Volleyball Class Introduction Presentation

Volleyball Class
The primary purpose of this class is to
teach you the knowledge and skills
necessary to successfully participate in
volleyball at a level that can improve
your health and fitness.
You will learn skills necessary to perform
a variety of physical activities that can
help you be fit for life.
Course Objectives
Students will…….
• Understand the components of health-related fitness in order to
improve performance and set appropriate health/fitness goals
– Take written exams that demonstrate you understand these concepts and
how they apply to your health and fitness
• Compare and contrast personal progress in relationship to
national physical fitness standards by assessing fitness
– Will perform fitness tests according to national standards: mile, push-ups,
sit-ups, pacer, sit & reach
Course Objectives: Students will…….
• Apply complex motor skills and movement concepts to
activities to enhance a physically active life
• Learn the volleyball skill fundamentals that allow you to participate at
a level that can improve your fitness (improve your game play)
• Understand the relationship of training to improve volleyball
performance and be able to accurately self-evaluate skills
• Demonstrate skills through testing and use forms provided to be able to
analyze your volleyball ability.
• Apply skills and strategies necessary for effective participation
in physical activities (uses teamwork, tactical strategies, social
interactions, sportsmanship, and fair play)
• Know the rules of the game, how to function within a team, etc.
Course Requirements
Description of Requirement
Final Exam
Test over the rules of the game and how the game is played and the
different components of fitness and skill training that were taught. This
is a final over all the class content, see Final Exam Study Guide.
A written exam over the FITT principle and a class reflection.
Fitness Testing
That you complete a pre-test and post-test for the following fitness
tests: Mile (20 pts)
Pacer (20 pts) Push-Ups (20 pts) Sit-Ups (20
pts) Sit & Reach (20 pts) (100 pts for pre-test and 100 pts for posttest)
Each test will be graded according to the Fitness Testing Grading
Scale. Your pre-test scores can be adjusted if you perform better on the
mid-test and/or final test.
Volleyball Skills
You will have to complete a skills test for passing (20), setting (20),
serving (20), and hitting (20)
During the semester you will be evaluated 2 different times for your
play during volleyball tournaments-once at quarter and once at end of
semester. (Graded according to the Volleyball Performance Rubric)
Evaluation of
Evaluation by other teammates on the effort scale.
Daily Grading Scale
Each Participation Day is worth 10 points
Tardy (showing up in the gym more than 5 min after the 2nd bell)
NonSuit (not wearing the appropriate attire but still participating)
Not Participating in Warm-Ups (not doing warm-ups properly)
NonParticatipation (whole day sitting out of activity)
NonParticipation During Class/Partial Workouts
Using Cell Phone in Class
Leaving Class Without Permission
-3 to -10
Not Engaged in Volleyball Game Play (according to rubric)
-1 to -6
Not Completing the Entire Workout as Assigned
Using Profanity and/or Disrupting the Class with Inappropriate
-1 to -10
-1 to -10
Suiting Up
Suit-Up: t-shirts,
sweatshirts, shorts (mesh,
cotton), sweats, yoga pants,
tennis shoes, thick-strap
Jeans—any form of denim, any button up shirts,
cargo pants/shorts, boots, slippers, flip-flops,
Uggs,inappropriate shirts according to school
dress code, spaghetti straps, shirts that are cut too
low, shorts that are shorter than your arm’s length.
Any other clothing that restricts your ability to
perform all tasks is considered a non-suit.
Class Expectations
• That you leave the gym only after asking (for water or restroom)
• That you complete your assigned duty—put up and take down nets, assist in
class set-up, lead warm-ups, etc.
• Students are responsible for checking the posted weekly plan in order to be
prepared for class each day and also for checking their grades and making
up any missed work.
• Students are not allowed to use cell phones—points will be deducted from
a student’s grade if he or she is caught using a cell phone (Ipods may be
used with permission only)
• Students are to be suited and in the gym no later than 5 minutes after the
second bell—students will be marked tardy who are not in the designated
place 5 minutes after the 2nd bell.
• No headgear or food/drink is permissible in class (Water bottles only!)
• Participate fully in all prescribed activities unless excused by the teacher
• Inappropriate behavior may result in a warning, after school detention,
and/or office referral
• Use the equipment in an appropriate manner (students will be held
responsible for damages if used inappropriately—no kicking volleyballs!)
• http://www.swiftclassroom.com/teachers/nca
Volleyball Class
Final Exam Study Guide (573.58 Kb)
FITT Test Practice #1 (37 Kb)
FITT Test Practice #2 (33.5 Kb)
FITT Test Study Guide (36.5 Kb)
FITT Weekly Workout Plan (28.5 Kb)
Nutrition Plan (21.5 Kb)
The Principles of Training Lecture (#2) (766 Kb)
This site is your guide
for all you need to know for
this class.
Study guides for the tests you
have in this class.
Links to videos to help you improve
Your skills.
Health-Related &
Skill-Related Fitness
• The health-related components contribute to
the prevention of lifestyle diseases
and promote overall health
and fitness.
• The components of skill-related fitness are
associated with a person’s
ability to be able to play games
and sports—how well they
can perform body functions
related to sports-related skills
Evaluation of Volleyball
Health-Related Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Appropriate body composition
Skill-Related Fitness
Reaction Time
*Depends on position you play
• Cardiorespiratory endurance- the ability of the
heart, lungs, and blood vessels to use and send fuel and oxygen to
the body’s tissues during long periods of moderate-to-vigorous
• Muscular endurance- the ability of the muscles to
perform physical tasks over a period of time without becoming
• Muscular strength- the amount of force a muscle can exert
• Flexibility- the ability to move the joints through a full
range of motion
• Body Composition— a comparison of the relative amounts
of lean body weight and fat tissue in the body.
• Agility-the ability to change the position of your body quickly and to
control your body’s movements
• Balance-the ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or
• Coordination-the ability to use your senses together with your body parts
or to use two or more body parts together
• Power -the ability to apply force with speed
• Reaction Time- the ability to react or respond quickly to a situation and
perform the appropriate response quickly
• Speed- the ability to cover a distance in a short period of time
Two Types of Exercise
Cardiorespiratory or Aerobic Exercise
• Continuous activity in which the heart can supply all the
oxygen the muscles need. Heart rate remains elevated for a
period of time (usually over 15 min).
• Examples: jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.
Resistance Training or Anaerobic Exercise
• Physical activity done in short, fast bursts in which the heart
cannot supply blood and oxygen as fast as muscles use it.
Activity that cannot be sustained for a long period of time.
• Examples: weight-lifting, sprinting, jumping, resistance
exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, etc.
Assessments Used in Class
Health-Related Fitness
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Broad Jump/Push-Ups
Sit & Reach
Appropriate body composition
Body Composition Test
Skill-Related Fitness
Sprint Shuttle
Vertical Jump
• An efficient warm-up helps elevate whole body
temperature, increase blood flow to active muscles and
enables athletes to prepare their muscles and joints to
work through the full range of motions they will be using
in the practice of the sport. Warming up is essential in
order to remain injury-free and to prepare the body and
mind for the activity.
• Warm-ups should help to reawaken everyone's muscle
memory and get them accustomed to the basic
movements and skills of the game like serving, setting,
and bumping.
• Practice makes perfect…muscle memory.
• Cannot improve performance without repetition!
Benefits of a Dynamic Warm-up
A dynamic warm-up is a series of movement drills and mobility
drills performed in a sequence, designed to prepare athletes for
training or games.
• Decreased risk of muscle strains and tears.
• Increases range of motion for the upcoming training.
• Fires up the nervous system, making it ready for rapid neural
• Increases body temperature, and it is maintained because there
is no prolonged period of static stretching.
• Enhances coordination and motor ability (some footwork drills
that will get you moving more effectively once mastered).
• Some conditioning benefits-increased strength, balance, etc.
• Mentally gets players involved in training, as there is no sitting
around doing static stretches for prolonged periods.