Unit 4A Study Guide

Where, in the Constitution, does it list the
powers of Congress?
• Articles
How old must you be to be elected to
the House of Representatives?
• 25
Who has the power to choose the
President in the event of a tie or no
majority in the Electoral College?
• House of Representatives
How often are Senators up for
• 6 years (1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection
each cycle)
What is the title given to the leader of
each Congressional Committee?
• Chairmen or Chairperson
Why do political parties sometimes
gerrymander their districts?
• To make sure that their party will have better
chance of winning elections
What is it called when a standing
committee simply ignores a bill?
• Pigeon Hole
Who are the two senators from North
Carolina (currently)?
• Kay Hagen and Richard Burr
How many members are there in the
United States House of
• 435
How many members are in the
• 100
Which amendment stated your right to
vote can’t be denied by race, color, or
previous status of servitude??
• 15th
How old must you be in order to be a
US Senator?
• 30
How can Congress override of a
presidential veto?
• 2/3 vote of both Houses of Congress
What is the elastic clause?
• Clause that allows Congress to stretch its
powers when necessary
What is seniority in Congress?
• Years of service
What congressional position is usually
reserved for the longest serving
senator from the majority party?
• President Pro Tempore
List two examples of a temporary
committee in Congress.
• Select and Joint
What qualification do both houses of
Congress have in common?
• Must live in the state (district)
How can a President be removed from
• He can be impeached
Why is our Congress bicameral?
• Because of the provisions in the Great
Compromise (the Senate was for the small
states and the House of Representatives was
for the large states)
How can a Senator end a filibuster?
• Cloture vote
How are the numbers of
representatives in the House
determined for each state?
• It is based on the population of each state
which is determined by the Census every 10
What are the options a standing
committee has when discussing a bill?
• 1. to pass it on
• 2. amend it and then pass it on
• 3. ignore it (pigeon hole)
What are some examples of
• The power to declare war, the power to coin
What is the first step in how a bill
becomes a law?
• Someone has an idea for a bill
What are permanent committees that
continue their work from session to
session called?
• Standing committees
What expressed power allows
Congress to control the budget for the
United States?
What are powers listed to Congress in
Article I of the Constitution known as?
• Enumerated (expressed)
Which house of Congress must handle
all appropriation bills?
• House of Representatives
How long is a term for the House of
• 2 years
What are free mailings for people in
office to send to their constituents is
known as?
• Franking
How often does Congress adjust the
number of seats each state has in the
House of Representatives?
• Every 10 years (the census)
If the President performs no action on
a bill that has reached his desk, while
Congress is in session, what happens
to the bill?
• It will become law
Which house of Congress has the
power to approve or reject all
Presidential appointments, i.e. a
Supreme Court justice appointee?
• Senate
Who makes up members of a Joint
• Members of both the House and the Senate
What are three responsibilities of the
Speaker of the House?
• 1. Decides the rules for all House activities
• 2. Decides who gets to speak and for how long
• 3. Decides if a bill gets to be voted on and
In order for a member of Congress to
face expulsion, how can that
Congressman be removed?
• 1st they are impeached by the House of
Representatives and then they have a trial in
the Senate
How many years must a member of
the United States Congress be a citizen
before running for election?
• 9 years for the Senate and 7 years for the
House of Representatives
Who must approve any treaties with
foreign countries?
• Senate
In which section of Congress do all bills
having to do with taxes (appropriation
bills) start?
• House of Representatives
Who has the deciding vote in the
event a Senate vote ends in a tie?
• Vice President
How many years must a person be a
citizen of the United States in order to
be in the Senate?
• 9 years
What is the difference between the
House and the Senate during floor
action when a bill is trying to become
a law?
• Unlimited debate is allowed in the Senate
Which amendment called for the
direct election of Senators by the
• 17th amendment
Which house of Congress acts as the
jury and decides guilt or innocence in
an impeachment hearing?
• Senate
Where must a person live in order to
be in the Senate?
• In the state that they want to represent
What clause allows congress to stretch
its original powers to make laws
necessary and proper?
• Elastic Clause
Who is the official leader and head of
the Senate, when the Vice President is
• President Pro Tempore
Who actually has the daily operations
power in the Senate?
• Senate Majority Leader
What options does the President have
when presented a bill from Congress?
• 1. Sign it into law
• 2. Veto it
• 3. Leave it unsigned for 10 days
--if Congress is still in session then bill
becomes law
--if Congress adjourns then the bill is dead
(pocket veto)
How much money do Senate and
House of Representatives make per
• $174,000
Who helps the party leaders keep
track of party member’s votes and
helps persuade party members to
support the party when voting on
• Party Whips
In impeachment proceedings, the
House may _____, but the Senate
must _____.
• Impeach (charge) and convict
What is a formal reprimand of a
Congressional member known as?
• Censure
A member of the House of
Representatives will manage a district
of a state that consists of how many
• Approximately 750,000 people
Where does a bill go after being
introduced on the floor?
• Committees
What are the three requirements a
person must meet in order to be a U.S.
• 1. Citizen for 7 years
• 2. At least 25 years of age
• 3. Live in the district they wish to represent
What are the three requirements a
person must meet in order to be a U.S.
• 1. Citizen for 9 years
• 2. At least 30 years of age
• 3. Live in the state they wish to represent
How many members do the House of
Representatives have and how are
they chosen?
• 435, they are elected by the people
How many members do the Senate
have and how were they originally
• 100
• By the state legislators
What is the term length of a House
Representative and a Senator?
• 2 years and 6 years
What compromise in 1787 essential
created the legislative branch of
government or Congress?
• The Great Compromise
What are the three main types of
Committees of Congress?
• 1. Standing
• 2. Select
• 3. Joint (conference)
What is the most powerful position in
all of Congress?
• Speaker of the House
According to the Constitution, who is
the President of the Senate?
• Vice President
Which position has the real power and
actually runs the Senate’s daily
• Senate Majority Leader
What is the two step Impeachment
process Congress must follow?
• House charges and the Senate holds the trial
Prohibiting mail fraud, establishing a
minimum wage, and establishing a
Federal Reserve Bank are all examples
of what type of Congressional powers?
• Implied Powers