Chapter 6- Ancient Greece Test Review

*What are three things you have learned
from this chapter?
*Put your Chapter 6 Notes in the tray
*Get out an old Scantron if you have one
* What was your favorite part about the field trip yesterday?
* Put your completed Bellringer in the tray
* Put your notes in the correct order and staple them.
turn these in on Monday before your test.
You will
* Chapter 6-1 (G. O.)
* Chapter 6-2 (G. O.)
* Chapter 6-3 (Fill in the blank)
* Chapter 6-4 (G. O.)
* Chapter 6-5 (G. O.)
* Be studying quietly for your Chapter 6 Vocabulary Quiz
1.Unlike Athens, in ancient Sparta
the government concentrated
all its resources on creating
A. famous artisans
B. successful merchants
C. a pleasurable lifestyle
D. brave and skillful warriors
2. Because of the geography of ancient
Greece, the Greek communities
A.Separate customs and beliefs
B. Close ties with each other
C.New ways of hunting and gathering
D.One central government
3.Some scholars believe that in
ancient Athens, one third of all
people were
4.One important event that took
place during the Dark Ages of
Greece was
A.The destruction of all farmland
B.An increase in foreign trade
C.The disappearance of writing
D.The disappearance of oral
5.During the Golden Age of
Greece, Athenians made great
achievements in
A.Flood control
B.Tomb building
C.Farming technology
D.The arts
6.The laws introduced by the
Athenian leader Solon helped the
city become
A.A free city with no slaves
B.A leading democracy
C.An empire that extended to Egypt
D.An empire that extended to China
7. The goal of Greek art was
A.To destroy the art of other peoples
B. To present fantastic images of people
and events
C.To present images of human
perfection in an orderly way
D.To teach the principles of Greek
8. The Greek myths were important
because these stories explained
A.The coming of the Dark Ages to
B. The creation of the universe and the
features of nature
C.The adventures of real people
D.The growth of the Egyptian empire
9. During the Hellenistic period, there
were important achievements in
A.Tragedy and comedy
B.Mathematics and science
C.Writing and printing
D.Warfare and government
10. The geography of ancient Greece
made it hard for communities
A.To worship different gods
B.To fight with each other
C.To speak different languages
D.To unify
11. Under the leadership of Alexander
the Great, Greece
A.Formed three main kingdoms
B.Was conquered by Persia
C.Expanded its empire
D.Destroyed Alexandria
12. The collapse of the Greek
civilization during the Dark Ages
B.Foreign trading
D.Income levels
13. After the end of the war between
Athens and Sparta, Athens was
A.Never again a leader in the Greek
B. A place where the arts again
C.Faced with a plague that killed many
D.Able to control Sparta’s harbor
14. Citizens of Athens during the
Greek Golden Age saw
A.The arts decline
B.Democracy flourish
C.Buildings destroyed
D.Many rebellions
15. Which phrase best describes
Greece’s geography?
A.Extensive farmlands
B.Few coasts
C.Without islands
D.Peninsulas and mountains
16. Unlike most early Greeks,
philosophers believed that the gods
A.The source of everything
B.Not the source of everything
C.In control of natural events
D.The key to understanding natural
17. While the Acropolis was the center
of Athens’s religious life, the agora
was the center of
A.Public life
B.Private life
C.Military life
18.Why did many Greeks become
traders and sailors?
A.There was little good farmland in
B.They wanted to escape political
C.They could grow rich by trading
Greek spices.
D.They hoped to find Troy.
19.Why were there so many city-states in
ancient Greece?
A.They did not have a common
B.They did not worship the same gods.
C.They were too busy farming to unite.
D.They were separated by geographic
20.According to the Iliad, what
proved to be decisive in the Greek
victory in the Trojan War?
A.Some powerful gods who
changed sides
B.Achilles’ heel
C.The Trojan Horse
D.Superior weapons
21.Most of the good land in ancient
Greece was controlled by
22.Ancient Greek sculpture
A.Scenes of disorder
B.Ordinary people working
C.Ideal, or perfect, figures
D.False and distorted views of
humans and animals
23.Serious Greek plays were known as
24.Socrates was concerned with
A.The atoms that things are made of
B.The meaning of justice and courage
C.The difference between tragedy
and comedy
D.The spread of democracy
25.Women in ancient Athens
A.Could vote
B.Ran the home and the family
C.Could own property
D.Spent most of their time
26.Which statement best describes the
Olympic Games in ancient Greece?
A.They were held in the Parthenon.
B.They were open to both men and
C.They were open to both citizens and
D.They were held to honor the god
27.Which kind of work did slaves in
ancient Greece not do?
28. Spartan culture most valued
A. Inventiveness
B. Strength
C. Cooperation
D. Beauty
29.Why was Sparta’s military so
A.Sparta drafted girls as well as boys
into the army.
B.Sparta had better war horses.
C.Spartan boys began training in
barracks at age seven.
D.Spartans wrote great war epics.
30.Which was an important factor in Sparta’s
defeat of Athens?
A. Athens treated all city-states in a
democratic manner.
B. Other city-states opposed Athens and
looked to Sparta for protection.
C.The Spartan army had better musicians.
D.The Spartans were immune to diseases.
31.The Battle of Marathon showed
that a small, determined army
A.Fight with no weapons
B.Defeat only a smaller army
C.Defeat a larger army
D.Not defeat a larger army
32.Alexandria in the 300s B.C. was
famous for
A.Its lighthouse and its library
B.Its religious customs
C.Freeing its slaves
D.Its military campaigns
33.After Alexander the Great died,
his empire was divided into three
B.Hellenistic kingdoms
34.The Greek scientist Eratosthenes
A.Believed the Earth was flat
B.Relied heavily on Spartan discoveries
C.Calculated the distance around the
Earth quite accurately
D.Did little original work
35.Alexander came to power
A.By seizing the government from
his opponents
B.Because Aristotle told him to
C.When he was 35 years old
D.After his father was murdered