
Please silently answer the
following question: What do
you think Britain’s reasons for
settlement of the Georgia
colony were? Thank you!
Warm Up – 8/25/2014:
Buffer – A person or thing that shields and protects
against annoyance, harm, hostile forces, etc., or
that lessens the impact of a shock or rehearsal
Charter – A document, issued by a sovereign or
state, outlining the conditions under which a
corporation, colony, or city, or other corporate body
is organized, and defining its rights and privileges
Background Essay
Charity – Generous actions or donations to aid the
poor, ill, or helpless; Something given to a person
in need
Paternalistic – The system, principle, or practice
of managing or governing individuals, businesses,
nations, etc., in a manner of a father dealing
benevolently and often intrusively with his children
Fortifications – Military works constructed for the
purpose of strengthening a position; fort
Background Essay
2. To help the poor, to help debtors, to provide
defense from the Spanish (act as a buffer), to
provide charity, to help England prosper
3. The Spanish in Florida, the French in Louisiana
and along the Mississippi River, and the Indian
allies of both of these nations
Background Essay
4. Those who had not paid for their land could not
sell the land, or borrow money against it
5. Restrictions on land holdings, restrictions on
land sales, prohibition against slavery, depriving
settlers of self-government and not having the
rights of other Englishmen
Background Essay
1. The Georgia Colony: Were the Reasons for
Settlement, as stated in the Charter of 1732, a
success or failure?
2. 1732-1752
3. Charity, economics, and defense
Understanding the
Please silently answer the following
1. What were the three reasons for
settlement of the Georgia colony?
2. Rewrite the DBQ question in your own
words (I will call on several students to
share their answer).
Thank you!
Warm Up – 8/26/2014
Mark the document letter and source(s)
Read the source(s), note(s), and caption(s)
Read the document using Thinking Notes
Discuss Analysis Questions
Complete Document Analysis Sheet
Document Analysis
1. D, Charter of Georgia, King George II, 1732, Primary
2. The three underlined statements
3. The Georgia Colony was settled for the reasons of
charity, economics, and defense.
4. This document gives you the reasons for settlement.
Bucket: Charity (C), Economics (E), and Defense (D)
Document Analysis
Primary vs. Secondary Sources
• Primary Sources – Derive from the period under
examination; includes diaries, letters, Supreme
Court opinions, speeches, newspaper articles,
census tables, photographs, illustrations done by
someone who was there, and memoirs and oral
history from participants
Document Analysis
Primary vs. Secondary Sources
• Secondary Sources – Includes standard histories,
biographies, and illustrations done by someone
who was not there
Document Analysis