LOGO - Beaumont Hospital



Beaumont Hospital Palliative Care

Study Day

Grief and the Healthcare worker

Pauline King

Staff Counsellor

Beaumont Hospital

Michael Kearney, M.D. Quote

“ No matter what we might do to make it easier, death remains the ultimate separation, the ultimate unknown”

Hazards to Occupational Health.

 Compassion Fatigue.

 Vicarious trauma.

 Burnout.

Burnout:Palliative care

 Multiple losses.

 Attachments.

 Workload.

 Lack of Institutional support.

 Interprofessional conflict.

 Expectations

Preventative strategies:

 Personal

 Self Awareness

 Mentor

 Support system

 Spiritual/Meditative practice

 Team

 Healthy working relationships.

 Formal supports


 Rituals.

The Grieving Healthcare Worker

 “ Detached concern” (Lief & Fox 1963)

 Research by Dania Papadatou 2000.

Identified the difference between “burnout” and “grief”

 Health care professionals do grieve and a healthy fluctuation between experiencing and avoiding feelings of grief occurs.

 This fluctuation is necessary, adaptive and healthy.



“Life Style”

Idiosyncratic beliefs values assumptions about self, others, life.

Personal Loss-history

Meaning making &

Loss transcendence


Or repressing


“Work Style”

Unit’s goals, values assumptions about care in

Illness, dying, death

Rules regarding professional conduct.

Nature of losses:

 Unique bond.

 Sympathetic grief.

 Goals and expectations.

 Beliefs & assumptions.

 Restimulation of personal loss.

 Mortality.

Grief reactions


 Moving away.

 Psychic numbing.

 Avoidance.

 Practical tasks.

 Dehumanisation.


“ Brain hygiene”-Siegal

 Step out of automatic pilot.

 Create a gap between reactivity and response.

 Develop capacity for:

 Curiosity

 Openness

 Acceptance

 Loving Kindness

This being human is a guest-house

Every morning a new arrival

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

Some momentary awareness comes

As an unexpected visitor

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,

Who violently sweep your house

Empty of its furniture.

Still treat each guest honourably.

He may be clearing you out for some new delight

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,

Meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent

As a guide from beyond.
