Summit County Children Services Independent Living Program “Life on your own, but not alone” Independent Living Program At age 16:Youth will be referred to the Independent Living Program by their worker, using current referral process Youth will be assigned to an Independent Living Specialist according to their age Youth will participate in one 10 week module at age 16. and one 10 week module at age 17, with the tenth week being a celebration. Independent Living Specialist will assist assigned case workers as needed and requested with case related duties (i.e.... job search, home visits, housing applications, resume, college applications/forms, etc..) Independent Living Program continued… Group modules will be offered quarterly Group modules are mandatory for all youth age 16 and over (unless receiving services through a paid provider) 16 youth will be scheduled to attend each module (module #1 and module #2) Youth, foster parent, and social worker will be notified by mail letting them know when their module is scheduled to begin. Independent Living Specialist will be responsible for maintaining accurate attendance for all modules Youth may make up missed modules within the following two quarters to successfully complete the module Independent Living Program continued… Youth, foster parent, and social worker will be notified by mail at the conclusion of each module informing them of missed sessions which will need to be made up the following quarter. A teaching model will be utilized including weekly homework assignments. The 16yo module will complete homework in group at the end of each session. The 17yo group will be given the homework at each group session and the youth will be responsible for turning it in the following week. Youth may attend monthly open group sessions (alumni support group) Monthly bus passes will be provided to youth if needed by Independent Living Specialist 2 Independent Living Program Specialists Each Independent Living Specialist will conduct a home visit to discuss IL issues and complete the “my plan” during the course of the module. Youth age 16 will be assigned to the 16 yo specialist youth age 17 will be assigned to the 17 yo specialist, The Independent Living Specialist will complete the Independent Living screens in SACWIS once the youth completes the independent living assessment. The ongoing social worker needs to add the service category (independent living) so the services may be linked. The IL specialist will schedule a meeting with the ongoing worker when completing the IL plan. The Independent Living Specialist will attend all scheduled Team Decision Meetings (ETDM) Pre-Assessments will remain a function of The Independent Living Program The Independent Living Program will provide the youth with a resource guide at the completion of module #2 Sample letter to be mailed Date, 2010 SCCS Youth Name 123 Street Akron, Ohio Re: Independent Living Program Dear Youth: Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in the next Independent Living group module. This means you will have the opportunity to learn valuable life skills that will help you transition to adulthood. You will participate by attending ten (10) weeks of group learning and activities along with completion of nine ( 9) homework assignments. The group modules will cover a variety of skill building and self-sufficiency topics designed to prepare you for your emancipation which include but are not limited to: Interview skills, employment, budgeting, banking and decision making. These topics will be presented by guest speakers and your Independent Living Program Specialist. In addition, you will receive a monetary stipend for completion of the ten (10)) group modules along with nine(9) homework assignments. This stipend will go into an Independent Living Program savings account and will be payable to you at the completion of the group modules and upon your emancipation to be determined with your Independent Living Program Specialist. In order to participate in the program, you should attend the initial session/group orientation. This initial session/group orientation is scheduled for “day of the week”, “month/day/year”, at ____ p.m. and will end at ____ p.m. The Hunsicker Room is where groups will be held on every “day of the week” from _____ p.m. to _____ p.m. Groups will begin on “month/day/year” and run through “month/day/year”. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact ___________, Independent Living Program Specialist, at (330)__________. Sincerely, _______________________________ Independent Living Program Specialist Independent Living/Teen Permanency ___/slm cc: foster parent cc: assigned social worker Life Skills Group Curriculum Orientation Employment/Career Planning Budget/Banking Housing Health Education/Risk Prevention Health Education/Risk Prevention Medical/Risk Prevention Family Support/Healthy Relationships Education/Financial Aid Assistance/Community Resources Celebration Payment for Groups After completing module 1, the youth will receive $250 and after completing module 2 the youth will receive $500 which totals $750..00 Youth will sign a contract at the start of each module Youth will be paid 25.00 per session or homework (if out of county) for attending the 16 yo session and 50.00 per session or homework (if out of county) for the 17 yo session. Funds will be deposited into an agency maintained Independent Living savings account for each youth Each youth must develop a written plan with their Independent Living Specialist stating how their money will be spent and why it is needed prior to receiving their funds. Allocation and disbursement of the youth’s funds will be decided on a case by case basis by their Independent Living Specialist and supervisor upon emancipation Week 1: Independent Living Program Orientation (Age 16) Rules/expectations Philosophy of the program Sign ILP Contract Ice Breaker The Human Knot Value exercise Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Rules/expectations Sign ILP Contract Ice Breaker The Human Knot 5 things about self What do you need help with to finalize your emancipation plan? Discuss homework and handouts Week 2: Independent Living Program Employment/ Career Planning (Age 16) Mock Interviews Complete sample job applications Discuss work permit Referral to YEOW program Discuss Job searching Discuss vocabulary use for interviews Discuss how to dress Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Create a Resume Mock Interviews Complete job applications to be turned in Discuss work permit Referral to YEOW if needed Discuss how to dress Refer to Job Center if needed Discuss homework and handouts Week 3: Independent Living Program Banking & Budgeting (Age 16) Discuss opening a bank account Balancing a checkbook Writing Checks Writing Money Orders Discuss personal credit Discuss overdraft fees Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Discuss credit card, charge card, & debit cards Develop a personal budget Discuss taxes Discuss credit and credit bureaus Discuss smart shopping Discuss homework and handouts Week 4: Independent Living Program Housing (Age16) Fill out a sample renter’s lease agreement Discuss housing options (AMHA, Subsidized, Horizon House, HM Life, college dorm, Job Corp., etc.) Discuss landlord and tenant rights Discuss renter’s insurance Discuss evictions Discuss cost of living Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Apartment Searches (newspaper, internet, etc.) Fill out a sample lease agreement Discuss housing options (AMHA, Subsidized, Horizon House, HM Life, college dorm, Job Corp., etc.) Finalize housing plans and options for emancipation Create an A,B and C housing plan Discuss homework and handouts Week 5: Independent Living Program Health Edu. & Risk Prevention (Age 16) Discuss STD’s Discuss pregnancy prevention Planned Parenthood Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) How to obtain a primary doctor when out of custody Regular doctor visits Discuss Price comparison Discuss Grocery shopping Discuss food pyramid Discuss homework and handouts Week 6:Independent Living Program Health Edu. & Risk Preven Continued…… (Age 16) Discuss STD’s Discuss pregnancy prevention Planned Parenthood Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Regular doctor visits Discuss homework and handouts How to obtain a primary doctor out of custody Discuss Pregnancy prevention Discuss STD’s Week 7: Independent Living Program Drug & Alcohol Prevention/medical (Age 16) Side effects of drug use Where to go to get help Akron Health Department Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Where to go to get help Scheduling doctor appointments Discuss application for medical card after emancipation Discuss “Life on your own, but not alone” cards Discuss homework and handouts Week 8: Independent Living Program Family Support/Relationships (Age 16) Discuss teen dating Discuss violence prevention Ways to reconnect with your family Discuss homework and handouts (Age 17) Discuss healthy dating Warning signs of violent relationships Healthy family relationships Ways to reconnect with your family Grocery shopping Week 9: Independent Living Program Edu./Financial Aid Assistance (Age 16) Discuss FAFSA Discuss ETV Discuss future education plans and options Discuss SAT or ACT registration Look for college scholarships Discuss community resources (Age 17) Fill out FAFSA Fill out ETV Fill out applications for college, Trade schools, Tech Schools, etc.. Discuss SAT/ACT registration College visits Woman’s Auxiliary Board Scholarship Discuss community resources Week 10: Celebration Re-cap of sessions covered in group Completion of module Certificate Cover My Plan and what may be needed or added Youth not attending ILP Group modules Youth not attending group module sessions Youth who do not attend the module session will be visited by an independent living specialist who will provide the youth with an independent living package. The package will contain the homework assignments from the module that has been missed. The youth will complete the homework and make sure they are turned into independent living specialist. Once the homework is turned in the independent living specialist will make another visit with the youth and sit down and go over homework with youth and staff at placement and come up IL skills the youth can work on while in placement. The independent living specialist will also during this time assist and guide the youth in the creation of the My Plan. During this time between modules the independent living specialist will also make sure the ILP assessments are completed on the youth in a timely manner, create or add information to the ILP plans and talk with ongoing social worker and get input as to what is needed for youth in their ILP plan. The independent living specialist will also make sure that the ongoing social workers are aware that (independent living) needs added as a services category so the independent living social worker can link the services. The independent living specialist can also assist with the youth’s educational needs, possible placements, job searches, resumes and appropriate referrals to agencies that can provide the services that a particular youth may need when it comes to teenage issues or services.. Thank You, Any Questions? “Life on your own, but not alone”