Revelation, Inspiration, and Vocation

Revelation, Inspiration,
and Vocation
The Bible Course, Unit 2
Document # TX001071
Divine Revelation
From the Latin revelare: “to unveil” or “to disclose”
• Jesus Christ
How would you explain
this to a friend?
Divine Revelation is God’s self-communication of the
divine plan to humanity through:
How would you explain
this to a friend?
The divine assistance the Holy
Spirit gave to the human
authors of the books of the
Bible so they could write what
God wanted to communicate for
our salvation.
Divine Inspiration
The call of all Christians:
to know and love God
to share the divine message
of salvation with others
to enjoy the eternal
happiness of Heaven
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How would you explain
this to a friend?
God’s Revelation to
Biblical Figures
Read these passages:
 Genesis, chapters 40 and 41
 Exodus, chapter 3
 Luke 1:39–45
Note an aspect showing Revelation in each story.
Share with the class:
 how the character(s) experience God
 what God communicates
 what vocation is given through God’s Revelation
Genesis, chapters 40 and 41
 Joseph experiences God through
 God communicates the future for
the cupbearer and baker as well
as for all of Egypt.
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 Joseph is called through the interpretation
of the dreams to lead Egypt as the
pharaoh’s assistant.
Exodus, chapter 3
 God offers a theophany (“manifestation of God that is
tangible to human senses”) through a burning bush.
 God communicates that he has heard the cry of the Hebrew
slaves and introduces himself as “I am who am.”
 God calls Moses to return to Egypt to free the Hebrews.
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Luke 1:39–45
 Mary and Elizabeth experience
God through the movement
of the babies in their wombs.
 God communicates the sacred
connection between the unborn
sons of these holy women.
 God calls Mary and Elizabeth to
participate in his plan by
faithfully raising these sons.
2 Samuel 7:1–29
Stories for Using the “Jigsaw Process”
Genesis, chapter 32
1 Samuel 1:1—2:10
1 Kings 3:4–15
Genesis 12:1–9
 What is the land of Abram’s kinfolk?
Ur (mentioned later in the story)
 Why does the reading contain both regular text and poetictype text?
The regular text narrates the story, and the poetic text is God’s
speech. This might be an attempt to set God’s speech apart
from, and above, human action.
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Genesis 12:1–9 (cont.)
What were the more specific meanings of
Blessings and Curses?
A prayer of intention or a
plea that calls on the
power and compassion of
 punishment and condemnation by
 shaming device
 to bestow a grace
 condemnation against injustice and
 to empower a healing
 prophetic warning
 to affect an event through
God’s intervention
 priestly teaching against idolatry
 warning to obey a conqueror’s
*Definitions adapted from the Saint Mary’s Press® Essential Bible Dictionary (pp. 28 and 40).
Genesis 12:1–9 (cont.)
 Who are the “persons they had acquired in Haran”?
- NAB footnote: “slaves and retainers that formed the
social aggregate under the leadership of Abraham.”
 Who are the Canaanites?
- They are the inhabitants of the land to which God directed
Abraham to make his home, originally called Canaan.
Canaan is the Promised Land and is also called Palestine.
In the Bible, they were called idolaters because of their
worship of Baal and Asherah.
Through a series of occupations and wars, the Israelites
eventually took over most of Canaan.
Genesis, chapter 32
 Jacob, prior to seeking reconciliation with his
brother, Esau, wrestles all night with God.
 Due to his perseverance in the struggle, Jacob is
renamed “Israel” for he has “contended with
divine and human beings and have prevailed.”
God also blesses him.
1 Samuel 1:1—2:10
 Hannah is unable to bear children, so she prays to
God in the presence of the priest Eli. He tells her that
God will grant her prayers. Soon afterward she has a
son whom she names Samuel.
 Hannah presents Samuel to God as a Nazirite (“one
separated” or “one consecrated”) and offers a prayer of
praise for how God has worked wonderfully in her life.
2 Samuel 7:1–29
 God, via the prophet Nathan, tells David that he
will establish a kingdom and a “house” through
David that “shall endure forever.”
 God promises David that he will always be with
David and will never take his love away. In
response, David offers God a prayer of deep
praise and gratitude.
1 Kings 3:4–15
 God appears in a dream to Solomon, David’s son, and
says, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.”
Solomon replies, “Give your servant, therefore, an
understanding heart to judge your people and to
distinguish right from wrong.”
 God is pleased that Solomon did not ask for a long life,
riches, or revenge against enemies. Thus God gives
Solomon “a wise and understanding” mind.
Revelation in Our Lives
 How can I, or how have I, come to know God?
God’s Call to Every Individual
 God calls individuals into relationship with him by using
their unique gifts and talents in his service.
 This process of using gifts and talents is known as
vocation, from the Latin vocare, meaning “to call.” It is
a function or station in life to which God calls us.
God’s Call to Every Individual
 The vocation of each individual implies active
participation by human beings in the covenant
created between God and humanity centuries ago.
 Recall from Unit 1: Covenant is a solemn agreement
between human beings or between God and a
human being involving mutual commitments.
Exploring the Call of Samuel
1 Samuel 3:1–21
What is necessary for people to hear and understand God’s Revelation?
One must be attentive, “awake,” and open in order to hear. To fully
understand, often one needs help from others.
 How do other people support Samuel in his ability to hear and follow his vocation?
The priest Eli supports Samuel by saying how Samuel should respond to the
voice he is hearing. He also tells Samuel, “He is the LORD. He will do what
he judges best.”
God’s Revelation to Biblical People
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Exodus, chapter 3
Luke 1:39–45
Genesis, chapter 32
Genesis, chapters 40 and 41
1 Samuel 1:1—2:10
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2 Samuel 7:1–29
God’s Revelation to Biblical People
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1 Kings 3:4–15
Genesis 12:1–9
1 Samuel 3:1–21