Certification and Master Inservice Training

Keara Danger
Certification Timeline
 Teacher applies for Temporary Certificate:
* Online application at www.fldoe.org/edcert or
* Complete CG10 Form and send $75 per subject to
DOE in Tallahassee.
 Teacher receives Statement of Eligibility. This will
delineate what the teacher needs to do to get the
temporary and/or professional certificate. SOE will
always request submission of a CT111, which will verify
 Teacher completes Livescan Fingerprint Process
(instructions can be found on www.fcis.org)
 Head of School submits Request for Issuance (CT-
 Teacher receives Temporary Certificate.
 Teacher completes requirements listed on SOE, including
(PECD) Professional Education Competency Demonstration
Program, if needed.
 Teacher receives Professional Certificate valid for five years.
 During validity period of certificate teacher participates in
sufficient professional development (inservice) to renew
certificate. This could be two 3-credit college courses OR one 3credit college course and 60 inservice points OR 120 inservice
points. Also, a passing score on a Florida subject area test
specific to the coverage to be renewed is equivalent to three (3)
semester hours of college credit for renewal purposes.
 Before validity period ends teacher renews online,
www.fldoe.org/edcert or completes Renewal of Certification
Form CG10R. Renewal application will ask to report professional
development being used for renewal. If college courses were
taken, teacher sends official transcript to the DOE. If the
teacher took their subject area test and results should
automatically be sent to the DOE. If the teacher is using
inservice credit, the teacher must contact the FCIS Office,
kdanger@fcis.org, to submit the CT-116 verifying inservice hours.
 Teacher receives Professional Certificate valid for five years.
PECD Professional Education Competency
Demonstration Program
 If a teacher’s Statement of Eligibility says that he or she has not
satisfied the PEC requirement, then you will need to purchase a
PECD manual from the FCIS Office and then the head of your
school (or a person designated by the head) must put the new
teacher through the program.
 The teacher MUST have a current temporary certificate while
completing the program.
 The dates of the PECD participation MUST be within the validity
dates of their temporary certificate.
To order the FAANS Professional Education Competency
Demonstration Program (PECD) please contact the FCIS Office
to order. The manual will be mailed along with an invoice for
To Order Forms
• Email Keara Danger, Kdanger@fcis.org, to request
CT111 (Request for Issuance), applications
(CG10/CG10R) or Livescan Fingerprint Instructions
• Contact the Florida Department of Education,
www.fldoe.org/edcert, by using their e-mail service
Master Inservice
The FCIS Master Inservice Plan is designed to assist
FCIS schools in assisting their teachers with
earning inservice credit for recertification.
A teacher may earn inservice credit in two ways:
1. Workshops organized by their school and held
on campus. The Master Inservice Coordinator
completes the Application for Inservice Activity form
and submits it to FCIS for approval at least 30 days
prior to the activity. FCIS staff indicates approval of
the activity by signing the form and assigning an
activity number (activity # will be recorded by MIS
Coordinator on completion certificate). A copy of the
form is then returned to the MI Coordinator.
The coordinator keeps an attendance log for the
workshop. The workshop might be completed in two
or three sessions or spread out over several months;
either is acceptable. Once the workshop is
completed, the coordinator requests the number of
Certificates of Completion needed (only certified
teachers receive certificates), has the workshop
participants complete them, and then returns the top
copies to FCIS. Certificate on Completions may also
be found on the FCIS website in a Word Doc.
(www.fcis.org, School Resources)
Keep in mind that any small workshop, between 2-9
hours, must be counted under the Professional
Growth and Development component, #8 408
001. The Master Inservice Coordinator keeps a
running total for each teacher and then completes
the paperwork (Certificate of Completion) at the end
of the school year. At least 12 hours must be earned
within a school year.
2. One or more teachers attend a workshop off
campus. Teachers should take the Inservice
Independent Activity form to the workshop and
complete it during the workshop. Of particular
importance is the section where the teacher lists the
sessions, times and dates. Teachers submit the form
to their Master Inservice Coordinator who then signs
it and sends it to FCIS. FCIS can accept a
certificate from the workshop as long as the
certificate has the title, participation dates,
number of hours and the teacher’s full name.
In either case the Master Inservice Coordinator is
responsible for identifying the appropriate
component number and name from the Master
Inservice Manual. Each component has a maximum
number of points. No matter how many hours the
teacher devotes to the workshop, the maximum may
not be exceeded per 5-year renewal period. The
teacher earns one inservice point for each hour
spent in a workshop. There are a wide variety of
components, enough to fit virtually any activity.
 Remember:
 All paperwork for inservice credit must be submitted by the end
of July of that school year.
No teacher can use more than 60 Professional Growth and
Development points for renewal of a certificate.
MI Coordinators should request FCIS completion certificates for
certified teachers ONLY.
Meetings and planning sessions do not count for inservice credit.
To obtain a Master Inservice Manual, contact the FCIS
Office, kdanger@fcis.org. You will be billed $75.