American Revolution

Looking into the Analogy
 America gave resources to Britain
 Britain made things with these resources and sent
them back to America. They were very expensive
 America wanted to trade with others
 Britain said “NO!”
 They did it anyway through illegal smuggling
 This made Britain mad
 British soldiers tried to stop illegal smuggling
 This represents the land west of the Appalachian
 The Indians say it’s theirs, the Americans say it’s theirs
 The Indians have powerful friends, the French
 The French & Indian Wars (aka The Seven Years War)
was fought in America, by colonists, so they could live
on that land
 The colonists won the battles
 Britain won the war, therefore won the land from the
 That land was declared Indian Territory
 Britain tells Americans to stay out of Indian Territory
 Americans are running out of space to properly live,
work and farm
 The Americans went into Indian Territory anyway
 To ensure the Americans did not enter Indian
Territory, and that the French & Indians did not enter
the 13 colonies, Britain sent soldiers over
 Britain charges America for the soldiers using the
“Stamp Act”. A Tax.
 Any document needed an official British Stamp on it,
which cost money
 They revolted
 They refused to buy British goods, which cost Britain
more money then they gained from the Stamp Act
 They had no say in the taxes
 Nobody in Britain represented America
 Britain removes Stamp Act
 To show the Americans they’re still in charge, they
introduce the Townshed Acts
 Americans had to pay taxes on “luxury” items
 They continued their boycott of British goods
 On top of that, they began to destroy British goods,
and punish Americans who continued to use British
 The rebellion is growing
 This led to the Boston Massacre, 5 colonists killed by
British Soldiers
 Britain decided to just tax Tea now
 But America can ONLY buy tea from Britain
 They decided to destroy the tea as an act of principal
 They liked the tea. They didn’t want to be taxed.
 The Boston Tea Party
 Dressed like Natives, climbed on a ship and destroyed the tea
 Britain punishes the colony of Massachusetts
 Cut off the delivery of goods
 Set a curfew
 Give them Stricter laws
 They formed organizations to rebel against the British
 They “teamed up” with other colonies to become
 They began hiding weapons
 War is on the horizon, the Americans start hiding
 Americans begin spying on the British and sharing
information between colonies
 They are ready to now fight for Independence