Doodle 4 Google

It’s a drawing competition to redesign the Google logo.
Grades K-3
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-9
Grades 10-12
The student doodle should be presented on a white, landscape sheet of
8.5" x 11" inch paper.
Only one entry per student so pick your best!
The Google logo in the student doodle should be clearly visible and
The student doodle should be done in pencil, crayon, felt tip, paint or
by using computer drawing or design software.
(We do not accept entries that use additional materials to create 3D
effects. )
We remind participants not to recreate or plagiarize (or copy) previous
Google keeps all designs and will not send it back; if you want a copy of
your doodle, make a color copy of it before you mail it in.
40 Regional Finalists will win a
trip to the Google New York
office for an event on May 19, 2011
and a t-shirt printed with their
doodles on it. All 40 Regional
Finalists will also have their
doodle displayed in a special
exhibit at the Whitney Museum
of American Art.
3 National Finalists will win a
$5,000 educational grant to be used
at the school of his or her choice, a
trip to the Google New York office
for an event on May 19, 2011, a
Wacom digital design tablet, and a
t-shirt printed with their doodle on
Wacom digital design tablet 
One National Winner will be awarded a $15,000
college scholarship to be used at the school of his
or her choice, a trip to the Google New York office
for an event on May 19, 2011, a laptop computer, a
Wacom digital design tablet, and a t-shirt printed
with his or her doodle on it. We'll also award the
winner's school or After School Program a
$25,000 technology grant towards the
establishment or improvement of a computer lab
or technology programming. The National
Winner will also have his or her doodle featured
on the U.S. homepage.
Pick up a packet in the office with
everything you need to enter.
Complete a doodle on one of the attached
design sheets or a sheet of sketch paper.
Get parent consent form filled out.
Fill out entry form and write an explanation of
your Google design keeping in mind the theme
“What I’d like to do someday…”
Staple together your design, entry
form and parent consent form
Turn it in by March 11th to Mrs. Carpenter