Final PowerPoint - Touching Spirit Bear

Touching Spirit Bear
April 28
Context Clues
Monday, April 28, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 _______ means pretended.
 _______ means to move in a
 To use context clues to
slow relaxed manner.
_______ means cut off from
_______ means to flinch.
_______ means to show
______ means to swell or
_______ means to become
quite or less active.
determine the meaning of a
 To apply vocabulary words
from Chapters 1-4
Context Clues – What Are They?
 Context clues are bits of information from the text that, when
combined with prior knowledge, allow you to decide the
meaning of unknown words in the story or article you are
 As a reader you must act similar to a detective and put together
clues from sentences surrounding an unknown word in order to
make an intelligent “guess” as to what the definition of a word is.
Context Clues – How Do They Help You
Read New Words?
 Textbook writers and authors include words or phrases to help
their readers understand the meaning of a new or difficult word.
 These words or phrases are built into the sentences around the
new or difficult word. By becoming more aware of the words
around a difficult word, readers can make logical guesses about
the meanings of many words.
 - Click to
play watch.
Types of Context Clues
Authors use many different types of
context clues when writing texts. Three
of these types are:
Direct definition context clues
Synonym context clues
Antonym context clues
Direct definition context clues are words that say,
“Stop - don’t touch that dictionary. The definition of the
word you don’t know is right here in the text!"
 There are many theories, or ideas, about what made
the Ice Ages happen.
 In this sentence the word “ideas” tells us that theories are different
thoughts people have about something.
 After a time, glaciers, or slowly moving rivers of ice,
formed over many parts of the Earth.
 In this sentence the words “slowly moving rivers of ice” tell us what
glaciers are.
Synonym context clues are words around a difficult word
that mean the same or nearly the same as the word.
 After seeing the picture of the starving children, we felt
compassion or pity for their suffering.
 In this sentence the word “pity” tells us that compassion means to have
understanding for.
 Mary admonished her students and they knew they were in hot
water for their actions.
 In this sentence the words “in hot water” tell us that admonished means
cautioned or scolded.
Antonym context clues are words around a difficult word
that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite as the word.
 Joe was reluctant to take the job of captain of the team.
was afraid that the time it would take would hurt his
grades. On the other hand, Billy was eager for the chance to
be the team captain.
 In this sentence the words “on the other hand” and “eager” tell us that Billy feels
the opposite of Joe, therefore, reluctant means uncertain or cautious.
Independent Practice
 Find the context clues for the following words in Touching
Spirit Bear.
 Obligations page 38
 Subside page 31
 Frigid page 32
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
Find a context clue for the
word tentative.
 He drew in a deep breath,
but again pain stabbed at
his chest, warning him. He
returned to shallow
tentative breaths, drawing
air past his lips as if he
were sipping from a straw.
 To read and comprehend
Chapters 24-25 of
Touching Spirit Bear.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
Find a context clue for the
word lurking.
 Not movement, only a
lurking presence.
Grimacing, he searched the
trees and shore.
 To read and comprehend
Chapters 26-28
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
Find a context clue for the
word mangled.
 The gulls had mangled the
fish, but big pink chunks of
fresh meat still clung to the
 To analyze Chapters 24-28
by answer questions on
 Word of the Week Test
Friday, May 2, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
 ________ means flexible or
 ________ means lacking
 _________ means to do
what is proper.
 __________ means to do
what is wise.
 __________ means lacking
Learning Goals
 To assess knowledge and
understanding of the Words
of the Week.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Cyber Day Assignment
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Label all parts of the
 Define and apply
following sentence:
 Cole asked with a wry
smile, as he sharpened a
sapling for a hot-dog stick.
vocabulary from Chapters
5-8 from Touching Spirit
 Vocabulary list and assignment
is on - literature
Monday May 5, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 From Chapters 5-8, define
 To review Cyber Day
the following:
 lurking
 tentative
 mangled
 brazenly
 conceding
 To analyze Chapters 24-28
by reviewing answers to
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 What figures of speech are
 Apply vocabulary from
illustrated in the following
 Rain fell in torrents, and
thunder rumbled across the sky
like empty barrels rolling
toward the horizon.
Chapters 9-13
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 From Chapters 9-13,
 Apply vocabulary from
define the following:
 haphazard
 stuporous
 sauntered
 looming
 pummeled
Chapters 14-28
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Diagram the following
 Analyze figures of speech
 In order the assignment be
completed on time, the
student worked on it all
in Chapters 9-28
Friday, May 9, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Which figure of speech is
 Introduce Figures of
illustrated in the following
 If we don’t eat soon, I am
going to die.
Speech Presentations.
Monday, May 12, 2014 – Choir Concert
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Define the following from
 To apply figures of speech
 relinquish
 sprawlingly
 mesmerize
 ingenuity
 monotonous
to presentations.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Diagram the following
 To apply figures of speech
 The cookies tasted so good
because we made them
from scratch.
to presentations.
Wednesday, May 14 2014
Practice Prior Skills
 Where is the island located in
Touching Spirit Bear.
 Where is Cole from?
 How old was Cole?
 Was Cole beating up Peter his
first run-in with the law?
 What was the goal of the Circle
 Did goal feel bad while he
watched the shelter burn to the
Learning Goals
 To demonstrate proper
understanding of figures of
speech with presentations.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goal
 What is an at.oow?
 To review understanding of
 Who gave one to Cole?
 What was passed around
the circle and signed it was
time to speak?
 What were the conditions
of Coles second return to
the island?
literary elements of
Touching Spirit Bear for
exam tomorrow, Friday,
May 16, 2014.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 What means to lack
 To Assess understanding of
 What means to be attentive
or concerned?
 What means cheerful
 What means to be
literary elements in
Touching Spirit Bear.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Review Touching Spirit Bear
 To compare and contrast
Touching Spirit Bear to the
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Write an example of the
 To compare and contrast
following figures of
 simile
 metaphor
Touching Spirit Bear to the
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Practice Prior Skills
Learning Goals
 Write an example of the
 To compare and contrast
following figures of
 hyperbole
 personification
Touching Spirit Bear to the
Thursday, May 22, 2014
 Review Literary Terms and units for final exam
Friday, May 23, 2014
 Review Writing and grammar skills for final exam.