5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME— February 8th, 2015 Jesus demonstrates he is both a man of action and reflection February 9th –15th 2015 Monday: February 9th 8:00am- +Maria Augusta Fernandes 7:00pm- +Francesco Bianchi Tuesday: February 10th 8:00am7:00pm- +Rosaria Abate (1 month death anniv.) Wednesday: February 11th 8:00am7:00pm-For all the sick in OLA Thursday: February 12th 8:00am- +Ivan +Antonia Canjar 7:00pm- +Vincenzo Ieraci Friday: February 13th 8:00am- +P.S. & Victoria Anthonypillai +Celine Kumaranayake 7:00pm- +Antonietta Ciuffreda Saturday: February 14th 8:30am- +Elizabetha & Giuseppe Cosentino 5:00pm- For the Community of OLA Sunday: February 15th 9:00am- +Vittorio Frangola 10:30am –Adia Ianucci,Dominic, Di Filippo, Antonietta Dalonzo 12:00pm - +Maria Fernandes Marques ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE OF MASSES February 18Th, 2015 8:00am—English 9:00am—Italian 1:00pm—St. Raphael Sch. 1:00pm– Holy Cross Sch. 7:00pm—English “Given Mark’s style, the fact of including this small incident shows the importance he places on the fact that Jesus is not only someone who does things ‘at once’ and ‘straight-away’ but is also someone who takes time out of the busy-ness. He knows the needs of those who are sick and disturbed - but He also knows the absolute necessity of silence and communion with God. “It is following this time of prayer that Jesus discerns that His mission is not to be confined in one place - but that the Good News is to be proclaimed throughout Galilee. They leave the village - and Jesus spreads the news of the Kingdom - by preaching and by healing - particularly healing those who are held bound by evil. “This balance in Jesus’ life was to be an example to His first disciples and may be even more important in our day where so much emphasis is placed on what people do - what people achieve. Often, this means that people lose sight of the importance of ‘being’ - of spending time with the God who created them. “Jesus offers an example of what it means to be a whole person - who gives His time and energy generously and lovingly to those around Him - but who also gives time and space generously and lovingly to God.” Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick ‘Over the centuries the Anointing of the sick was conferred more and more exclusively on those at the point of death. However, this sacrament is not only for those who are at the point of death. It is also appropriate to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick prior to a serious operation. Those who have a chronic condition, or are becoming frail with old age, may receive Anointing of the Sick on more than one occasion.’ The Holy Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome! Our Lady of the Airways Church Valentine Dinner and Dance Saturday, February 14, 2015 Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre Adults $65.00 per person /Children under 12-$45.00 (Proceeds will go to the reduction of the debt for the Roof and other repairs of Our Church) For more information or to reserve your tickets, please call one of the following JOIN US organizers/Marcello Paternostro: 905-671-4436, Franco Cavalcanti: 416-602Every Friday at 1701, Michelle Frizza:416-828-8071, Parish Office:905-677-4615, Carlos 6:30pm—Italian Abug:905-457-3019, Douglas, Ronney:416-744-7771, Patsy Umeh:905-6717:00pm—Holy Mass 0518, Silvana Morra:416-579-4798. STATIONS OF THE CROSS 7:30pm—English . PRAYER–FASTING ALMS GIVING 2015 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS and annual Parish Financial Reports are available for pick up! “Super Pennas Ventorum” “Upon the Wings of the Wind” START BOOKING YOUR SPACE NOW! HOLY LAND AND JORDAN September 21st- October 2nd, 201 (12 days / Tour Cost $ 2,895.00) TOUR OF CZECH REPUBLIC, POLAND, HUNGARY, SLOVAKIA & AUSTRIA May 30th to June 13th, 2015/ TOUR COST $ 3,395.00 For info: Fr. Lorenzo Salandanan, (Tel. 905677-4615) GIDEON TRAVEL AGENCY, TEL: (905) 949-5533 Flyers are available at the foyer Catholics urged to Support Physicians’ Charter Right of Freedom of Conscience and Religion The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in a proposed new draft document states: “Where physicians are unwilling to provide certain elements of care due to their moral or religious beliefs, an effective referral to another health care provider must be provided to the patient”. Catholic physicians believe that a mandate for an “effective referral” is a violation of a physician’s rights, as it compels the physician to violate his or her own conscience by being a participant in the very act, the very procedure to which he or she objects in the first place. The CPSO is accepting submissions from all Ontario citizens until February 20. We are all called to inform the CPSO in writing that we reject the proposed “effective referral” mandate for doctors whose Charter right of freedom of conscience and religion must be respected. The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) is one Catholic lay group coordinating these efforts. Go to www.ccrl.ca to find out more and to get involved. LET US PRAY! for those who are sick members of our parish and those who love and minister to them: WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 4,971.00 Maintenance $ 4067.00 Many thanks for your generosity! Cardinal Collins Invites Feedback in Preparation for 2015 Synod of Bishops Cardinal Collins is inviting Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto to offer insights and feedback on issues that will be considered as part of the 2015 Synod of Bishops on “The Vocation and the Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World.” Full details including background documents can be found at: www.archtoronto.org/synod - deadline for feedback is February 16, 2015. V DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO Gesù passa tra noi e ci guarisce. Ci ha rigenerati e guariti con la grazia del battesimo e ci rinnova ogni giorno con la sua misericordia. Siamo dei salvati, ma lo siamo per essere segno del Cristo presso i nostri fratelli e le nostre sorelle. La suocera di Pietro dà ad ognuno di noi l’esempio di chi, guarito dal Cristo, sceglie di servire. Le folle cercano Gesù attirate da ciò che egli dice e dai segni che opera. È la carità che le richiama e la carità è certamente il segno più luminoso e distintivo di ogni comunità cristiana. Ma per essere davvero testimoni e annunciatori del Cristo occorre ancorare la propria vita nella preghiera e nella contemplazione: Gesù si ritira a pregare solo in un luogo deserto e indica la strada maestra che dobbiamo seguire se vogliamo essere suoi veri discepoli. Mercoledi, 11 Febbraio 2015 - Giornata Mondiale del Malato Mercoledi, 11 Febbraio, in occasione della XXIII Giornata Mondiale del Malato, che quest'anno ha come tema Fede e carità, e della festa di Nostra Signora di Lourdes, ci sará una benedizione speciale con sacra unzione dopo la Santa Messa delle ore 7:00 pm. Se conoscete delle persone malate, bisognose di una benedizione speciale con Sacra Unzione siete pregati di portarli a messa con voi. Our Lady of the Airways Church Cena e Ballo di San Valentino Saturday, February 14, 2015 Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre Adulti $65.00 a persona Bambini al di sotto di 12anni -$45.00 Per ulteriore informazioni e per riservare i vostri biglietti, per favore telefonate a uno dei seguenti organizzatori. Marcello Paternostro: 905-671-4436 Franco Cavalcanti: 416-6021701, Michelle Frizza:416-828-8071, Parish Office:905-677-4615, Carlos Abug:905-457-3019, Douglas, Ronney:416-744-7771, Patsy Umeh:905671-0518, Silvana Morra:416-579-4798