DeWitt E. & Vera Hooker Fellowship Grant - Rubric for Success The DeWitt E. and Vera Hooker Fellowship Grant was established in 1979. The purpose of the award, which honors the FCIS founding Executive Secretary and his wife, is to encourage the development of projects that will benefit the FCIS member schools. Schools are encouraged to apply for a grant in order to share exciting ideas and innovations with colleagues. The actual amount of the grant is determined by the FCIS Board of Directors (recently, a total of $3000 has been awarded annually). Presentation of winning projects is made annually at the November FCIS Conference in the fall following the award. Materials are made available to all member schools. Desired Outcomes Characteristics Sought Grant Application is Completely and Accurately Submitted Application is fully completed, including school name, anticipated completion date, a full and reasonable disclosure of costs, purpose, scope and requested signatures Idea is reasonable and consistent with contemporary pedagogy, research and methodologies Educational Viability Excitement Innovation Idea is presented in a way that clearly indicates why and how it generates excitement Idea is presented in a way that clearly describes how it utilizes innovative techniques, technologies, data, research or expands upon contemporary methodologies Competencies Challenged Base Good Superior Missing details, material information or signatures; funding is not needed or the request is for hardware, training or infrastructure not transferrable All questions are completed as required but only as required; funding is appropriately requested Presentation indicates forethought and care for each question and for each aspect & cost of the proposal Skill in the completion of the necessary parts is clearly exceptional; title is creative and inviting; the presentation invites investment Idea is recycled, unimaginative or has already proven to be questionable in high quality educational environments Idea has been FCISfunded in prior years or is mundane Proposal is viable and worthy but is not new; questions exist for why the school is not self-funding Idea is clearly viable, addresses a documented need and incorporates proven thinking Idea goes beyond the proven in viable, reasonable ways and truly accelerates educational practice Proposal is captivating but could be stated in different more exciting terms Idea is captivating and presented in compelling and exciting terms Idea is inspirational, exciting and a clear “game-changer” in FCIS schools Idea is recycled and/or it is already the expectation in most successful independent school educational settings Proposal makes the case for a new methodology, program or use of existing frameworks or materials Idea utilizes new methodologies, technologies, programs or frameworks in truly innovative ways Idea clearly is “goldstandard” for engaging audiences in new ways to reach outcomes typically not found in FCIS schools Desired Outcomes Idea Reaches New Audiences Measurable Outcomes Scalability for the School and Others – Transferability to Member Schools Sustainability Characteristics Sought Idea reaches school constituencies in new ways or expands the reach of a program within the school Reasonable outcomes are anticipated as are plans for accurate measurement of those outcomes; success is defined and how it will be measured is clear An expectation is that this successful project will benefit all FCIS schools. That expectation is anticipated and it can be reasonably and costeffectively shared as projected When the grant is exhausted, there is a clear plan for the program, curriculum or innovation’s continuation Challenged Competencies Base Good Superior Idea maintains the status quo or applies to standard audiences Idea hopes to reach a new audience or program within a school Idea shows good promise for engaging new audiences in new ways Idea clearly incorporates innovative thinking that will apply to new grade levels or ages Plans are not clearly evident for defining or measuring successful outcomes Very basic plans exist to define success in measurable ways but the criteria or methodology may require refinement A solid plan exists for carefully achieving and measuring success Unquestionable excellence is demonstrated within the plan for achieving and measuring success accurately Although this idea may help the receiving school it has little capacity to effectively help a significant FCIS audience The idea clearly can help the receiving school and has a reasonable expectation of helping some FCIS schools The products & outcomes not only clearly benefit the receiving school, there is a reasonable expectation of transfer to a number of other FCIS schools The products & outcomes not only clearly benefit the receiving school, there is every expectation of transfer to a majority of FCIS schools The idea and its planning indicate no thought toward continuing success beyond the grant The idea and its planning clearly address how it will be sustained by the school budget The idea and planning can be funded and sustained by this school and others The idea and planning can be funded and then sustained by its own success