ACT Skills Bell Ringers

Bellringers 2nd 9 weeks
Determine word meaning through context clues.
The malicious girl wanted to hurt the puppy.
a. ugly
c. spiteful
b. innocent
d. caring
The old man was very wealthy, but he continued to cheat
people out of their money. He wanted to have more wealth
than anyone he knew because he was so avaricious.
a. stingy
c. ambitious
b. greedy
d. frugal
Jarod is known for procrastinating. As a result he often has to
hurry through his studies or doesn't finish them by his
a. postponing action
c. being a perfectionist
b. taking too much time
d. not being organized
Determine word meaning through context clues.
We could tell by her pallor that she had been sick.
a. eye color
c. medical records
b. fever
d. unnatural paleness
The incorrigible child would hit everyone in sight when
he did not get his way. Nothing we did helped him
become more accepting.
a. cannot be reformed
c. determined
b. cannot understand
d. stubborn
difficult words
So that he would not be seen, the robber lurked in the
darkness until the family left their house.
a. hid
c. shot
b. spaced
d. fell
Identify the correct noun form.
The sky is filled with____________.
a. goose
b. gooses
c. geese
d. geeses
She found the_______________ lost key.
a. principal
c. principals
b. principal's
d. principals'
The article did not include the ___________ name.
a. heros
c. hero's
b. heroe's
d. heroes
He removed the four ___________ from the counter.
a. knife's
c. knives
b. knifes
d. knive's
The _________ stood patiently in the field.
a. oxes
c. oxen
b. ox's
d. oxens
Determine word meaning through context clues.
Joe worked hard on the problems, but he could
not find the solution.
a. beginning
c. end
b. answer
d. book
Most animal owners love their pets and have
much compassion for animals.
a. hate
c. sympathy
b. anger
d. intelligence
We had a hearty breakfast of juice, bacon, toast,
and pancakes.
a. plentiful
c. friendly
b. bad
d. quick
#5 Determine word meaning through context
The driver maneuvered the bus through cars
that were stopped for the accident.
a. expertly moved
b. backed
c. sped quickly
d. aimed
a. jolly
b. special
c. colorful
d. sad
a. played
b. bothered
c. diseased
d. heard
The football team was in a somber mood after
they lost the championship game.
An earache plagued Tom all night, and he
could not sleep for the pain.
#6 Identify the correct pronoun form.
Jeff and Gary did not complete their joint
a. There
b. Their
c. They’re
d. They
a. them
b. their
c. they
d. those
a. them
b. their
c. they
d. his
a. She
b. Her
c. Hers
d. They
I admire Jeff and Gary for their diligence.
Mom picked up Jeff and Gary’s clothes at the
Darlene cannot complete the homework.
#7 Identify the correct pronoun form.
Alice and Mary are half sisters.
a. me
b. her
c. she
d. him
a. her
b. she
c. him
d. he
a. him
b. them
c. they
d. he
Please take Cathy and Jack with you.
The Joneses were seated directly behind the
Davises and the Smiths.
The poor kitten had hurt the kitten’s foot.
a. their
b. its’
c. it’s
d. its
#8 Determine word meaning through context
The things the spy told will jeopardize our
a. increase
b. neglect
c. forget
d. endanger
a. recorded
b. rewrote
c. broke
d. misunderstood
a. dumb
b. criminal
c. smart
d. amateur
Because he violated the rules, Brad was
dropped from the team.
Because he wanted to win the case, the man
hired a very astute lawyer.
#9 Determine word meaning through context
The police know who committed the crime because
of their constant surveillance of the area.
a. total unconcern
b. watchful observation
c. careless negligence
d. cruel hatred
a. upset
b. kind
c. funny
d. interesting
a. deny
b. gather materials
c. avoid
d. think about
Her mother was very ill, her father had lost his
job, and her grades were falling at school.
Naturally, Alice was nervous and distraught.
Before you begin any project, it is best to reflect
on its purpose and its outcome.
#10 Identify the correct verb form.
What time will the sun _________?
a. raise
b. rise
c. rose
d. risen
a. sit
b. sat
c. set
d. setting
a. busted
b. bursted
c. bust
d. burst
a. sing
b. sang
c. sung
d. sings
I asked him to ________ the flowers down.
He ________ into my room with excitement.
The choir __________ a variety of songs
#11 Identify the correct verb form.
Mark should have _______ his chores.
a. do
b. did
c. done
d. done did
a. seen
b. saw
c. see
d. have saw
a. brang
b. brung
c. brought
d. bring
a. swam
b. swum
c. swimmed
d. swims
I _________ an interesting movie last week.
All of the students have_________ toys for the
children who are in the hospital.
He _________ across the lake yesterday.
Determine word meaning through context
clues. #12
If Jan had scrutinized her essay more closely
to catch any mistakes before she turned it in,
she would have made a better grade.
a. added more words
b. carefully examined
c. torn up
d. copied from the
I knew the problem was too complicated for
me when I got the wrong answer.
a. easy and short
b. easy but long
c. difficult
d. hard to read
a. neatly
b. secretly
c. disorderly
d. loudly
Her room was kept meticulously so that she
never had to worry about inspection.
Determine word meaning through context
clues. #13
Mom asked him to comb his disheveled hair.
a. long
b. short
c. messy
d. straight
The court’s schedule was fraught with
a. free from
b. full of
c. without hope of
d. behind with
The farmer disdained the pesky insects which
ate his crops.
a. destroyed
b. fought
c. hated
d. denied
Identify correct subject-verb agreement. #14
Neither the instructor nor the band
members_________the music.
a. has heard
c. is hearing
b. have heard
d. was hearing
Both the forwards and the guards___________
more preparation before the game.
a. are needing
b. needs
c. need
d. is needing
a. The jersey
b. The shirt
c. The pants
d. The hat
a. need
b. needs
c. are needing
d. have needed
______________ were selected for their brilliant
Each of the rooms ___________ new paint.
Identify correct subject-verb agreement. #15
The theater classes of the high school
_________ several plays each year.
a. attend
b. attends
c. is attending
d. was attending
a. the bus
b. the three teams
c. the manager
d. Coach Elkins
a. are
b. were lying
c. is
d. were seen
a. Alan and his brother
b. he twins
c. the Bakers
d. Van or his sister
Are ___________ leaving with us at noon?
On the desk ___________ the lost notebook.
I’m surely glad ___________ is leading the
Identify correct subject-verb agreement. #16
Maria and her coach ___________ to the
a. are going
b. was going
c. is going
d. am going
a. illustrate
b. illustrating
c. illustrates
d. has illustrate
a. are
b. were
c. is
d. have been
a. have been
b. has been
c. is
d. was
The painting ____________ much creativity.
Neither of them ____________ capable of
repairing the car.
Clint and Jonathan __________ friends for
over five years.
Identify correct subject-verb agreement. #17
The _________ have gone home after a long
a. cousins
b. boy
c. child
d. tourist
a. are leaving
b. leave
c. leaved
d. is leaving
a. are going
b. is going
c. was going
d. am going
a. were invited
b. is invited
c. are invited
d. invited
The student nor the teacher __________ early.
Jane or her friends _________ to call you
about the party.
Each of the children __________ to the party.
Identify correct pronoun-antecedent agreement.
Joe’s prom clothes did not match _______ shoes.
a. its
b. his
c. him
d. he
a. himself
b. herself
c. theirselves
d. themselves
a. I
b. Me
c. My
d. Mine
a. it
b. its
c. them
d. themselves
They could not look _________ in the mirror.
________ running in the hallway got me in
Our books all had pages torn out of _________.
Identify correct pronoun-antecedent
agreement. #19
Each girl is responsible for doing _______ own
a. she
b. her
c. its
d. their
a. their
b. her
c. his/her
d. hers
a. them
b. hey
c. us
d. him
a. his
b. her
c. their
d. your
Neither girl did _______ best work.
If anyone stays after school, I’ll be glad to help
Each of the boys drove _________ own car.
#20) Determine the main idea of the
Being neat often saves much time. John
was late for school because his homework
was lost in a pile of paper. It took Mindy
ten minutes to find her keys in her purse.
Jean could not find her scarf in the drawer
because it was beneath several stacks of
a. It is important to be on time.
b. Much time can be saved by being neat.
c. John was late for school.
d. Alice does not keep her drawer neat.
#21) Determine the main idea of the passage.
Almost anyone can see how a robot could be a tempting
purchase to an organization. For one thing, robots can be
moved from one job to another without much hassle.
Humans seem to resist change. Robots can easily be
taught new tasks, sometimes with only one adjustment.
Humans need time and care and repetition to master
tasks. Robots can work several shifts without a rest while
humans need frequent breaks, vacations, or sick leaves
from monotonous routines. Robots do not argue with the
boss; humans just must have their say. Robots are
practically error free and are not affected by environmental
concerns like humans are.
a. Learning to do a robot’s job is essential to keeping some
b. Organizations are looking for ways to save money.
c. The value of humans is greater to organizations than the
value of robots.
d. Robots are economical for organizations.
#22) Identify the correct adjective/adverb form.
Janice eats her food _______________ than her
sister does.
a. more fast
b. most fast
c. more faster
d. faster
a. good
b. gooder
c. well
d. more good
a. strangest
b. most stranger
c. stranger
d. more strangest
a. not anything
b. not nothing
c. anything
d. nothing
The tailor always mends each garment
Of the two tales, Helen’s is the _____________.
Margeret didn’t say ______________ to the group
because she was embarrassed.
Determine the sequence of events. #24
Upon this world of uneasy prosperity the first blow fell in
late October. Like the sound of gunshot which starts an
Alpine avalanche, a minor panic on the New York Stock
Exchange began on the twenty-third among stocks that
speculators had pushed to fantastic heights. The next day,
“Black Thursday,” saw hysteria rampant. Brokers wept and
tore off their collars trying to keep abreast selling orders;
sightseers jammed the Wall Street district, ogled the
arrival of great bankers in their limousines before the
House of Morgan, and under the rumor of mass suicide
gathered to watch an ordinary workman on a scaffolding in
morbid expectation of his plunge.
The first blow to the economy fell
a. when the Alpine avalanche started.
b. on the twenty-third of October.
c. when broker wept.
d. when the great bankers arrived at the House of Morgan.
Sightseers jammed the Wall Street district
a. after the Alpine avalanche started.
b. after the workman plunged from a scaffold.
c. the next day, “Black Thursday.”
d. before the twenty-third of October.
Identify the correct sentence. #25
a. Running as hard as he could.
b. Because he ran as hard as he could.
c. He ran as hard as he could
d. Since he ran as hard as he could.
a. Of all things, the child likes turnip greens!
b. Before setting the supper table.
c. Eating a good meal.
d. Until he eats his turnip greens.
a. During the absolutely terrible storm.
b. At a table across the hall.
c. Close the shutters tightly.
d. Tightened her grip on my hand.