The Age Of Imperialism

World History
Chapter 26
Imperialism – countries competing for land
 Happened for several reasons:
1. Because of I.R., countries needed to find
2. No industrialized nation wanted to depend on
any other
 So, countries started taking control of weaker
nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
1. They wanted to sell their own products to
these countries and gain a monopoly
2. Having colonies increased prestige
3. Colonies could become a source of troops
4. Colonies could be used for refueling of naval
5. Could convert non-Christians to Christianity
France imperialized Algeria, Morocco, and
Tunisia(in Africa)
 Britain got the Island of Cyprus, Egypt, Sudan,
and the Congo
 Germany got territory in west Africa
 Spain got northern Morocco
 Italy got Tripoli and renamed it Libya
 Competition was fierce, but no war so far
 Britain extended into India
 Japan never imperialized but went to war with
China over ports in Korea (Sino-Japanese War)
and won access to Korea and Liaodong
 Russia
and France didn’t want Japan in
Liaodong so they forced them out and made
China pay money
 U.S., U.K., and Germany compete for the
Samoan Islands
 U.S. wins control of Hawaii
 1898 U.S. goes to war with Spain over Guam
and the Philippines and wins
 Spain loses Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Wake
Island to U.S.
 James
Monroe – created the Monroe Doctrine
in 1823 that stated that the US would not
interfere in European affairs but would
intervene if Europe bothered any American
 U.S. built the Panama Canal to protect its
 Originally, Colombia controlled Panama
 Panama revolted, won its independence
(with help from US)
 U.S. bought and built strip of land for canal
 Mexico
underwent several government
changes in early 1900s
 Victoriano Huerta gained control
 President Woodrow Wilson wanted to
overthrow Huerta (worried about $)
 In 1914, Huerta had several US soldiers
arrested so the US sent in the Marines
 In 1916, Pancho Villa raided several towns in
New Mexico and killed and raped several
 U.S. sent in troops (led by John Pershing) but
withdrew all troops in 1917 to focus on WWI