Children, schools and families

Children, Schools and
Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteers in Children, Schools and
• Without the support of volunteers many of
Children Schools and Families services would not
be able to function as well as they do now
•‘In Cornwall many organisations public, private and
voluntary, work together to help children for the best
possible experiences and achieve to their full
potential. Volunteers are essential to all of our work
and I would like to take this opportunity to express my
continuing thanks and admiration for the work that they
•Trevor Doughty, Director
What is volunteering?
• ‘…an activity that involves spending time, unpaid,
doing something that aims to benefit the
environment or individuals or groups…’
The Volunteering Code of Good Practice, 2005
How does our work benefit from
• Central to the ethos of our services
• Volunteers come with a wide range of skills
and experiences
• Add a dimension to our work which isn’t
formalised, bring a ‘freshness’ to the work
• Focus on individual clients or subject areas
and thus bring new insights, energy and
time to the work
• Communities benefit in that the services
they provide help individuals
What are the benefits for volunteers in
our service?
• A way back to the world of work- gain confidence,
raise self esteem
• Learn new skills and add experience- develop and
hone career skills
• Core workplace activities- communication, line
management, teamwork and using initiative
• Adds a extra dimension to a CV
• Gain qualifications
• Meet new people, try new things
• Have some fun
Volunteering in Children, Schools and
• Large numbers of volunteers are actively involved in
children’s centres and youth centres
• Many are actively engaged in commissioned work such as
the Family Intervention Project and Homestart
• Key projects have engaged young people in volunteering
and community action– V Volunteers, V Talent,
apprenticeship schemes
• Many parents and carers volunteer to engage in Parents’
Forums and advisory groups
• 90+ volunteers involved in young people’s mentoring and
counselling services
Life Stories from Children, Schools and
• An unemployed man volunteered at a children’s centre in
2009, through Volunteer Cornwall. He gained an L2
qualification in Early Years Care and Education in 2010, now
works as a nursery assistant
• All Share IAG Coordinators started work as volunteers, all
now paid and qualified to NVQ
• A young person leaving care had a child, they decided to
volunteer at a youth centre, they became an apprentice,
they have now completed their NVQ3
• A senior member in youth club who was lacking confidence
was encouraged to volunteer 3 years ago, they now have
an NVQ 3 in Youth Work and are now in their 1st year of
study for a BA professional qualification
How do the people we work with feel?
• ‘When I was young, my quality of life was
improved immeasurably by youth work
volunteers, so I think it's important that these
services continue from generation to generation.’
Cornwall Youth Offending
Service (YOS)
• The YOS works with young people aged 10-17 to prevent
re-offending and manage the delivery of court orders
• The service also includes prevention work and support for
parents and carers
• Three volunteer roles
• Between 70-100 volunteers
• All volunteers attend general and role specific training, have
one to one support and regular group meetings
Community Panel members
• Volunteers are statutory part of youth justice system
• “Referral Order” is the sentence young people receive
the first time they appear in court (if they plead guilty)
• Panel members meet with young person and
parent/carers to agree a contract to help them make
amends and prevent re-offending
Appropriate Adults (AA)
• The YOS have a statutory duty to provide Appropriate
Adult (AA) service
• Applies to young people aged 16 and under, where a
parent and carer cannot be present
• AA attends custody centre to support young person
during interview and ensure their rights are upheld
• Service provided 365 days of the year
Casework volunteers
• Work one to one with young people to complete
reparation as part of their court order
• Provide transport, practical support and other help for
the young person as directed by the case manager
Parent: I feel the attitude
of the panel had a big part
in the change in my son’s
Young person: I feel
the panel really
listened to me, I was
lucky, thanks, they
put my life back on
Volunteer: The young
person just couldn’t believe
it when he found out I was
a volunteer, it really
impressed him that I
actually cared enough to
give my time for free!
We depend on the work of our
• ‘The part played by of our volunteers is an enormous asset
to the work with children, young people and families. They
add an extra dimension to our services and I readily
acknowledge the immense value of their services, freely
• Sue Coleman, Head of Service, Supporting Families
Cornwall Council
County Hall
Truro TR1 3AY
Tel: 0300 1234 100