How to Enhance Assistance to Victims of Human Trafficking in the Baltic Sea Region Repatriation and reintegration of victims of trafficking. How to best assess risks and prevent re-victimization? 19 March 2014 Jaana Sipilä, Project Coordinator IOM Helsinki, Finland IOM Counter-Trafficking Recommendations REINTEGRATION ASSISTANCE Building trust Tailoring Flexibility Long-term Recommendation I “More detailed information on local context, family, social and economic situation plus the up-todate wider information on all forms of support, either governmental or NGOs, available to returning VoTs will help to decrease risk of re-victimization and make more efficient use of our reintegration funds.” IOM Warsaw “…thoroughly conducting predeparture risk-assessment together with the returnee and the social worker” IOM Helsinki “In terms of repatriation and reintegration VoTs, it is important to understand who is a VoT.” IOM Tallinn IDENTIFICATION Victims “There is a need for clear, factual and realistic counselling on available services as well as requirements and procedures for getting the support.” IOM Copenhagen Needs Risks “It is important to give potential VoT-returnees as realistic a picture as possible of what may expect them upon return.” IOM Oslo “Given their particular vulnerability, unaccompanied children exposed to trafficking require special attention and support, regardless of their nationality or background. The best interest of the child will be the key consideration.” IOM Helsinki (Sweden) Recommendation II “Due to the traumatic experiences of exploitation, some victims do not fully acknowledge their problems and needs at the identification stage and revert later for assistance.” “Trying to avoid re-victimization of returning VoTs is often a hard and long journey.” IOM Bratislava IOM Chisinau REINTEGRATION ASSISTANCE “… (there is) a need to apply some measure of support to dependents as well as this can have a direct effect on the reintegration of the actual victim.” Building trust Tailoring Flexibility Long-term “…we have noted that victims keep coming back to their IOM focal points months or years after they have returned.” IOM Copenhagen IOM Copenhagen “…it is important to keep the individually tailored assistance programme open for VoTs and their family members, taking into consideration all of their needs, regardless of time period that has passed since they entered assistance programme.” IOM Chisinau Recommendation III “Re-victimization can only truly be prevented by improving the victim’s socio-economic status and by providing an alternative for emigration (providing support for education, finding a job, etc.)” IOM Helsinki FAMILY & SOCIETY Social reintegration “…pay maximum attention to both aspects: psycho-social inclusion into the family (group counselling, etc.) and ensure secure environment (society, recruiters, etc.)” IOM Chisinau Economic empowerment “..avoid unnecessary stigmatization or raising of unnecessary curiosity from family/community members.” Networks & partners IOM Chisinau “Another important factor is a very good network of helping organizations and institutions providing particular kinds of help.” IOM Bratislava “…being economically empowered will provide a status to younger women & girls and ultimately help them reintegrate back to their family & society.” IOM Kathmandu Thank you International Organization for Migration (IOM) Helsinki, Finland Jaana Sipilä, Project Coordinator +358 50 4140803