Quality Assurance at Makerere University: Focus on Teaching and

Quality Assurance at Makerere
A presentation by
Prof Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza
1st Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Makerere University)
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Quality Assurance?
 Process establishing and implementing
mechanisms which ensure that outcomes of
institutional activities are of a prescribed
 Activities: training, research and knowledge
transfer partnerships
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Quality Management
 Quality management refers to all the
processes that are in place to facilitate
achievement of quality in an institution.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 It is the quality improvement dimensions
rather than simple confirmation of meeting
minimum standards that offer the greatest
benefit to stakeholders
 The best programmes can be made better
and continuous improvement is a
distinguishing feature of re-knowned IHE
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Session Objective
 Information Giving – the Quality of Training
and of Support Services offered to students
 Confidence Building – assure stakeholders
that Mak is alive to the need for continuous
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Why Media?
 Media reporting on HE provides a platform for
debate and reflection on current issues
concerning the public – QA
 Media complements more formal channels of
communication within the sector and between
the sector and policy makers
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Media connects people working in HE and
people interested in d sector - publics
 Channel thru which HE stakeholders and
consumers can participate and be informed
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"We Build for the Future"
Meeting Focus
 Mechanisms being implemented to ensure
quality training and quality of services which
support training
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"We Build for the Future"
Focus on
 Teaching and Learning
 Constitute the core of what Mak promises her
largest group of stakeholders – students.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
SPlan 2008/9-2018/9
 Defines the direction Mak will follow to meet
the changing needs of a global market by
providing quality higher education.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Under the function of teaching and learning
our goal is to improve relevance and quality
of training.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Continually improve the quality of
instructional materials required for knowledge
 Continually improve modes of knowledge
 Provide an environment that is conducive to
learner centred pedagogy.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
The QA Policy
 June 2007 approved a Quality Assurance
 Documentation of (current) practices
 New mechanisms developed – changed
environ, new expectations
 One stop document
 Monitoring and evaluation
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"We Build for the Future"
 Places great emphasis on teaching.
 Teaching constitutes the core of what Mak
promises her largest group of stakeholders –
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"We Build for the Future"
 Adopted strategies for improving programe
design and delivery.
 Strategies are entrenched in Mak’s decision
to shift from a teacher to a learner centred
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Acknowledge an important change in Higher
Education – the academia are being held
accountable for how well they do their job.
 Introduced Quality Assurance mechanisms
aimed at promoting improved performance by
teachers such as:
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Periodic evaluation/appraisal of teaching
staff by students.
Evaluation/observation of teaching staff by
Skilling of academia in knowledge delivery
(pedagogical training)
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Evaluation of academia
 Evaluation is a method of gathering data and
using the data to effectively change the way
we approach the class room experience.
 Appraisal must be from different vantage
points i.e. students and colleagues/peers
because each offers a unique perspective.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Goal of Appraisal?
 Should be promotion of improved
 Appraisal of teaching: Improve teaching and
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
1. Evaluation by students.
Of instructor
 Knowledgeable, competent?
 Effective communicator
 Improved students’ capacity for independent
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Evaluation by students
Of course content
 Relevant to students’ career prospects?
 Delivery Methods – encourage critical
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
2.Peer Evaluation
 Peer observation of teaching has become a
feature of university practice over last decade
 Aim is to raise teaching quality thru sharing
good practice
 Supports continuing professional
development thru peer learning
 Training for peer observation to be provided
 Draft tool ready
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Confidentiality in feedback to d individual
 Emphasis is on development rather than
 Goal of appraisal should be promotion of
improved performance
 Institutional responsibility to support staff
 Individual responsibility to take advantage of
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 The foundation upon which the evaluation
system rests. Unless the program has the
support of those involved, it is likely to fail.
 To soften resistance the mechanisms been
piloted- improve applicability and then upscale.
 Vet Med; Law; Science; FCIT
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Piloting allows for gaining of experience in
implementing processes
 Also stimulates new thinking
 Challenges – Lactro Dara Machine to read
information, ease analysis
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Improved performance of an individual is not
viable without a supporting environment.
 Introduced strategies to deal with factors
external to the individual academic e.g.
efforts to revamp the state of laboratories thru
asset financing/leasing of Equipment, IT
support; training in pedagogy etc
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
3. Skilling academia
Pedagogical training
 Course Planning and writing curriculum
 Learning goals and outcomes
 Course alignment
 Instructional strategies: encouraging student
centred pedagogy
 Student Assessment: how will u know that the
students have learned
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Skilling Academia
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Curriculum Design
 Aware that society is dynamic and its expectations of
what a graduate should be able to do are ever
 Alive to fact that the success of our graduates in
securing and holding employment is based on the
quality of training received.
 Consultation is key to curriculum design and review.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Key question is: what are the needs of the
learners and society and employers?
 “What do you want graduates of your
program to have learned?
 What should the graduates of the program
have learned or accomplished ?
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Curriculum Review
 New programmes should be reviewed
involving external input after the first cohort of
graduates have completed their studies and
thereafter periodically.
 A mandatory review of academic
Programmes involving external input, after
every three years.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Information Technology
 Quality education has traditionally been associated
with a teacher having regular personal contact with
 Now know that the use of Information Technology in
education is an efficient way of promoting studentcentered learning.
 Mak has (through (DICTS) provided a network point
at every workplace linking over 60 buildings.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Also provided network access beyond the
formal class environment by rolling out
wireless hotspots in the student halls of
residence on the main campus.
 To work out an access strategy with owners
of privately owned hostels.
 Enhance utilization of Information Technology
and avail students (and staff) a library beyond
physical space.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Makerere’s E-learning Policy embedded in
the Master ICT Policy
 Goal is to improve quality of graduates by
utilising modern instructional materials and
methods including ICT in teaching
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Field Attachment
 A Quality Assurance strategy
 Makerere will over the next 10 years create
strategic linkages with industry and the public
sector in offering experiential learning
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
over the next 10 years
 Experiential learning stimulates creative and
independent thinking among learners.
 One of the tools we will employ is the training of
students thru “Field Attachment”, known in some
circles as Industrial Training, Internships or
Community Based Education.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Field-based practical training carried out by
staff and students for the purpose of teaching
and/or research in places outside the
University control (host institutions).
 Recognition by stakeholders in HE that
conventional education is no longer adequate
in today’s environment and
 that practical training is invaluable to the
quality of university training.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
We know
 That in addition to critical thinking based on
“scientific” theory, students must be enabled
to translate the theory into practice.
 Thus approved a policy which obliges all
academic units to integrate FA into their
programmes’ curricula. (2006)
 FA is a pre-requisite for any university award.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
Successful running of FA depends on the
commitment of the various stakeholders in
the partnerships:
 the university;
 students;
 the academia
 placement/host organisations.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
All Benefit
 Commitment is based on the fact that each of
the key stakeholders benefits from the
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
hosts organisations
 Opportunity to be involved in the training of potential
employees - (private industries, local and central
government departments etc),
 Potential employers are enabled to voice their ideas
about the competencies they would find useful in a
 The University-Private/Public Sector linkages enable
the various “consumers” of the University “products”
to participate in curricula development and review.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 FA is a form of exposure to a pool of potential
employees and can serve as a possible recruitment
conduit for organisations.
 Could ultimately reduce the costs of induction of new
 Interaction between the industry and the academia
can lead to collaboration in research in areas of
vested interest to the organisation.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
university and academia
 FA offers opportunities for staff to generate
joint research activities with industry
 Opportunity to appreciate field situations that
will generate information for curricula
 Relevancy and value of d university become
more visible to society
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 FA is an opportunity for Makerere to access
training facilities and resources not available
at the university.
 Also enables the university to appreciate
client demands and the quality of graduate
required to fulfil these demands – it generates
information for curricula improvement.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 FA offers opportunity to meet and work with
potential employers - bringing students out of
the world of theory into the real world.
 Students enabled to understand people and
the work environment and this is effective
preparation for the market place.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Offers students opportunity to apply theory to
real-life problem solving situations - students
acquire new knowledge, practical
experiences and skills.
 Such experience improves the students’
confidence in problem solving.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 FA is beneficial to the Nation
 Ensure that professionals in diverse fields are trained
in a community setting.
 CBT ensures that the University gives back to the
community - univ undertakes problem based training
and research and thus deals with the priority needs of
 Community Based training often instils a spirit of
service, volunteerism/nationalism into young people.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Both Makerere and the Media have public
responsibility roles
 Crucial that Mak feeds d Media with
 Enable Media connect Makerere with people
interested in d institution.
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 May I end with an assurance to all our
stakeholders that we will continue being
guided by Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy that:
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
“A consumer is a most honoured visitor to
our premises. He is not dependent on us, we
are dependent on him. He is not an
interruption to our work; he is the purpose
for it. He is not an outsider in our business,
he is part of it. We are not doing him a
favour by serving him; he is doing us a favour
by giving us the opportunity to do so”
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
 Media;
 alumni;
 potential employers etc
 Can Be Female!
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"
13th May, 2010
"We Build for the Future"