University Parishes and Student Churches in Europe Past and Present A historical and comparative survey International colloquium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University Parish of Leuven (1963-2013) Leuven 19-22 | 03 | 2014 Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe Janseniusstraat 1 | 3000 Leuven In November 1963, the Leuven University Parish was ecclesiastically recognized as a personal parish and its operations among students and the academic community (professors, researchers and administrative staff ) was enthusiastically launched. In its fifty years of development, the Leuven University Parish covered a remarkable course, one that has already drawn the interest of historians such as Lieve Gevers, Louis Vos, and Bart Latré. Their studies indicate the importance of student parishes in many areas. In the first place, there was the parish in the context of the student revolts of the 1960s, which manifested itself as a laboratory/breeding ground for socially critical movements. But the cited authors also situate the Leuven Parish in the context of the renewal of the Catholic Action during the 1950s and the élan inspired by the aggiornamento of the Church in the context of the second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The enthusiasm of the University Parish, from its beginnings in the 1970s up until today, led to the breaking open of new ground in the areas of liturgy, the place of women in the Church, the concept of sexuality and the forming of relationships and social mission. In brief, the Leuven University Parish saw itself and was also active as “active yeast in the dough.” The need for a comparative perspective The Leuven University Parish is no isolated issue. In the wake of the development in the nineteenth century (especially in the last quarter of the century) from a number of Catholic universities and the Church’s growing concern to provide the necessary religious framework for the students – who were considered to be the future elite – affiliated university fraternities, study groups, and all sorts of organized expressions of devotion and pilgrimages became established. The Neo-Thomism and the related new apologetic gave to this university pastoral activity an additional élan avant-la-lettre, even if its primary support came from Dominicans and Jesuits. During the period between the two World Wars, the emphases shifted to the abovementioned Catholic Action. It seems therefore to be particularly interesting to contrast the story of the Leuven University Parish with the pastoral structures and initiatives for student/academic communities that were present elsewhere in Europe. Did the various initiatives have contact with each other? Were there forms of interaction concerning vision and specific activities? To what extent did the “Leuven model” have an influence elsewhere, or did other parishes look to the student churches in the Netherlands or to the student pastoral work as it developed for example in France or Germany? What was the role/position of the secular or regular clergy in this and what place did the laity – men and women –have in the whole? The comparison may enable a better understanding of the relativity or the uniqueness of the Leuven parish. In light of this intended comparison, an International Colloquium will be held in Leuven from Wednesday evening, 19 March, until Saturday, 22 March 2014. The colloquium is structured systematically. Taking the history of the Leuven Parish as departure point, it will subsequently, through keynote lectures that portray the developments of a university and student church in Western Europe, provide a framework for the desired comparative perspective. English will be the main language of the colloquium. WEDNESDAY, 19 MARCH 2014 OPENING SESSION Current language: English 7:00 p.m.Registration of participants 7:30 Welcome and opening of the colloquium by Johan Vanpée, University Parish & Jan De Maeyer, KADOC-KU Leuven 8:00 Lecture The Catholic Church in Flanders: Context of the emerging University Parish in Leuven | Em. Prof. Lieve Gevers, KU Leuven 8:45 Questions | moderator: Jan De Maeyer, KADOC-KU Leuven 9:00 Reception THURSDAY, 20 MARCH 2014 UNIVERSITY AND STUDENT CHURCHES IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Current language: English 9:15 The University Parish Leuven, 1959-1974: A catalyst for Church renewal in Flanders | Em. Prof. Louis Vos, KU Leuven Questions 10:15 Les étudiants catholiques en France des années 1920 aux années 1960 | Em. Prof. Etienne Fouilloux, Université Lumière Lyon Questions 11:15 Coffee Break 11:45 Catholic Students Pastorate in the Netherlands | Dr. Lodewijk Winkeler, Radboud University Nijmegen Questions 12:45p.m.Lunch 2:00 A mirror of the catholic church? - University pastoral care and university chaplaincies in Germany from the postwar era to the 1990s | Dr. Lukas Rölli, Forum Hochschule und Kirche, Bonn Questions 3:00 Coffee Break 3:20 University Parishes in Italy as a Marginal Phenomenon in a Context of a University Pastoral Care in an Adopted Catholic Action Atmosphere (c. 1950 – c. 2014) | Prof. Jan De Maeyer in collaboration with Prof. Daniele Menozzi (SNS, Pisa) & Jacopo Cellini (SNS, Pisa) Questions 4:20 L’aumônerie universitaire en Suisse: Berne et Fribourg | Prof. Mariano Delgado, Univer sité de Fribourg (CH) Questions 5:20 Coffee Break 5:40 Panel discussion / round-table led by Prof. Leo Kenis, KU Leuven 6:30 End FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 UNIVERSITY AND STUDENTS PASTORAL WORK Current language: English 9.00a.m. De la « Paroisse Universitaire » francophone à la « Communion de Louvain », communion de communautés (1963-1973). Dix ans de pastorale vers une ecclésiologie novatrice | Paul Thielen (Louvain-la-Neuve, BE) 9:30 Albert Dondeyne and his Idea of a University. Christian Humanism as the Interaction between Catholic Action and the University (1933-­1957) | Dries Bosschaert, KU Leuven 10:00 Discussion 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 The ‘Ecumunical Cultural Centre’ (Villeurbanne, France) : from the student chaplaincy to the urban policy | Olivier Chatelan (Lyon, FR) 11:30 La Paroisse universitaire de France. Entre ‘Auto nomie des réalité terrestres’ et ‘Réinvention d’un homme chrétien’ | Claire Toupin- Guyot (Rennes, FR) 12:30 p.m.Discussion 1:00 Lunch 2:00 Royal Holloway: an English Case Study in post Vatican II Catholic University Chaplaincy in an ecumenical and secular context| John Dickson (London, UK) 2:30 Vive la différence! Anglican university chaplaincy in Cambridge and Protestant university chaplaincy in Strasbourg: different church structures, different theological methodologies, common pastoral mis sion | Jack McDonald (KU Leuven, BE) 3:00 Discussion 3:30 Coffee Break 4:00 Pastoral and architectural phenomenology of Ita lian University Chapels | Flavia Radice (Torino, IT) 4:30 Humankind and the World: vision and action. Ukrainian Greek-Catholic student parish in Leuven: the Present gives thanks to the Past | Mykola Paliukh (Leuven, BE) 5:00 From the Margins to the Core. How the Delft Campus Chaplaincy changed content and position over 30 year of development | Hans van Drongelen, Renkse Oldenboom, Joline van Poppel, Günther Sturms (Delft, NL) 5:30 Discussion 6:00 Closing debate led by Prof. Louis Vos (KU Leuven) SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 GENERAL PUBLIC DAY: REFLECTIONS ON UNIVERSITY PASTORAL WORK YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Official language: Dutch 9:30 a.m.Welkom en registratie 10.00 Verwelkoming | Studentenpastor Johan Vanpée 10.10 Toespraak | Prof. Rik Torfs, rector KU Leuven 10.40 Coffee Break 11.00 Op de golfslag van de geschiedenis. Een historische terugblik op 50 jaar UP | Dr. Bart Latré 12:45 Wandelbuffet 2:00 p.m.Heden en toekomst van de Universitaire Parochie: Presentatie van een visie | Renilde Vos en Johan Vanpée 15.30 Coffee Break 16.15 Panelgesprek met oud-pastores en sleutelfiguren over 50 jaar Universitaire Parochie en dialoog met de aanwezigen 17.30 vertrek naar de Begijnhofkerk 17.45 Inzingen in de Begijnhofkerk 18.15 Viering in de Begijnhofkerk en receptie REGISTRATION at the very latest by the 1st of March 2014 • € 75 on Thur. • Free on Wed. • € 75 on Fri. •€ 150 Thur.-Sat. • € 30 on Sat. •€ 125 Thur.-Fri. Reduced student fee [please append a copy of your student ID card]: • € 30 on Thur. •Free on Wed. • € 30 on Fri. •€ 75 Thur.-Sat. • € 25 on Sat. •€ 50 Thur. -Fri. This fee includes participation in all lectures, the conference brochure, coffee and light refreshments, sandwich lunches at noon and the opening reception Wednesday night. ORGANIZING COMITEE Jan De Maeyer | Joris Geldhof| Lieve Gevers | Peter Heyrman | Leo Kenis | Magda Pluymers | Johan Vanpée | Louis Vos | Renilde Vos PRACTICAL INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE COMITEE Prof. Luc Courtois (UCL) | Prof. Wilhelm Damberg (Ruhruniversität Böchum, DL) | Prof. Mariano Delgado (Université de Fribourg, CH) | Prof. Jan De Maeyer (KADOC-KU Leuven) | Prof. Joris Geldhof (KU Leuven) | Em. Prof. Lieve Gevers (KU Leuven) | Dr. Peter Heyrman (KADOC-KU Leuven) | Prof. Leo Kenis (KU Leuven) | Prof. Peter Nissen (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, NL) | Prof. Didier Pollefeyt (KU Leuven) | Em. Prof. Louis Vos (KU Leuven) PAYMENT Please deposit the fee [before the 1st of March 2014] to KADOC-KU Leuven, Vlamingenstraat 39, B-3000 Leuven into account n°IBAN: BE39 4320 0003 6119; BIC: KREDBEBB (name and address of the bank:) KBC - Bedrijvenkantoor Leuven Brusselsesteenweg 100 - B-3000 Leuven mentioning “ 400/0009/38414” – [followed by name participant]” Venue LIIE - Louvain Institute for Ireland in Europe Janseniusstraat 1 B-3000 Leuven Tel : +32 16 31 04 30 - Languages Conference languages will be English and French, but Dutch on Saturday. Accommodation Toerisme Leuven, Naamsestraat 3, B-3000 Leuven Tel. +32 16 20 30 20 - E-mail: For more information Tel. +32 16 32 35 12 -