Chapter 2 Steady-state and onedimensional conduction 2025-02-12 2.1 Heat conduction equation • A rate equation that allows determination of the conduction heat flux from knowledge of the temperature distribution in a medium • Fourier’s Law : its most general (vector) form for multidimensional conduction is: q = −kT Implications: – Heat transfer is in the direction of decreasing temperature (basis for minus sign). – Fourier’s Law serves to define the thermal conductivity of the medium q k =− T – Direction of heat transfer is perpendicular to lines of constant temperature (isotherms). – Heat flux vector may be resolved into orthogonal components. 2025-02-12 2 2.1 Heat conduction equation Thermophysical Properties Thermal Conductivity: A measure of a material’s ability to transfer thermal energy by conduction. Thermal Diffusivity:𝛼 ≡ 𝑘 𝜌𝑐𝑝 A measure of a material’s ability to respond to changes in its thermal environment. (It measures the ability of a material to conduct thermal energy relative to its ability to store thermal energy. Materials of large will respond quickly to changes in their thermal environment.) 2025-02-12 Property Tables: Solids: Tables A.1 – A.3 Gases: Table A.4 Liquids: Tables A.5 – A.7 3 2.1 Heat conduction equation Heat Flux • Cartesian Coordinates: TT((xx, ,yy , z, )z ) T T T q = −k i −k j −k k x y z qx qz q y qy qx • Cylindrical Coordinates: qz T (r , , z ) T T T q = −k i −k j −k k r r z q qr • Spherical Coordinates: qz T (r , , ) T T T q = −k i −k j −k k r r r sin 2025-02-12 qr q q 4 2.1 Heat conduction equation • A differential equation whose solution provides the temperature distribution in a stationary medium. • Based on applying conservation of energy to a differential control volume through which energy transfer is exclusively by conduction. • Cartesian Coordinates: T T T T k + k + k + q = C P x x y y z z t Net transfer of thermal energy into the control volume (inflow-outflow) 2025-02-12 Thermal energy generation Change in thermal energy storage 5 2.1 Heat conduction equation • Cylindrical Coordinates : 1 T 1 T T T kr + 2 k + k + q = C P r r r r z z t • Spherical Coordinates : T 1 1 2 T 1 T T kr + k + k + q = C P r r 2 sin 2 r 2 sin t r 2 r 2025-02-12 6 2.1 Heat conduction equation Typical example • One-Dimensional Conduction in a Planar Medium with Constant Properties and No Generation 2T 1 T = 2 x t k → Thermal diffusivity of the medium c p SCHEMATIC: 2025-02-12 7 2.1 Heat conduction equation Boundary and Initial Conditions • For transient conduction, heat equation is first order in time, requiring specification of an initial temperature distribution: T ( x, t = 0) = To ( x) • Since heat equation is second order in space, two boundary conditions must be specified. Some common cases: Constant Surface Temperature: T ( x = 0, t ) = Ts Constant Heat Flux : Applied Heat Flux Insulated Surface T −k = qs x x =0 T =0 x x =0 Convection : −k 2025-02-12 T = hT − T (0, t ) x x =0 8 2.1 Heat conduction equation Methodology of a Conduction Analysis • Solve appropriate form of heat equation to obtain the temperature distribution. • Knowing the temperature distribution, apply Fourier’s Law to obtain the heat flux at any time, location and direction of interest. • Applications: 1: One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction Common Geometries : – The Plane Wall: Described in rectangular (x) coordinate. Area perpendicular to direction of heat transfer is constant (independent of x). – The Tube Wall: Radial conduction through tube wall. – The Spherical Shell: Radial conduction through shell wall. 2: 3: 2025-02-12 Two-Dimensional, Steady State Conduction (Chapter 3) Transient Conduction (Chapter 4) 9 2.2 Electrical analogy-Thermal resistance The Plane Wall • Consider a plane wall between two fluids of different temperature: • Heat Equation: d dT k =0 dx dx • Implications: Heat rate (qx) is independent of x Heat flux (qx ) is independent of x. • Boundary Conditions : T (0) = Ts ,1 • Temperature Distribution for Constant k : 2025-02-12 T ( L) = Ts , 2 T ( x) = Ts ,1 + (Ts , 2 − Ts ,1 ) x L 10 The Plane Wall • 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance Heat Flux and Heat Rate: qx = −k dT k = (Ts ,1 − Ts , 2 ) dx L dT kA = (Ts ,1 − Ts , 2 ) dx L Thermal Resistances Rt = T q q x = −kA • Conduction in a plane wall: and Thermal Circuits : Rt ,cond = L kA Convection: Rt ,conv = 1 hA Thermal circuit for plane wall with adjoining fluids: 1 L 1 Rtot = + + h1 A kA h2 A • Thermal Resistance for Unit Surface Area : Units: 2025-02-12 Rt K/W Rt,cond = L k Rt,conv = qx = T ,1 − T ,2 Rtot 1 h Rt m 2 K/W 11 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Plane Wall • Composite Wall with negligible Contact Resistance: Rtot = 1 1 L A LB LC 1 Rtot + + + + = A h1 k A k B k C h4 A qx = • T ,1 − T , 2 Rtot Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) : A modified form of Newton’s Law of Cooling to encompass multiple resistances to heat transfer. q x = UAToverall 2025-02-12 Rtot = 1 UA 12 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Plane Wall • Series – Parallel Composite Wall: • Note departure from one-dimensional conditions for k F kG . • Circuits based on assumption of isothermal surfaces normal to x direction or adiabatic surfaces parallel to x direction provide approximations for qx . 2025-02-12 13 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Tube Wall • Heat Equation: 𝑑 𝑑𝑟 𝑘𝑟 𝑑𝑇 𝑑𝑟 =0 What does the form of the heat equation tell us about the variation of qr with r in the wall? Is the foregoing conclusion consistent with the energy conservation requirement? • How does qr vary with r? Temperature Distribution for constant k : TS ,1 − TS ,2 r T (r ) = ln + TS ,2 ln(r1 / r2 ) r2 2025-02-12 14 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Tube Wall • Heat Flux and Heat Rate: qr = −k dT k (Ts ,1 − Ts,2 ) = dr r ln(r2 / r1 ) qr = 2rqr = • qr = 2rLqr = 2Lk (Ts,1 − Ts,2 ) ln(r2 / r1 ) 2k (Ts,1 − Ts,2 ) ln(r2 / r1 ) Conduction Resistance : Rt ,cond = ln(r2 / r1 ) 2Lk Units K/W Rt,cond = ln(r2 / r1 ) 2k Units m.K/W Why is it inappropriate to use R a unit surface area) ? t ,cond 2025-02-12 (to base the thermal resistance on 15 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Tube Wall • Composite Wall with negligible Contact Resistance qr = T,1 − T, 4 Rtot = UA(T ,1 − T, 4 ) Note that −1 UA = Rtot is a constant independent of radius. But, U itself is tied to specification of an interface. 2025-02-12 16 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Spherical Shell • Heat Equation 𝑑 𝑑𝑟 𝑘𝑟 2 𝑑𝑇 𝑑𝑟 =0 What does the form of the heat equation tell us about the variation of qr with r? Is this result consistent with conservation of energy? How does qr vary with r? • Temperature Distribution for Constant k : T (r ) = Ts ,1 − (Ts ,1 − Ts , 2 ) 2025-02-12 1 − (r1 / r ) 1 − (r1 / r2 ) 17 2.2 Electrical analogy -Thermal resistance The Spherical Shell • Heat flux, Heat Rate and Thermal Resistance: qr = −k dT k = 2 (Ts ,1 − Ts , 2 ) dr r (1 / r1 ) − (1 / r2 ) qr = 4r 2 qr = 4k (Ts ,1 − Ts , 2 ) (1 / r1 ) − (1 / r2 ) Rt ,cond = • (1 / r1 ) − (1 / r2 ) 4k Composite Shell: qr = Toverall = UAToverall Rtot −1 UA = Rtot Constant U i = ( Ai Rtot ) Depends on Ai −1 2025-02-12 18 2.3 Contact Resistance Rt,c = TA − TB qx Rt ,c = Rt,c Ac Values depend on: Materials A and B, surface finishes, interstitial conditions, and contact pressure (Tables 3.1 and 3.2) The temperature drop across the interface between materials may be appreciable. The existence of a finite contact resistance is due principally to surface roughness effects 2025-02-12 19 2.3 Contact Resistance 2025-02-12 20 2.4 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation Typical Thermal Energy Generation • Involves a local (volumetric) source of thermal energy due to conversion from another form of energy in a conducting medium. • The source may be uniformly distributed, as in the conversion from electrical to thermal energy (Ohmic heating): E g I 2 Re q = = or it may be non-uniformly distributed, as in the absorption of radiation passing through a semi-transparent medium. q exp(−x) • Generation affects the temperature distribution in the medium and causes the heat rate to vary with location, thereby precluding inclusion of the medium in a thermal circuit. 2025-02-12 21 2.4 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation The Plan Wall • Consider one-dimensional, steady-state conduction in a plane wall of constant k, uniform generation and, and asymmetric surface conditions : • Heat Equation: d dT d 2T q k + q = 0 → 2 + = 0 dx dx dx k Is the heat flux q” independent of x? • General Solution : T ( x) = −(q / 2k )x 2 + C1 x + C2 What is the form of the temperature distribution for q = 0 ? 2025-02-12 q 0 ? q 0 ? 22 2.4 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation The Plan Wall Symmetric Surface Conditions or One Surface Insulated : • What is the temperature gradient at the centerline or the insulated surface? • Temperature Distribution : qL2 x 2 1 − + Ts T ( x) = 2k L2 • How do we determine Ts ? Overall energy balance on the wall → − E out + E g = 0 − hAs (Ts − T ) + qAs L = 0 Ts = T + qL h • How do we determine the heat rate at x = L? 2025-02-12 23 2.4 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation Radial Systems Cylindrical (Tube) Wall Solid Cylinder (Circular Rod) • Heat Equations: Cylindrical 2025-02-12 1 d dT kr + q = 0 r dr dr Spherical Wall (Shell) Solid Sphere Spherical 1 d 2 dT kr + q = 0 2 r dr dr 24 2.4 Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation Radial Systems • Solution for Uniform Generation in a Solid Sphere of Constant k with Convection Cooling: Temperature Distribution dT qr 3 kr =− + C1 dr 3 2 T =− qr 2 C1 − + C2 6k r dT = 0 → C1 = 0 dr r =0 Surface Temperature Overall energy balance: • q ro qro → Ts = T T + =T + − Eout + Eg = 0 → s 3h 3h Or from a surface energy balance: T qcond (ro ) = qconv −4ro2 k r r = r o • qr → Ts = T + qor = 4ro2 h(Ts − T ) Ts = T +3h o 3h qro2 T (ro ) = Ts → C2 = Ts + 6k qro2 r 2 1 − + Ts T (r ) = 6k ro2 2025-02-12 25 2.5 Fins and their Applications Typical Applications Mechanical systems 2025-02-12 26 2.5 Fins and their Applications Typical Applications Electronic systems 2025-02-12 27 2.5 Fins and their Applications Description of a fin A Fin (or an extended surface also known as a combined conduction-convection system) is a solid within which heat transfer by conduction is assumed to be one dimensional, while heat is also transferred by convection (and/or radiation) from the surface in a direction transverse to that of conduction. Extended surfaces may exist in many situations but are commonly used as fins to enhance heat transfer by increasing the surface area available for convection (and/or radiation). They are particularly beneficial when h is small, as for a gas and natural convection. 2025-02-12 28 2.5 Fins and their Applications Typical fin configurations Some typical fin configurations: Straight fins of (a) uniform and (b) non-uniform cross sections; (c) annular fin, and (d) pin fin of non-uniform cross section. 2025-02-12 29 2.5 Fins and their Applications General equation of a fin x Assuming one-dimensional, steady-state conduction in an extended surface of = 0) , constant conductivity k, without heat generation (q = 0) and negligible radiation (qrad the general fin equation is of the form: 2025-02-12 30 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fins of uniform cross section For a uniform cross-sectional area Ac , the fin equation is of the form: d 2 T hP (T − T ) = 0 2 − kAc dx 1 R = conv and the reduced temperature = T − T , or, with m = hP /t ,kA c hA 2 d 2 2 2 − m = 0 dx Rt ,cond = The general solution is given as follows : L kA 𝜃 𝑥 = 𝐶1 𝑒 𝑚𝑥 + 𝐶2 𝑒 −𝑚𝑥 To determine the constants C1 and C2, boundary conditions should be specified. 2025-02-12 31 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fins of uniform cross section Solutions : Base (x = 0) condition (0) = Tb − T b Tip ( x = L) conditions A. Convection : −k d = h (L) dx x = L d =0 dx x =L B. Adiabatic : C. Fixed temperature : D. Infinite fin : Fin Heat Rate: 2025-02-12 ( L) = L (mL 2.65) : ( L) = 0 q f = −k Ac d = h ( x)dAs dx x =0 Af 32 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fins of uniform cross-section 2025-02-12 33 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fins of uniform cross-section Fin performance parameters • Fin Efficiency : f qf q f ,max = qf hA f b How is the efficiency affected by the thermal conductivity of the fin? • Fin Efficiency for case B : f = tanh mL mL • Fin Resistance : Rt , f 2025-02-12 b qf = 1 hA f f 34 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fins of nonuniform cross-section In this case, the fin thermal analysis becomes more complex. The solutions of fin equation are no longer in the form of simple exponential or hyperbolic functions. As a typical case, let consider the annular fin shown in figure below. Although, the thickness t of the fin is uniform, i.e. it is independent of radius r, we have : and Thus, the resulting fin equation is given by : With and This is a modified Bessel equation of order zero and its general solution of the following form: where, are the modified zero-order Bessel functions of the first and second kinds respectively. The Bessel functions are tabulated in Appendix B4 2025-02-12 35 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fins of nonuniform cross-section For prescribed temperature at the base: And adiabatic condition at the tip : The constants C1 and C2 can be determined to yield to the temperature distribution : where, , which are tabulated in Appendix B5. Hence, 2025-02-12 36 2.5 Fins and their Applications Concept of corrected fin length The concept of corrected fin length is based on assuming equivalence between heat transfer from actual fin (of length L) with tip convection and heat transfer from a hypothetical fin (of length Lc) with an adiabatic tip. Hence, 2025-02-12 37 2.5 Fins and their Applications Concept of corrected fin length The table below shows efficiency of typical fin shapes (from L. Bergman et al. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons) . 2025-02-12 38 2.5 Fins and their Applications Concept of corrected fin length The table below shows efficiency of typical fin shapes (from L. Bergman et al. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons) . 2025-02-12 39 2.5 Fins and their Applications Concept of corrected fin length The table below shows efficiency of typical fin shapes (from L. Bergman et al. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons) . 2025-02-12 40 2.5 Fins and their Applications Concept of corrected fin length The figure below shows efficiency of typical fin shapes (from L. Bergman et al. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons) . 2025-02-12 41 2.5 Fins and their Applications Concept of corrected fin length The figure below shows efficiency of typical fin shapes (from L. Bergman et al. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley & Sons) . 2025-02-12 42 2.5 Fins and their Applications Fin Arrays • Representative arrays of (a) rectangular and (b) annular fins. – Total surface area: At = NA f + Ab Number of fins Area of exposed base (prime surface) – Total heat rate: q t = ( N f hA f + hAb )b – Overall surface efficiency and resistance: q q o t = t qmax hAt b 2025-02-12 o = 1 − NA f At (1 − f ) Rt ,o = b qt = 1 o hAt 43 Typical Problems Problem 2.1 Consider the composite wall shown in figure below. The hot and cold fluids properties, as well as thermal conductivities of the different material layers and their thickness are given as follows: Hot fluid: T∞, 1 = 100°C, h1 = 50 W/m2.°C. Cold fluid: T∞, 4 = 100°C, h4 = 25 W/m2.°C Composite wall : kA = 90 W/m.°C, LA = 3 cm, kB = 60 W/m.°C, LB = 3 cm, kC = 20 W/m.°C, LC = 30cm. Surface area of the wall A = 1 m2 1) Determine the resulting heat rate, q 2) Calculate the different surface temperatures 2025-02-12 44 Typical Problems Problem 2.2 Assessment of thermal barrier coating (TBC) for protection of turbine blades. Determine maximum blade temperature with and without TBC. Schematic: P.S. La marque est utilisée comme préfixe pour environ 25 alliages, les plus couramment utilisés étant l'Inconel 600, l'Inconel 625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb), et l'Inconel 718 (NiFe38Cr16Nb). La zircone est le nom commun de l'oxyde de zirconium (ZrO2). 2025-02-12 COMMENTS: Since the durability of the TBC decreases with increasing temperature, which increases with increasing thickness, limits to its thickness are associated with reliability considerations. 45 Typical Problems Problem 2.3 Under steady-state conditions, the temperature distribution within a semi-transparent medium subjected to laser irradiation is given by Determine: (a) Expressions for the heat flux at the front and rear surfaces, (b) The heat generation rate, (c) Expression for absorbed radiation per unit surface area. Laser : Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 2025-02-12 46 Typical Problems Problem 2.4 Suitability of a composite spherical shell for storing radioactive wastes in oceanic waters. SCHEMATIC: Are there any problems associated with this proposal? COMMENTS: In fabrication, attention should be given to maintaining a good thermal contact. A protective outer coating should be applied to prevent long term corrosion of the stainless steel. 2025-02-12 47 Problem 2.5 Typical Problems Assessment of cooling scheme for gas turbine blade. Determination of whether blade temperatures are less than the maximum allowable value (1050 °C) for prescribed operating conditions and evaluation of blade cooling rate. FIND: (a) Whether blade operating conditions are acceptable, (b) Heat transfer to blade coolant. ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional, steady-state conduction in blade, (2) Constant k, (3) Adiabatic blade tip, (4) Negligible radiation. Schematic: (a) Whether blade operating conditions are acceptable (b) Heat transfer to blade coolant qf = M tanh (mL) = −517Wx0.983 = − 508W 2025-02-12 48 Typical Problems Problem 2.6 Determination of maximum allowable power for a 20mm x 20mm electronic chip whose temperature is not to exceed Tc = 85°C when the chip is attached to an air-cooled heat sink with N=11 fins of prescribed dimensions. Tc = 85oC W = 20 mm R”t,c= 2x10-6 m2-K/W k = 180 W/m-K L b= 3 mm Lf = 15 mm Air 2025-02-12 Too = 20oC S h = 100 W/m2-K t Rt,b Tc qc Rt,c Too Rt,o = 1.8 mm 49 Typical Problems Problem 2.7 Determine heat rate without the fins and with the fins in place (N = 5 fins) qt = hAt𝜂𝑜 𝜃𝑏 o = 1 − 2025-02-12 NA f At (1 − f ) 50