CV attachment - CEU People - Central European University

Year of birth:
Marcell Sebők
ELTE, Budapest, Faculty of Humanities
Research scholarship, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden
and Groningen;
Koninklijke Bibliothek, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Field (AOS):
Late medieval and early modern cultural history; Renaissance and
Reformation studies; historical anthropology and microhistory
Current employment: CEU Medieval Studies Department, Assistant Professor
Previous employment: Visiting lecturer, Fac. of Humanities, Janus Pannonius University, Pécs,
Hungary; ELTE, Faculty of Humanities
2000, PhD in History, ELTE, Budapest
Fellowships, scholarships, foreign teaching experience:
2001 May – June, Visiting Fellow, British Academy, Warburg Institute, London
1999 October – March 2000, Junior Fellow, Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study
1998 February – July, Magyar Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS),
1996–97 academic year, Research Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, History Department
and Townsend Center for the the Humanities
Teaching experience:
At ELTE – teaching methodology courses in the Historical Anthropology Program, between
medieval 1992-1995
At CEU – teaching since 2000
The Culture of Humanism: National Contexts and the Republic of Letters
Before the Scientific Revolution: a History of Science during the Renaissance
Renaissance Orientalism: “Others” and Coexistence
Travel, Mobility and Exile in the Renaissance
Curiosity and Collecting: the First Museums and Travelling
Lives and Biographies: Ways and Whys
Ph.D. Research Seminar
M.A. Thesis Seminar – M.A. Thesis-writing Workshop
Other scholarly and public activity, international relations:
2005 February – 2006 May, Chief Advisor to the Minister of Culture, Hungary; Head of the
Strategic Planning Committee
2003 – 2005 Director, CEU Center for Arts and Culture
2002 September – Junior Faculty Member, CEU Senate; Chair – Library Committee
1997–2000 Researcher/Instructor, Dept. of Medieval Studies, CEU
1998 – 2002 Academic coordinator, Dutch-Hungarian “Study Center for the Research of the Early
Modern Republic of Letters”
1992–1996 Program and academic coordinator, Dept. of Medieval Studies, CEU
1990–1992 Academic Vice-president, Hungarian History Students’ Association
2002 – Founding editor, – a Pulitzer-prize winner (2005) portalsite for contemporary
literature (
2000 – 2006 Funding chief Editor, – a website for culture, social sciences and the
humanities (
2000 – 2002 Member, Editorial Board of European Review of History, a journal of historical
2000 – 2001 Member, Editorial Board of Replika, a quarterly of social sciences
1999 – 2003 Editor, Annual of the Department of Medieval Studies and Medieval News;
– Dept. of Medieval Studies ( website);
– Database: medieval studies handbooks, bibliographies and research resources
1990–1993 Editor, Sic itur ad Astra, a journal of young historians
Selected publications
Humanista a határon: a késmárki Sebastian Ambrosius története (1554-1600). (Humanist on the
Edge: The Story of Sebastian Ambrosius of Késmárk) Budapest: L’Harmattan, 2007, 398 pp.
Editor and reader
 Republic of Letters, Humanism, Humanities. [editing and introduction] Proceedings of the
International Conference Held at the Collegium Budapest, November 26-28, 1999. Budapest, 2005,
Collegium Budapest Workshop/Conference Series No.15. (together with NIAS), 236 pp.
 Sokszínű kapitalizmus. Pályaképek a magyar tőkés fejlődés aranykorából (Many-colored
Capitalism. Carreers from the Golden Age of Hungarian Capitalism) Budapest: HVG-KFKI, 2004
(first edition), 2005 (second edition), 256 pp.
 Annual of the Department of Medieval Studies at the CEU, Vol.9. 2003, (together with Judith
Rasson and Katalin Szende) Budapest, 2003, 364 pp.
 Annual of the Department of Medieval Studies at the CEU, Vol.8. 2002, (together with Katalin
Szende) Budapest, 2002, 348 pp.
 Annual of the Department of Medieval Studies at the CEU, Vol.7. 2001, (together with Katalin
Szende) Budapest, 2001, 334 pp.
 Történeti antropológia. Módszertani írások és esettanulmányok. (Historical Anthropology.
Methodological and Case Studies) Budapest: Replika Könyvek, 2000, 328 pp.
 The Man of Many Devices Who Wandered Full Many Ways ... Festschrift in Honor of János Bak
for His 70th Birthday. (together with Balázs Nagy) Budapest: Central European University Press,
1999, 714 pp.
Articles (selection from recent publications)
 “Párhuzamos praxisok a 16. századi Szepességen (Parallel practices in 16 -century Szepesség),”
in Szentírás, hagyomány, reformáció. Teológiai és egyháztörténeti tanulmányok (Holy Scripture,
Tradition, Reformation), eds. Beatrix F. Romhányi and Gábor Kendeffy, Budapest: Gondolat, 2009,
 “Kizökkent idő: az 1582-es naptárreform hatásai a 16. századi Szepességen,” (Dislocated time: the
impact of the calendar-reform in 1582) in Mindennapi választások. Tanulmányok Péter Katalin 70.
születésnapjára. Szerk. Erdélyi Gabriella és Tusor Péter. Budapest: MTA TTI, 2007, CD-ROM
kiadás, 805-820.
 „A vándorló humanista támogatása: Szenci Molnár Albert és a patronálás kérdései a Magyar-latin
szótár kapcsán,” (Patronage of the wandering humanist: the case of Albert Molnár) in Dictionarium
1604. Budapest, OSZK-Osiris, 2007, 163-175.
 „A három ’K’ világa után – 2006 a magyar kultúrában,” (After the World of Three ‘K’s:
Hungarian Culture in 2006) in Magyarország politikai évkönyve 2007. I. kötet, Budapest:
Demokrácia Kutatások Központja, 2007, 609-621.
“A szabadság kultúrája. Magyar kulturális stratégia, 2006-2020,” (The Culture of Freedom.
Hungarian Cultural Strategy) (together with András Bozóki) Kultúra és Közösség 1 (2006): 5-28.
Frykman, “Hogyan váljunk tökéletes svéddé?,” (How to Become a Perfect Swed?) in
Replika 28 (2000): 152-70.
 Natalie Zemon Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U.P., 1983),
Martin Guerre visszatérése. Budapest: Osiris, 1999.
 Peter Burke, “Antropológusok és szociológusok: megjegyzések egy kapcsolat történetéről,”
(Anthropologists and Historians: Reflections on the History of a Relationship) in BUKSZ,
Budapesti Könyvszemle (1992): 490–497.
 “Emlékbeszéd Arnold Toynbee halála alkalmából,” (A Memorial Lecture in Honor of Arnold
Toynbee) in Sic itur ad Astra (1991, 2): 60–74.