documentation - Game Design 2


Scourge of Ethar

The Game

IG 101/102 Team 1, Firstblood teamleden: Daniel Bijlsma, Peter Martens, Sievajet Rahimbaksh, Mick Tozer, Dennis Balk en Joey Rommers docent: Casper van Est type game: Platform, puzzel.


Inleiding .......................................................................................................................................3

Background story .........................................................................................................................4


Toen wij hoorden dat we een game moesten maken voor Game Design dachten we er al gelijk aan om een platformgame te maken. Of we dit in Game-Maker of Flashdevelop gingen maken was nog onbekend. Deze game gaat niet om het spel zelf maar meer over het design. Eerder hadden we al een aantal characters gemaakt voor Game Design. Deze characters hoefden wij niet perse te gebruiken maar dit zou wel handig zijn aangezien wij deze al helemaal hadden bedacht en ontworpen. We kregen dit begin december te horen en hadden dus niet veel tijd omdat we ook nog veel aan het project moesten doen.

Daarom hebben wij besloten om de game toch in Game-Maker te maken en niet in flashdevelop, het gaat tenslotte toch meer om het design. In dit verslag geven we voorbeelden van de game door middel van screenshots en uitleg hierbij, ook komt het character en world-design erin te staan. Als laatste geven wij feedback hoe onze journal is verlopen en hoe wij het ervaren hebben om deze game te maken. Elke character die wij hebben bedacht heeft een speciale abilitie die zij op een unieke wijze goed kunnen toepassen op de game : "Scourge of Ethar".

Background story

It’s the land of Etahar in the year 129 after the great elven war, an evil mage arise he steals the stones of fire, earth, dead and life. Nobody knows his name, but because his army has a lot of undead beings they call him the necromancer. He brings dead and destruction in the land, demands that everybody will bow to his will. He enchants a entire forest to fight in his name, he burns down villages and killed lots of people.

The villages are trying to defend themselves as good as that the can, but the power of the necromancer is great. When the great castle of Turris Erath fell by creatures made out of pure fire, the humans came unison and tried to bring down the mage his tower, but by every soldier to die the necromancer got a new undead in his army and so the humans retreated and lost.

Because the humans tried to destroy his tower the necromancer enchanted the great forest that was in the north-west and ordered them to destroy all the buildings of the humans. The trees disobeyed and took the earth stone that the necromancer placed there to control the trees. However humans in fear of the trees burned down the entire forest.

One of the undead skeleton that goes by the name bones had enough and tried to assassinate the necromancer. He failed and was locked down in the dungeon, but bones did manage to steal the stone of dead and life. Bones who thought his time would be soon over threw the stone out of the small window into the sewer.

The remaining trees passed the river and started throwing whatever they could find at the necromancers tower. Because the strength of the earth stone the tower was damaged badly. Bones used this opportunity to escape the dungeon and he took the fire stone with him. He used the fire stone to put the tower on fire; because of the stone bones could resist fire.

While the other undead ran from the fire, bones ran up the tower to kill the necromancer. Once upstairs bones took a serial monial blade from the wall, He closed in on the necromancer on top of the tower. The necromancer was busy casting spells at the trees he did not notice him. And then then when bones came close enough he pushed the sword in the back of the mage. At the moment bones hit the necromancer lightning stroke and the necromancer was gone.

All of the undead where dead again but not bones he was still alive. Maybe it was because of the stone. After the battle Roots the only remaining tree returned to the nearest forest. And bones returned to the graveyard where he was originally buried. The land was in peace with the necromancer gone and started to rebuild the land, the marks of war where obviously visible and lots of people died.

The land remained in a long peace for over 30 years there was peace and that was the longest peace ever maintained. In the year 159 after the great elven war there were some adventures who found a ancient temple, the markings on the door were unknown to them, and so they entered. Inside they found a crypt, when they opened them the necromancer was waiting for them……
