The Anschluss - Elgin Academy

The Anschluss
March 12th 1938
What you need to know:
The timeline of events leading up to the
The events of the Anschluss
The international response to the
The consequences of the Anschluss
The reasons for and against Britain’s
appeasement of Germany in March 1938
 Austria was banned from ever uniting with
Germany as a result of the Treaty of Versailles
as they had been allies in WW1. The allies did
this to ensure such a powerful alliance could
never form again.
 The Austro-Hungarian Empire was also broken
 Hitler’s foreign policy favoured union with Austria
as it would mean all German speaking people
united in one country. Hitler himself was also
Austrian and had referred to the Anschluss
several times in ‘Mein Kampf’
The Hossbach Memorandum.
In November 1937 a series of
meetings were held between
Hitler, his war ministers and
heads of the armed forces.
General Hossbach took notes
and these were found by
American forces at the end of
In the notes Hitler made several
references to his expansion
plans. These included Austria
and Czechoslovakia. He said
1943-45 at the latest but the
army should be prepared to
move as early as 1938.
He talked about how expansion
would provide food, expand
the army and improve the
security of Germany’s borders.
The memo is considered
important as it shows Hitler’s
intent and shows he was willing to
start expansion even as early as
 There was unrest in Austria at this time because the Austrian Nazi
party was growing in popularity in the 1930’s (Austrian Party, but
financed by German Nazi’s) The Austrian Nazi’s were running a
campaign of violence and intimidation. The were deliberately trying
to undermine the Austrian Government.
 The Austrian Chancellor Dolfuss reacted to the trouble by banning
both the Austrian Nazi Party and the Communist Party.
 In July 1934 the Austrian Nazi’s attempted a coup d’etat and had
Dolfuss assassinated.
 Mussolini intervened he didn’t want Germany bordering Italy. He
was also worried that Hitler would then demand some German
speaking parts of Italy. He moved 100,000 troops to the Austrian
border; forcing Hitler to back down.
 Mussolini's intervention made it impossible for Hitler to do anything
as the German army was not yet strong enough. He disowned the
attempted coup and denied any involvement.
 In January 1938 the Austrian
police raided Nazi headquarters
and discovered plans to cause
trouble and encourage a German
invasion. As a result Schuschnigg
banned Nazi party again.
 Hitler was furious; a previous
meeting had led to an agreement
not to ban the Nazi party in
 Hitler was also aware at this time
that Mussolini was unlikely to
intervene again as Italy and
Germany's friendship had been
strengthened by the Rome-Berlin
Axis and the Spanish Civil War.
Mussolini had also openly stated
that he had no interest in
preserving Austrian
Schuschnigg – Hitler meeting
Feb12th 1938
 Hitler accused Schuchnigg of
breaking the 1936 agreement and
of persecuting Austrians.
 He demanded the ban be lifted,
imprisoned Nazi’s were to be
released and leading Nazi’s were
to be given key posts in the
Austrian government.
 As a result Artur Seyss-Inquart,
the leader of the Austrian Nazi’s
was given the job of Minister of
the Interior – this role had control
of the police forces within Austria.
 He was now free to allow the
Nazi’s to cause as much trouble
as possible.
Anschluss – March 12th 1938
 To try and regain control Schischnigg
organised a plebiscite to ask if the
population wanted to remain
 Hitler, through Seyss-Inquart,
demanded the plebiscite be cancelled
and threatened war.
 Scuschnigg asked for British help but
Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary
 Schuschnigg gave in and cancelled
plebscite. He resigned on March 11th.
Seyss-Inquart was appointed as
Chancellor and Nazi’s invaded on 12th
March. The pretext for the invasion
was a request for help from SeyssInquart.
 This, in the eyes of the outside world,
made Germany’s actions seem
The International response.
Britain – Neville Chamberlain condemned the
Anschluss and called on Hitler to withdraw.
Some people in parliament and public called for
action but most agreed appeasement was best.
France – was technically without a govt the
popular govt had resigned a week earlier.
Ministers threatened to strengthen the army if
Britain also responded, which it didn’t. France at
this time were also reliant on the Maginot Line.
L.O.N – Wasn’t even consulted after the failure of
sanctions in Abyssinia.
Support for British Appeasement
 Public opinion – “not one British soldier, not one
penny of British money must be involved in a
quarrel which is no concern of ours”.
 Most people viewed Austrians as ‘ethnic
 Plebiscite held in April showed majority of
Austrian’s favoured the Anschluss – despite
plebiscite being carried out through fear and
 “At Versailles we helped to create the situation
which made it inevitable” (George Bernard
 “This was not the moment to accept a challenge”
 Britain didn’t have an army to take on Germany.
 The coup was expected, just didn’t realise it
would be by force.
 British government at this point still hoped to
remain friendly with Germany.
 Military Chiefs warned of a world war as both
Japan and Italy would intervene.
 “Anschluss ends a disastrous period when
league tried to deny Germans their national
unity” (Lord Lothian)
 Don’t see what all the fuss is about” (Lord
 Geographically Britain couldn’t defend Austria.
 China v Japan war was main British concern –
resources were used up making sure empire
was safe. Britain wouldn’t face up to Japan
without US support and U.S isolationist policy
made sure this was out of the question.
 The foreign secretary Anthony Eden had
resigned in protest at appeasement policy and
had been replaced by Lord Halifax, known for
his pro-appeasement attitude.
Economically Britain was not ready to pay
for a major war. Rearmament was already
threatening to destabilise the economy.
Peace movements were still influential in
British government never made clear the
implications of the Anschluss so the British
public were unaware.
British public were not interested “an event
in history about which nobody here
seemed to care” (Duff Cooper)
The churches in Britain were still
universally in favour of appeasement.
Many labour politicians (including Attlee)
were desperate to spend money on
welfare not rearmament.
Some still believed Hitler’s promises,
“Hitler really is a great man” (Lloyd
Many argued that the Anschluss should
have happened long ago, and the T.o.V
was wrong to have prevented it.
Arguments against appeasement
in 1938.
 Duff Cooper, Leo Amery, Anthony Eden and Churchill all
called for action – Amery called for introduction of
conscription, “the gravity of the event of March 12th
cannot be exaggerated”
 Trade Unions in Britain were bitter about Hitler’s victory.
 The British communist party protested against
 Jewish groups voiced their concerns.
 Some labour MP’s were against appeasement, “it’s the
latest but it will not be the last, of the series of humiliating
diplomatic defeats”
 Hitler was breaking promises and had to be stopped.
The Consequences of the Anschluss
 Germany’s population increased
by 6.5 million people and had
100,000 extra soldiers.
 Germany gained new resources of
iron and steel.
 Czechoslovakia was now
outflanked on 3 sides.
 Hitler’s gambling had once again
paid off.
 Success meant he was
increasingly likely to do it again.
 Great Britain, France and Italy had
done nothing to stop him.
 Small nations now had even less
hope of gaining support or help
from these countries.