Amsterdam School for Culture and History

Amsterdam School for Culture and
Newsletter November 2014
Please find below the monthly newsletter of the Amsterdam School for Culture and History (ASCH),
which includes an overview of upcoming seminars, public lectures and PhD ceremonies. I hope you
will find it useful and would be grateful if you could send details about future events to More information can also be found on
I would like to draw your attention to two areas of activity in particular. First, ASCH will organize an
afternoon seminar about ‘valorisation’ on Thursday 15th January. It aims to showcase and discuss
some current valorisation projects (ranging from museum exhibitions, media presentations to
business collaborations) and to inform you about possibilities and future projects within ASCH. I very
much hope you will be able to join us in the discussion - please save the date in your diary.
Second, ASCH seeks to increase its support to early career scholars (post docs, temporary lecturers)
who play such a vital role in our Faculty. This winter semester, we will offer a series of lunch
seminars, in which senior academics will share their experience and advice with more junior
colleagues regarding publication strategies, research funding possibilities abroad and the
international academic job market.
Best wishes,
Geert Janssen
Director of ASCH
Joep Leersen awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bucharest
October 2014
On 23 October 2014 the honorary doctorate was presented to Joep Leersen, Professor of European
Studies, for his work in the area of imagology (the study of national (self)images and stereotypes)
and nationalism studies.
Exhibition Satricum. Scavi e reperti archeologici
October 2014
The exhibition, organized by Marijke Gnade and staff and students of the Satricum-project, shows
the results of thirty six years of Dutch archaeological research in one of the best preserved sites in
central Italy which has revealed archaeological remains covering a period of continuous occupation
of nearly ten centuries (9th century BC- 1st century AD).
Event: Urban History Seminar #2
04 Nov 2014 15:00 – 17:00
Bungehuis 1.01
Dr. Gary Davies (Free University Amsterdam) – Urban History in the UK in the 1960s and 1970s:
riding the crest of the wave
Lecture: CMRSA Lecture series
05 Nov 2014 16:00
Universiteitsbibliotheek, Doelenzaal
Paul Stephenson (Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen) – Byzantine Borders in the Time of Basil II
Lecture: Bijzondere Lezing door prof. dr. Mieke Aerts
06 Nov 2014 17:15 – 18:30
In samenwerking met de Illustere School
Spui 25
Prof. dr. Mieke Aerts, Politieke geschiedenis van gender in Nederland (bijzondere leerstoel vanwege
de Stichting Wilhelmina Drucker Fundatie) geeft een Bijzondere Lezing met de titel 'Kunnen vrouwen
vechten dan?'
Lecture: History Research Seminar
13 Nov 2014 15:00 – 17:00
PC Hoofthuis 1.05
Prof. dr. Maarten Prak (Utrecht University) – Citizenship in the Colonies of the New World: North
and South America Compared
PhD defence ceremony: Rudolf Poortier, Neerlandistiek/ASCH
14 Nov 2014 11:00
Tollens’ Nagalm. Het dichterschap van Hendrik Tollens (1780-1856) in de Nederlandse
Promotor: prof. dr. Marita Mathijsen
Workshop: Technologies of Spectacle - Knowledge Transfer in Early Modern Theater Cultures
14-15 Nov 2014
Universiteitsbibliotheek, Bijzondere Collecties
Baroque theater spectacles are frequently celebrated for their ephemerality and inimitability. The
technology behind these spectacles is, in contrast, often far less unique. As is well-known, the Early
Modern stage technology has its origins in the context of ducal courts of Northern Italy in the 16th
century. The specific social, political, economical and medial conditions and requirements for
producing, accumulating, and distributing technical knowledge, however, have found only scarce
attention among historians of theater and technology so far. This workshop sets out to explore these
widely neglected problem areas.
PhD defence ceremony: Niels Koopman, ACASA/ASCH
21 Nov 2014 11:00
Ancient Greek Ekphrasis. Between Description and Narration.
Promotor: prof. dr. Irene de Jong; copromotor: dr. Rutger Allan (VU)
PhD defence ceremony: Tanja Holzhey, Neerlandistiek / ASCH
28 Nov 2014 10:00
’Als gy maar schérp wordt, zo zyn wy, én gy voldaan. Rationalistische ideeën van het
kunstgenootschap Nil Volentis Arduum 1669-1680.
Promotores: prof. dr. Johan Koppenol (VU); copromotor: dr. Jeroen Jansen
PhD defence ceremony: Gerda Jansen Hendriks, Geschiedenis, Europese studies en
28 Nov 2014 11:00
Een voorbeeldige kolonie. Nederlands-Indië in 50 jaar overheidsfilms 1912-1962.
Promotores: prof. dr. Hans Blom, prof. dr. Frank van Vree
Event: Urban History Seminar #3
11 Dec 2014 15:00 – 17:00
PC Hoofthuis 1.05
Prof. dr. Nicholas Terpstra (Toronto) – Rethinking the Long Reformation: Mobile Communities, Fluid
Identities, and Elastic Boundaries
Conference: Wel en onwel. Het lichaam in de negentiende eeuw
Congres van de Werkgroep De Negentiende Eeuw
12 Dec 2014 10:00 – 17:00
Het lichaam heeft zijn eigen geschiedenis. Twee decennia geleden was lichaamsgeschiedenis nog
een grotendeels onontgonnen terrein. Intussen is de (cultuur)geschiedenis van de negentiende
eeuw in belangrijke mate verrijkt door de focus op het lichaam. Vanaf 1995 is er zelfs een
wetenschappelijk tijdschrift, Body & Society, exclusief gewijd aan dit onderzoeksgebied. De
Negentiende Eeuw heeft aan dit thema bijna drie decennia geleden, in 1985, een congres gewijd.
Toen was de invalshoek voornamelijk seksualiteit. Dit congres beoogt te laten zien met wat voor
onderwerpen, benaderingen en invalshoeken de (cultuur)geschiedenis van de negentiende eeuw is
verrijkt door de aandacht voor het lichaam.
Symposium: Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2015
Topic: Food, Hunger and Conflict
16-17 Jan 2015
Aula – Oude Lutherse Kerk
The introductory lecture will be given by the leading academic in the field Professor Josep Barona.
The symposium is the result of a collaborative partnership between the Special Collections of the
University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam School for Culture and History, University of Amsterdam,
and the Social & Cultural Food Studies research unit (FOST) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
HERA Matchmaking Event "Uses of the Past"
5 Nov 2014 14:00 CET Deadline
The HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) Network invites researchers to submit an
Expression of Interest (short project idea + short CV) for participating in the “Uses of the Past –
Matchmaking Event”, which will take place in Tallinn on 29 January 2015. The travel costs of 16
Dutch applicants can be reimbursed up to € 350.
The aim of the Matchmaking Event is to present the Call for transnational humanities-led research
proposals under the theme “Uses of the Past” to be formally announced early January 2015 and to
facilitate the building of international research partnerships. With up to €23 million available, the
research programme will fund new and exciting Humanities-centred projects on Uses of the Past
involving researchers from four or more countries.