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Mini-Hydrodynamic Generator Design & Construction

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Design and Construction of a Mini-Hydrodynamic generator
Conference Paper · December 2016
6 authors, including:
Md.Sourove Akther Momin
Md. Sahid Hassan
Walton Hi-tech Industries Ltd.
Andong National University
Mihir Dutta
Andong National University
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International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Energy Engineering 2016
26-27 December, 2016, Khulna, BANGLADESH
Design and Construction of a Mini-Hydrodynamic generator
Md. Golam Kader1,Md. Sourove Akther Momin 2,*, Mihir Dutta3 ,Md.Sahid Hassan4,Ariful Hossen5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH
In the field of power generation, hydro electrical power plant has a great contribution in the world. It is popular due to having
efficient and reliable form of clean source of renewable energy. It can be an excellent method of harnessing renewable energy
from small rivers and streams. The mini-hydro project designed to be a run -of-river type, because it requires very little or no
reservoir in order to power the turbine. The water will run straight through the turbine and back into the river or stream to use it
for the other purposes. This has a minimal environmental impact on the local ecosystem. In this project, the basic concept of
hydro power generation is shown. A proto type turbine was designed by Solid Works software. The turbine power and speed
were directly proportional with the site head, but there were specific points for maximum turbine power and speed with the
variation of the site water flow rate. Turbine is rotated by using the thrust of water of velocity of water. Two dynamo is
attached with turbine shaft and so rotation of turbine is the result in rotation of both dynamo. This concept highly increase the
overall efficiency. Power generation by this mini hydro power generator is calculated. To the sum up, it can be said that if this
concept will be applied in the Hydro power plant, the output of power generation will be increase.
Keywords: Hydro electric power plant; Renewable Energy; Solid Works; Generator
1. Introduction
Hydropower is an extremely flexible technology for
power generation. Hydro reservoirs provide built-in
energy storage, and the fast response time of hydropower
enables it to be used to optimize electricity production
across grids, meeting sudden fluctuations in demands.
However, large scale hydropower projects can be
controversial because they affect water availability
downstream, inundate valuable ecosystems and may
require the relocations of populations[3]. Despite being a
mature technology, in comparison with other renewable
energy sources, hydropower has still a significant
potential. New plants can be developed and old ones
upgraded, especially in terms of increasing efficiency and
electricity production as well as environmental
performance. In particular, the development of low-head
or very low-head small hydro plants holds much promise.
The hydro-power plants can be classified as below
l. Storage plant
( a) High head plants
( b) Low head plants
( c ) Medium head plants.
2. Run-of-river power plants
( a) With pond age
( b) Without poundage.
3. Pumped storage power Plants[1].
Hydro-electric power is a form of renewable energy
resource, which comes from the flowing water. To
generate electricity, water must be in motion. When the
water is falling by the force of gravity, its potential
energy converts into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy
of the flowing water turns blades or vanes in a hydraulic
turbines, the form of energy is changed to mechanical
energy. The turbine turns the generator rotor which then
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +88-01738373182
E-mail address: sur.sor269@gmail.com
converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy
2. Overview of Hydro Electric Power Plant
2.1 Historical Background
Humans have been harnessing water to perform work
for thousands of years. The Greeks used water wheels
for grinding wheat into flour more than 2,000 years ago.
The evolution of the modern hydropower turbine began
in the mid-1700s when a French hydraulic and military
engineer, Bernard Forest de Bélidor wrote Architecture
Hydraulique . In 1880[3], a dynamo driven by a water
turbine was used to provide arc lighting– a technique
where an electric spark in the air between two
conductors produces a light – to a theatre and storefront
in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and in 1881, a dynamo
connected to a turbine in a flour mill provided street
lighting at Niagara Falls, New York; both of which used
direct current technology. The breakthrough of
alternating current, the method used today, allowed
power to be transmitted longer distances and ushered in
the first U.S. commercial
Fig.1 Ancient concept to generate electricity from water
installation of an alternating current hydropower plant at
the Redlands Power Plant in California in 1893[1]. The
Redlands Power Plant utilized Pelton waterwheels
driven by water taken from the nearby Mill Creek and a
3-phase generator which ensured consistent power
delivery. The past century of hydropower has seen a
number of hydroelectric advancements that have helped
it become an integral part of the renewable energy mix
in the United States. Find out more about the last 100
years of hydropower with this timeline [2].
2.2 Hydroelectric Power generation
o 675,000 MW of hydro-electricity
o approximately 20% of the world’s electricity
o accounting for about 88% of electricity from
renewable sources.
Itapúa power plant
Largest hydroelectric power plant in the world
Located between Brazil and Paraguay.
Can generate 12,600 MW of power.
Height of the dam reaches 196 meter and the
length 7.76 km.
Lake created by the project spreads over 1,350
sq. km and contains 29 billion tons of water.
Cost of the project stands at US$20 billion.
2.2.2 Hydroelectric power Plant in U.S.A
Hydroelectric power stations in the United States are
currently the largest producer of renewable power in the
U.S. Hydroelectric power produced 66.8% of the total
renewable power in the U.S. in 2008, and 6.4% of the
total electricity[3].
Hydropower prospects in Bangladesh
Flat terrain - limited potential
The rivers in the CHT hold such potentials.
Kaptai on Karnafuli river generating 218 MW
of power.
Other potential rivers are Matamuhuri and
Tipaimukh dam
Located on the Barak River in Manipur State
of India Multi-purpose - electricity generation
and flood control
Electricity generation capacity - 1500 MW
Risk of dam failure
Impact on haor eco-system.
Karnafuli Hydro Power Station
230 MW generation capacity
Reservoir size is 777 sq. km
Economic development
Social disruption
2.3 Advantages of hydroelectric power generation
o No fuel required.
o Less supervising staff is required.
o Cost of electricity is constant.
No ash & flue gas problem & does not pollute
the atmosphere.
The plant efficiency does not changes with age.
It takes few minutes to run & synchronize the
Can easily work during high peak daily loads.
These plants are used for flood control &
irrigation purpose.
2.4 Hydropower prospects in the Himalayan countries
Table -1 Tabular information about the prospects in the
Himalayan countries of hydropower [3].
Hydropow Hydropo
Developed Potential
2.5 Disadvantages of hydroelectric power generation
o Disrupts the aquatic ecosystems.
o Disruption in the surrounding areas.
o Requires large areas.
o Large scale human displacement.
o Very high capital cost or investment.
o High quality construction.
o Site specific.
3. Constituents of Hydroelectric Power Station
Water driven structures in a hydro electric control
station incorporate dam ,spillways , head works, surge
tank, penstock and extra works.
3.1 Dam
A dam is a hindrance which stores water and makes
water head. Dams are worked of concrete or stone
masonry, earth or shake fill. This sort and game plans
rely on the geography of the site. A masonry dam might
be based on a contract canyon. An earth dam might be
most appropriate for a wide valley. The kind of dam
likewise relies on the establishment conditions, local
material and transportations available, occurrence of
earth tremors what's more, other hazards.at the vast
majority of destinations more than one kind of dam is
appropriate and the one which is most efficient is picked.
3.2 Spillways
There are times in which the waterway surpasses the
capacity limit of the supply. Such a circumstance
emerges amid substantial precipitation in the catchment
territory. To release the overflow water from the
capacity supply into the stream on the down stream side
of the dam spillways are utilized. Spillways are
ICMIEE-MC-160356- 2
developed of solid wharfs on the top of the dam. Doors
are given between these wharfs and surplus water is
released over the peak of the dam by opening of these
3.5 Penstocks
Penstocks are opened or shut courses which convey
water to the turbines. They are by and large made of
strengthened cement or steel. Concrete penstocks are
reasonable for low heads(<30m)as awesome weight
causes fast crumbling of cement. The steel penstocks
can be intended for any head, the thickness of penstock
increments with the head or working weight, Different
gadgets, for example, programmed butterfly valve, air
valve and surge tank are accommodated the insurance of
penstocks. Programmed butterfly valve stop water move
through the penstock instantly when it raptures . Air
valve keeps up the air weight inside within the penstock
equivalent to the barometrical weight. At the point when
water comes up short on a penstock quicker than it
enters, a vacuum is made which may bring about the
penstock to collapse. Under such situations, air valve
opens and concedes air in the penstock to keep up inside
pneumatic stress equivalent to the outside pneumatic
Fig 2. Hydroelectric dam cross-section diagram
3.3 Head Works
The headwork’s comprises of the preoccupation
structures at the leader of an admission. They by and
large incorporate blasts and racks for occupying
skimming debris, sluices for by-passing flotsam and
jetsam and silt and valves for controlling the stream of
water to the turbine. The stream of water into what's
more, through headwork’s ought to be as smooth as
conceivable to keep away from head loss and cavitation.
For this purpose, it is important to keep away from
sharp corners and sudden withdrawals or amplifications.
3.4 Surge Tank
Open channels driving water to the turbine require no
security. Notwithstanding, at the point when shut
channels are used, protection ended up important to
restrict the irregular weight in the conduit. For this
reason, closed channels are dependably given a surge
tank. A surge tank is a little store of tank(open at the
top) in which water level ascents or tumbles to decrease
weight swings in the channel. A surge tank is situated
close to the start of the channel. At the point when the
turbine is running at an unfaltering load, there are no
surges in the stream of water through the conductor i.e.
the amount of water streaming through the conductor is
only adequate to meet the turbine necessities. However,
when the heap on the turbine decreases, the senator
shuts the doors of the turbine, reducing water supply to
the turbine. The overabundance water at the lower end
of the conductor surges back to the surge tank and
expands the water level. In this manner the conductor is
kept from bursting. On the other hand when the heap on
the turbine builds, extra water is drawn from the surge
tank to meet the expanded load prerequisites. Thus a
surge tanks overcomes the strange weight in the
conductor when load on the turbine falls and goes about
as a repository amid increment of load on turbine.
Fig 3. Hydraulic turbine
4. Theory:
Here, we consider that the revolution per minute(N) of
the turbine blade has to determine.
When our output from turbine P is fixed.
We know,
Overall efficiency of turbine = mechanical efficiency ×
hydraulic efficiency × volumetric efficiency
Or, Ƞ0=Ƞm× Ƞh× Ƞv
Here, Ƞv is the ration of the quantity of water actually
striking the wade to the quantity of water supplied to the
ICMIEE-MC-160356- 3
Ƞv =
in this project a little amount of water will be used. So
the value of
will be very low. We can neglect it.
So, Ƞv = 1, and hence,
Ƞ0=Ƞm× Ƞh
Here, before striking the blade the velocity of water is V
and after striking the blade velocity of water is u.
We can measure the head H.
Then we can write,
Cv is the coefficient of velocity for the water tap with
its value ranging from 0.97 to 0.98 .We can consider
this value is 0.98.
After striking the blade, a radial velocity will create.
So, u =
4. Components
The components of the system are as follows:
o Dynamo
o Shaft
o Screw
o Nut and bolt
o Tin sheet
o Wooden basement
o LED light
o Resistance
o Diode
5. Design & Construction
5.1 Design of Turbine by Solid Works software
The output of power plant greatly depends on the
efficiency of turbine. Because the shaft of dynamo is
directly coupling with the turbine shaft. As much as the
turbine rotate, the rotation of dynamo produce more
power which is the requirement. So, design of turbine is
shown below.
where D is the diameter of the wheel, which is constant.
Let us consider water will strike the blade at normal
direction. So force exerted by the jet,
, where w is the specific weight of water and a is the
cross section area of water tap from where water is
output = F × u
, and
Input =
Ƞh =
Fig.3. Solid Works design of Turbine blade.
5.2 Total arrangement of the system
After designing the turbine, it is required to connect the
turbine shaft with the dynamo shaft. And then the
basement to hold the total system. The total system is
shown below.
Again Ƞm=
, where k is the factor which is less then unity.
As we consider Φ = 90 degree.
Finally we get, Ƞ0 =
, which is again equal to =
Fig.4 Total arrangement of the project.
Here all frictional effect are neglected for the simplicity
of calculation [4].
5.3 Construction
o Sheet cutting process
ICMIEE-MC-160356- 4
Drilling process
Welding process
Grinding process
Sheet cutting: The blade of turbine was created by
cutting of stainless steel which is corrosion resistive.
Two aluminum sheet was cut to hold the dynamo.
Drilling: The turbine wheel was drilled to make it light.
It was done by drilling machining.
Welding: The turbine blade was attached with the wheel
by welding. The shaft of turbine was also connected by
welding process. Finally the two dynamo was connected
with the shaft of turbine
Grinding: The irregular surface on turbine due to
welding was finished by grinding process. It’s make it
shiny and nice.
In the field of technology electric power is must needed.
Day by day the requirement of electric power increasing.
Hence, without power generation the whole
development process is impossible. From the data it is
appeared that decrease the diameter of the jet the power
and performance increase. It is very important system
for power development.
[1] “Power Plant Engineering”, by G.R Nagpal,
fifth edition ,
[2] “An Introduction To Hydropower Concept And
Planning”, Canyon Hydro Publication.
[3] Published on the page of (U.S Department of
energy publication).
[4] “Hydraulics And Fluid Mechanics Including
Hydraulic Machines”, by Dr. P.N Modi & Dr.
S.M. Seth, new edition,
[5] Celso Penche "Layman's guidebook on how to
develop a small hydro site", Published by the
European Small Hydropower Association
(ESHA), Second edition, Belgium, June, 1998.
6. Result & Discussion
Table 2 Table for experimental data
Obser Cross
section of
Voltage, Power, P
n No. jet, d
For observation no. 04
Water head H=17.4m, power P=0.568 watt
Area A=
Velocity V=
The design of turbine blade for hydroelectric power
generator was done by solid works software. The
efficiency of turbine is increase with the decrease of jet
dia. Because it increase the rotation of wheel and
corresponding electric power is also increase. The aim
of project was to design and constriction a mini-hydro
dynamic power generator. It was successfully done.
While designing the whole process the historical
background was studied. From where the concept of
power generation was came from was understood.
Similar process of power generation was also studied. A
proto type turbine blade was designed. The turbine
efficiency which was designed was calculated. The
output power get from this hydro dynamic generator
was calculated. It was observed that the overall
efficiency of turbine is not good. The reason behind this
that there use electric motor as a dynamo. Again the
dynamo is very small to produce huge energy. So output
power is little. But it was observed that with the
increase of rotation of turbine the power production was
also increased. The efficiency calculated is quite good.
It was thought that if this concept is applied in the hydro
power plant, it will be very efficient.
=0.000012566 sq m
Discharge Q =AV=0.00022745 cube m/s
Efficiency Ƞ0 =14.38 %
ICMIEE-MC-160356- 5
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