As Revolution completes 10 wonderful
years of spreading health, wealth &
wise – its own unique blend of creating
wealth through wellness- we pay humble
tribute to our partner distributors who
were there to support us for this wonderful
construction, which Inspires us by what
they represent – man kind’s quest for
greatness. These are shining example
of boundless imagination, deep passion unwavering determination, hard work
and above all the indomitable human
spirit; qualities that we will do well to
remember in our own journey to eternity.
“We believe that if your DREAMS are BIG enough then facts don’t count, only you and yes
ONLY YOU have the ultimate power to decide who you have to become.”
 Only this great Objective “To Uplift the Life of a Common Man” led to the birth of Revolution as a baby in
May 2001. The sprout of Revolution came out in the form of a small yet splendid family. The eminence of the
objective inspired this sprout to become a Giant Tree and then started a succession of preparations, which
ultimately resulted as growth in every realm, in very short time; Revolution has created history just because of the
passion to fructify the objective.
 Revolution is really the perfect business model. A stream of income from a product you never have to ship or
exchange money for. It’s the coolest thing ever! It is a relatively easy, proven system that has low overhead, no
geographical limitations, no minimum quotas, and No special education or skills required. Our company
supports thousands of Independent Representatives who are building and living a life they love by sharing the
opportunity, providing exclusive services, and revolutionary skin care, home care, Life style, Insurance, Holidays
and cosmetic products throughout the India.
 ”If today I stand here as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the Revolution.”
Revolution has understood that successful selling is about people connecting with people. That’s our spirit. In every city where we do business…in every
community, Revolution is committed to making a difference.
Revolution Forever business model has proven its resilience, sustainability and validity for more than 10 years – in emerging, as well as mature, markets.
The key drivers, such as being your own boss, setting your own goals, the low barriers of entry and exit, the lack of discrimination regardless of one’s
sex, ethnicity, age, education, physical condition or financial resources, are all in line with a growing population of entrepreneurs that is less dependent
on secure employments.
Although the reasons for joining may vary among the many sales consultants in the more than 20 cities where Revo products is represented, most of
them agree that Revolution offers attractive financial rewards as well as social benefits, having a trip to Bangkok , Where people can`t afford to fly,
Revolution make their dream come true .. And not only that, the possibility to look great by using (FMCG Cosmetic Products). Some join as a way of
supporting their family, while building a business and fulfilling a career dream. Others see it as a way to achieve a more flexible life or make extra money
while studying, being in between jobs or simply extending one’s social life.
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
Jim Rohn
We focused on the concept of helping people live better lives and economic independence on
their own terms.
"if you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it."
— Adolf Hitler
Our Mission is to raise the fearless visionary Dreamers and help them to achieve their
dreams, come what may and should shine globally.
“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”
William B. Sprague
Cumulative Branches Opened
2001-2002 2003-2004 2005-2006 2007-2008 2009-2010 2011-2010
Awards & Certifications
Revolution Awarded ‘ Certificate of
Rajiv Gandhi Human Excellence &
Pride of India Award by All India
Achievers Conference (New Delhi)
on 2002-2003.
Revolution Certified with
ISO 9001-2008
Revolution Forever`s
convention Cum product
launching photographs
Keeping its promise of adding New
and innovative Joining options to its
Revolution Forever baskets. Taking
forwards this Endeavour Revolution
Forever shall keep introducing
cutting edge products and services
in time to come.
Fly high with Dreams…….
 Some only dream of flying
They say you need wings to fly
I say, I have wings
But they can't hear me
I am already there
And the wind is screaming words with me
But I am not dreaming
They say I wish I had wings
I say, you do have wings
The question is:
 What do you want out of life? What dreams lie in the deepest core of your heart? Each of us is free to
dream, to fly, to spread our wings and soar as high as the eagles in the sky. Keep your dreams alive… so
Join Revolution Forever to make your dreams come true!!!
Our Achiever, Our Pride
Top Leaders of Revolution Forever says “You are
the creator of your own destiny”
Revolution`s top achievers are the role models, lead
the way and inspire all Revolution family to reach
higher level of success, where they believe that…….
Money never starts an idea; it is the idea that starts
the money.
" Let your name become a symbol for success. Your
name should always represent the ideals of
Revolution Forever Stardom with fame and respect,
so that when others hear your name, they think of
these ideals. No one can be ……….. better than I can,
and no one can be YOU better than you are!“ so be
like them!!!!
“Join Revolution Forever
for a better tomorrow!!!!
Achievers growth path through the years
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Commitment Towards Society
Revolution Forever has constantly been serving
the society by doing various welfare programmes
such as organization of blood donation camps,
donating wheel chairs to disabled person,
Donation to NGO`s etc.
Revolution Forever corporate vision is focused on
the concept of helping people live better lives. In
all aspects of our products businesses and social
responsibility we strive to make a meaningful
difference in the communities in which we
Revolution Forever
Motivational & Cultural
The company has also organized
cultural programmes and
entertainment evening for the
distributors where renowned
singers like Mika Singh,
Bhuppi, Shankar Sawhney, Malini,
Shibani Kashyap,
Dilbagh Singh etc. has given
marvelous performances.
Bonanza achiever’s enjoying bangkok trip
Our valuable Products
Our Motive is………..
Health Care Ayurvedic "Anything
Products that is capable of satisfying customer needs“
Revolution forever Health Care range brings for you a wide selection of Ayurvedic medicine and natural products that offer complete
care for varying individual needs. Our products are derived from the time-tested heritage of Ayurveda, and backed by the most modern
scientific test & trials that ensure unfailing quality and safety in anything you pick.
Personal Care
The Revolution Forever Personal Care Line consists a huge range of skin-care, hair-care and body-care products with us, with brand name of Saundarya and
Amantra . providing solutions for skin care, Body firming and Shaping, Foot Care, Hair Care, Pain Relieving. All products are herbal / Ayurvedic in nature and
have been formulated to suit all skin and hair types. The products are made from special blends of botanical extracts, nutrients and aromatic oils, which are
unique and highly effective product formulae with no side effects..
The secret of why our beauty treatments work so well lies in the careful balance of activity, hydration, nourishment and protection, which rebuilds the skin's
natural defenses from the inside - from the cell to the surface. If you look good, you will feel good……..
Home Care, Oral Care
Revolution Forever has a portfolio of superior products that help take care of your home. The range of Home Care products have been carefully developed to
ensure that your living space not only looks good, but also smells good, all day long. And more importantly, they help keep your family healthy.
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”: Bill Gates
Accelerate your success
“Success breeds success”, and our distributors have been at the heart of Revolution`s
remarkable storyline. We are incredibly grateful to have been a part of the many
transformations occurring here at Revolution Forever world.
Excitement is abounding as we announce all of the distributor `s to complete Highways
1, 2 and 3, milestone on the road to Accelerate Your Success!
So be a part of Revolution Forever……. forever
Revolution Forever`s Services
 Service Orientation
 We are committed to serve our customers to fulfill their needs by focusing efforts on discovering and
thereby meeting stated and unstated requirements.
 Partnership
 We will collaborate across boundaries where no discrimination and find common ground by sharing
ideas and resources, with a wide range of distributors. We will develop networks and build long term
alliances with internal and external customers.
 Recognition
 We are committed to honor, encourage and support individuals and teams who contribute, through their
behavior and actions, to the success of the organization.
Through this book, we express gratitude to all
those who have continued to believe in Revolution
Forever and have shared the journey so far. We owe
our success to our distributors for their unwavering
faith and support, their families for standing behind
them, the Revolution Forever team for the sincere
effort and hard work and all other who have been
instrumental in shaping the company. We extend
our heartfelt thanks to all of you and we do hope
that you will remain with us for eternity.