Thank you for your support of the Alumni Fund CONTACT DETAILS Name Address Suburb Postcode Phone/Mobile Email GIFT DETAILS I/we would like to make a single donation of $ I/we would like to establish a pledge for a period of Annual Monthly instalments of $ years paid in for a total donation (pledge) of $ To ‘The University of Western Australia’ to be used for the purpose of: I/we would like this gift to support: The Alumni Fund Other I/we would like this gift to remain anonymous I/we would like to play a role in UWA’s future through a gift in my will. Please send/email me a bequest brochure. PAYMENT METHODS Visit to make your donation online Enclosed is a cheque made payable to The University of Western Australia Please debit my Visa MasterCard Amex Credit Card Number Cardholder Name Expiry Date Signature Bank transfer Name of bank: Account name: BSB: Account number: Reference: Westpac Perth The University of Western Australia – Donations 036-054 285958 AF(lastname) NOTE: Please advise via email to when payment has been made to the above account. Please complete the form and send to: Hackett Foundation Development and Alumni Relations M361, The University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Highway CRAWLEY WA 6009 Thank you for your generous gift to The University of Western Australia. Your donation is fully tax-deductible and not diminished by administrative costs.