
Creekwood Derby
Race to Recess
Good Day Creekwood Families and Friends!
We are heading down the home stretch (pun intended) for the Annual Fund and
would like the students to get involved in our efforts to build support for CMS through a
little friendly competition. I spoke with quite a few of you at Colt Roundup in August and
many of you indicated that, while you intend to contribute, due to the beginning of school
expenses, the contribution would have to wait. So for those who were in that position, or
just have not even thought of it since then, here is a wild and crazy (think Steve Martineven though many of you are too young to get the Steve Martin reference) reminder.
From September 22rd-October 3rd, we are challenging ALL of our Creekwood
families to participate in the Annual Fund. If you have already made a donation, your
contribution has been counted! We thank you for your interest and support! If you have
not yet made a gift or pledge to the school, this is your chance to help us do more and be
more for our kids. At the end of the two weeks, the grade level with the highest percentage
of participation will win! Here are the current standings:
6th grade: 23%
7th grade: 23%
8th grade: 24%
Right out of the gate (another pun intended, who wrote this?), we’re looking pretty even!
Where there’s a race, there’s a prize! The winning grade will get extended lunch on
Thursdays for the remainder of October. Think RECESS  What middle schooler doesn’t
want a little more time out of doors (read: out of class!) ? And October in Texas can be the
ideal time to catch some fresh air with friends.
You can make a one-time gift or a monthly recurring donation online using a credit
card via this link: https://humbleisdef.ejoinme.org/?tabid=407685. Just be sure to fill in
your student’s name and grade level so we can give you the appropriate credit. Or if you
prefer, you can bring in a donation, or send it in with your student, to the school. We will
have a basket in the front office and we will gratefully accept any and all gifts and pledges
during the two week competition.
Ok, Colts, at this lap, eighth grade is ahead, but only by a nose! (puns everywhere!) May the
best class win!
Thank you, in advance, for all that you do to help us provide the highest quality learning
and teaching environment.
Walt Winicki
__________________________Detach Here______________________________
Student Name:
Parent Name(s):
Grade Level
Donation Amount:
What contribution will you make to your "dash" today?