KILU NEWSLETTER 2013:50 The KILU Newsletter. LUND UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY NEWSLETTER WEEK 50 TALKING HEADS CALENDAR Dear friends at KILU, December has passed by very quickly and we are soon entering the Holiday season. On Tuesday this week we saw Gunnar Karlström, from Theoretical chemistry, present this year’s Nobel laureates in chemistry. One of the laureates, Arieh Warshel, will visit Lund next week and on Tuesday give a lecture with the title “Multiscale Modelling of Protein Functions” at 3 pm. at Medicon Village. We note that this was the third year in a row the Nobel laureates in chemistry were presented by scientists from KILU, which says something about the strength of the activities in our department. 13 DECEMBER Perhaps you are trying to decide what presents to buy for the coming holiday celebrations? May we suggest a book with chemistry connections: “Periodic Tales” by Hugh Aldersey-Williams which, as the title implies, is a fascinating journey through the periodic table. 2013-12-05 Lecture Professor Kevin Mayo, University of MInnesota: NMR analysis of galectin-ligand interactions Kemicentrum, Lecture hall F, 15.15 16 DECEMBER OMM Seminar Joakim Stenhammar, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh: Phase behaviour of self-propelled colloids Kemicentrum, Lecture hall F, 10.15 17 DECEMBER With this we wish you a very Happy Holiday Season! Nobel Prize Seminar Prof. Arieh Warshel, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA: Multiscale modelling of protein functions Medicon Village, 15.00 Olle and Jan-Olle KEMISKA FÖRENINGEN I LUND: NOBEL PRIZE LECTURE Prof. Arieh Warshel visits Lund Arieh Warshel, who recieved this years Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Martin Karplus and Michael Levitt, will visit us in Lund. On December 17 he will give a lecture about ”Multiscale modelling of protein functions”. Time and venue: 17 December at 15.00, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2 MORE INFORMATION Foto: Wikimedia commons MORE ABOUT THE NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY Who is responsible for the selection of candidates for the Chemistry Prize? Well, it is the Nobel Committee for Chemistry and as many as three members of the committee comes from KILU! READ MORE ABOUT THE COMMITTEE And the members also present the laureates and their work at the official announcement ceremony. Foto: Nobelstiftelsen WATCH THE ANNOUNCEMENT where Sven Lidin and Gunnar Karlström participate and explain why this year’s prize ”for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems” is so important. After the announcement SVEN LIDIN WAS INTERVIEWED by freelance journalist Joanna Rose about the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. THESES DEFENCE Linda Önnby, Biotechnology Water Treatment Using Cryogel-Based Adsorbents - Targeting Environmental Pollutants at Low Concentrations Time and venue: 12 December at 13.30, Lecture hall B, Kemicentrum Biswanath Das, Inorganic chemistry Hydrolytic and oxidative catalytic activities of bio-inspired dinuclear metal complexes Time and venue: 18 December at 13.00, Lecture hall F, Kemicentrum INFORMATION DESK OPENING HOURS 18/12 23/12–1/1 2/1–3/1 6/1 08.00 – 12.00 CLOSED 10.00 – 12.00 CLOSED LIBRARY OPENING HOURS 16/12–19/12 20/12 23/12–1/1 2/1–3/1 6/1 10.00 – 17:00 10.00 – 15.00 CLOSED 10.00 – 13.00 CLOSED KILU NEWSLETTER 2013:50 THESES DEFENCE KILU IN MEDIA Estelle Larsson, Environmental science Sorption and transformation of anti-inflammatory drugs during wastewater treatment - Studied by hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction Time and venue: 20 December at 09.15, Lecture hall C, Kemicentrum Gamla lökskal ökar hållbarhet Charlotta Turner Eskilstuna-Kuriren 2013-12-12 Christopher Polonyi, Biochemistry Nucleic Acids as Drug Targets: Influence of Platinum Complexes on Duplex Stability and Binding Kinetics Time and venue: 20 December at 10.15, Lecture hall B, Kemicentrum LICENTIATE SEMINAR Johanna Bailey Jönsson, Physical chemistry Polycondensation reactions in dispersed media Time and venue: 13 December at 14.15, Lecture hall C, Kemicentrum SEMINARS OMM Seminar Phase behaviour of self-propelled colloids Joakim Stenhammar, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh 16 December, 10.15, Lecture Hall F, Kemicentrum Open Seminar: ESS and MAX IV – new opportunities in formulation research Increasing societal demands for environmentally friendly, sustainable, innovative and increasingly complex chemical products and production processes represent great challenges to be met by future advanced formulation science. At the same time, advanced experimental methods are emerging that can contribute to meeting these challenges. In Sweden, the future large-scale facilities MAXIV and ESS will provide new opportunities for advanced formulation science. The purpose of this half-day seminar, featuring a series of expert lectures and a concluding discussion, is to highlight these opportunities. 9 January 2014, 13.00-17.00, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2 REGISTER before 19 December Avfall blir råvara i miljövänlig process Charlotta Turner SkogsSverige 2013-12-12 Allt det positiva med de sju dödssynderna Ulf Ellervik Tidningen Kulturen 2013-12-11 Gamla lökskal ökar hållbarhet Charlotta Turner Göteborgs-Posten 2013-12-11 Rör dig och skippa mellanmålet Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson City 2013-12-10 Gamla lökskal ökar hållbarhet Charlotta Turner 2013-12-10 Så väljer du rätt bland julmaten Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson Sydsvenskan 2013-12-10 Avfall blir råvara i miljövänlig process Charlotta Turner LU Nyheter och press 2013-12-10 Kemist det nya framtidsyrket Kemivärlden Biotech 2013-12-03 Julkalender från teknikstudenter Andrea Pettersson (ekosystem) IKEM 2013-12-06 Julkalender från teknikstudenter Andrea Pettersson (ekosystem) Kemivärlden Biotech 2013-12-02 NEW BOOKS Snillen spekulerar Per-Åke Albertsson, Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson Sydsvenskan 2013-12-01 LTH löser våra vardagsmysterium Andrea Pettersson (ekosystem) Sydsvenskan 2013-11-29 Vardagsmysterier blir lösta i julkalender Andrea Pettersson (ekosystem) Metro Skåne 2013-11-28 LTH gör julkalender av vardagsmysterier Andrea Pettersson (ekosystem) Sydsvenskan 2013-11-27 Sara Snogerup Linse och Kyrre Thalberg har publicerat sin fjärde barnbok, som är den tredje boken om draken Kjetil och hans vänner. Boken heter ”Kjetil och Jostein”. Under 2013 släppte de även första boken i en ny serie ”Prins Pralin åker buss”. Sara Snogerup Linse är professor i fysikalisk kemi och molekylär proteinvetenskap, Kyrre Thalberg har disputerat i fysikalisk kemi här på Kemicentrum. Vi behöver eliten och kemin Olov Sterner Kemivärlden Biotech 2013-11-26 KILU NEWSLETTER 2013:50 GENEROUS SCHOLARSHIPS WITH EM2 KILU IN MEDIA On January 29 an information meeting will be held about scholarship opportunities within the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme. Students, researchers/ teachers and administrative staff at Lund University are all welcome to apply. The purpose with the EM2 programme is to promote cooperation, development and mobility between universities in Europe and the countries and regions outside Europe and these fellowships are applied to universities in the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel Canada (only graduate students, researchers and staff), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, South Africa, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United States (only graduate students, researchers and staff), Uzbekistan and Yemen. Isotoper i Telemark Ulf Ellervik Kemivärlden Biotech 2013-11-26 29 January, 16-17.30, Stora Algatan, ER Lounge 015 INFO (Swedish) Hur cyklar man bäst i regn? Andrea Pettersson (ekosystem) Ny Teknik 2013-11-25 Vanligt med matfylla Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson Skånskan 2013-11-25 Lyckligtvis är människan mer än kemi och biologi Ulf Ellervik Sydsvenskan 2013-11-23 MORE INFORMATION Underhållande om njutning Ulf Ellervik Dala-demokraten 2013-11-20 VACANT POSITIONS Post doc in physical chemistry Research at the division of physical chemistry deals with surface and colloid science with strong links between experiment and theory. This area is approached with a broad perspective ranging from basic considerations of intermolecular interaction and their manifestations in condensed systems to practical consequences in industry and medicine. First day of employment: 2014-02-01 MORE INFORMATION Kemins och läsningens njutning Ulf Ellervik Norrköpings Tidningar 2013-11-19 Invigning - nytt tvärvetenskapligt centrum för masspektrometri vid Lunds uiversitet Sven Kjellström LU Medfak 2013-11-05 Doctoral student in inorganic chemistry Graduate training in organometallic chemistry. The project involves the development and study of organometallic compounds based primarily on pincer ligands. The compounds will be used for catalytic activation of small molecules. First day of employment: 2014-02-01 MORE INFORMATION LU ADVENTSKALENDER KEMIST NYA FRAMTIDSYRKET Nej, men titta vem som döljer sig bakom lucka 10! Är det inte en viss professor Turner? Öppna luckan vetja! Och enligt ryktena ska även Estelle Larsson finnas bakom någon lucka. I alla verksamheter där kemiska ämnen eller produkter framställs, utvecklas eller används behövs kemister. Kemister är experter på laborativa analyser och undersökningar samt arbetar med produkt- och processutveckling, försäljning eller miljövård. Kemister kommer att bli mer attraktiva på arbetsmarknaden inom den kommande femårsperioden. ÖPPNA LUCKA 10 LÄS RAPPORTEN FRAMTIDSUTSIKTER (Kemist s. 56) NEXT ISSUE: JANUARY 16, 2014 Följ oss på Facebook KILU newsletter is the department’s internal newsletter. KILU newsletter is published every third Thursday. Deadline for material to KILU Newsletter is the day prior to the newsletter at 12.00. Email your information to Editor: Ragnhild Möller, Layout: Cecilia von Arnold