6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME— February 15th, 2015 Embracing those rejected is the first step towards healing them February 16th – February 22nd 2015 Monday: February 16th – FAMILY DAY 8:00am- NO MASS 7:00pm- NO MASS Tuesday: February 17th 8:00am- +John Henry Fernandes 7:00pm- St. Padre Pio Wednesday: February 18th – ASH WEDNESDAY 8:00am- + Florentina Flores 9:00am7:00pm- +Nestor D’Souza Thursday: February 19th 8:00am- +Vicenta Marion Ladrido 7:00pmFriday: February 20th 8:00am- +Diego +Esperance D’Costa 7:30pm- +Mathias Mendonca Saturday: February 21st 8:30am- +Franco Bartolomucci 5:00pm- +Damien Drake Sunday: February 22nd 9:00am- +Stephanie Marshall Thornton 10:30am - +Carmela & Mario Monaco 12:00pm – For the Community of OLA STATIONS OF THE CROSS JOIN US Every Friday at 6:30pm—Italian 7:30pm—Holy Mass 8:00pm—English .What do you do for Lent? Few Suggestions: Daily Prayers, Holy Rosary, reading the Scriptures, Daily Masses, Charitable acts, Sacrament of Confession. Visiting the Blessed Sacraments and charitable acts. PRAYER–FASTING ALMS GIVING 2014 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS and annual Parish Financial Reports are available for pick up! “To touch the unclean made one unclean. As John J. Pilch noted in his book, The Cultural World of Jesus (pp. 35), ancient Jews concerned themselves with the notion of pollution, not of infection. They made little distinction between a cultural and a natural source of the pollution, as long as they kept the source of the pollution at a distance. “In a culture that had a firm mistrust of change, they had an obligation to reject anything that changed what they believed was a God-given lifestyle. When Jesus touched the diseased man, he ‘took’ the disease upon himself. He changed the status of the ‘unclean’ to ‘clean’ and became polluted. He made himself rejected, so the leper could become accepted. And he did it willingly. In this sense, Mark foreshadowed Jesus' ultimate act of accepting pollution from nature and society. He took death upon himself, so all might have eternal life with God.” WHAT IS ASH WEDNESDAY? Ash Wednesday (from the Latin Dies Cinerum, meaning "Day of Ashes") is the first day of Lent. On this day, Christians focus intensely on their utter and complete sinfulness and the necessity of Christ's suffering and death to earn their salvation. Ashes are referred to many times in the Old Testament as a sign of sorrow, mourning, repentance, and mortality (see 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1-3; Job 42:6; and Jeremiah 6:26). Many churches use ashes during Ash Wednesday worship as part of a rite called the Imposition of Ashes. According to this ancient custom, ashes (traditionally made by burning palm fronds used on Palm Sunday of the previous year) are mixed with a small amount of olive oil and applied to the forehead of each worshipper. This mark, in the sign of a cross, can be a powerful reminder of our depraved and sinful nature and total dependence on God for forgiveness and salvation. ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE OF MASSES February 18Th, 2015 8:00am—English 9:00am—Italian 1:00pm—St. Raphael Sch. 1:00pm– Holy Cross Sch. 7:00pm—English A BIG Thank YOU! We would like to thank Monica Perera for many years of service as a choir director for Saturday 5:00pm Mass. The children’s choir will miss you terribly! Zabrina Villasanta will take over as choir Director. “Super Pennas Ventorum” “Upon the Wings of the Wind” VOCATION CORNER….. Today’s Gospel says that “Jesus was moved with pity when He saw a leper”. Are you moved with love and compassion when you see the outcasts of today’s society? Today, Jesus continues to call forward men and women to minister as he did. If you think God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Chris Lemieux, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of Toronto 416-968-0997 email vocations@archtoronto.org www.vocationstoronto.ca START BOOKING YOUR SPACE NOW! PILGRIMAGES THIS YEAR Under the Spiritual Leadership of Fr. Lorenzo Salandanan, (Tel. 905-677-4615) HOLY LAND AND JORDAN Tour Coordinator: Therese Baduria (Tel. 416 -887-6703) September 21st- October 2nd, 201 (12 days / Tour Cost $ 2,895.00) TOUR OF CZECH REPUBLIC, POLAND, HUNGARY, SLOVAKIA & AUSTRIA May 30th to June 13th, 2015 TOUR COST $ 3,395.00 Tour Co-ordinators: Ernie and Sofie Buenaventura * Tel: Home 416-752-8692 * Ernie cell 416-788-0800 GIDEON TRAVEL AGENCY, TEL: (905) 949-5533 Flyers are available at the foyer LET US PRAY! for those who are sick members of our parish and those who love and minister to them: WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 4,432.00 Maintenance $ 1,035.00 Cardinal Collins Invites Feedback in Preparation for 2015 Synod of Bishops Cardinal Collins is inviting Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto to offer insights and feedback on issues that will be considered as part of the 2015 Synod of Bishops on “The Vocation and the Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World.” Full details including background documents can be found at: www.archtoronto.org/synod - deadline for feedback is February 16, 2015. PLEASE PARK YOUR CAR AT THE DESIGNATED PARKING SPOT ONLY ! VI DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO Il profeta Isaia proclamava che il Messia sarebbe venuto per annunciare la buona novella ai poveri. Gesù, commentando questo testo nella sinagoga di Nazaret, dice solennemente: “Questa parola della Scrittura... si adempie oggi” (Lc 4,18-19). Ma Gesù è venuto per guarire le malattie dei poveri, spesso in modo straordinario o prodigioso? Certo Gesù dà spesso prova della sua misericordia di fronte alle sofferenze umane. Ma, in ogni caso, questi sono segni del potere che il Figlio dell’uomo ha ricevuto da colui che lo ha mandato per liberare da una schiavitù più profonda, da una lebbra più cronica, per liberare dal peccato. Chi può perdonare i peccati, se non Dio? “Ora, perché sappiate che il Figlio dell’uomo ha il potere in terra di rimettere i peccati: alzati disse al paralitico, prendi il tuo letto e va’ a casa tua” (Mt 9,6).Cos’ha Gesù, che cosa irradia il Maestro per provocare nel lebbroso questa supplica colma di fiducia: “Se vuoi, puoi guarirmi”? Gesù si avvicina al lebbroso: “Lo toccò”; il lebbroso manifesta la sua fiducia, la sua gioia, la sua testimonianza, non può tacere. E noi? Noi siamo la Chiesa di Gesù che prolunga la sua presenza e la sua opera nel mondo. In tutti i settori dove è in gioco il dolore di un qualsiasi uomo, dove la sua dignità di figlio di Dio è in pericolo, dove c’è emarginazione, qualunque essa sia, là si gioca la nostra credibilità in quanto Chiesa che porta la salvezza di Gesù. SAN PADRE PIO Ricordiamo a tutti che la serata per il gruppo di preghiera di San Pio nella nostra parrocchia é Maratedi, 17 Febbraio. Come al solito, la serata incomincerá con il santo rosario e coroncina alle 6:30pm, seguito dalla santa messa. Tutti sono invitati a partecipare.