The Progressive Age 1901-1917 Chapter 28-29 What was the Progressive Movement ? • To use the Government as an agency to improve human welfare by attacking: – Monopolies – Child Labor – Corruption – Social Injustices The Muckrakers • Investigative Reporters & Journalists who wrote about the abuses happening in American society. • Roosevelt gave them their nickname Jacob Riis’s – How the Other Half Lives •Photographer that showed urban poverty • Upton Sinclair • Wrote “The Jungle” 1906 • Exposed Chicago Meat Packing industries & Gruesome working conditions Frank Norris – Wrote the Octopus 1901 •Exposed Corrupt politicians conspiring with SO Pacific railroad to exploit CA Farmers • Ida Tarbell 1904 – History of the Standard Oil Company – Targeted its abuses Lincoln Steffens - The Shame of the Cities 1904 - Exposed municipal corruption (political machines) Social Gospel • Combining of Protestant Religion & Humanitarian work to • Urban areas • Help with poverty & immigrants (Jane Adams) – Settlement Houses – Salvation Army Reforming Local & State Politics • Home rule Charters – Cities got more power from the states • National Municipal League – carried out investigations to help w/Urban problems • City Manager System – placed executive & legislative powers in the hands of a few non partisan basis • Cities pressed for ownership of Utilities (Water & Gas) • Minimum & Maximum Wage wk hours set some provided recreational & daycare facilities State Level Reforms • • • • Attempts to ban child labor Minimum & maximum hour wage laws for women Workers Comp. to protect them on the Job Pensions for women & children if dad or husband was killed on the job • Building Codes, State Inspection Acts why? All due to the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire • Business like Railroads, insurance companies, food Industries begin to be regulated Triangle Shirtwaist Fire • New York 1911 • Killed around 150 workers mainly young women • Many jumped to their deaths • Weak Fire Escapes • Managers locked the doors Best State Reformer: Senator Robert La Follette from Wisconsin • Model Progressive State • Corrupt Practices Act – political figures liable for wrongdoing • Limited Campaign funds • Focused on: – – – – – Conservation Taxes Education Highway Construction Politics Progressive Women • Charlotte Perkins – Wanted female financial independence • Margaret Sanger – wanted Legalized Birth Control set up 1st Clinic 1916 • Alice Paul – Civil disobedience wanted the vote • Jeannette Rankin – 1st women to congress 1917 Progressive Amendments • 16th Amendment 1913 – Instituted an Income Tax • 17th Amendment 1913 – Direct Elections of Senators • 18th Amendment 1919 – Banned the making, selling, and transportation of Alcohol • 19th Amendment 1920 – Granted Women the right to vote TR’s Square / Fair Deal 1901-1908 • 3 C’s (Control of: –Corporations –Consumer Protection –Conservation There are Good & Bad Trust • 1902 United Mine Workers went on Strike in PA their demands were – 20% higher wages, 9 hr workday, recognition as a union Tr’s Reaction: -In fear of winter approaching invited both the UMW & Coal operators to the Whitehouse to negotiate but the operators refused to try & negotiate so TR threatened to send in the U.S. Army to work the mines -The Operators gave in quickly and met some demands -10% wage increase & 9 hr workday Attacking Corporations & Helping Consumers Created the Dep. Of Commerce & Labor 1903 Elkins Act 1903 – Railroad Companies to charge only Published Rates Bureau of Corporations – investigate antitrust violators Example: Northern Securities v. U.S. 1904 = the court ordered the company to be dissolved (they controlled all long distance railroads west of Chicago) The Hepburn Act 1906 – Empowered the Interstate Commerce Commission by setting railroads rates & regulations Pure Food & Drug Act 1906 – Federally inspected meat & Medicine Conservationism • Newlands Reclamation Act Bill + 150 mill acres to national forest • Estab. The Conservation Congress • Appt. Gifford Pinchot to head the Dept. of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry • Boy Scouts • Sierra Club Roosevelt Panic 1907 • 1904 TR decides not to run again • 1907 Panic on wall Street Broke Out • The Blame was put on TR – 1908 Congress passed Aldrich Vreeland Act – let banks issue emergency currency backed by various kinds of collateral • Taft was groomed to take over after TR since he was he VP • But . . . Taft will turn out very differently and to a degree Taft and TR will become enemies Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy • Urged Americans to invest money abroad • Improve U.S. Foreign Policy • Help Stabilize foreign countries • Wanted to inject in Manchuria, China & help, prevent Japan & Russia from monopolizing the railroads • Pumped money into Honduras & Haiti • Also sent troops & money to: –Cuba –Dominican Republic –Nicaragua – U.S. sent 2500 marines & left them for 13 yrs –All part of the Monroe Doctrine Taft the Trustbuster • Brought 90 suits a/g trusts in 4 yrs compared to TR’s 44 in 7 ½ yrs • 1911 Supreme Court dissolved the Standard Oil Company why? – It violated the Sherman Anti-trust Act 1890 Issues that Divide the Republican Party • Payne Aldrich Tariff 1909 – 40% tax on imports (went a/g his parties beliefs) • The Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy 1910 – Sided with Conservative Ballinger (Sec. of the Interior) & opened up 1 mill acres of land that TR had set aside for conservation • Brought an Anti-Trust Suit a/g the U.S. Steel Corp. after TR promised the Govt. would not So . . .TR Runs Again Chapter 29: 1912-1916 Wilson as President Wilsonian Progressivism: 1912 Candidates 1. Dr. Woodrow Wilson – Democrat Party – New Freedom Program – called for; stronger antitrust legislation, banking reform, tariff reductions, favored small businesses 2. TR Roosevelt – Bull Moose Party – New Nationalism – Gov. should control the bad trust leaving the good trust alone, female suffrage, social welfare, 3. William Taft – Republican Party Wilson Tackles the Triple Wall of Privilege • Tariffs' • Banks • Trusts Tariff • Passed the Underwood Tariff – lowered tariffs on imported goods & created the 16th amendment Income Tax Bankers •Wanted to fix our National Banking & Currency systems (due to the Panic of 1907) •Federals Reserve Act 1913 – oversaw a system of 12 regional reserve districts each with its on central bank. Each has the power to issue paper money •Helped us get through WW 1 Taming the Trusts • Federal Trade Commission Act – investigate trusts activities & stop unfair trade practices (unlawful competition, false advertising, adulteration, & bribery) • Clayton Anti-Trust Act – exempted labor unions from being called Trusts and legalized strikes & peaceful picketing for labor unions Other Legislation • Federal Farm Loan Act 1916 & the Warehouse Act of 1916 both helped get farmers loans w/ low interest • Adamson Act – gave 8hr work day w/ overtime pay • Also worked on legislation to help improve the treatment of our sailors Foreign Policy: A new Direction • Isolationist • Stopped Dollar Diplomacy • Made Congress repeal the Panama Canal Tolls act of 1912 (Which had previously kept Americans from having to pay a toll) • Jones Act1916 - gave Philippines territorial status & promised Indep. As soon as they could reach a stable govt. • Diffused tension between Japan in 1913 when CA banned Japanese land ownership (Sec. of state W.J. Bryan smoothed things over. • Tension in Haiti 1915 & Dominican Republic1916 broke out – sent marines in • 1917 bought Virgin Islands from Denmark Trouble in Mexico? • 1913 Mexico Revolted sick of the poverty ‘ • New political group with the help of the U.S. ambassador murdered the president & put General Victoriano Huerta as President of Mexico • This led to massive immigration to U.S. • This bloodshed attacked Americans in Mexico • Wilson refused to get involved he did allow guns to flow to Huerta’s enemies Huerta – Venustiano Carranza – Francisco “Pancho” Villa • Violence Escalated in 1914 when American Sailors were arrested in Tampico, Mexico • Wilson used the Navy to seize port of Vera Cruz wanted to get rid of Huerta (stop a German ship from delivering guns and arms to his men) • Argentina, Brazil, & Chile stepped in to put down Huerta regime and in July 1914 eh falls from power Villa the Freedom Fighter Robin Hood or Murderer ? • Pancho Villa - Rival to President Carranza begin challenging his authority & U.S.’s – Killed 16 miners in N. Mexico – Columbus NM– murdered another 19 Americans – RESPONSE: Wilson sent General John J. Pershing to put down this bandit but failed to capture Villa Causes of WW 1 • The Rise of Nationalism • The growth of Imperialism • The formation of sometimes-secret military alliances • Increased Militarism World War 1 Starts 1914 • A Serbian patriot killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Austro-Hungarian heir) • Wilson did not want to get involved in this DRAMA remember (isolationists) issued a neutrality proclamation quickly Central Powers •Germany •Austria-Hungary •Turkey •Bulgaria Allied Powers •France •Britain •Russia •Japan •Italy •America Can America Maintain Neutrality? Hmmm probably not!!!!! Why . . . .. ? From the start we don’t like Germany or their ruler Kaiser Wilhelm II because he resorted to violence in our factories & ports (Briefcase incident NY 1915 sabotage) The Blockade begins……………… Economics of War: • At the start U.S. was in a business recession but . . .as war progressed we started producing mass amounts of trade with the British & French which needed supplies etc. . . • Also J.P Morgan loaned 2.3 billion to the allied powers to help their cause • Germany hated this prosperity “trade” due to the British blockade Germany and its central powers were having a hard time getting around them to trade with America (what can you do?) • In retaliation German U-Boats 1915 would start sinking ships around the British West Isles • Warned Wilson mistakes may happened so be aware • Wilson’s reply. . .Strict Accountability (were watching you Germany) • Sadly a British passenger ship Lusitania was torpedoed May 7, 1915 • 1,198 (128 Americans) died • Americans were FURIOUS • 4, 200 cases of weapons • Wilson’s Response: Strong letters we mean business stop sinking unarmed ships = Germany agreed to the Sussex Pledge = would no longer attack merchant ships without warning (that’s better) if America agreed to make Britain stop their illegal blockade !!! Hmm ………… OK Wilson still CLUNG to neutrality going in to his 2nd term but it was getting harder & harder he knew The last straw . . . . . . . • The Zimmerman Telegraph - Arthur Zimmerman wrote a letter to Germany asking them to ally themselves with Germany, in return Germany would give Texas & other lost land back back to Mexico