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Calorimetry & Specific Heat Lab Report - Chemistry Experiment

Lab Calorimetry and Specific Heat
General Chemistry I (Fullerton College)
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Chase Hammit
TITLE OF LAB (Calorimetry and specific heat)
YOUR CLASS (Chemistry in the Earth System A)
Downloaded by justin findley (justinfindley101@gmail.com)
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English, of course).
The purpose of the lab was to explore how the specific heat of a substance
can be determined using a “coffee cup” calorimeter
Based on the calorimetry and specific heat of the metal, Lead would be the
best choice to build the company’s cookware with.
1. Two polystyrene coffee cups
2. Lid for polystyrene cup
3. Thermometer
4. 250 mL beaker
5. 400 mL beaker
6. Ring stand
7. Two buret clamps
8. Hot plate
9. Test-tube holder
10. 50 mL graduated cylinder
11. Water
12. aluminum, copper, iron, and lead powder
13. Analytical balance
1. Set up 600 mL beaker and add 400 mL of dis"lled water inside and place it on a hot
plate un"l it boils. Also set up 2 dry Styrofoam cups with a lid aside and add 100.0 mL
tap water (calorimeter water) inside.
2. In the boiling water, place the unknown metal sample inside for about 30 min. Before
though, weigh it accurately and record the mass on your data sheet.
3. After 30 min, take the temperature of boiling water to the nearest 0.1 °C (Ini"al temp
of metal), then take the metal out of the boiling water and replace it into Styrofoam
cups filled with room temperature tap water. Ini"al temperature of water is the room
temperature of the tap water.
4. Take every 15 seconds for about 2 minutes the temperature of water inside the
calorimeter with a thermometer inserted through the hole in the lid. Gently swirl the
cup to mix the contents and record the temperature. Use the highest temperature.
5. Calculate the specific heat of the metal sample.
Run 1
Run 2
Downloaded by justin findley (justinfindley101@gmail.com)
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You should also replace all the fake Latin text with your own words (in
English, of course).
Mass of unknown metal
sample, g
Mass of calorimeter
water, g
Temperature of boiling
water, °C
100 °C
Specific heat of an unknown metal mw x sw x ∆tw = - (mw x sw x ∆tw)
Specific heat mm sm ∆T = - mw sm ∆T
Because of heat )ow out of the system, we came to the conclusion the reac"on
between HCl and NaOH was an exothermic reac"on. Also for part A with our metal
sample, heat from the metal was given up to the room temperature water solution.
This solution was also an exothermic reaction. Our unknown metal got identified by
calculating the heat change and we came to the result that we were using copper
and ion metal’s. Although we had an accurate result, better temperature could
have been measured better using an electronic thermostat.
Downloaded by justin findley (justinfindley101@gmail.com)