attached LPHR membership form - Lawyers for Palestinian Human


Membership Form

Title ____ Forename _________________ Surname _________________

Address _____________________________________________________

Post Code __________________ Country _________________________

Email ________________________ Tel No. _______________________

Occupation __________________________________________________

Please tick this box if you are interested in doing some volunteering work for LPHR

Membership options :

Standard £ ______ annual donation (min £20.00) please tick

Concessions £ ______ annual donation (min. £10.00)

Friend of LPHR £ ______ annual donation (min. £100.00) and an optional voluntary donation of ____________

Total : ______________

Please show your selected method of payment by placing a tick in the box next to one of the following:

By online standing order* (preferred)

By cheque to 'Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights'

By cash

Signed _______________________________ Date __________________

Please send your completed membership form to

Gift Aid allows LPHR to reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 you give. You can allow LPHR to claim Gift Aid on your membership donation if you are a UK tax payer and you have provided details of your name and residential address above.

Please check one of the boxes below if you would like to claim Gift Aid on your membership donation.

The enclosed gift of £ ________ as a Gift Aid donation; OR

All gifts of money that I make today and in the future are as Gift Aid donations

You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April one year to 5 April the next) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that LPHR will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. Please also note that if you pay Income Tax at the higher rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return if you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you.

Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (LPHR) works to protect and promote human rights for Palestinians . Our vision is to achieve a positive transformation of the human rights landscape for Palestinians through a combination of:

Legal advice and support

Human rights and international law education and advocacy

Research, monitoring and urgent actions on rights violations

• Utilising human rights complaint mechanisms of domestic and international institutions .

The overarching principles that govern this work are respect for human rights and the rule of law, achieving freedom, equality and human dignity, and pursuing accountability for violations of human rights and international law.

If you would like to find out more about LPHR please visit our website at

LPHR is a charity registered in England and Wales (registered number: 1142158).

LPHR relies on members’ support and funding to carry out its work. To support

LPHR please complete the membership form over the page.

There are three categories of membership:

Standard – annual fee £20 – which includes:

• Access to the LPHR mailing list including news, articles, invitations to events and opportunities to volunteer and submit articles for the LPHR blog.

• The right to attend and vote at LPHR’s Annual General Meeting, and the opportunity to stand for the Executive Committee.


– annual fee £10 – which includes:

• Access to the LPHR mailing list including news, articles, invitations to events and opportunities to volunteer and submit articles for the LPHR blog.

• The right to attend and vote at LPHR’s Annual General Meeting, and the opportunity to stand for the Executive Committee.

• This membership option is available to full time students and the unwaged.

Friends of LPHR

– minimum £100 annual donation – which includes:

• Access to the LPHR mailing list including news, articles, invitations to events and opportunities to volunteer and submit articles for the LPHR blog.

• The right to attend and vote at LPHR’s Annual General Meeting, and the opportunity to stand for the Executive Committee.

• Invitation to exclusive annual Friends of LPHR event.
