Debating the King in Fourteenth-Century Sweden: Combining the Evidence from Romance and Chronicle Kim Bergqvist Stockholm University In the fourteenth century, Swedish aristocracy as a social group posed a real (and imagined) threat to the power and authority of the monarch. I examine the literary evidence from the first half of the fourteenth century, analysing the means by which the authors put the figure of the king into question, and to which factors and aspects of kingship and its legitimacy these strategies were linked. These aspects include considerations of lineage and rightful rule, the ordering of society and its upkeep by acts of violence, as well as notions of masculinity. I read these strategies as expressions of aristocratic ideology; a conception of how the social world should be ordered that is constructed in these texts. My aim is to discover and explain the ideological underpinnings of the texts studied, focussing on the particular topic of questions raised around the nature of kingship. Thus, the paper engages in the socio-historical reality surrounding the production of the texts by analysing their content. The romances were crucial to the construction of an aristocratic ideology in late medieval Sweden. These literary texts reflect a past reality that they also helped create. The main texts for this inquiry are the three early fourteenth-century Old Swedish verse romances jointly known as the Eufemiavisor: Herr Ivan (a translation of Yvain: Le chevalier au lion), Flores och Blanzeflor (Floire et Blanchefleur), and Hertig Fredrik av Normandie (original unknown). But the romances also influenced other genres of Swedish vernacular texts such as the writing of chronicles. This is particularly true of the Erikskrönika, an historical narrative that spans the preceding century before its composition in the early 1320s. Previous research has pointed out the influence of the romances on the chronicle, but not examined its importance for the political or social aspects of the narrative, explored in this paper. Select bibliography Primary sources NOREEN, Erik, ed. Hertig Fredrik av Normandie. Kritisk upplaga på grundval av Codex Verelianus. Uppsala, Svenska fornskriftssällskapet, 1927. Serie 1, Svenska skrifter 163. ---, ed. Herr Ivan. Kritisk upplaga. Uppsala, Svenska fornskriftssällskapet, 1930-31. Serie 1, Svenska skrifter 164-166 (1-3). OLSSON, Emil, ed. Flores och Blanzeflor. Kritisk upplaga. Nytryck av häft. 157 (med ett tillägg). Stockholm, Svenska fornskriftssällskapet, 1956. Serie 1, Svenska skrifter 214. PIPPING, Rolf, ed. Erikskrönikan enligt Cod. Holm: D.2 jämte avvikande läsarter ur andra handskrifter. Nytryck av häft. 158 (med ett tillägg). 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