How was Doodle like the Scarlet Ibis?


“The Scarlet Ibis”

By James Hurst



– Social standing


– A large porch


– A bug that crawls backward


– A lightweight fabric


– Likely to occur


– Heavy, ankle-high work shoes


– Trustworthy


– Beautiful colors


– Intestines


– To damage/spoil

Literary Terms


– Doodle is born and is “different”

Rising Action

– Doodle learns to crawl and speak


– Brother teaches Doodle to walk, run, swim, etc.

Falling Action

– Ibis dies; Doodle gets tired from running in the rain


– Doodle dies

Literary Terms

Geographical Place

– Old Woman Swamp

• Historical Year

– 1908

Physical Place

– A cotton farm in NC


– Calm, working, bad weather

Literary Terms

What point of view is the story told from?

– 1 st person

What is the tone of the story based off of the first paragraph?

– Empathetic

Who is the dynamic character in the story? Explain.

– Doodle – he never gives up and keeps learning; he is always changing.

Give an example of imagery in the story.

– The hurricane is a bloodthirsty hawk at the entrails of a chicken.

Give an example of symbolism in the story.

– The Scarlet Ibis symbolizes Doodle; they are both fragile.

Reading Questions

How old was the narrator when Doodle was born?

– 6 years old

What is wrong with Doodle?

– He is mentally and physically disabled.

Describe Doodle’s appearance as a baby.

– He had a big head, looked like a wrinkly old man, was redskinned and very fragile.

What is the narrator’s reaction to his new brother?

– He’s upset because he can’t do anything but lay there.

Reading Questions

What kind of brother did the narrator want?

– One he could play with.

How long does it take to teach Doodle to walk?

– Almost a year.

Describe Doodle’s reaction to seeing Old Woman

Swamp for the first time.

– He is amazed; it’s “pretty.”

Why does the narrator cry when everyone congratulates him for teaching Doodle to walk?

– He completed a quest with his brother and is proud.

Reading Questions

Give two examples now the narrator is cruel to his brother.

– He shows him his coffin and ran so fast it killed him.

What lies is Doodle good at telling?

– Bad ones.

What is the theme of most of Doodle’s lies and what does this tell us about what is important to him?

– Flying people – he has a vivid imagination.

How does Doodle imagine his perfect future will be?

– He will marry his mother and always live with his family.

Reading Questions

Why did Doodle die?

– His heart was too weak and exploded.

How was Doodle like the Scarlet Ibis?

– When taken out of their element, they die.

– They were both red-colored.

– They died in the same position – crouching.

– Both beautiful prodigies.

– Both very fragile.

What emotions is the color red usually associated with?

– Rage, fear, anger, death and/or passion.

What happens to the Scarlet Ibis when in captivity? Far from home?

– It dies. Its color fades to pink. It grows fearful and gets out of sorts.

Reading Questions

Discuss the connection between the

Scarlet Ibis and Doodle.

– Both were far from home.

– Both were small and fragile.

– Both were exhausted to death to get where they were trying to go.

– Neither could live up the standards they faced (the Ibis – weather/climate, Doodle – his brother)
