MOOSA KHAN Page 105 Chapter ACID, BASES AND SALTS Page 106 AcIDS BASES SALTS and , · CIDs Old when definition Acids are the Aqueous Acid Solution H Ht Non-metal HCL , ions ,y6 ↳ + H & Hydrogen I - Ch H20 HCL Nat CL-NaCh + N Hydrogen for (Protons) Atom H 1 P 1 E 0 N = C + ! H = any into water is 1, V, 11 ↓ E substance . H - C + H2O = (water) forms Agreous solu. it that substances in Hydrochloric P Solutive dissolved Htions give Aqueous = 1 = O = 0 Acids Acids are Profoe Donors (H +) Hydrochloric Acid HCL , H20 HCL 0345 2494359 & H + @chemwithmk + MOOSA KHAN Page 107 C /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 108 Nitride 02-Nitric Acid H20 C ( CH NO 1H > HNOz , + ** INO NOs N3= Nitrate NOz ; Sulfate + ; 504 ; PO4 Phosphate ; - 2- 3- Carbonat ; CO32- Hydroxide OH- ; Ammonium NHyt I For -Sulfuric Acid H2SO4 03 , H2w 1 H2SO4 acid 2H · Phosphoric + - 1904 Aluminium Sulfate ③ A Soy > - ALz(504) H2COs , 1 H2 (03 os . 2HT - Carbonic 04- 2 acid 2 + + s ↓ 2Al3 - 1C03 # + 50 , HaPO4 , + DO HCL , = H acid ; HNOz = HNO3 Vos-Sulfuric acid ; H2SO4 => H2SO4 04 -Carbonic acid ; H2COs => H2COs H3PO4 => HyPO4 H3 PO4 - · 3H + Mineral acids -oi Hydrochloric 02-Nitric os acid -Phosphoric acid; Organic Acids/Carboxylic o Ethanoic acid ; 0345 2494359 OR H > H + + + (5 + Noj > 2HT + So? > 2H - - > + CO2 3H + + PO + Acids - CH3COOH- CHyCOzH @chemwithmk > - CH3COO Ht + Ethanoate ion /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk . 1 02-Propanoic acid ; CzHsCOoH Propanoic C2HSCOOH C2Hscoo- -° - + + Propanoate ion acid. Reversible Reaction Irreversible H Reaction & - OF ACIDS 01- STRONG ACIDS Acids that LYPES Aqueous solution ionizes/dissociates completely . / IOHCL Eq HCL H & 1 + 0 mo > - ACIDS 02-WEAK Acid solution . 10 mol Eq / incompletely /partially ionizes/dissociates that aqueous unionized CL- + I Unionized in in 2 Zmol 1CHz COOH CH3Coo- + molHt #H + ⑧ mo = 10 erLHCL 10 S CH 0345 2494359 + moL CHzCOOH 2HT @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 109 Page 110 BASES Bases to o> that Substances are salt produce and . [IONIC Dodium Na Oxide Potassium Oxida Calcium Oxida Magnesium Oxida Jeun (11) Oxid + 1 K O + COMPOUND] - 02- => NazO => KzO Catt on =S Cao so e - Febt of [Definition]] TYPES - => => Bases OF BASES WATER group other FezOz Acceptors proton are I L All acids water Metal Oxides . Bases with reacts INSOLUBLE WATER SOLUBLE metal Oxides than group (I) metal Oxides Eg. Mg6 , Car , FezOs -> All group [S Eg. NazO Water form @chemwithmk K2O soluble dissolve in 0345 2494359 , /chemwithmk/ metal Oxides . Bases water Metal to Hydroxides (Alkalis /chemwithmk AIKALIS Alkalis 01-Alkalis React with acids 02-Alkalis are Conic Compounds 03-Alkalis are metal Hydroxid , hydroxides - NazO Bases But other - OH-1 NaOH = alkalis Hav > H2G -> - Her CaW we 2+ Hed & G > - - K20 Mg OH- Nat hydroxide Magnesian hydroxide ; Mg Bases , Insoluble H26 Salt produce to Of Sodium wate acceptors proton are MOOSA KHAN Page 111 - NaOH KOH X X & MgLOH)2' can prepare Reactions. Mg(OH)2 Lalotle by Bases d ↑ata Soluble dissolve ir G S water Resoluble Alkalis Haw 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 112 * O > - Are Ionic L Compounds & Cation <+ ) - Metal Ions ·> mmonium - ANION ·- ion NHyt L-) Nor metal & ion Chloride , Bromide Sulfate Magnesium Sulfide MgS Lithium Sulfate From (11) Carbonate all metal Oxicks of But all Metal - All Jonic 0345 2494359 are hydroxide Compounds Metal Oxides 92- FezKUz)s But o> , LizS o > - , Soy2 No , Sulfide Call Br , Nitrate Calcium Chloride / Molecular in (Bases) @chemwithmk Bases Not Salts alkalis Not Salts are Except and Metal . hydroxides Calkalis) /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk REACTIONS ACIDS OF 01 Acids + Metals > Salt + 02 Acids + Bases & Salt Hydroge gas (He) + Water - (H20) (Metal Oxides) 03 Acids - Alkalis + 04 Acids+ - 01-ACIDS HCL Metal Carbonates METALS + Na + H2O - + + Ha + Ha CO2 1 I Cation ( + ) Anive(-) Metal Acich a L + Nach > Nat c d - Salt Water Salt > - - Salt * & + => - 2HCh Salt · hydroxides) (Metal > - MOOSA KHAN Page 113 + 2 H = > - *2 C = H = + C= 2 Na = 2 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ = Ha 2 1 Na 0345 2494359 2 2 Nach /chemwithmk . . Page 114 HE Mg + Mgclz > Ha + falt ↓ Cation ENON Metal acid Mg 2t x L -0 & MgCl2 HCL Ea ↳ + - H = c = My 1Mg 12 / H * 2 c 1 (g = 125 04 , 1 Mgcz · + 2 Na = = 2 & 1 = NazSO4 & 2 H S 1 8 = 0 I 4 0 = Na = = + H2 2 = Na 1 IHz 2 H = + 1 4 Salt 2 ↓ = lon-metal Metal ↓ Acid NatD 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ so Nas S04 /chemwithmk 2 PO4 + Le > 2ALPO4 + MOOSA KHAN Page 115 3 H2(g) H = G ALs(POy)s X Salt AL3(pop3 X H3DOy X alDY Anion Cative Pop- AQPO4 X - L c -) c+) acid HL Poy . ⑭ Al Al - - , (PO4) , ALPO4 02-ACIDS BASES + & SALT NATER + Oxide s Sodium Chlorid Hychochloric acid t Nag2- I that + 1) Ic + 2) 2HCL - H 12 Na 0 2 = = = + Hao 2 1 0345 2494359 cl X 2 No X 2 0 = 1 @chemwithmk - c 3) - ( = = [c + 3) # H= 2 = C S2NaCL Nazo - Nat c /chemwithmk/ 2) /chemwithmk 1) 1 Page 116 Sulfuric acid H2SO4 Sodium Oxide + + NazO > 2H + MgO Mg2 Acid + H2O I Mg(NO3)a Alkalis + MgCNO3)2 > NO- H2O + - - + - NazSOy > Na "So, Socioen Sulfata > Hat Salt · + Wate . [Metal Hydroxides] Sulfreic acid + Calcium Lychoxide Ca2 of + H2 4 > + E - (OH)2 & Calcio CaSOy + + He 2H20 c So Ca"90 1 , Casly 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk HCL 2HNOz H = NaOH + H 2 Mg(OH)2 + = 2 = H Nall & · H2G + MgC)2 4 = H 0 =2 3H2) WH = + 8 0 = 8 Mg 1 Mg 1 = FeCOH)3 3 H & + - FeCOH) => Fe Iron (III) 1 hydroxide Inve (11) hyckoxick Metals have + . 2+ two -Zinc 02-Silver 0345 2494359 3H20 = c metals = WH 6 Feb charges + 3 = => 2 Fells - Fe(OH) 3 transition 4 O= Fe3 In = 1= 2 N= 2 0=6 2H20 + @chemwithmk , S fixed + Ag + /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 117 Page 118 04-Acids Metal + Salt + > - H2O CO2 + Carbonate HCL Sodium Carbonate + atD & - COs , NazCOs 2H21 NazCO3 + 92NaCl - 1 H= 2 c= 2 C= 2 Nc 2 Na 2 = 2 . = c CU + - ~ H H20 + = = 1 c 1 0= 3 0= 3 N2 + H2 > Nz Hy > NHz - - 2H) = Mgl0s + Hydrochloric + MgCl2 - Calcien & + Salt + H20 H20 102 + + 102 Carbonate acid Climestons] 2- Ca2 + COs 2HCL + 0345 2494359 CaCOs @chemwithmk & Call2 /chemwithmk/ + H20 + /chemwithmk 102 WH2SOy H2SOy + + 0345 2494359 CaCOs MgCOs > > - @chemwithmk CaSOy MgSoy MOOSA KHAN Page 119 + H2O + CO2 + Hew + CO2 /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 120 Bases/Alkalis React that Substances with acids to produceSalt and water def New "Bases/alkalis proton are acceptors" Bases L Soluble Bases -> -> - Also known as ALKALIS into form metal water to hydroxides alkalis /Bases . NazO Kz8 . o> Metal o- All - . Group (1) metal Oxides dissolve Insoluble Bases H20 other Oxides Nazo , Ca8 KOH Ago He & & Oxides group metal [Base But Soluble) Bases FezOz CaCOH) 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk 2 /chemwithmk/ , Mg(OH)2 /chemwithmk Reactions REACTION NEUTRALIZATION Of Base Acidh + Co ↳+ Bases of 2HNO > > - = > Salt H20 + Cu CNO3)2 + · Salt H2o > Na2SOy - H2O GO e 02- Alkalis + Acids + H2SOy 2 NaOH Ammonium Salts ·_ Ammonium Chloride - NHyT CL => NHyCL > + t2H2O Salt A Ammoeirm in NHyt 02-Ammonium i CL- SoB 92 NOT Nitrate , NHy" NO3 => NH4NO3 Ammonia . NH3 03 - Ammonium Sulfate NHyt 0345 2494359 SO4, -> MOOSA KHAN Page 121 (NH4) S04 @chemwithmk = /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 122 heat 01 Ammonium Salt + Alkali Salt > - > Water + Ammoniaga Sodiren Chlorick + H20 > NHz + heat Ammonium Chlorida NHYCL Socivenhydroxick + NaOH + > - NaCL & H20 + + - NH3 (alkali) heat - 2 NHyNOz + CaLOH)2 => CaCNOs) & (alkli) Ca 2t NO + 2 2H20 + INHz 1 3 heat 2NH4CL + CaO Callz - H2O + + 2NH3 Base (9) - Ammonium - Potassium - Potassiven + H20 Sulfate Hydroxide Sulfate NHy"SO - K "Of k (NH4) 2904 + KOH k 0345 2494359 = 1 @chemwithmk 7 + So, - K2SO4 K = NHz + 2H2O + INH3 + L /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk . Acids Alkalis NaOH HCL ALKALLS :n Metal 01- or-Jonic 03 Alkalis Compounds Ofives NaOH Strong Of + + Lof ionizes completely in Aqueous NaOH & Solutive Nat + OH- kt - OH- Batt + 20H . KOH > - > - ALKALIS 02-WEAK ionizes/dissociates that Aqueous OH- t Batt & BaCOH)2 in . + 1 K > - z Solution Alkalis that Alkalis Alkali's . Nat > Ba(OH) Eg acceptors Aqueous in - KOH 01 protoe are hycoxick Give . MOOSA KHAN Page 123 Solution. Ey. 0345 2494359 MgCOH) @chemwithmk 2 incompletely /partially Mg2 Reversible /chemwithmk/ . + + 20ft /chemwithmk Page 124 A His Both HCI Hit doe to acidity is Alkalis alkalinity is doe acidity and alkalinity , I H concentrated with acich & order e : It - , is we a measure pH 2 = - 0 Stronge acid of strength pH scale to of solution. > - concentrated acidity a acidity and measure alkali · . city * I 7 . D H MgLOH) with alkali [ + , of more acidity · c . alkalinity # water Or the Measure alkalinity and PH to Off to NaOH, KOH, BaCOH) , H more Needs HNOz H2SO4 CHzCOOH , . 14 - OH H A Neutral H = + 0 <OH- PH OH . = 6 ge - 0 weaker alkali d PH = 6 . 0 acich 0345 2494359 Weaker pH @chemwithmk = 13 . 0 stronger alkali /chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ MOOSA KHAN Page 125 INDICATORS Indicators whether us the solution is acidic alkaline . or 01 tell - Paper Litmus Acid Alkali &e acids Blue Litmus turns Red in color &e alkalis Red Litmus trees Blue in color OR Liquid Litenus I Acid 0345 2494359 . @chemwithmk , ! Alkali /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 126 02- THYMOLP THA LEIN Acid Alkali > = > = Coloneless Blue -METHYL ORANGE 03 04 - Acid => Alkali => Rech yellow PHENOLPTHALE IN Acid => Colorless Alkali = Pink 0345 2494359 . @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk PH MEASURING Meter PH of of 02-UNIVERSAL INDICATOR i . PH 2 = - PH 0 COLOUR CHART Ack) few drops solution with value a , = Solution a S pH meter , - L PH 60 = of universal colon of solutive 80 PH 130 in a = indicator is compared provided toread the of pH against specific colom colour 0345 2494359 MOOSA KHAN Page 127 chart a @chemwithmk . /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 128 Indical O Universal pH Colour Green 7 => = . Neutral Salts Compounds Ionic o- All compounds metal oxides [Bases] on ionic NaCl MgClz , , CaSO4 . are salts and metal Cative Nat , Mght, Fe3+, Al + Except hydroxides [allalis] BaSO4 , Ammonium So Salts - Ton Salts d Anion and Cation ; Cation Ammonium 5 , NHyt 92-Br SO4 , - - NOs CL-8 2 & - - 2- Soy Noj I Salts Soluble Water & Water Insoluble H20 H2O Nall(s , > NaCLgag , 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk BaS04 (5 / /chemwithmk/ B > BaSO4LS , /chemwithmk Soluble Water H2O & Nacks Mayor <Laq , Nat & , + (ag) cizag, Agreous state when Substance is dissolved comes in Aqueous state a water it () Gas (ag) into States solic) (S) 0345 2494359 Liquid MOOSA KHAN Page 129 @chemwithmk (g) /chemwithmk/ Aqueous (ag) /chemwithmk . Page 130 GENERAL SOLUBILITY RULES Salt Chloride of Eg. NaCl MgCl2 All chloride Salts -Nitrate NaNOs All 03 Nitrates NazSO4 All NO , CuCL et . , Ag AgCL Zu +1 2+ PD212 ALCNOs)s , FeCNOzI2 , FeCNOg) , , Soluble are 904- MgSO4 Sulfate , CaSO4 Salts Except 01 - Us . 0345 2494359 , : salt , or Cullz soluble water are . , -Solfate NHuCl, , Lead (11) chloride - MgNNO3)2 , FeClz , -Silver Chloride 02 02 FeCz , Except CL , , SALTS FOR , are K2SO4 soluble Solfate Bariren Sulfate Lead (11) Sulfate Calcium , CaSOy BaSO4 , @chemwithmk etc . , PbSO4 /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk 04 - All Carbonate Carbonate Salts Salts CO22- , insoluble are [Solble] ept Group [Flmetal 01- for Carbonate Sodium Carbonate Eg. NHy All Ammonium NH4CL , COs Salts (NHu)SOy Liz Cos , (NH4)2 CO3 => NHyt Salts Ammonium . T K2 COs , Carbonate Carbonate 02-Ammonium NazCOs , Potassium Carbonate Lithium 05 MOOSA KHAN Page 131 Soluble . are , NHyNOz etc . -NH4CL NHL Tag NaCl(s , Chan Ammonium Chloride Ital Chop, 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ Nach . /chemwithmk Page 132 Hec Nac H = C Precipitate When :- an produced Silver chloride AgCcs , Bromide , Silver Iodide ; is chemical in SALTS => white / ppt NazO = METAL MgG Yellow OXIDES All (1) metal Oxides group NazO all Aluminium Oxide ; AlzOy Oxides Fe @chemwithmk Soluble. water are (11) ; Iron (11) Oxide ; FezOs 0345 2494359 ppt AgI(s) Sodium Magnesium Oxide Iron Salt , ppt off white ppt OF Oxide ; a C + 196 AgBr(s) => Cream SOLOBILITIES Oxide ; , t Solution INSOLUBLE MORE Tag, < + insoluble in agreous a Silver f - (ppt) SOME Natas, & other are /chemwithmk/ KzO , group metal water fesoluble /chemwithmk . SOLUBILITIES Sodium METAL OF hydroxide NaOH CaCOH) Calcium hydroxide (OH) , hydroxide 0345 2494359 . ALLOH)3 @chemwithmk group hydroxicks z Magnesium hydroxide Mg Aluminium All , , HYDROXIDES z (1) metal an water Soluble NaOH /chemwithmk/ , KOH /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 133 Page 134 Salts 01 Chloride , SOLUBLE INSOLUBLE Silver ALL CL Chloride , Lead (11) chloride NO = ALL Sulfate So- ALL Nitrate , 03 , . ·1 Ammonium NHi, ALL 05 . Group (1) metel ALL Carbonate NazCO3 Kz 203 COz2- (NH) 2 CO3 - - 03 , PbCIz - 02 04 , AgCL Calcium Sulfate ; CaSoy Lead (11) Sulfate ; PBSUy -Barium Sulfate ; BaSO4 - - Salts of . 07- All , ALL Group (I) metal Oxides NazO soluble K20 , 0345 2494359 are . @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk REACTION Acid 01 ACIDS OF metal + 2 HClag) + 2Na(s) Acids = Alkalis => Soluble Salt Insoluble State with Salt > - > - Symbols Ha + 2NaCLg) Symbols . Agreous Solid Salt> (9) State . => H2 + Aqueous Aqueous MOOSA KHAN Page 135 . solid (S) Liquid (4 Gas (9) (dissolved into) Agreous e H2S04(9) + NaOHaq) CaCO3(s) + Helpg) Naz > - CaClegt > - H20(4 Soyagst H2Op + (0219) Precipitation Reaction A Reaction 01-Soluble Salt 1 AgNOs(ag) 0345 2494359 Resoluble in which + Soluble Sath + NaCLag) @chemwithmk & > Salt Insoluble is + formed . Soluble Sat3 falt AgCls) ppt /chemwithmk/ + NaNOs lag /chemwithmk , 1 Page 136 AgNOs A & Nall Agt : Noz -" -- - .. t Na :.. ④ Soluble + Asid 1 Insoluble > - Salt Bacium Nitrate Acid & Salt + Sulfrisicid BaCNOs)2)I, H2SO4(aq 0345 2494359 + @chemwithmk > Barium - Sulfate > - , Nitric + BaSO4(s) acid + . HNOs ppt /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk (9) Page 137 OF SALTS & L SOLUBLE SALTS 02 - . Acid + Metals Acid + Base Salt +He 02 Salt + H2O 03 > - > - 04 03 04 -Acid talkali - Acid Metal + Salt > - SALTS INSOLUBLE 01 01 MOOSA KHAN PREPARATION - > - Acid + Metals - . Acid + Base Acid + + H2O + Metal Salt > - Salt + Her + H2O + CO2 Carbonates + Her Salt > - Salt +He Salt + H2O > - -Acid talkali - > - os-Precipitation Reaction CO2 Carbonates SALT INSOLUBLE Barium Sulfate BaO(s) + H2SO4(aq) > - BasOy(s) Resides [H2SO4 -.. .... : & - -.. - --........ & - , + aq Ha > --- :.. - & BaCNOs) : HeSOy (99, - . ~ : - AgNOs(aq) 0345 2494359 - - - -- -> - P + 2 Lay Hackaq) +2HNO3 (9) - ↑ , Go Not e Sgt BaSO4( @chemwithmk . P BaSO4(s) 2/ ... -filta filtrate Ba(NOs) d C Or 2 B H20 Excess Babs & / - . wa Bac / - H2O + > - Agcls /chemwithmk/, Insoluble NaNOs19/ /chemwithmk + 0345-2494359 Page 138 Separative of Insoluble Salt Filtration Process from which in we solution . a separate Insoluble Residue filter paper ↳↓ - ppt -- - ....... - - - > - Stopped filth paper a BaCNOs) Filter H2SO4(ag + 2 the the it in solution that > - , and BaSO4s , . + 2HNOs Sulfuric acid . solution distilled water over Distilled purc 0345 2494359 passes through filte paper Residua 03-Wash L wit ↓ 04-Dry flask a Barium Nitrate 01-Mix 02 - conical Filtrate solid By funnel Filtrate Residue & nsoluble Filter - . . > - solid a @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ water wate , H20 /chemwithmk 1 Separation of MOOSA KHAN Page 139 Salt Soluble a Exaporation and crystallisation Sallis - X ma_ Nach et & s coolings - de Theat Evacorating heat until Bunsen Burner NaClag, Nall is > > (aq , achieved. Ankyckous Salt NaCk powdered NaCl eH2O] Hydrated > - Crystallization Solution saturated nu . W water of Salt crystallisation Magnesium Chloride , q ↳ ↓ Cation 0345 2494359 Mg2 Bas @chemwithmk Clz m Tire + /chemwithmk/ go Cl - Acidh HCL /chemwithmk Page 140 Preparation Separation and Magensiven Chloride Reactants => , of a Oxide Hydrochloric , acich Pay +1gOp > - , > MgCl2 + H I > HCIag [Remaining) Mg <12 (99) , (Excess) - [fusol , HCLag) - MgO . 2H < · Salt MgClz Mageesive Sos Soluble TH26 ~ -- > Theat ↑ > - Cas Mg H2)() , Mg(OH)2 1 - > 0345 2494359 Helgay/ @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Magnesium Chlorida & MgO(s , . Remains - 01 MgO(s, to of Excess 01-Add acid. Hydrochloric the solutive 03 - Heat the filtrate exaporate water , in until a Evaporating solution saturated solution os-Wash the crystals with Day it in oven dish saturated the - / mjo remaining Mgt ecenove 04-Leave solvent HCh ~ n to Filter / - (ag L Magessiven Oxida My , 02 - 06 - MgCl2299) - - MOOSA KHAN Page 141 to cold is cool to achieved for distilled water crystallization /organic . -x ↑ MgClz( . , Anhychous . Selt Hydrates Salt without wate of crystallisation. 0345 2494359 MgCl2 7 H28 @chemwithmk - Wate of /chemwithmk/ crystallisative /chemwithmk Page 142 IONIC MgOs) + EQUATIONS 2H(Lag) V Mngos e MgOc Hig 2 , + H2O d ↓ funs day 2y s , 2 Hag + MgCl2(g) < arcity, , Spectator ins ions or left' Right H2OK + , Y tow Same MgYE > - / inga Ag. Sick of the Equation . Eg 2 CaCO3(s , H2SO4(g) + d & Ca(03(5) 2 + Hag CaCO3(s) + 2HTq + , CaSO4 > ↓ - 60y199/ SunTag , + & > casons , Here t CO2 (9) ↓ ↓ H20( 102(9) Casoy(s) + H20g) + (02(9) Stepsn Equation of -Balanced us-State · - Symbols Only Agreous 05-Cancel Substance funs gives Spectatue Suns [Same 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk . on left /chemwithmk/ Sick "Right Sick) /chemwithmk Eg3 Gra Mgcoxs Mgloss + , Mg(03( · Eg #4 / 27 + Mgri > FOR &QUATION IONI + , Ho + 202 H2O4 + (02(9) NEUTRALIZATION REACTION HCL ↓ H Ng 225 2HT (, + , ↓ / 2 , Mg Cleapt H2O + 102(9) · in ↓ MOOSA KHAN Page 143 29 ( NaOH - /< ↓ + Ci NaCl > Na OHjag, t k 24 aq & T 0345 2494359 2KOHyg / + 2 H + + I ( H20( Basulalkali , > K2904(9) + 2H20(4 sit - or Lof + H2O - + · MglOH)2 He SU4) + [Base) Ja MgO & #5 , ko /( ↓ of Not Haq > (99) ↓ 2H20 2 H20 - . I @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk > H1 - 0HT91 H2O(Y - - (of / Page 144 of Types 01-Basic Oxides Oxides Behave => with > - Metal NazO Oxides , > - > - Junic Compounds Group (I) metal Oxicks 02-AcIDic salt and water produce CaU K20 , Non-metal Oxides Dissolve wate in H20 + 903 + H20 NO 2 + Haw Covalent > - 2 Insoluble Hao H2O acids as , NO2 freen , acids H2SOs > - > H2SO4 > HNO3 - - > - SO2 Do not dissolva . . Bunding 0345 2494359 CO2 to + MgCl2 + H2O > - . solable Nall > - Behave OxiDES Sio > React NaOH > - H1) + 802 - , water are HC1 + Mgo - to they as . NazO 0> Base a acids MgO , NazO > as . @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk 03 Neutral - Neither > - Oxides Noe acidic Basic Non-metal Oxid > - Covalent > - Bunding -Carbon monoxide Amphoteric 04- 02-Water co , , Oxides Belo => as Heo acidic as well Basic as Metal Oxides o- Jonic ·- o MOOSA KHAN Page 145 > - 01 - Bonding Aluminivan Oxick , Al2O3 + AlzOs GHC) · > - 2_ Zinc Oxid 2A1C13 , ZuW + 3H20 Acid Basc isit / & Al2O3 Acid > Both + Nao H lad tolearn alkal ; Amphoteria 0345 2494359 > - Oxides @chemwithmk an /chemwithmk/ Wate Resoluble. /chemwithmk Page 146 Preparation of Salts 1 the Mix Nitrate)Ag No s to Silver 1 . Filter &Hx)acid hydrochloric with residue * Aq the Beaker a solution distilled water . and containing and cast it dry in the over . ( t la citq, > Agcl(s + , - 2 - - - - - MixBackamb H2SO4 the Residue Bai , 0345 2494359 + distilled water with 50y Filter , @chemwithmk solution Wash the . . s and day it in over Basoy (s) /chemwithmk/ Junic . Guative . /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 147 3 A sislyalkeli > - 4 - ↳ solfmis acid " socive hycoxide - - - Sodium Sulfate L Acid tal O T d Yo , O Not Noof 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk H2SO4 /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 148 Titration Method & MgOs - - MgO ↓ , laoHag 1HIK 2 * 7 , + , >A - C * Smol * & occurette => i . ↑ - - V = 25cm , Nach > - , Smol NazU Salt (Excess) NazO + Hakay I Soluble a .. - - Prepare to - conical flask O q, + I& HCL Remaini ⑭ X - Evaporation NaoH · Crystallisative * Nach Page 149 #B te x e + Na0H HC1 NacI > - n Methyl orange & + H2O ↑ acid licatur => alkeli= / - Rec yellow NcOl [Hc1] L flask & Conical - ( ** Nocl Har + 50 3 NCOH m & 30cm Hel 1 - to - # Titration Acid -Measure of-Add 03 few drops without a the Salt of acid in conical a flask . indicator of alkeli from a volumes Burette until a Cystallisation the U7-wast in saturated setrated solutive in a dist achieved is to to . cool . crystals over . with organic . Separate Becker in Exoporating solution solutive the it - Soluble indicator or-feas Day of uncasured wate , until - Prepara Ho changes. colour; and record volume of alkali used these 05-Heat + Alkali volume addition indicator 08 and known a -Deep wise 04-Mix to Method Using 01 Nach > - Solvent for Exoporate Page 150 alkeli acid ↑ Take known a ofSulfreic volume in a few drops of indicator. Deopwise add form Breake until indicative changes voluene record the of alkali added· Mix the without measured H2SO4 4 , > , + - the solution saturated cool to with . Sodium hychotick and colom acid , and alkeli indicator . NaOHag Heat of volumes flask Add solutive for organic in is NazSOy 4, + HO Exeporating disk until achieved· Leave the solutive Wash the crystallisation crystals and . solvent d it in over . 5 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 151 FOR TEST IONS I P # Ib TEST L #(3 + - > - - ↓ Reagents ~ Aqueous Sodium Agreous , ol- few deeps Is Excess white 3 of NOOH NCOH ppt ppt soluble giving colomless a . OH hydroxid, Ammonia NaoH 02 - ! CATIONS FOR Testing NH3 I Analysis Cation Anion Test rubes ↓ Qualitative OH NH3(9) , <, precipitate (ppt) Page 152 Notes for use in qualitative analysis Tests for anions anion test carbonate, CO32− add dilute acid, then test for carbon dioxide gas effervescence, carbon dioxide produced chloride, Cl − [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate white ppt. bromide, Br − [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate cream ppt. iodide, I− [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate yellow ppt. nitrate, NO3– [in solution] add aqueous sodium hydroxide, then aluminium foil; warm carefully ammonia produced sulfate, SO42− [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous barium nitrate white ppt. sulfite, SO32− add a small volume of acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VII) the acidified aqueous potassium manganate (VII) changes colour from purple to colourless Tests for aqueous cations cation test result ⑰Of effect of aqueous sodium hydroxide 3+ effect of aqueous ammonia white ppt., soluble in excess, giving a colourless solution AL(OH) white ppt., insoluble in excess ammonium, NH4+ ammonia produced on warming — calcium, Ca2+ white ppt., insoluble in excess CaCOH)z no ppt. or very slight white ppt. chromium(III), Cr green ppt., soluble in excess Cr(0 H)y green ppt., insoluble in excess copper(II), Cu2+ light blue ppt., insoluble in excess light blue ppt., soluble in excess, giving a dark blue solution iron(II), Fe2+ green ppt., insoluble in excess, ppt. turns brown near surface on standing FeCOH)2 green ppt., insoluble in excess, ppt. turns brown near surface on standing iron(III), Fe3+ red-brown ppt., insoluble in excess Fe(OH)3 red-brown ppt., insoluble in excess white ppt., soluble in excess, giving a colourless solution Zu(OH) white ppt., soluble in excess, giving a colourless solution aluminium, Al = 3+ zinc, Zn 2+ 3 G(OH)2 z = 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk coloured [Transitive metal & on] W ↳ colourless - 2| Identification of Salt and Gases 21. A I & As present Transition metal - ion HHz /El - - > - - · Green ppt ppt insoluble . is . * I Green ppt · - - - -0 ppt soluble. with Acidify Nitric Acid dilute Agreous Add Barium Nitrate then 0345 2494359 white pp t @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk O/A LEVELS CHEMISTRY MOOSA KHAN Page PAGE 153 41 > - Page 154 22. 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN MOOSA BH KHAN Page 155 43. 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 156 Q1. Q2. MOOSA KHAN Page 157 Page 158 MOOSA KHAN Page 159 Page 160 Q4. . Notes for use in qualitative analysis Tests for anions anion test 2– test result add dilute acid, then test for carbon dioxide gas effervescence, carbon dioxide produced chloride, Cl – [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate white ppt. bromide, Br – [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate cream ppt. iodide, I– [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous silver nitrate yellow ppt. nitrate, NO3– [in solution] add aqueous sodium hydroxide, then aluminium foil; warm carefully ammonia produced sulfate, SO42 – [in solution] acidify with dilute nitric acid, then add aqueous barium nitrate white ppt. sulfite, SO32 – add a small volume of acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VII) the acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VII) changes colour from purple to colourless carbonate, CO3 Tests for aqueous cations cation effect of aqueous sodium hydroxide effect of aqueous ammonia aluminium, Al 3+ white ppt., soluble in excess, giving a colourless solution ammonium, NH4+ ammonia produced on warming calcium, Ca2+ white ppt., insoluble in excess no ppt. or very slight white ppt. chromium(III), Cr 3+ green ppt., soluble in excess green ppt., insoluble in excess copper(II), Cu2+ light blue ppt., insoluble in excess light blue ppt., soluble in excess, giving a dark blue solution iron(II), Fe2+ green ppt., insoluble in excess, ppt. turns brown near surface on standing green ppt., insoluble in excess, ppt. turns brown near surface on standing iron(III), Fe3+ red-brown ppt., insoluble in excess red-brown ppt., insoluble in excess zinc, Zn2+ white ppt., soluble in excess, giving a colourless solution white ppt., soluble in excess, giving a colourless solution 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk white ppt., insoluble in excess – /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 161 Page 162 Tests for gases gas test and test result ammonia, NH3 turns damp red litmus paper blue carbon dioxide, CO2 turns limewater milky chlorine, Cl 2 bleaches damp litmus paper hydrogen, H2 ‘pops’ with a lighted splint oxygen, O2 relights a glowing splint sulfur dioxide, SO2 turns acidified aqueous potassium manganate(VII) from purple to colourless Flame tests for metal ions metal ion flame colour lithium, Li+ red sodium, Na+ yellow potassium, K+ lilac copper(II), Cu2+ blue-green calcium, Ca2+ orange-red barium, Ba2+ light green 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 163 Chapter METALS 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 164 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 165 XMETALS IV I , II , TE , III [Se Pb] I C , , > Non-metal - Si Ge I Metalloids. Ev] Reactivity of Metals Metals always React Oxidation . I #a 1g Al > - Al Fe + 22 Fe + = 2, . le + Nat 8 Electrons + + , > - - > F 2+ + F3 + + 20 32 3e- - Oxidation Metals · - Mg2 > - 2 = Losing By Nat > - Na Mets :_ => By losing Act as a e /Oxidis Reducing gent Reactivita y bitMetalend (Peoup I Li > - Na metel K ④ > - Rb ⑭ . CsV ↑r - O - Down - the upon . i the group increases Down the groupof losing ability . increases Reactivity of Elections metals Page 166 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Bonding Steucture = Metallic = Giant OF METALS Metallic Lattice Sucium/Coppa /Gold O ④ ④ & ④ ④ metal positive - - - irns ④ ④ - In ametallicBondingd Sea > - electrons metal in of delocalised positive of saa a ion layers delocals e electrons. 01 Why A :. Metals Wave high Lave Giant Metallic Metals Amount of huge Break many strong of -Metals Ble they - of Conducte Electricity Elections/mobile of delocalised Ekations Elections . of See delocalised Electrons are ReplacedBy New e ·> e L+ O - . - - to - - - so B Sea ④Q④⑦Q ④- ⑰ Q-④ ⑦④ ④④ ④ Energy eequired ruck metallic free Wave Caltics is good are Point melting - ne- -> Electrons Metal positives unchanged Ekatons Pous stay of Page 167 03 - Metals Malleable's are Ductile . Ductility -- - metals Abilitybe of deare into ⑰⑰GGQ ④④⑦④ ④ ④ ④ ④ - - - - - - -- - - - to - E wires - - - - Malla Ability hammered S bility metals to be of different into hopes Di-Why Metals Metal positive arrang when & 22 furc su is are Malleable & Ductile [I) Regulae rly another are laye they ive / aclied . Page 168 Properties Group I Elements – The Alkali Metals These are metals which react with water to form alkaline solutions. The solutions turn red litmus paper blue. • most reactive metals in periodic table • have one outer shell electrons • shiny, silvery solids • soft, easily cut with scalpel • low densities & melting points which increases down the group • reacts easily in air. So they’re kept in oil • reacts vigorously (may catch fire or explode) with cold water • they make ionic compounds of +1 charge. They have similar formulae • they become more reactive down the group Name Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium Caesium Symbol Li Na K Rb Cs Density (g/cm3) 0.53 0.97 0.86 1.5 1.9 Melting Point (oC) 180 98 64 39 29 Element Lithium Chloride LiCl Nitrate LiNO3 Sulphate Li2SO4 Oxide Li2O Sodium NaCl NaNO3 Na2SO4 Na2O Potassium KCl KNO3 K2SO4 K2O Table 12.1: The physical properties and formulae of Group I metals 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Transition Elements Properties • First transition series are all metals • Transition elements have high melting points • They have high density • They have variable oxidation state, e.g. Iron (Fe) appear as Fe2+ or Fe3+ • They form coloured compounds, e.g. CuSO4 is blue, FeSO4 is green • They form complex ions, e.g. MnO4 - , Manganate(VII) ions • They act as catalyst MOOSA KHAN Page 169 Uses of Transition Elements Most transition elements and their compounds act as catalysts which speed up chemical reactions • Iron is used in Haber Process for manufacture of ammonia • Vanadium(V) oxide is used in contact process to manufacture sulphuric acid • Nickel is used in hydrogenation of alkenes to form saturated fats (e.g. margarine) Advantages • Since transition elements speed up chemical processes in industries, they save time in manufacture • Less energy is needed for manufacture in industries, hence lower cost • Since less energy is needed, more energy resources can be conserved, e.g. oil to generate electricity in producing iron. 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 170 General Properties of Metals Physical properties • Ductile (can be stretched to form wires) • Malleable (can be bent and beaten into different shapes) • Good conductors of electricity and heat • Shiny • High melting points and boiling points (except mercury and sodium) • High density (except sodium) • Strong Metallic lattices metallic lattice consists of ions surrounded by a sea of electrons. But in a metallic bond, the attractive forces between the metal ions and the de-localised electrons act in all directions. So when the layers slide, new metallic bonds are easily re-formed between ions in new lattice positions and the de-localised electrons. The de-localised electrons continue to hold the ions in the lattice together. The metal now has a different shape. This explains why metals are malleable (they can be hammered into different shapes) and ductile (they can be drawn into wires). The high tensile strength and hardness of most metals is also due to the strong attractive forces between the metal ions and the de-localised electrons. 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 171 MOOSA KHAN Alloys An alloy is a mixture of two or more metals or a metal with a non-metal. The metal added to create the alloy becomes part of the crystal lattice of the other metal. Brass is an alloy of copper (70%) with zinc (30%). It is stronger than copper but still malleable. For these reasons it is used for musical instruments, ornaments and household items such as door handles. But why is brass stronger than pure copper? Zinc ions are larger than copper ions. The presence of different-sized metal ions makes the arrangement of the lattice less regular. This stops the layers of ions from sliding over each other so easily when a force is applied Uses of Alloy: • Steel (mixture of iron, little carbon and trace elements) • Brass (copper and zinc) – tough and corrosive-resistant • Coin metals (copper with other metals e.g. nickel) – tough, resistant and stand up to wear Uses of Stainless Steel is an alloy of iron containing chromium or nickel. Is the most expensive way Applications for: • Cutleries • Medical instruments for hospital operations • Kitchen sinks • Steel objects in chemical factories and oil refineries 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 172 & :: - Why alloys Because less are I malkable metal of Irreg y arranged another slick al one a ductile and positis in s they so donut . O 000000 ⑳ O 000000 > - Two mixing different sizas * Alloys > - > - > - > - Alloys an to Alloys have high Steel Brass is fron Physical Mixture Conduct an Coppa Fr % Lace must Elements an alloy - . Electricity (cocised mp- alloy - of Zinc 30 % See . Page 173 ( Li Be Na K i& E Rb Fe Ba s Rb Reactivity > Nc Series of Metals/Electrochemical Series of Potassium (Most Rective) K Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Lead Hydroge OPP er Gold Platinium . · ° ⑩ - [ least Reactive Metals Down the Reactivity Decreases Series of Metals PSCMAZIL Could Hardy Solid Gold make Perfectl.y Page 174 1) Reaction with Cold Water & Steam: Room temperature Steam { K + H2 O Na + H2O Ca + H2o KOH + H2 Reacts explosively NaOH + H2 Ca(OH)2 + H2 } Reacts readily } { Mg + H2O MgO + H2 Al + H2O no reaction due to oxide layer Zn + H 2o ZnO + H 2 (Red hot)Fe + H 2O FeO + H 2 Pb + H2O PbO + H2 Very slow reaction H Cu Ag Au Pt } Below Hydrogen No reaction with water as they can’t displace Hydrogen from H 2O due to being less reactive than it NOTE: It is a displacement reaction, all displacement reactions are redox. 2) Reaction with dilute acid: e.g: HCl Explosive reaction Readily Reacts Very Slow with warm acid Don’t react with dilute acid { { { 0345 2494359 K + HCl Na + HCl Ca + 2HCl KCl + 1/2H2 NaCl + 1/2H2 Mg++HCl 2HCl Al CaCl2 + H2 MgCl2 + H2 No reaction due to oxide layer Zn 2HCl Fe ++ 2HCl { Pb + 2HCl H Cu + HCl Ag + HCl Au + HCl Pt + HCl ZnCl2 + H2 PbCl2 + H2 PbCl2 + H2 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk O C G / L Al2O3 [Non-poeous] Page 175 Had (12) d - d Impermash Le & :- Al Why Oxyge A : - Al Al Was on anything orde to powdered Al ( powdered / to which & pass AL form + . Non-preous Surface React React with not . acids a its allow in does wate on metal formed &n metal through we oxide . it Need . Hio > - (9) layer does not AGOsc Page 176 3) Displacement Reaction: Metals higher in the reactivity can displace other metals from their compounds which are lower in their reactivity series. Example: CuSO 4 + Zn0 (aq) (s) ZnSO4 + Cu0 (aq) (s) Ionic equation: Cu+2 + Zn0 (aq) (s) Zn+2 + Cu0 (aq) (s) Apparatus: Cu2+ + Zn 2+ Cu(s) + Zn (aq) Observation: 1. Blue colour of solution changes to colourless 2. Zn rod gradually dissolves 3. Pink deposits of copper are seen Cu + Zn2+ No Reaction Note: 1) ZnSO4 + Cu 2) 2Al + Fe2O 3 0345 2494359 No Reaction (because copper is less reactive than zinc) Al2O 3 + 2Fe @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 177 Reaction of Displacement > A from o> - --> Reactive more its metal salt Solutive Metals displaces a Reactiv less > - K Na Reactive Less Reactive More Metal Oxidises Metal for ca Mg Rec luces AL - · It Cu su, metal in t E En En Ze G If ↳ z> - > - + + En 2 - + Ze > - Zu L G Fe in . Ag G, Sou (Blue) En + (s) Zine dissolva - An PE CSOn > - Enjoy Gils pink . Blug + 19 > - colorless , solic& /Beowe . Page 178 Reactions Displacement Elemental of Metals ) A Reaction displaces its which in Reactive less a Reactiv more a fever ives I Solution salt & Cusorlation K Zn(s, Na ca Get Zu - > - So y o> Metals > -- More - G Ze React + By Losing metal . oxidiss 2 - - - Ze P . + + 22- zn2 + Agt Af > + 2 +2 + Displacement -More 02-Less Gi be <Reduced > - ar o > > - Au C . Coxidation) ↑ 0-S - O En &n Fe e Ef + 2 - > - + CSO4 2- Reactive En Mq Al . N ZnS04 + Reactive Reactive Metal Reactive Metal Con Oxidises Reduces . * Page 179 More Reactive Displacement Reactive of Metals metal displaces less Reactive metal in from its => salt Solution zeSS Reduce zn 904)as/ + > - + 2 - - Ze + > Ge 2 o> More East ze pink solid ·> less Reactive metal Oxidises Reactivs Reduces . En (SC - . - A deposited 2+ > - 2+ - Reduce . Oxidise q GS04(99) + Oxidisc z1 2+ . metal ive K Na cc Mg Al ⑭ , K Page 180 N / / - - X - -x - Blue va Fe + Fe 4 > · Cu · It wewelle - Fe CusOy - CuSOy > FeSOy - Fe2 + + 25 > - + > green - + 2 - > - CaSOn + O2 Fe is E Gr > - Caw X Page 181 Thermal of Decompositive / Heat T Carbonates Metal n I Break down Calcium Carbonate . Ca2 + cos2 CalOs => Sodium Carbonate Nat cos NazCOz - Iron (111) Carbonate 2 Fe3 + (03 Thermal Carbonates Decomposition heats CaCO3 (s) - = Group (11) metal of Caocss CO2 + Fez((Os)s 19) heat Mg(03(s > , Stability of Ability of Metal Metal Carbonate Stable Metal Carbonate CO2 (9) + Carbonates Carbonates More Thereala less Thermal MgO(s) => to Metal Resist Carbonates Decomposed => Metal decomposition. at that a Carbonates Decomposed at higher temp that a are lower . are temp . Page 182 Q: the following metal Carbreaks Arrange to least stable stable - from most . - > - NazCOs cos ↳ ↑ m u 22(CO3)s C 103 03 Rb (O 3 Metal more a - 2 Carbonates with thermally Stable < Ag2COs MglOs ↳ Co - more Reactive metals CS I Stadk) Theremaly No Decompose & highest Kay3 L Most S2CO3 Rb 2 C03 K "C Na COs "cos Rb I Ca s Mg 103 3 PbCo 3 Decomposes & lowest temp COz [least thermally Stabl] > Aga least Reactive L . ↑ My A L Zo Fe Fez((03) C 103 are Rb Most Reati"l - . T Ar Pt Page 183 MOOSA KHAN Extraction of Metals Metals from Rocks Minerals – elements/compounds that make up rocks Metal ore – rock containing metal Extracting these metals • Metal ores are removed from ground. • The ores contain useful and unwanted materials. Unwanted materials are separated to obtain concentrated mineral. • Metal is extracted from the mineral. Occurrence of Metals Metal ores are compounds, usually as: • Metal oxides – metal + oxygen, eg: Al2O3 • Metal sulphides – metal + sulphur, eg: HgS • Metal carbonates – metal + carbon + oxygen, eg: MgCO3 Some important metals ores: Mineral Metal Name of Ore Sodium Rock Salt Calcium Limestone Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Copper 0345 2494359 Magnesite Bauxite Zinc Blende Haematite Magnetite Chalcopyrite Chemical Name Sodium chloride Calcium carbonate Formula NaCl CaCO3 Magnesium carbonate Aluminium oxide Zinc sulphide Iron(III) oxide Iron(II),(III) oxide Copper(II) sulphide + Iron sulphide MgCO3 AL2O3 ZnS Fe2O3 Fe3O4 CuFeS2 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 184 Methods of Extraction from their ores: Reaction of Metal Oxides with Carbon The lower the position of metal in reactivity series, the easier for carbon to remove oxygen from metal oxide by heating. At higher position, stronger heat is needed. E.g. CuO reacts with C can be reduced by bunsen burner flame temperature CuO(s) + C(s) Cu(s) + CO2 (g) For iron oxide to be reduced, it needs very high temperature Reaction of Metal Oxides with Hydrogen The lower position of metal in reactivity series, the easier hydrogen remove oxygen from metal oxide by heating. At higher position, stronger heat is needed. E.g. PbO reacts with H2 can be reduced by bunsen burner flame temperature PbO(s) + H2 (g) K Na Ca Mg Al Pb(s) + H2O(l) Extracted by electrolysis of their molten ores because they are reactive metals and have strong bond strength [C] They can be reduced by H as reducing agent e.g: CuO+H2 Cu+H2O 0345 2494359 Zn Fe Pb [H] Cu Ag Au Pt They can be extracted from there ore by suitable Reducing agent like C,CO from their ore. E.g: Fe2O3 + CO Fe + CO2 ZnO + C Zn + CO2 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 185 EXTRACTION IRON ORE Hematite = Mineral (11) Oxida = Blast furnace Raw materials = CONSTRUCTION - WORKING Coke [c] o & (2) & Molten slag Molten Iron ↑ air , + 02) 10219 > - / 3200 , 9 , 02-4s , + 10219 , (02) · Carbon monoxide [Reducing Agent] 03 - Fez03cs 310(g) , + s2F2(y +3(0c9) wolten Iron . Decomposition heat 04 -Si0z Silicon (IV) Oxide (Acidic) Cs formance If 04 REACTIONS CHEMICAL Blast air Fe > Reducing agect = and Fe2O3(s) &2 Fezos FezOs CaCOs [Carbin] CalOz + . Fe2O3 Occ 02-Limestone ; 03-Coke / Haematite Iern Es -Hematite one 9 = Equipment IRON OF -CalOsIs) > - CaOs , Base os SiDz acidiz + CaO Basic > - CaS + 10291 i832 Calciven Silicate Molten Page 186 Importance - ImpuritiesPrevents Removed O2 Molter slay gas coming molter with Inve are USEs in 02 Used in 03 Used in Pore of Glass manufacture of Cement is in they so Fron of veryits layers slik as crockery making Alloys = Irre contact Manufacture Used STEEL in SLAG Of 0 - Slag Molten Sand 01- 02 of Slag Malkable . metallic over one ductile and lattice eegularly arranged are another 0000 O O 888 &e order [Hard Alloy of to and less Malleable we make allvys Mild Steak Iron make Briltle] ; and ductile Feon 01 - 02-Stainless [Irve Steel [Irre + + Carbon] Chromiven Nickel Carbon] Page 187 USEs 01 - OF METALS Aluminium Corrode 01-Does not 02 - It has 03-Good ; Containers food low density of Conductor ; to weight aircraft/light Overhead Electrical make Electricity Cables ; 02-Copper Of-Good conductor Corrosion of It is Rusting of of => Rust => Beowe > - F + 02 + of + solid/Reddish Hydrated Iron (11) Fe . Metals . Corrosion Fron Fe Rust wiring Metals oxidative of electrical Electricity ; / Steel 32 + Powder Brown Oxida Heo Iron , Fez 83. H20 > Fez0z xH2O . Page 188 CONDITIONS Iron/Stech RUSTING FOR 000 01-Water 00 00O O O ; Haw 02-Oxygen ; Oz 02 Y Hec // A - / - Oz X Hac Her ~ Oz - m - - ~ - ↑ Aos ↑ - - t Boiled water No No Oz ↑ Moist air gas Rusting . . F> - - Rust No Rust Deying agentoi Collz Page 189 Prevention a-Paintin ↓ - H2O - Protection -Surface 01 Rusting From on q Plastic -Grease d Plating [Electroplating] Metal - 02 Protective -Sacrificial A Reactive more Reactive metal metal in <g Mg + 2 E ↳ Fe less . From Fe of place corrodes Mg > - > - + -c + 32 - - Fe z zn ↑ -C 01 Galvanised 02-ships = os-Underground Iron Zinc steel > - Steele is 3c - - + coated the Fe > . with Zinc . Blocks pipes In > - 3 + are attached to . ↓ -Mg T > - . from of ships . Page 190 Conditions for Rusting After a few days, only nail in tube A rust. This shows that air and water is needed for rust. In boiled water, the nail doesn’t rust in B as boiled water removes dissolved air while in C, CaCl keeps air dry so there’s no water. Other factor dissolved salt Preventing Rusting • Surface protection • Sacrificial protection • Use of stainless steel Surface Protection – covers metal with a layer of substance 1. Paint 2. Grease or oil (also help to lubricate) 3. Plastic 4. Metal Plating – covering metal with thin layer of another metal (e.g. tin,chromium, silver) Advantage – These methods are cheap (except metal plating) Disadvantage – If the layer is broken, air and water an reach metal to rust Sacrificial Protection is to sacrifice more reactive metal to corrode with water and air by layering it over less reactive metal (e.g. iron covered by magnesium). If layer is broken, water & air reach underneath layer, overlying metal still protect it. 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk MOOSA KHAN Page 191 ƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͗ 1. 'ĂůǀĂŶŝƐĞĚ/ƌŽŶʹŝƐƐƚĞĞůĐŽĂƚĞĚǁŝƚŚnjŝŶĐ͕ƵƐƵĂůůLJƵƐĞĚŽŶƌŽŽĨƐ͘ 2. WƌŽƚĞĐƟŶŐƐŚŝƉƐʹďůŽĐŬƐŽĨnjŝŶĐĂƌĞĂƩĂĐŚĞĚƚŽŚƵůůƐƚŽĐŽƌƌŽĚĞŝŶƐƚĞĂĚŽĨ ƐƚĞĞůǁŚŝĐŚŝƐƚŚĞƐŚŝƉŵĞƚĂů͘ 3. hŶĚĞƌŐƌŽƵŶĚƐƚĞĞůƉŝƉĞƐʹƚŚĞƐĞĂƌĞĂƩĂĐŚĞĚƚŽŵĂŐŶĞƐŝƵŵďůŽĐŬƵƐŝŶŐŝŶƐƵͲ ůĂƚĞĚĐŽƉƉĞƌĐĂďůĞƐ͘DĂŐŶĞƐŝƵŵĐŽƌƌŽĚĞƐĮƌƐƚƚŚĂŶƐƚĞĞů͘ Ang - i 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 192 Uses of Metals The choice of metals over another depends on 3 factors: 1. Physical properties (e.g. melting point, strength, density, conductivity) 2. Chemical properties (e.g. resists corrosion) 3. Cost The Uses of Some Metals and Their Reasons Metal Uses Reason for the Choice • Low density, non-toxic, cheap Aluminium • Drink cans • Window frames • Resists corrosion, strong • Electrical wires • Ductile, good conductor of electricity Copper • Water pipes • Strong, malleable, resists corrosion • Jewellery • Shiny and attractive, very malleable Gold • Protective coating • Good reflector of heat and light • Supersonic aircraft • Light but strong, resists corrosion Titanium • Spacecraft Recycling of Metals => => How Much is Left? There are many iron on the surface but copper and tin are seriously reducing. If you say you have only mined the surface, why don’t you mine deeper for more? High temperatures and pressures and greater depth increases hazards that prevent mining up to the lower part of crust, although there are more metals further down Conservation of metals- Recycling • Use alternative materials to replace the use of iron (e.g. use of plastic pipes instead of iron, use of glass bottles for soft drinks instead of aluminium) • Recycle unused metals by melting them to produce new blocks of clean metal How aluminium cans are recycled? 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Steel STEEL is an alloy of Iron along with other elements like Ni, Cr. etc • Iron made from blast furnace is not good as: • it contains impurities which makes it brittle (can break easily) • it cannot be bent or stretched MOOSA KHAN Page 193 Most iron is converted into steel which is an alloy of iron and carbon with small amounts of other elements. Advantages of steel: • it is strong and tough • it can be bent and stretched without shattering Making Steel: • Impurities of iron is removed by blowing oxygen into molten iron to change the impurities into oxides. They are then combined with CaO and removed as slag. • Carbon and other metals are added in certain amount to make steel. Different Types of Steel: • Mild steel – is a low carbon steel with 0.25% carbon • it is strong and quite malleable. It is used for car bodies, ships, railway lines and steel rods to reinforce concrete • Hard steel – is a high-carbon steel with about 1% carbon • It is harder than mild steel and less malleable. It is used to make tools • Stainless steel – is iron with large amounts of chromium and nickel • It is hard, shiny and doesn’t rust. It is used to make cutleries, medical instrument and pipes in chemical industries. Rusting Rusting – corrosion of iron and steel Rust – brown solid product formed during rusting Rust is hydrated iron(III) oxide Fe2O3.xH2O where water molecules varies 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk Page 194 0345 2494359 @chemwithmk /chemwithmk/ /chemwithmk