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Rizal Bill Debate: Arguments For and Against

The Rizal Bill: A Debate of
National Importance
Nationalism and Patriotism
Religious Sensitivity
Promotes National Pride: This encourages a sense of pride and
national identity among Filipino people, which will manifest
through learning about the life and works of Jose Rizal.
Conflict with Religious Beliefs: The Catholic church believes
that some of the works of Rizal such as "Noli Me Tangere" and
"El Filibusterismo," are anti Catholic.
Educational Value: This will provide valuable lessons and
insights on patriotism, courage, and sacrifice from Rizal’s
Probability of the church opposition: The probability of the
Catholic Church will be high as they strongly opposed the
compulsory reading of Rizal’s works, stating that the works of
Rizal could undermine the faith of young Catholics.
Historical Awareness
Academic Freedom
Understanding History: This will help students to further
understand the history and specially the backgrounds of Rizal.
Furthermore, it will also help students to understand how the
Philippines struggle for independence.
Imposition on Curriculum: Some Critics argued that the bill
imposed a specific viewpoint and reading material, infringing on
academic freedom and the autonomy of educational
Cultural Heritage: This will preserves the cultural heritage and
backgrounds that will ensure future generations are fully aware
of the country’s past experiences and stories.
Diverse Perspectives: Critics believed that it will be unfair and
biased in focusing solely on Rizal’s works this could result to
limited exposure to other important historical figures aspects,
and perspective.
Moral and Ethical Lesson
Political Implication
Role Models: This subject will highlight Rizal as a role model for
students; this subject will emphasize the values most especially
selflessness, dedication to the country, and the intellectual
Politicization of Education: Concerns have been raised that the
bill was issued because of political purposes, in which passing
this bill is only for the interest of a certain group rather than the
educational benefits that it may have provide to the students.
Cultural Heritage: By analyzing Rizal‘s works and their
implications to the current society, it will lead the students to
critically think and analyze.
Division and controversy: Passing this bill might cause
controversy and division in the senate; this may cause more
harm than good in politics, which results in a politically charged
Legal and Constitutional
Educational Mandate: This fullfulls the bill of the 1935
Constitution in promoting and developing education for the
youth, which focuses more on the teaching of nationalism.
Practical Concerns
Implimentation Challenges: There are questions that has been
raised about the feasibility of the bill’s implimentation. Such
aspects that has been questioned are the availability of
resources, the training of teahcers and the appropriate
materials that will be required in implementing this subject.