the PowerPoint presentation

Building Confidence in
young people
In addition to notions such as learning styles and
emotional intelligence, decision making and choices
are determined by degrees of motivation and self
confidence often influenced by social background and
the environment.
Building Self-Efficacy
What is Self-Efficacy?
A useful model on Self Efficacy is that offered by Bandura
Bandura has defined self-efficacy as
one's belief in one's ability to succeed in specific
One's sense of self-efficacy can play a major role in how
one approaches goals, tasks, and challenges.
Building Self Efficacy
According to Bandura, there are 4 main sources of selfefficacy:
Mastery Experiences
Social Modeling
Social Persuasion
Psychological / Physiological responses
1. Mastery Experiences
“The most effective way of developing a strong sense of efficacy
is through mastery experiences," Bandura (1994).
Performing a task successfully strengthens our sense of selfefficacy. However, failing to adequately deal with a task or
challenge can undermine and weaken self-efficacy.
The mentor can help by:
• Breaking the goal down into small steps
• Role playing scenarios
• Mental preparation (e.g. visualisation)
2. Social Modeling
Witnessing other people successfully completing a task is
another important source of self-efficacy.
According to Bandura, “Seeing people similar to oneself succeed
by sustained effort raises observers' beliefs that they too
possess the capabilities master comparable activities to
succeed” (1995).
The mentor can help by:
•Encouraging them to actively observe successful behaviour by
•Practicing the observed behaviours (imitating).
•Using your own personal experiences to
3. Social Persuasion
Bandura also asserted that people could be persuaded to believe
that they have the skills and capabilities to succeed.
Consider a time when someone said something positive and
encouraging that helped you achieve a goal. Getting verbal
encouragement from others helps people overcome self-doubt
and instead focus on giving their best effort to the task at hand.
The mentor can help by:
• Being encouraging and having a belief that they can do it
• Collecting and being alert to positive comments
they have received
4. Psychological Responses
Our own responses and emotional reactions to situations also
play an important role in self-efficacy.
Moods, emotional states, physical reactions, and stress levels
can all impact how a person feels about their personal abilities in
a particular situation.
A person who becomes extremely nervous before speaking in
public may develop a weak sense of self-efficacy in these
situations. However, Bandura also notes "it is not the sheer
intensity of emotional and physical reactions that is important
but rather how they are perceived and interpreted" (1995).
By learning how to minimize stress and elevate mood when
facing difficult or challenging tasks, people can improve their
sense of self-efficacy.
The mentor can help the mentee by:
• Raising awareness of self talk
• Teaching people how to cope with stress (e.g. breathing
techniques, anchoring)
Any Questions?