The Beginnings of Civilization Bob Jones University Press Section 1 The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 The Historian and His Resources Our word history comes from a Greek work meaning “inquiry.” Historians inquire about the past by using three basic resources. Artifacts • Artifacts are objects made by man • Can be small relics (pottery, coins) to towering monuments and architecture (pyramids, temples) • Art depicts customs, beliefs, way of life Tradition • Handing down of information by word of mouth Written Records • Word-of-mouth info can be distorted • Forms include legends, ballads, folk songs, tales • More accurate records preserved on stone, clay, papyrus, letters, diaries • Imparts religious beliefs, heritage, social customs • Insight gained into thoughts, attitudes, feelings For the Christian, the proper study of history begins with a firm belief in the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Bob Jones University Press The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 Find the Main Idea What resources do historians use to unlock what happened in history? Answer(s): artifacts, tradition, and written records Bob Jones University Press Section 1 The Beginnings of Civilization The Bible and History While artifacts, tradition, and written records are excellent resources, the Bible is the primary source of truth and certainty. Facts and Events Answer’s to Questions • Historically accurate and trustworthy • Where did I come from? • Reveals character of God and true nature of man • Where am I going? • Provides eternal principles to help discern importance and relevance of historical events • Why am I here? • How should I live? It is only through the light of God’s Word that we can fully understand the true meaning of history. Bob Jones University Press The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 Biblical Principles of History The Bible is our guide to history. It provides principles that help us to better understand and interpret historical events. Concerning God • God controls, directs the course of history (Prov. 21:1; Acts 17:26) • God’s dealing with people reveals His character – His holiness, justice, love • God blesses all people and nations who choose to obey Him (Duet. 11:2628; Ps. 33:12) • God brings judgment and punishment on those who choose to disobey (Ps. 9:17; Rom. 1:18-32) Concerning Man • Man is a created being responsible to his Creator (Gen. 1:26-28); created to glorify God (Ps. 86:8-10; 139:14) • Man fell to sin and cannot please God without a Savior (Rom. 3:10-18; 5:12) Bob Jones University Press The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 Biblical Principles of History, con’t Concerning Man, con’t • Man is free to choose his own way • Man is made in the image of God though it is marred by sin; man’s achievements cannot change the sinfulness of the human heart Concerning the Plan of History • God has a plan for history; it is not accidental (Acts 15:18); history demonstrates God’s desire to rescue man and restore them to Himself • Christ is the center of God’s plan (Jn. 3:16) • The Bible reveals God’s perfect plan and will for men and nations • Satan opposes God’s plan; history reveals the conflict between God and Satan – righteousness v. unrighteousness; godly v. ungodly Bob Jones University Press The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 History and You God has a perfect plan for everything – including you. But it can only be understood through a relationship with Jesus Christ! Why Study History? • It displays the greatness and goodness of God (Ps. 107:8) • It sharpens your ability to discern good and evil, truth and error • It illustrates the consequences of sin and the necessity of a righteous life (Gal. 6:7-8) • It fosters a sense of gratitude for the contribution of previous generations • It instills an appreciation for your heritage and the responsibilities that you have as a citizen • It imparts a general education – a helpful tool in your service and witness for Christ • It gives a sense of mission and ministry as you learn of the world around you (Mark 16:15) Bob Jones University Press The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 History and You “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 Bob Jones University Press Section 1 The Beginnings of Civilization Human Origins Where did the first people come from? When did they appear? Some key discoveries have provided important pieces to the puzzle. Early Hominids • 1959—East Africa – Mary Leakey finds skull fragments – Hominid: humanlike being that walked upright • 1974—Ethiopia – Johanson finds “Lucy” – 4 foot-tall hominid who walked upright – lived 4 to 5 million years ago Later Hominids • More advanced hominids from about 3 million years ago • 1960s—Tanzania • Louis Leakey – Homo habilis (“handy man”) – More humanlike features – Made and used crude stone tools The Beginnings of Civilization Other hominids • Homo erectus (“upright man”) • 2 to 1.5 million years ago in Africa • Larger brain; more skillful hunter • First hominid to control fire Modern humans • Homo sapiens (“wise man”) • 200,000 years ago • Larger brain; more sophisticated tools • Learned to create fire • First to develop language Section 1 The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 The Beginnings of Civilization Section 1 Spreading Around the World The First Civilizations • Civilization – human society characterized by cities, specialized labor, government, arts and science, religious beliefs, and written language • Cain built a city; specialized labor came within a few generations (Gen. 4:1722) • Pre-flood people spoke the same language The Fall and Dispersion • Achievements of man could not stop sinfulness (Gen. 6:5); God decided to destroy man • God saved man through Noah • The descendents of Noah gathered in the land of Shinar between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to build a city and a tower • Tower of Babel – symbolic of man’s rebellion against God • God confused language and scattered man throughout the earth Bob Jones University Press