Bell Research Laboratory Investigates:
Barry Manilow..."I Write The Song"
©2011 David Douglas Bell, all rights reserved
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Barry Manilow I Write The Song...Evil?
I have heard it said that the song lyrics for the song
entitled "I Write The Songs" has evil connotations and is
essentially glorifying Satan. Is this true? Let's look at this in
detail, and use the facts to help us draw any conclusions:
Facts Regarding The Song:
1) Song Title: "I Write The Song"
2) Written by: Bruce Johnston
3) Year Written: 1975
4) First Sung by: David Cassidy
5) Made Famous by: Barry Manilow
©2011; David Douglas Bell,
All rights reserved
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This identifies who is speaking and what the
song is about. The words in the song are
spoken by an entity that has been alive forever.
I've been alive forever, and
The speaker wrote the first song in history.
I wrote the very first song
I put the words and the melodies together
I am music and I write the songs
The speaker not only wrote the words
but composed the music itself.
The speaker invented music.
©2011; David Douglas Bell,
All rights reserved
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Commentary (Cont.)
The world sing's to the author's songs.
I write the songs that make the whole world sing
I write the songs of love and special things
I write the songs that make the young girls cry
The author writes love as
well as other types of songs.
I write the songs, I write the songs
The author writes songs that are filled with emotion.
©2011; David Douglas Bell,
All rights reserved
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Commentary (Cont.)
The author resides within people.
The author lives in the soul.
My home lies deep within you
And I've got my own place in your soul
Now, when I look out through your eyes
I'm young again, even though I'm very old
The author is praised/glorified through music.
©2011; David Douglas Bell,
All rights reserved
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Commentary (Cont.)
Oh my music makes you dance
And gives you spirit to take a chance
And I wrote some rock 'n' roll so you can move
Music fills your heart
Well, that's a real fine place to start
It's from me it's for you
It's from you, it's for me
It's a worldwide symphony
Music lifts people's hearts.
Music was invented for man and is
offered as praise for its creator.
Music was intended for the entire
world to sing (praises) together.
I am Music (music) and I write the songs
©2011; David Douglas Bell,
All rights reserved
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• Since the entity speaking has "been alive forever"; it must be God
• We were designed so that God could reside within our souls
• God wrote the first song
• God invented words and music
• Music was designed and made for:
• Everyone
• Invoking emotions
• Praise
• Inspiration
The only logical conclusion that meets
ALL the facts and criteria is that:
The song is a praise to the Lord God almighty.
©2011; David Douglas Bell,
All rights reserved
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