CAIRO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ELEC. POWER & MACHINES DEPT. FIRST YEAR ENERGY CONVERSION SHEET (5) Dr. Mahmoud Sayed 1- Wind turbine of two-blades type is designed to have its maximum power at TSR=6 when the wind speed is 25 mph, if the blade diameter 100 ft. what is the recommended speed of rotation in rpm? 2- A horizontal-axis wind turbine has a two blade is rated at 2 Mw and it is installed in an area with a wind speed of 13 m/sec. , the coefficient of performance = 0.32, gear efficiency = 94%, generator efficiency = 96%, if the air density (𝜌air) = 1.29 kg/m3. Calculate the swept area of the blades and the rotor diameter? 3- For the previous example, calculate the TSR and the torque on the turbine shaft, if the rotor runs at 25 rpm? 4- A wind turbine rated at 3 Mw, if the wind speed = 17 m/sec. , with blade diameter of 60 m. and the air density (𝜌air) = 1.29 kg/m3. Calculate the coefficient of performance for the turbine. Assume gear efficiency and generator efficiency each equal 90%?