Chapter 8 Test Review Bring the following 2 questions answered on

Chapter 8 Test Review
Bring the following 2 questions answered on a separate sheet of paper for your test.
Explain the role that helots played in Sparta’s development into a military state.
Why was the Trojan War legend important in ancient Greek culture and history?
____ 1.
According to the Venn diagram, how did government in Sparta differ from government in Athens?
a. Sparta’s citizens had a smaller voice in their government.
b. Sparta had a smaller council than Athens.
c. The council had less power in Sparta than it did in Athens.
d. Women were citizens in Sparta but not in Athens.
____ 2.
In Sparta, ordinary citizens
a. were all aristocratic.
b. had most of their important decisions made for them.
c. were foreigners from other lands in Europe.
d. were governed by a tyrant.
____ 3.
The rise of a merchant class was part of what other aspect of the expansion of the Greek
a. the establishment of colonies
c. the strengthening of the aristocracy
b. the emergence of democracy
d. the beginning of urban planning
____ 4.
What feature of Greek geography encouraged a spirit of independence among its early
a. Its many peninsulas
c. Its long coastline
b. Its lack of good soil
d. Its mountain ranges
____ 5.
By what means did Sparta obtain the resources it needed for growth?
a. By bartering and trading for them
c. By seizing them through conquest
b. By establishing colonies overseas
d. By purchasing them with gold coins
____ 6.
Which of the following was NOT a word or tradition that originated in the Greek civilization?
a. Olympics
c. democracy
b. calligraphy
d. politics
____ 7.
Who was allowed to vote in Greek city-states?
a. Male citizens, male foreigners, and all women
b. Only male citizens and male foreigners
c. Only male citizens and women
d. Only male citizens
____ 8.
A Greek ship sailing from Athens to Rhodes would travel in a _____ direction.
a. southwestern
c. northwestern
b. southeastern
d. northeastern
____ 9.
In the mid 400s B.C., Athens created citizen juries, which
a. allowed women and slaves to have a say in government.
b. increased the power of the rich who were the only citizens allowed to participate.
c. significantly reduced the crime rate in the city-states.
d. put legal decisions in the hands of the people.
____ 10.
Who benefited most from the oligarchies that governed many ancient Greek city-states?
a. Wealthy people
c. Citizens
b. Tyrants
d. Small farmers
____ 11.
Which government body best illustrates the principles and practice of direct democracy in
ancient Athens?
a. The assembly
c. The court system
b. The council
d. The phalanx
____ 12.
Which statement correctly classifies the relationship between Greece’s geography and the
Greek’s connection with the sea?
a. The mountainous geography of the mainland forced most Greeks to live along the coast.
b. Greece’s mountains left little good soil for farming, so the Greeks searched overseas for
sources of food.
c. The first Greeks settled on the islands of the Aegean Sea, so they naturally became a
seafaring people.
d. Greece’s hot, dry summers forced many Greeks to give up agriculture and turn to fishing
to make their living.
____ 13.
The type of government in which the “best” people inherited the right to rule a Greek citystate was called a(n)
a. aristocracy.
c. polis.
b. acropolis.
d. kingdom.
____ 14.
Which of the following is not a correct statement about the role and rights of women in the
Greek city-states?
a. Greek women could sell property.
b. Greek women were expected to supervise the household.
c. Greek women kept track of household expenses.
d. Greek women managed the household slaves.
____ 15.
Which person enjoyed the most rights in ancient Greek society?
a. A poor tenant farmer
c. A skilled metic craftsman
b. A wife of a wealthy aristocrat
d. A wealthy trader from outside Greece
____ 16.
In ancient Greece, people were ranked according to their
a. religious status.
c. social and legal status.
b. military rank.
d. level of education.
____ 17.
Who held the most power in Sparta’s government?
a. The helots
c. The citizen assembly
b. The army
d. The council of elders
____ 18.
People who lived in _____ influenced early civilization in Greece.
a. Crete
c. Mount Olympus
b. Ionia
d. Troy
____ 19.
How did the roles and rights of women in Sparta differ from the roles and rights of women
in most other Greek city-states?
a. Spartan women were slaves.
b. Spartan women stayed at home.
c. Spartan women could sell their property.
d. Spartan women managed slaves.
____ 20.
In the epic poem the Iliad, the poet Homer told the story of a long war the early Greeks
waged against
a. Corinth.
c. Knossos.
b. Ionia.
d. Troy.
____ 21.
Which of the following was one result of the independent spirit of the early Greeks?
a. Numerous attempts to unite Greece under one government
b. Frequent wars between city-states
c. Heavy trade between city-states
d. Increased efforts to establish Greek colonies overseas
____ 22.
Which group of ancient Greek women had greater freedom?
a. Slave women
c. Metic women
b. Athenian women
d. Spartan women
____ 23.
Which of the following ideas from Pericles’ Funeral Oration does NOT demonstrate a
democratic value?
a. All are equal before the law.
b. Class not ability is more important.
c. Ability rather than class is more important.
d. Not all are suited to be in a position of public responsibility.
____ 24.
What was Sparta best known for throughout ancient Greece?
a. Slavery
c. Democratic government
b. Oligarchy
d. Military power
____ 25.
Many of the Greek city-states developed sea trade as part of their economies. Why did
Sparta never become a sea power?
a. Spartans valued luxury goods that could only be obtained from inland trade centers.
b. The center of Sparta was too far inland.
c. The Spartan oligarchy prohibited the development of a sea trade.
d. Spartans believed that sea traders were unsuited to becoming full citizens in their
____ 26.
Using coins led to an economic revolution in the Greek city-states because
a. coins with symbols of the gods were worth more.
b. coins of uniform size and value made trade easier across the region.
c. coins replaced all barter except that for luxury goods.
d. coins could only be made at mints in Lydia.
____ 27.
The idea of _____, or a membership in a community, was developed in Athens and gave
individuals rights and responsibilities.
a. oligarchy
c. democracy
b. citizenship
d. representation
____ 28.
The form of government that we know today as democracy first arose in ancient Greece in
the city-states of
a. Athens.
c. Mycrnae.
b. Messenia.
d. Sparta.
____ 29.
All of the following leaders contributed to the development of democracy in ancient Athens
a. Cleisthenes.
c. Pericles.
b. Draco.
d. Solon.
____ 30.
What was a woman’s most important role in Spartan society?
a. To educate her children to be good citizens
b. To stay at home and care for her family
c. To produce and raise strong boys to be soldiers
d. To participate in the government of the city-state
Many Greek city-states practiced a form of government called ___________, in which a council of
aristocrats made laws that usually benefited the people with the most wealth.
Colonization brought the greatest change to a city-state’s _________________ because they grew
rich from trade.
The Spartan assembly elected five _________, who were responsible for the day-to-day operation of
the government.
A _________ was a non-free person in Sparta who belonged to the polis and was forced to farm the
The basic unit of ancient Greek government was the city-state, or ________.
In ancient Greek society, foreigners were known as __________.
The roles and lives of women in __________ shocked most ancient Greeks.
The form of government we know today as ___________ first arose in the Greek city-states of