate State Laws, FIU Policies, Travel
Policies and Procedures, assists another employee in such purchases, or
fails to report the violation, may be subject to disciplinary action in
accordance with the Cardholder Agreement.
Misuse of the Departmental Card may also include, but is not limited to:
Allowing another individual to use the card or card number
Failure to submit receipts
Delays in approving transactions
Non-Compliance with the Purchasing Policies & Procedures, and Travel
Policies & Procedures
Splitting transactions to avoid the single transaction limit
Falsification of Records
Fraud and Theft
Using the card for personal gain
Office of the Controller
Consequences for Misuse
If the Cardholder violates the Departmental Card guidelines and
procedures, steps will be taken to correct the violations. If
violation continues, the card will be revoked.
If purchases were not for University business, the Cardholder will
be required to reimburse the University for the full amount of any
inappropriate transaction. If reimbursement does not occur, this
amount may be deducted from the Cardholder’s salary warrant.
If the Cardholder uses the card for personal gain, or falsifies
records, the Cardholder will be subject to disciplinary action,
which may include termination.
Office of the Controller
Cardholder Transfers within University
If a Cardholder transfers to another department within the University,
they are not required to cancel their card unless the new department
will not approve the individual having a card.
The following steps must be completed for a Cardholder PRIOR to
 Discontinue the use of the card
 Complete & submit an updated
Cardholder Application.
 Submit all receipts from the previous
department to the Approver.
 If the new department will not
approve the individual’s continuation
as a Cardholder, notify the Credit
Card Solutions Team and return the
card using the Card Cancellation
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Termination of Employment
When a Cardholder terminates their employment with the
University, the Cardholder or Approver is required to:
 Stop using the Card immediately or at a minimum of two weeks prior to
their last working date.
 Turn in all receipts of outstanding purchases to their Approver.
 The department should notify the Credit Card Solutions
Team immediately by email before the Card Cancellation
Form is sent.
 Complete the Card Cancellation Form.
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Renewal Cards & Bank Statements
 The initial Departmental Card will be issued for a period of three (3) years.
 One month prior to the expiration date, the Bank will mail a new card to the
Cardholder at their campus address.
 If any transactions were made during the billing cycle, a bank statement will
be sent to the Cardholder’s campus address by the 10th of the month.
 The cardholder will be able to log onto the PaymentNet system to view their
electronic statement. (http://www.paymentnet.jpmorgan.com)
 The original or copy of the Bank Statement must be submitted by the
Cardholder to their Approver for reconciliation, and should be filed with the
supporting receipts in the Cardholder’s file.
 IMPORTANT: Notify the Credit Card Solutions Team of any changes regarding
the Cardholder’s campus address.
Office of the Controller
Disputed Charges
 The Cardholder should attempt to resolve any disputes or billing
errors directly with the vendor first. Usually, the vendor will issue a
credit to the card for the incorrect charge.
 If an agreement cannot be reached with the vendor, the
Cardholder should complete the formal Dispute Process in the
PaymentNet system. Please refer to page 43 of the Departmental
Card Manual for detailed instructions on this process.
 The Cardholder will be liable for all charges incurred if a
fraudulent transaction is not disputed within 5 days following the
end of the billing cycle in which the disputed transaction occurred.
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Receipt / Invoice Requirements
Receipts may be a:
cash register receipt
fax confirmation
completed Web order form
completed mail order form
company invoice
Cardholder must always:
 submit all original receipts
to their Approver within three
(3) days of receipt of items.
Office of the Controller
Receipt / Invoice Requirements
When the cardholder submits receipts to their approver, the cardholder
is acknowledging the goods or services were received and the charges
comply with University policies and procedures.
Upon approval of the charges, the approver is certifying they have
reviewed the individual charges with the cardholder and that the
charges comply with the University policies and procedures.
Individual departments are encouraged to establish their own
procedures for receipts and invoices in order to ensure effective control
over their credit card usage.
Office of the Controller
Processing of Transactions
 Card charges are electronically received
from the Bank to PantherSoft Financials on the
first business day following the 1st of each
 Cardholders must provide itemized receipts
and bank statements to their Approvers for
 Approver must review and approve all
transactions within ten (10) business days from
the day the charges post to PantherSoft.
 All documentation must be maintained for
five (5) fiscal years for audit purposes.
Office of the Controller
Missing Receipts
If a Cardholder loses a receipt or
invoice, they should attempt to obtain
a copy of the receipt from the vendor.
If the receipt or invoice cannot be
obtained, the Cardholder must
complete and submit the Replacement
Receipt form and the approver must
inform the Credit Card Solutions Team.
Continued use of the Replacement
Receipt form will not be acceptable.
Submission of more than three (3)
Replacement Receipt forms during a
billing period may be considered
misuse under the Card Program.
Forms can be found at: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
Office of the Controller
Card Security
Under no circumstances will the Departmental Card or card
number be given or loaned out to another person.
Each Cardholder is responsible for the security of the card
assigned to them.
Any Cardholder sharing their card information
or allowing another individual to use their card
may have their card cancelled.
Report lost or stolen credit cards, or
fraudulent transactions to the Bank:
(800) 270-7760.
Office of the Controller
Credit Card Solutions Contacts
Ramon Duenas
Associate Controller
(305) 348-3422
Sandra Duran
Assistant Controller
(305) 348-2269
Tracye Eades-Mickle
Credit Card Solutions
(305) 348-2920
Martha Betancourt
Credit Card Solutions
(305) 348-2419
Getchens Plancher
Credit Card Solutions
(305) 348-1603
Desislava Angelova
Credit Card Solutions
(305) 348-3150
Website: http://finance.fiu.edu/controller
PantherSoft Financials: (305) 348-7200
Travel Department: (305) 348-4041
Office of the Controller
Questions ?