Latest statistical analysis of women's political, health, educational, artistic, cultural and social status in Iran Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Islamic revolution glorious victory, head of the Information and Statistics Center of the women's socio-cultural council presented the media a report on the latest statistical information on women's political, health, educational, artistic, cultural and social status in Iran. This report is as follows: Population, by Gender (1956-2006) Num ber 40000000 35866362 33314175 34055616 32431511 32913350 30994247 31473335 31952423 34629420 32935956 30515159 31993352 30494482 31011437 32226049 29540329 30030698 31501807 25280961 35000000 30000000 25000000 Female 24164049 20000000 15000000 10000000 5000000 17356347 13355801 Male 16352397 12432921 9644944 9309760 Year 0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2006 •Women's population in 2006 has been estimated above 34,600,000, which constitutes around %49 of the total population of the country. Women's average population growth has been 1.52 in the last decade. More than %50 of women's population in 2006 was under 25. Registered Birth, by Gender (1956-2006) Num ber 1200000 1142266 1116789 1000000 800000 600000 Girl 630771642933 658049 572659 605695 601089 603271 600694 597730 590110 560536567022 603102610573628663 573843 582208 582368 576863 545171 564258 578171 549445 534629 572963 528643 400000 Boy 198307 200000 179887 69900 64400 Year 0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Birth rate in 2007 has been 1,300,000 where females constitute %48.87. The rate increased reaching its peak during the first decade after the revolution in 1979 after which the rate has been decreasing annually. Those who were born in the first decade of the revolution have reached the marriage age and it is likely that the birth rate increases again in the upcoming years. Mean Age at First Marriage, by Gender (1956-2006) Age 30 24.9 25 24.1 23.6 25.6 26.2 26.3 25 23.7 20 23.2 22.4 19 19 . 7 Female 19 . 8 18 . 4 Male 15 10 5 Year 0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2001 2006 •There have been more than 840,000 registered marriages in 2007. The average first marriage age was 23.2 for women and 26.2 for men in 2006. The marriage age increase has been controlled in recent years. Life Expectancy at Birth, by Gender (1956-2007) Age 80 70 70.1 70.7 71.2 71.7 72.2 72.7 73.2 73.6 74.1 74.51 74.93 66.7 67.1 67.6 68.1 68.5 68.9 69.77 65.7 66.2 69.4 65.2 63.5 56.2 60 48.2 50 70.7 59.4 52.6 39.8 40 30 69.9 Female 45.1 Male 37.2 20 10 Year 0 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 •Life expectancy since birth has been 75 for females and 70.2 for males in 2007. The index has increased more than 18 years for women in the past 30 years. Total Fertility Reproduction (TFR) (1956-2006) 8 7 6 7 6.3 6.3 5 4.5 4 3 2.96 2 2.83 2.1 1 0 Year 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2004 2006 Rate of (TFR) was estimated 2.1 in 2006. The rate has decreased to 4.2 child as compared to the past 30 years. This shows that the population control has been successfully conducted in the country. Relative Distribution of Employed Population, by Gender (1956-2006) 100% 80% 60% 90.3 86.7 86.2 9.7 13.3 13.8 91.1 87.9 86.1 8.9 12.1 13.9 84.1 84.3 84.5 85 87.4 86.8 86.8 86.41 12.6 13.2 13.2 13.59 Male Female 40% 2006 2004 2003 2002 15 2001 15.5 2000 15.7 1999 15.9 1998 1997 1996 1986 1976 1956 0% 1966 20% Year Rate of working women as compared to the total working population has been %13.6 in 2006. The rate has increased to %12.3 as compared to the last ten years. Relative Distribution of Employed Female, by Status in Employment (19762006) 100% Not Stated 80% 60% Cooperative sector Public Sector 40% Private Sector 20% 0% Year 1976 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 - Working women are distributed as %36.6 in the services sector, %31.8 in the industry and %31.6 in agriculture, %59.7 of working women in the private sector and %37.3 the rest the in public sector. Number of Government Employees, by Gender (1986-2005) Number 2000000 1671899 1600000 1569495 1614567 1573465 1555288 1499342 1493176 1200000 Female 800000 1014422 Male 688421 683130 400000 714068 714447 788488 757516 712220 419544 0 Year 1986 1997 1999 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 •Number of working women was estimated above 750,000 in 2006. The rate constitutes %33.6 of the total state employees and has increased to %10 as compared to the last ten years. relative distribution of households by gender of the head of house hold(1976-2006) 100% male 80% 60% female 92.76 92.91 91.63 90.54 7.24 7.09 8.37 9.46 1976 1986 1996 2006 40% 20% 0% year - Women guardians of the family as compared to the total guardians of family in 2006 were estimated %9.46. The rate has increased to %13 as compared to the last 10 years and %32 as compared to the last 30 years. Number of Pensioners Supported by Emam Khomeini Relife Committee (Shahid Rajaee project & Aid project), by Gender (1999-2006) Number 3000000 2477277 2500000 2539781 2531754 2558217 2290532 2279908 2120205 2000000 1820438 1672883 1633773 1467377 1500000 2030295 1524303 Fem ale Male 1604092 1475357 1000000 997626 500000 0 Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 - Number of women to whom Imam Khomeini Relief Committee pension is paid was estimated above 2,100,000 in 2006, which constitutes %51 of the total population receiving the pension. The rate has also decreased %7 as compared to 1999. It is noteworthy that women constituted %64.7 of the total population receiving the committee’s pension in 2005. The rate has decreased for women and increased for men in recent years. Relative Distribution of Female Population Aged 6 and over, by Literacy Status (1956-2006) 64.52 1956 1966 19.66 19.84 20.15 22.22 23.04 23.96 24.3 25.76 24.67 80.34 80.16 79.85 77.78 76.96 76.04 75.7 75.33 52.07 35.48 7.24 17.41 0% 74.24 Literate 40% 20% 25.79 Illiterate 74.21 82.59 60% 92.76 80% 47.93 100% Year 1976 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 - According to the 2006 census, women’s literacy rate was estimated %80.34 as compared to the total population of women above 6. The rate constitutes %46.68 of the total literate population of the country. It has also increased more than %126 as compared to the last 30 years. Number of Students, by Gender (1956-2008) Number 12000000 9750223 9301661 8613124 9699560 9755153 7872610 8993471 7180607 9706283 8739010 8297282 8470241 7978101 7661927 7432766 8521068 8640329 8777149 10000000 8000000 8278130 6337392 6000000 Female Male 2777724 1969139 763744 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1986-1987 1956-1957 1976-1977 1024688 324658 0 1966-1967 2000000 4647612 4565018 4000000 7730638 7391739 7017448 7222859 6791723 Year - Number of female students has been estimated above 6,791,000 in 2008. The rate constitutes %48.6 of the total number of students and has decreased to %20.3 as compared to the last 10 years due to the population control. However, the rate has increased to %144 as compared to the past 30 years. It is also noteworthy that girls attend almost %63 of the pre-university courses. Relative Distribution of Educational Staff, by Gender (1956-2007) 100% 80% 60% 30335 65212 147173 321541 499501 507683 512912 523278 525484 523637 519545 533141 519409 504456 491289 Male Female 40% 20% 13141 41608 132761 251817 432157 435533 452193 468038 471535 472911 476040 535300 527433 517265 511522 Year 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1986-1987 1976-1977 1966-1967 1956-1957 0% - Number of female employees of the Ministry of Education was estimated 511,522 in 2007. The rate constitutes %51 of the ministry total employees. The rate has increased more than %285 as compared to the last 30 years. Relative Distribution of Instructors of Literacy Movement Org, by Gender (1981-2006) 100% 11336 80% 13242 13696 13410 11494 12599 8085 6738 6344 6605 6830 7235 7553 60% 40% Male 27202 24432 41432 41513 30521 36929 29365 24040 24574 31593 37836 40170 41876 Female 20% Year 0% 1981 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 - Number of women learners of the Literacy Movement was estimated around 41,800 in 2006, which constitutes %84.72 of the total Movement learners. The rate has increased to %71.4 as compared to the past 20 years. Number of Learners under Coverage of Literacy Movement Org, by Gender (1981-2006) Num ber 1400000 1149524 1200000 1100244 1000000 908475 887887 800000 840257 735669 724094 916206 689198 567862 510307 640336 359243 400000 147276 315794 151056 0 1981 1986 Male 720250 600000 200000 Female 1996 141449 160694 138032 1997 1998 1999 2000 140012 136917 2001 176365 208449 136596 131124 2002 2003 2004 Year 2005 2006 - Number of women learners of the Movement has been reported around 1,150,000 in 2006, which constitutes %85.65 of the total learners. The rate has increased to %58.75 as compared to the past 20 years. Number of Examinees in Entrance Examination of State Universities and Higher Education Institutes, by Gender (1998-2007) Number 1200000 1004142 1005092 1013648 1000000 800000 739665 788448 738377 851189 809084 624424 600000 696739 672267 536427 981662 560147 825782 619390 618929 Femal e Male 756847 581306 538480 518113 440924 400000 200000 0 Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 - Total number of female participants of the 2008 university entrance exam has been reported 756,847. The number constitutes %63.19 of total participants in 2008, which is 5.7 times higher than the number in the past 25 years. number of female students admitted to state universities and higher education institutes by broad field of study (1996-2006) 300000 285634 250000 200000 Female 185857 201771 141002 150000 106437 100000 90600 50000 67456 87727 66374 90313 75765 84387 78898 87861 98589 142967 154669 116927 89802 Male 120399 123503 20032004 20042005 104109 0 19961997 19971998 19981999 19992000 20002001 20012002 20022003 20052006 20062007 - Number of females admitted to state higher education centers was reported 285,634 in 2007, which is 20 times more than the number in the past 30 years. 42.31 44.7 Doctorate (Ph.D&P.D) 63.44 Master's 44.27 Bachelor's 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Associate's relative distribution of female students admitted to state universities and higher education institutes by academic level in 2006 - Percentage of females admitted into university as compared to the total admitted population in 2007 was %44.27 for associate, %63.4 for BA, %42.3 for MA and %44.7 for PhD students. Num ber Number of Graduates from State Universities and Higher Education Institutes, by Gender (1976-2006) 100000 89895 80000 65504 55521 60000 73805 72633 71080 73970 76147 88890 93686 84063 Fem ale 58685 64378 70712 Male 57778 56037 40000 40433 18488 28361 20000 48492 32366 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1986-1987 1996-1997 8439 0 Year - Number of women graduates of state higher education centers has been 93,686 in 2006, which constitutes %52.7 of the total graduates. The rate is 6.7 times higher as compared to the last 30 years. Number of Teaching Staff of State Universities and Higher Education Institutes, by Gender (1976-2007) Num ber 70000 59701 60000 48537 50000 62203 65869 55362 44899 36655 40000 38444 37513 38152 Female 33306 Male 30000 20000 10000 11894 12048 7171 2058 7417 8246 8027 8595 12413 13188 10070 11226 15932 16476 2293 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1986-1987 1976-1977 0 Year - Number of women employees of educational departments of the state higher education centers has been 16,476 in 2007, which constitutes %20 of the total educational staff in universities. The rate is 7 times higher as compared to the past 30 years. Number of Candidates in Different Terms of Islamic Consultative Assembly, by Gender Number 8000 7344 6340 6000 6583 5046 3628 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 320 513 Term 6 28 81 Term 5 66 37 Term 4 1962 1564 828 585 Term 8 3152 2000 0 Male Term 7 4000 Female - Number of women candidates for the 8th parliamentary elections was 585, which constitutes %8.16 of the total candidates. The number is five times more as compared to women candidates of the first parliamentary elections. Number of Elected in Different Terms of Islamic Consultative Assembly, by Gender Number 300 262 250 270 278 176 200 Female 133 150 95 Male 131 118 14 12 13 8 Term 8 9 Term 7 4 Term 6 4 Term 5 4 Term 3 50 Term 2 100 Term 4 Term 1 0 - Number of women MPs of the 8th parliament is 8, which constitutes to %2.76 of total number of MPs. The number is twice as more as the number of women MPs in the first round of parliament. It has also decreased to %42.8 as compared to the 5th round. Number of Elected in Different Terms of Urben & Rural Islamic Councils, by Gender Number 200000 160000 152983 162605 Female 120000 107645 Male 80000 40000 1375 2336 1491 0 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 - Number of women members of the 3rd Islamic councils in rural and urban areas was reported as 1,491. The number has increased to %8.44 as compared to the first round. number of women ngo's according to the filed of activity (1996-2007) 1200 980 1000 800 800 600 577 400 337 200 0 55 1996 67 89 137 248 260 489 277 year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Number of women NGOs who have a working license up until the end of 2007 has reached 980, which is 16 times more than the last 10 years. number of women's periodicals 4000 3420 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 143 0 Women's Periodicals total relative number and percentage of periodicals published by women 4000 3420 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 369 0 Periodicals Published by Women total According to the latest reports published by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, out of a total number of 3420 periodicals published in the last 30 years, 143 were about women and family. The number constitutes %4 of the total publications. Furthermore, out of the total publications in the country, 369 periodicals are published by women, which constitutes %11 of the total number. number of female license holders by the year of license 120 101 100 87 80 60 38 40 20 5 4 befor 1987 1987-90 10 0 1991-95 1996-99 2000-2003 2004-2007 number of female editorial directors by the year of license 160 148 140 124 120 100 80 53 60 40 20 7 12 13 1987-90 1991-95 0 befor 1987 1996-99 2000-2003 2004-2007 - Number of women license holders and directing managers who have received a license of a periodical in 2004-2007 was 249, which constitutes %10 of total managers of periodicals. The rate is 15 times higher than the last two decades. number of books published about women or family in the country number 600 484 500 398 400 294 300 200 194 221 185 325 372 336 407 205 145 100 0 year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Number of books published about women and family in 2007 was 407, which has increased to %180.7 as compared to the past ten years. number of published books by author's gender number 20000 17781 16768 15123 15000 17817 17765 16970 14561 11248 Female 8799 10000 Male 10035 6062 7007 5000 1042 4630 3535 2169 1484 2378 5175 4258 3366 1828 0 1996 1997 1998 5378 4764 year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Number of books published by women authors in 2007 has been 5378, which constitutes %23.24 of the total published books in the same year. The rate is 5 times higher than the number in the past 10 years. number of authors number 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 9433 8408 10000 8000 7419 6000 6239 4000 1078 736 820 2000 642 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 18227 16213 13970 15309 12131 13272 13122 Female 9476 Male 1624 2796 1954 1219 3643 2557 2262 2039 year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Number of women authors in 2007 has been estimated 3643, which constitutes %16.6 of total number of authors in country in the same year. The number is almost 5 times higher than the number in the past ten years. number 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 1880 2000 1500 1000 361 500 0 1996 number of translators 4216 3793 3661 4150 4387 3786 2587 2284 Female Male 2346 1948 469 3319 479 561 666 913 965 1078 1210 1365 1175 887 year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Number of women translators in 2007 has been 1365, which constitutes %23.7 of total number of translators in the same year. The rate has increased more than %250 as compared to the last 10 years. number of 'book of year' winners by Gender number 35 30 29 30 25 20 15 17 17 14 15 15 10 20 Female 18 Male 13 13 10 5 1 0 1996 6 1 1997 2 1998 1 1999 2 0 2000 2001 2 2002 3 2003 2 2004 1 2005 2 2006 2007 year - Number of title holder women in 2007 was 6, which has increased a lot as compared to the last years. Quran National Activitists Divided by kind of Gender and Activity in 2007 70 60 60 50 50 Female 40 40 Male 40 30 20 15 15 10 0 quran reciters quran memorizers quranic contests referees Up to 2007 the number of women who are reciter and retentive of Quran at national competition are 40, and it is reported that some of them have entered to International Quranic Competitions. Also,The number of women jurors at Quranic Competitions have been 15, that this is %50 of total number of state Quranic Competition jurors. number of dramas performed about women and family(2005-2007) number 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 2 0 year 2005 2006 2007 - Number of theater performances about women and family has been 10, which has increased to %66.67 as compared to the past years. number of plays written divided by playwrights gender (2005-2007) number 16 14 15 12 12 12 10 Female Male 8 8 6 4 5 5 2 0 year 2005 2006 2007 - Number of theater performances directed by women in 2007 has been 12, which constitutes %44.4 of the total performances in the same year. The rate has increased to %140 as compared to the past years. number of works displayed in visual exhibits on women and family (2003-2007) number 600 500 500 400 300 250 200 200 100 210 130 0 year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 - Number of visual arts exhibitions portraying women and family in 2007 has been reported 500, which is more than three times higher as compared to the past years. number of visual arts exhibitions divided by artists gender (2003-2007) number 16 14 14 12 10 10 8 Female 6 4 Male 5 6 6 3 5 5 4 2 1 0 2003 2004 2005 year 2006 2007 - Number of visual arts exhibitions held by women in 2007 has been 6, which constitutes %30 of the total visual arts exhibits held in the same year. The number has increased to %20 as compared to the past years. number of works selected at domestic visual arts festivals divided by artists gender (2003-2007) number 35 30 30 25 Female 20 Male 14 15 10 8 10 4 5 6 0 2003 2 2004 4 5 2005 3 2006 year 2007 - Number of women's selected works in visual arts domestic festivals in 2007 has been 30, which is more than twice as much as men's works in the same year. The number has also increased to %200 as compared to past years. 63 39 13 18 31 3 5 5 0 2 13 10 11 6 4 4 11 9 musicians preparations managers boom operators camera assistants short films 88 directors cinema instructors line producers documentary line producers film designers 80 animations production assistants critics irans film laboratories stunts documentray makers technical designers cinema owners production managers cinema photographers camera operators cinema managers editors assistant directors scriptwriters makeup artists 40 dubbing crew case number number of women members of the cinema house divided by societies and centers till 2007 200 185 160 120 81 53 30 2 1 5 1 3 0 - Number of women members of the House of Cinema has been 664 until 2007. The majority of them were actors, makeup artists and critics associations. Number of Female Athletes Under the Coverage of Physical Training Organization (1986-2006) Number 3500000 3246810 3000000 2502712 2500000 2000000 1500000 1125236 1051093 903580 1000000 1273006 1199121 1113500 977465 893000 500000 189276 0 Year 1986 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 - Number of women athletes covered by sports groups of the physical education organization has been more than 3,246,000 in 2006. The rate is 16 times more than as compared to the last 20 years. Number of Female Coaches of Sports Nationwide (1986-2007) Number 88353 84933 95211 91794 32466 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 20948 19465 16449 13133 1382 17982 15016 11248 1986 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Year Number of Female Referees of Sports Nationwide (1986-2007) Number 70000 60000 56524 59490 62457 65424 50000 40000 30000 20000 16489 9704 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2000 1998 1997 11112 2002 10408 9001 2001 8297 5183 1996 449 1986 0 7494 1999 10000 Year - Number of women's sports coaches and referees in 2007 has been reported 61534, which is more than 33 times more than the last 20 years.