2014 Homeless Awareness Panel Event @ Belfast Met Grace Price’s Presentation Grace Price 1 Opening slide My talk today will cover; Self introduction; My history of: 1) 2) 3) 4) As a woman who was Homelessness; Self-harming; My involvement with Social Work? My involvement with other agencies / services; Road to hopefulness Grace Price 2 As a woman who was Homelessness: 1) How I became Homeless… 2) …And started self-harming; 3) My experiences of living in homeless: I. Hostels; II. Night Shelter; III. …and streets! 4) How did SW do? 5) How did medical professionals do? 6) How did Homeless professionals do? Grace Price 3 My Road to Hopefulness 1/4 • Where I am today; • My Hopes; • How this event draws awareness to homelessness and helps me; • My 3 key ‘take-away’ ’messages: 1) Treat the person as a human being not a label, number, form to be filled in, or to be judged, etc; 2) Have a better understanding of homelessness and self harm. 3) Be ready and willing to help people like me! Grace Price 4 Hopefulness 2/4 My work with Gerry 1/2 • Meeting Gerry (approx. 3 years ago)…my new life begun…and got very busy! – Getting involved in his campaign about raising homelessness as a real issue; – He campaigns about…Everything! – And other campaigns (Community relations, anti-bullying, selfharm and suicide prevention, mental health awareness… – …If you know Gerry you know work isn’t 9-5 and everybody matters to Gerry… – …he just doesn’t do the talking he does the walking – what he says you can depend on and him…and that really matters to me and other service users!); Grace Price 5 Hopefulness 3/4 Gerry has become my agent • My public appearances addressing homelessness and various audiences as a service user have included: • 3 HAPs at Belfast Met (2012;2013; and today); • 2014 HAP Event @ QUB; • NISCC User & Carer Participation Group; • Anti-bullying initiatives; And outside of Gerry, I Work with Zest in Londonderry/Derry. Grace Price 6 Hopefulness and new career!! …And I his bodyguard! • Attended 2013 SW Awards ceremony as Gerry’s guest Grace Price 7 Something for you to think on! • Here is a few quotes I like you to think about in helping you understand self harm. • I'm the same as you but when you hurt you talk…when I hurt, I cut. • Words hurt…I have the scars to prove it!. • These scars help me know that I can get through this! • I self-harm because I am hurting inside; • Don`t misunderstand self harm as attention seeking act, because we don`t do it in public…we do it when we find ourselves alone. Grace Price 8 Conclusion • Thank you for listening to my story and I hope it has helped you understand: Homelessness; Self-harm; And how as a social worker, journalist, or helper of any kind, YOU can help me and others like me a bit more / better! • The reason I do these presentations is: • A Thank you to Gorgeous Gerry…. • …If we had more Gerrys in this world we would have a lot more positive change, especially in this area of homelessness! • Thank YOU! Grace Price 9