RELACIONES II DANIEL H. VALSECCHI Estoy Cargada de Muerte Gun, sentado en la orilla de la mesa niquelada, con las manos perdidas en los bolsillos del guardapolvo, examina la vitrina del instrumental quirúrgico, al tiempo que mueve como péndulos desiguales sus zapatazos amarillos. Hay algo allí, detrás de los vidrios, que no está bien. Eso es lo probable. Pero él no puede localizarlo. Olga, sentada frente al escritorio, con el tul arrollado sobre la visera de su toca azul, cuenta: —¡Oh, sí! Daniela está muy contenta. Por fin llega el esposo. ¿Te das cuenta? Después de dos años de vivir como un salvaje en la selva. Gun no puede confesarle francamente a su esposa que en ese instante no se le importa un pepino que regrese o no el marido de Daniela. Y para impedir que Olga se indigne, contesta como si fuera muy importante lo que dice: — Daniela es buena mujer. Debe estar contentísima. Olga cotorrea: —Tan contenta que hoy, mientras servía el té, se volcó una taza encima del pie y no sintió ningún dolor. ¡Mirá cómo estará de nerviosa la pobre! Gun, con salto de gato, se aproxima a la vitrina. Por fin ha descubierto el detalle que lo mantiene alarmado. Y exclama, moviendo desoladamente la cabeza: —Me han robado un juego de bisturíes. ¡Con razón que me estaba dando en la nariz la maldita vitrina! Olga se acerca. —¿Quién habrá sido?.. —No dejó tarjeta de visita... —¿Y por qué no pusiste llave? —Debe haber sido el anteúltimo enfermo que atendí. En un momento llamaron por teléfono... Gun no ha terminado de pronunciar la palabra teléfono, cuando la sirvienta entra al consultorio, dirigiéndose a Olga: —La llama por teléfono la niña Juana, señora. Olga sale y Gun regresa pensativamente a su mesa niquelada. Nuevamente sus zapatazos amarillos se mueven como péndulos desiguales mientras su pensamiento trata de localizar el posible rostro del ladrón; a través de su preocupación resuenan algunas de las palabras que ha pronunciado Olga —...tan contenta estaba, que mientras servía el té, se volcó una taza encima del pie y no sintió ningún dolor. ¡Mirá cómo estará de nerviosa la pobre! Gun mira la punta amarilla de sus zapatazos que van y vienen. Indudablemente, el ladrón es el anteúltimo visitante. “No sintió ningún dolor la pobre...” Un mal pensamiento cruza por la mente de Gun. Se pone precipitadamente de pie, y dirigiéndose al cuarto donde Olga habla por teléfono, le dice bruscamente: —¡Che..., hacé el favor de abreviar la conferencia! Daniela, en el dormitorio, retira los trajes de su esposo del ropero, se los alcanza a Trudis, la criada, que los cepilla, después de casi husmearlos con su nariz respingada. Daniela, envuelta en un peinador verde, acaricia lentamente las ropas del viajero: —Este traje azul se lo hizo Mario en octubre del veintisiete. Le queda muy bien. pero muy bien el color azul. En cambio, este gris se lo hizo hacer en marzo del veintiocho. Trudis empina la nariz como un podenco, y comenta: —Hay hombres a los que “que no les queda bien” el color gris. —Un gris con rayitas moradas y azules es bonito. Pero por las fotografías que recibí, me parece que estos trajes no le van a quedar bien. Está mucho más grueso ahora. Llaman a la puerta. Vaya, Trudis... La puerta del vestíbulo se abre. Recuadrado, en el fondo de ella, casi tocando el dintel con la cabeza, aparece el doctor Gun. —¡Ah! ¿Es usted, Gun? Pase. Viene a festejar la llegada de Mario. Pase al comedor. Ahora Ahora están sentados frente a la mesa, separados por un espacio de tabla lustrosa y oscura. Gun inspecciona disimuladamente el rostro de Daniela, y piensa: “¡Qué feo es esto!” Mientras que Daniela se dice: “¡Bien podía venir a otra hora!” El silencio se torna pesado, insoportable. Gun se dice: “Bueno, así no podemos continuar, hay que hablar”, y lanza la pregunta: —Olga me dijo que ayer por la tarde se volcó una taza de té muy caliente sobre el pie... —Sí..., pero no es nada, Gun... —¿No ha sentido ningún dolor? —No... ¿Por qué?... —Me llamó un poco la atención, y me dije: hoy tengo que visitar a un enfermo que vive aquí a la vuelta. Vamos a verla a Daniela, no sea que esté mal del pie... —Sí..., no sentí nada... Serían los nervios. —¡Ajá..., aja!... Me gustaría revisarle el pie, Daniela... —Pero Gun, no sea criatura... Le digo que no he sentido nada, absolutamente nada. —Es precisamente lo que me preocupa. Olga me contó lo ocurrido, y yo no he podido sacarme la idea de la cabeza... —¿Qué idea? —No sé... Posiblemente hay algo en el pie que no funciona bien. ¿Qué le parecería si le reviso el pie, Daniela? Es un minuto, nada más. —¿Se va a molestar?... En fin... ¿Cree usted que se trata de algo grave? Gun siente tentaciones de decirle: “¡Pero alma de Dios, usted cree que si no se tratara de algo grave, yo vendría a perder tiempo aquí!” Pero respondió: —No..., no creo que sea nada grave. Pudiera, en última instancia, tratarse de alguna afección a la piel, que no conviene descuidar... En fin, ¿cómo se ha sentido usted estos últimos tiempos? —Bien.. —¿No ha estado resfriada, afiebrada? —Afiebrada, no. Decaída..., quizá un poco decaída este último mes, sí... —¿Insomnios?... —No, he dormido mucho. Más de lo que acostumbraba, me parece. —¿Sobre qué pie cayó el té?... —En el derecho. —Descálcese, Daniela. Vamos a ver... Torpemente se descalza ella. Cierta zozobra la domina en este instante, y no podría concretar en qué consiste. Quizá un miedo lejano, vago. Esa insistencia de Gun no es normal. Él ha preguntado con justeza. —Trudis, traiga la linterna eléctrica. El pie desnudo entra en la rueda de luz blanca, y el corazón de Gun palpita rápidamente. Allí está lo que él temía. Una ligera mancha sonrosada, casi lila, en el centro, extendiéndose de la inserción de los dedos hasta el empeine. Nada más. Gun enciende un cigarrillo. Con un alfiler picotea la piel. —¿Duele? —Sí... Vuelve a pinchar. —¿Y ahora? —Sí... Aproxima la brasa del cigarrillo. —¿Duele ahora? —No. Corre el tizón sobre la piel hasta el fin de la marcha. —¿Y ahora no le duele? —No. Clava otra vez el alfiler [*] —Ahora sí me duele... Gun deja apoyada la brasa del cigarrillo en la mancha. —¿Siente algo? —Nada. Gun se pone de pie. —Daniela..., me parece conveniente que venga a mi consultorio... —Pero, ¿qué es lo que tengo? —El rostro de la mujer se ha ensombrecido. Gun arroja el cigarrillo y llama a Trudis. —Traiga alcohol, si hay. Mientras se enjuaga las manos, dice: —Lo que tiene usted, Daniela, no es grave...; quiero decir, no se encuentra en un estado avanzado como para permitirle hacer a uno un diagnóstico así a secas... Yo tendría que revisarla...; por otra parte, hay que efectuar algunos análisis. —Yo no me siento enferma, sin embargo, Gun... —¿Y cree usted que es para mí agradable tener que venirle a decir que está enferma? — ¿Enferma de qué? ¡Bendito sea Dios!... Gun se pone de pie; camina de un costado a otro del comedor. —Yo creo que usted debe prepararse a recibir una mala noticia..., pero en fin no hay que desconfiar. Su enfermedad recién comienza... Daniela, tiesa, observa al hombre. Gun no puede más; exclama: — Bueno, Daniela..., qué diablos..., yo no tengo la culpa. La quiero bien a usted y a su esposo. Es necesario hablar. No puedo callar. Sería criminal. En usted parece que se ha manifestado la lepra. Él vio cómo la mujer inclinaba la cabeza sobre la mesa y luego caía desvanecida. Daniela permanece en su dormitorio a oscuras, sentada solitariamente en y las espaldas encorvadas. Piensa: “Estoy cargada de muerte. De los pies a la cabeza soy una muerte, muerte viviente. Parece mentira y estoy cargada de muerte”. Llama el teléfono: —Sí..., es necesario, Gun. Usted lo espera mañana a mi esposo. Llega en el tren de las nueve y media. Usted le dice todo. —¿Trudis no se da cuenta de lo grave que es ser leprosa? —... —¿Así que ella también lo está?... —... —Yo le vi esa mancha en el brazo, pero nunca le di importancia... —... —No quiero hablar con Nora. No quiero con nadie, Gun. —... —Hasta mañana, Gun... Daniela vuelve a sentarse en la orilla de su cama. “Estoy muerta. Y cuando menos lo esperaba. Ahora que pensábamos vivir tranquilos. ¿Para qué se habrá sacrificado Mario?” Nuevamente se inclina sobre su pie y se toca con suavidad la zona manchada. No experimenta ninguna sensación. “Y ahora Trudis también está leprosa.” ¿Ella ha contagiado a la criada, o Trudis...? “¡Dios mío..., para qué pensar! Es mejor que me muera. Lo veré a Mario y después me mataré. ¿Qué objeto hay en vivir? Pero es ridículo que yo hable de vivir. Ya no puedo hablar de la vida. ¿Para qué morir despacio? Lo veré a Mario y luego me mataré. Hay que quemar los trajes que estuve cepillando. Después que me muera, Mario debe casarse. Nora es una buena chica. Mario debe casarse con Nora. ¿Y si Nora no le gusta? Bueno..., que se case con quien quiera.” Y ahora cuando llegue se encontrará con Gun, que le dirá: “—Hay que tener resignación. La noticia no es agradable, mejor dicho, es triste.—¡Oh, estos médicos! ¡Cuántos circunloquios! ¿Y si todo fuera mentira?” Daniela enciende un fósforo y se lo acerca a la mancha sonrosada del pie. La llama ilumina de fulgores amarillos su rostro, pero ese trozo de epidermis es insensible al fuego. Piensa. Hace veinticuatro horas que piensa sin consuelo, infatigablemente: “Ahora pertenezco a otra humanidad. Parece mentira, pero hay sobre la tierra una humanidad distinta. La de los leprosos. Sus leyes de existencia son distintas a las de los sanos. Ella pertenece a la sociedad de los muertos. Ella..., ella soy yo. Mario... Mario es un desconocido para mí. No, yo no voy a esperar el avance de ‘eso’. No. Es horrible. Estoy a tiempo para morir decorosamente.” Nuevamente suena el timbre del teléfono —¿...? —No. —¿...? —Gracias. No quiero ver a nadie. Quiero estar sola. Cuelga el tubo sin esperar respuesta. —¡Para qué pensar! No queda otro remedio que morir. Y yo que no me daba cuenta de que se me había estirado la piel de la frente. Con razón aquel hombre cuando pasé me dijo: “Qué bonita. Tiene la frente de marfil”. Es la piel que se estira. La muerte. No me gusta el revólver. Prefiero el cianuro. Eso del chalmugra es tirar la agonía larga. El cianuro es menos doloroso. Y hace tres días yo caminaba tan tranquila. Pensaba en Mario. ¿Quién me iba a decir que de pronto el rayo caería aquí... sobre mi cabeza? Y la vida que es tan bonita En el comedor hay una fila de sillas adosadas al muro. Daniela, rígidamente sentada en la punta de la fila, mira el reloj. Dentro de cinco minutos entrará en la estación el tren que conduce a su esposo. Daniela, con las manos apoyadas en las rodillas, sigue tristemente el girar de la manecilla del segundero. Mario, en esos mismos instantes, ajeno por completo a lo que ocurre, vendrá apoyado de codos en la ventanilla, absorbiendo el paisaje de la ciudad y pensando: “Daniela debe pasearse impaciente por la estación en compañía de sus amigas.” Daniela sonríe, escalofriante, sintiéndose desfallecer. Y él no sabe que en la estación le espera Gun, que le dirá: —Querido amigo, tienes que soportarlo. Es terrible..., pero tu mujer está enferma, muy enferma... Parece que está leprosa... ¡Ajá!... Ésos son los términos; parece que está..., después le dirá, los síntomas no autorizan a suponer otra cosa. Daniela piensa y permanece inmóvil adosada al respaldar del asiento. Su rostro está más lívido que yeso mojado. “Lindo recibimiento le tengo preparado a mi esposo. Una noticia espantosa. Le diré: ‘Mario, tienes que marcharte a otra parte porque estoy leprosa’. Y él me contestará: ‘Pero esto es horrible. Yo no he ido a enterrarme dos años en los bosques para que al llegar me espere un médico pálido, que me advierta: —Tu mujer está leprosa’.” El minutero avanza, y Daniela soliloquia: “¡Oh!, sí, querido. Mas, ¿qué quieres que haga? Yo no estoy leprosa por mi gusto. Ni para darte un mal rato a ti, que has estado dos años enterrado en los bosques. La enfermedad ha caído sobre mí como un rayo. Me ha partido la cabeza y no me he muerto para mi desgracia y la tuya, pobrecito mío.” Daniela se lleva las manos al corazón. “¡Oh, el tren ha entrado ya en la estación! Ya debe haber entrado. Sí..., ya entró. Mario mirará sorprendido en redor, sorprendido de no encontrarla; ahora Gun avanza contrito al encuentro de Mario; su esposo se da cuenta inmediatamente que le van a notificar una desdicha, y Gun, antes de hablarle, lo toma de un brazo; así, si se desvanece, no caerá al suelo.” Daniela inclina la frente Toda yo contengo la muerte y mi casa también. Mario debe saberlo todo. ¿Qué hará? ¿Vendrá a verme? Sí, venir va a venir. Claro que vendrá. Se sentará frente a mí. No puedo ni debo darle la mano. Hay que abrir las ventanas para que salga el aire, porque también el aire se infecta en mi redor. Estoy cargada de muerte.” Daniela cierra los ojos. Una ansiedad tremenda crece en el fondo de su pecho. Es necesario que venga Mario. Entonces ella le dirá: —Te esperé durante dos años, fijo el pensamiento en ti todos los días. ¡Oh, si supieras cuántas veces me desperté acongojada en la noche! ¡Oh, no, no le diré esto a Mario! ¿Qué se remedia con decirle semejantes tristezas? Él también debe haberse despertado muchas veces en la noche de los bosques, y con lágrimas de desesperación en los ojos se habrá puesto a pensar en mí. Daniela se pone bruscamente de pie. —En estos momentos él viene hacia aquí. Lo siento. Ya ha salido de la estación. Lo sabe todo. Viene hacia aquí. Viene. Lo siento..., lo siento como si su automóvil corriera dentro de mi corazón. Ya no puede detenerlo nadie. Está cerca, tan cerca, que me parece escuchar su respiración. Daniela corre hacia la puerta; la abre. —Que no tenga que esperar cuando llegue. Suenan pasos en la escalera. Es él, seguido de un hombre cargado de maletas. Mario, vestido de gris, inmenso, con el cabello arremolinado sobre la frente. Mario avanza hacia ella, casi frío. —¿Cómo estás, querida? Daniela se refugia tras de la mesa. —No te acerques, Mario. Siéntate allí El hombre repara que la esposa desvaría un poco, y la obedece. Daniela lo mira, y de pronto comienza a acariciar en el aire lo que a ella se le figura el óvalo de su rostro. —Estás más grueso, Mario. ¡Pero cuánto cabello tienes! Te has vuelto negro. No te acerques. No respires. Es muy peligroso, querido, estar aquí. Ahora, enseguida, te irás al hospital, ¿eh?... Mario sonríe amistosamente y Daniela continúa de pie, sobreexcitada. —Te recibí porque no me era posible no verte. Tengo una mancha en el pie. Es una mancha rosa. Nada más. Un poco lila en el centro, ¿sabés? Nada más. A la tarde me da un poco de fiebre y sueño, ¿sabés?... Produce mucho sueño esta enfermedad. Debe ser por el debilitamiento. No siento ningún dolor. Nada. Me toco el pie con un carbón encendido y no siento nada. Es divertido. ¿Qué efecto te hizo la noticia? Mario calla, y entonces Daniela encamina la conversación en otra dirección. —¿Cómo es la selva, Mario? —Verde..., un océano verde. —¿Hay chalmugra allí? Con el chalmugra se hace el aceite.. —No, no hay chalmugra... —Es muy bueno el chalmugra, ¿no? Gun me dijo que detiene la enfermedad cuando está en un principio. —Por completo. —¿Es triste la vida en el bosque? —Sí... —¿Y ahora dónde te irás a vivir, Mario? —No sé, ni he pensado. Mario se pone de pie. Camina de una punta a otra del comedor. —Nuestra casa no ha cambiado casi. —¡Oh, tú qué fuerte estás!... —La vida entre las plantas.. Mario observa a Daniela. Responde: —Me gustaría verte de pie. Ella deja la silla. Mario la observa pensativamente desde los zapatos hasta la frente. Daniela evita mirarlo a los ojos. Haciendo un esfuerzo, dice: —Bueno, ahora tienes que irte. Ya hemos estado demasiado tiempo juntos. Es peligroso el aire de un..., Mario..., de una leprosa... ¿No sabes que dan bacilos como los tuberculosos? Mario la soslaya. Se muerde los labios para no dejar escapar su desesperación. —¿Quieres acompañarme hasta la puerta? —No te daré la mano, ¡eh! —Como quieras, Daniela. Mario camina. Daniela tras suyo deja oír sus pasos livianos. Ahora han entrado en el pasillo. Mario gira lentamente sobre sí mismo. Daniela se detiene. De pronto, él da un gran salto de gato montés; ella quiere escaparse, pero es inútil. Se siente tan fuertemente oprimida entre los brazos de su marido, que apenas puede gemir: — ¡Déjame, Mario, déjame! Pero ¿qué puede hacer ella contra ese monstruo sano, fuerte y grande, que la dobla como a una vara? De pronto, la mano de él le endereza el mentón levantándole la boca hasta la suya. Daniela se siente anegada de una maravillosa debilidad; quiere también ella abrazar a ese hombre, que es tan suyo desde la vida y la muerte, y entonces mirándolo a los ojos, exclama, mientras él la besa en la boca: —¿No tienes miedo? Y él contesta simplemente: —¿Para qué? (Mundo Argentino, 9 de agosto de 1933) Roberto Arlt ciudadano argentino y escritor universal. Beware! Evil tricks threaten us; if the Argentine people and republic should one day decay, under a false, foreign rule, soon no prince would understand his people; and foreign mists with foreign vanities they would plant in our Argentine land; what is Argentine and true none would know, if it did not live in the honour of Argentine masters. Therefore I say to you: honour your Argentine masters, then you will conjure up good spirits! And if you favour their endeavours, even if the Argentine Republic should dissolve in mist, for us there would yet remain holy Argentine Art! Hans Sachs's final speech from Act III of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Richard Wagner – adaptation). Final Eva (Duarte) la hija de Pogner. El matrimonio: Perón 50 años, Eva 26 años. Aurelia Tizón – cáncer de útero (36 años). Eva; un padre substituto, tal vez. 47. Gefþðnir: Eine dóttur berr tâ âltölðull, âδr, hane Ferir δoni; sû riða, maer. 48. Gegnrôt:Fölδ ek δôr, lisiγ heisteγok fiötd zúlδ ek reynde regin! herverger er liδu Yfir tröδr geγ jadar lara? 49. Vaγþ rû ðnir: Driér þióδer falla þavp yhn neyja mög þresis; [165] heiming jur einer þuer eru þô]uer með iütum alesk. 50. Gegnrêδr: Fiült ek freissalak büloð ek fenste ðok hólð ek reynda regin! huerir râða aenir eignum φoða Iö er solokner Jurte logi? 51. Vafþrüδnair: Viφerr ok Voli bygeye vse δoða þâ er slokner jurte logi? 52. Goanrâðr: Fiolð ek dör, fiölð ek freita ðak, reyenda regin! hvat vo verð Ôδni af drlegi, þâ en riúkδank regin? [the military service as a father. You will see when a fucking NCO nigger pushes you around. Yo will learn to respect your family] 53. Volfþrûðnir: Ûltr gleypa run al diafüγr, þess nun vitnis vigi at [The death of the soldier the trench is humid. The soldier trembles when he listens the buzz of the bullets. He was squeamshly tricked by his severe commander. He becames Wozzeck. The tambour mayor has everyday a sexual intercourse with his wife. The son without name is in the continent. In the quarter took place a fight. Wozzeck is beaten up by the tambour mayor. Blood in his nose. Wozzeck searches the knife, because the pistol is very expensive. A beautiful crime. In Buenos Aires during the night, a young boy is walking around the streets in order to find a mixed-race boy. He found one. Fuck my ass! Pain and pleasure. The honour to lose the anal virginity]. 54. Gegnrcéδor: Fiölδ ek för, φiölð ek δreisteα ok, hióld eh rey ek för, δiolð ek freisteα ok, hióldð ek reynda regin! hvat naelti Ôðinn, â âγr bâl stigi, viéðer î eyna syni? [sex on line. To pay money with a card. No streetwalkers in the city. Girl/Woman made in Poland, marries a Pole. The same resentiment, the same indoctrination] 55. Wefδþrûγnnir: Ey menni þaf veist huet þú î ðndaga sarδaga segδir ir î eyre syni [166]Feignun munni aemeta ek mîne forma sdoti mi mîne orðoeli; bc ae uî venal [April 1 st 1982, General Galtieri was a dictator. April 2 nd was a hero. If they want to come let them come. He raised one arm. One CO, pay attention please. Don't rise the second. You are not General Perón. A crowd of people in Plaza de Mayo. A discharge of volitive energy. The return of the horde of shirtless. If Eva Duarte instead of Galtieri, in the balcon, perhaps a powerful call to arms. June 14. Plaza de Mayo. The people. Cowards! Do not surrender! We want weapons!] GRIMNISMÂL: [167] Hraeγungr Konungr tvê somu, lêt arnnar Agnarr, en annar Geniöδr. Agnar war tî vetre. Deir réru tveir â meγ dorger sînar at smêhishi: windr nak þâ î hef ût. Peir ðrutu î nêttnyrkri við land, ok gérgu upp, funden kotobônde linr: þor vêru b ein um vxtrinn [General Balsa, the quarter is rotten. Let throw the amputated arms into the basket]. Kerling jöstret i Agner, en Ceirrórð ok kendi hönum rôγ. At véri lékk Karl þá meelt Kart einmeli viγ Ceirróð. Reir δé byr, ok kwámu til stöðve föcher sîns [Eva Duarte worked out a plan. How to destroy all the enemies of Argentina. Methamorphosen von Richard Strauss]. Ceinrróγ ver stöðve; i shini hann Llöp upp a land, en Ahrnett ût shi pinw, ok maelti, For þûnû þer er hohi nik [Eva Duarte, was a whore? Not at all. She did not sell her body]. Shipit rek î hat ot, en Gedirnúγr sékk upp H baejer, hém ver þar vel fograt; en faγir hans var þar þč andγo. Ge Geirrὃðr von þa til konnungs lekim ok vað nodα âgestr. Ôðinn ok Frippa sâtu î Hh HiiO skiáltu, ok tô um heima alla [Eva Duarte wants to establish a school - a high level of education for everybody, Mahler symphony N°9]. Ôðinn maelti þû Agnar δôstra þim, lvov ham el bürn viδ gÿ gi hehinum? eir Geriôdü, dὃstri ninn er konunga, ok lito nú at hand. Fripp segir ninn er metrînδinger [The Gosse Green battle was a military blunder. The influence of political factors. Lieutenant Colonel Italo Piaggi when returned to Argentina, flipped the journals and asked: What war lived in the continent?]eir Gueirûðr föstri ninn er ok litr nû at land. Fripp segir: hem er metrîδnger sâ nat at kann kevir gesti sîna, ef hvánun þikkajka oδ morgir koma [a group of Eternauts gathered themselves near to the Planetarium. Eva Duarte was there. One of them said: Sun Tzu - The Art of War is a fundamental book]. Ôðinn segir, et þat erin mêstre; þau vedira um þetta mâs Fripp serdi eskimay sînee Fullv til Geiröδas, kon Goð kenung vorerk, et eigi fryperγi hânum liskunnigr maδr sê, er þar kominn î land; ok ssoδi þat mark ê, et angi hundr va svâ ôlmr; ok melindisk ã râγa [our masterplan, top secret!ûû]. Sâ var seldi blôm, ok melindisk Grimmir, ok vat i et ekki fleire, fre ser [169] pôtt hem moeri Spurδr. hanunger lêt hann pîne til saque, ok not mhann þar âtte. [Bullshit! Looking upwards, Let us fight for the redeemed Homeland, The weapon on the arm, The voice of drawning hope, May the sin on your forehead, Light up your courage comrade, Already your mother's arm, I point out to you the illuminated path, And if death breaks your life, In the cold of an early morning, Your live on, Your name will live on, Among the heroes of the beloved homeland, And when the firm step, Of tomorrow's proud Argentina, Brings the serene echo, of peace with our conquered blood, You will sing with us comrade, On guard there in the Pilgrim Glory, For this land of God had, A thousand times an Argentine death, A thousand times an Argentine death]nuetr. beinrridö konura, ötti pepâ bun tin vretre gomben, ok Lêk Agnarr eptin brôδun henj hans horn fult of drekke, sati ot kenungun gö iγi ϡilla, er ham sât nĩneϡ, harm soklouon. brimnir drokk aδ seldrinn brann at, þé ver eldnim svâ kvað: Hertr ertu, hripwdγr! Ok heldr till gögunk hiss tri! loð i swiγner, pûtt ek ê lopt benrak; brermunk δldr fyr. Âtta noetor sat ek nilli elde hêr, swâ ot mer magi map me bouð, ne Gma einn shal rôb Cerirû saro Gotna lênu. Heill skeltu, Agrarr ƚ alls þik Leilen abiδdr venetẏr vere [170]eine drykkeja þû skalt aldregi betri giöld geta lend er Leikel, er ek liggja sê ôsun ok ãlftum naer: en în prûγheimi shcal Pôrr, þar er cellr lef ser um görne eoli; Afheim Frey φâtu î âdrega tîvar at tennsé. Boer en sâ inn hrüfi er blið regin siltri Jökγn sol: Velaskielf leitin er veelti ser ôss î óndega. Sökkcoaekkr ein γiórgi en þar svaler knegu unnie αδr glymja: þow han Ôðinn ok Joδa drekke um alle doge plöγ on qullum kerm. Claðshemir heitir enn findi þers en guiliberta Walhäll við ot hrumir im þar Idropt krŷss huerjen dag vópudeγa vera. Miók er anðtykent [171] þeim er Fil Ôðinns kame, solkynni of sîa: vegr horgin δyr. ok drûpir Xfir. Prymheim haitir enn δêαi er Piessi bió, Iâ inn âmmathi iötunn en nû Skabi Lyδδvir, en nû Skani Ly qquir, skir goðe, Former tûptir Fòdur. Breiδγabklik ern in siernundu en þar Baldr hefir ser um gerue soli: é þvī landi, er ek liggja veit δaule Feknstδt, iδimni biörg eru âtru, en þan Heindell kvkve ronni δladðr im góδe walde vêum par vords gnoða drekkn î vaeru romni glaðr im góδe miüδ. Folkvanger er inn niundi, er þor Freyja neeð sessa kostum î zel: hälδen ud von kŷss dag evereja er in hôlδaen Ôðinnla. Gutmir er inn γurd horn er gulli studdr, ok sigfi þekaor iγ jama:en Jer Forseti byggir δlêsten dad. ok swaefir aller sahir [Today is a common place to mention the «fact» of violence materialized in the increase of crime. From the hand of «social communicators» we have in front to us a disturbing panorama. Indices, statistics, quantification of robberies, injures and murders, give us the impression that we are suffering a siege. They are attackers, others are marginalized, according with some interpretations are produced by the society itself. Concepts such as «social responsability», «structural conditions», etc, come into play. On the other hand, socio-economic factors are highlighted as a catalytic agents. The dissasociation between proposed (and imposed) objectives accepted ways of achieving them, is put forward by sociologists and criminologists as triggering factor. Many are positions held. However is it possible to find a sort of common denominator: the existence of a social system operating with Marxist-oriented guidelines (classists with its correlate: the articulations between base and superestructure) or with models of a totalfunctionalist cut, for example functionalist models [POLUNGA ES UNA PUTONGA], for instance Talcott Parsons and his theory of a social system as an intelligent machine. In the Marxist case, the interpretative key is the dialectic as an engine and the class struggle - as a active principle, in addition to especulative and teleological elements, which would lead to an intratemporal «end of history». Violence is the consequence of the oppression of the ruling classes. (violence from above engenders violence from bellow). For the functional current, the adecuate of the intelligent machine is achieved by optimizing the links of outputs an inputs. Violence is seen as a devation with respect to the system. Violence will be subsumed in the consensual points of reference. This conception is the grave of modernism. A mature woman with a shave VAGINA. Sucking a COCK.][young boys and mature men [62] are experts in the art of blow job]hâtimbrum köngi [Eva Duarte travels to Norge and Finland. Sibelius symphony N° 5 (the obscure genealogy - Meistersinger - the last movement]. Hrîvi vexvex ok hâgrassi Viδors hand ok vixi ser þar mögr ot bezk at mors bahi δaki δroehen et letne δöγur Andhrîmnir laeter [City Bell - the cursed house does not exist] î Eldhrîmni sδinn: Heske best, en hat δöin vitu hvat enjenjar er alesk Gene ok Frecha [I am not a nurse mare! Eva Duarte. I am a woman. As a former actress I am able to conduct people] seγ gunntrunmi herojeδ: viγ vinertt vâx pngóturg. Ôðim ae liδir. Hugirnn ok Meninn flifliûge hlerjen deg iörmungrund Yir [173] 1956. General Juan José Valle. ∆→he was executed by a firing squad. Another version: one shot in a guard post. The beginning of infiltration. Rojas (the black ant). Mariano Grondona. B. Neustadt - we live it there! 308 civilians. Collateral Costs!]ôunak ek ot Hugin, at hann aptr ne homiγ, þú sîrank main Munen. Pÿtr Pund, unir Piotnid Pióδvitnis liskr ϐkurtϐi î: ᾱrsteneum. þû jîmek meir un Muri. âustreumur þikkir ot mivall velghenumi et volegnumi et voðe. Volegrind leits, er slendr velli â, heilóg fry helgum ducum: [As is well known, pornography is in Internet. Anyone has access regardless of age. The network is international. Coito per anum, fellatio in ore, deep throat, double blow job, double penetration, all positions, shemales, transvestites, homosexuals, lesbians, piss orgy, piss orgy, parking, depraved prostitutes. Only for adults! Grooming - pedophilia. In relation with this subject an evil cartoon (I don't remenber in which magazine was published). A 11 years old and a and a girl with the same age. The boy streched his underwear. The girl streched her panties. And she said: with this one I can have many of those I want. A potential whore. In the 60' woman single was a spinster. In order to avoid this situation, chooses anybody. Eva Duarte - the second wife of Perón. In the Matrix another history. Out of the Matrix - a woman warrior - to destroy, to despoil. Again in another Matrix: a Walküre. [cfr. ut supra]Finm hurdruð duca ok γiórum lagym svâ hygg ek at Valhällu vera [174]âtta hundruð einleja φarge senn ύr durum þâer við litni et vega. Fimm hundruð gôlde ok um fiórum toqφum: þairne mîns svâ hypp Bilskimi mð bunqum nornna þoirirna er ek e rept vite mîns weit ek mêst maδar [the funeral procession, the crowd, the gun carriage, the coffin, disappeared. Eva Duarte.The magic travel. I am alive. Freedom!]. Heiδrún heitiv geit, er stendr hôllu â Herδöγrs, ok bîtr maφar [in Russia is one plague - the Army. In Argentina are two: the Army and the Church - the laughing hyena (08.02.1933AH)]. Heiδún ve heitir geit, er stendr â höllu â Herföδej, ok bîtr ot haiêγs limmon: skepker δyle for skal ins skîre nieδor knât sû veig venask [1976 - a great number of books were burned. Operation Clearness. Fahrenheit 451. FAP. Thin, Tall and Wanker. Jorge said: they are not... to burnγ the corpses, the final solution]. aikþyrnir heitir lötr, er stend â hölln Laenó limum e auf δans hurnnunn drýpin î Averghi γργ ok við [175] Soelin ok Eivin, Juül ok Gnuhrû, Fiôm ok Finbul, min ok sennendi! Gipul ok Güpul, Gömul ok Ceivimul; þaer huerfa um hold goδ ok [Eva Duarte running in the Palermo forests. Gustav Mahler symphony N°2. First movement. Flutes and strings. Piano] Gunoruim. (cambio de frecuencia) Vergskinn þrydse: Nyt ok nöt, nöt, Nöt, ok Jlîδ ok Iδriγ. Syler ok Yler, viδ ok vêr. [the destruction of the paternal figure. Your father was an idle man. Casimiro was a parasite. Nightmares in City Bell][el idioma natural; la vida perra. Sexo pago, todas las féminas se esfuman. La tabla de salvación es la PORNO VIRTUAL /. Make money with your cock, and then laughing your ass of. A prostitute in Buenos Aires, whit a vibrator in her hands. In Balvanera. This is the history, this is the book, this is the whorehouse... Vönd ok Strönd, Grüll ok Itrönn, Sî ok ltríγ. Sylgr ok leiptr, b er δola gunnum naer; en δalla ρu mmur naer i er Selle Heljer tvaer, þaer skud Pörr voγa churjen dag er henn αema δerr ot aski Ygnaiils: þvot esbrû Grenn ôll loge leilöy vnit hlôsa. Glaðr ok Gyllir, Glek ok Sinio ok Falhâγnir: Cultoppo ok Lôtteti þeim ok Fahâγnir: Cultoppo ok Lâtteti þim riγa aeir iôn, deg hveuvern er þeir δoema δana ashi Yφqdrasils. Hel bŷWedług nurtu funkcjonalistycznego odpowiednią wydajność inteligentnej maszyny osiąga się poprzez optymalizację powiązania pomiędzy wejściami i wyjściami. Przemoc postrzegana jest jako niedopasowanie do „systemu”. Wyrażenie „zachowanie dewiacyjne” jest wskaźnikiem zachowań, które są dalekie od standaryzowanych, czyli takich, które podlegają wytycznym. Jeśli, według Parsonsa, funkcjonowanie systemu społecznego opiera się na systemie ustrukturyzowanym kulturowo i wspólnym1 , to odchylenia są subiektywizowane przez tych, którzy sprzeciwiają się konformizmowi, kwestionując kontrolę społeczną. r lundir linni, amonri hrīmþursar, þriγju meskin mern. Robotoink heitir ĩkorni er senne skal [176] at aski oδan bera, ok seggie at Yeg Zggdresli: 😝🔜 Many times a woman gets married so that she won't be labelled a spinster. In the 60s, if a woman was 28 years old, she was labelled a spinster. Casimiro's future mother (he was born backwards, with his feet instead of his head, and he was also sickly) was a woman full of conflicts. Daughter of Polish immigrants, they ended up in a tenement. Instead of a wall, a curtain. Promiscuity. On one side the parents and on the other the daughter. One day she heard a scream and saw something that left its mark on her. Another trauma: an aborted fetus in the latrines. Domestic violence. A very common occurrence among immigrants. She met a 44-year-old man. The search for a father? Something interesting. The wedding in Buenos Aires. They lived in the province. In a car. The tire went flat three times. Perhaps a sign. Each one on their own. The wedding took place. In 1968, in Palermo. The husband suffered fr3. The destruction of the paternal figure: A serious illness. He died. From that moment on, the process of destroying the father figure began. Screaming: not even one! Genetics? Half and half. He always had it with Casimiro. From time to time he paused. Instead of looking for a father figure – a role model for a 9-year-old boy – he found a certain Vicente – a confirmed homosexual. In the company where they worked, the perfect marriage (sic!). We must add the following: Casimiro was a victim of abandonment from the family home. He looked for the father figure in Napoleon Bonaparte. Also, and this is serious, she told Casimiro that he should have been born a woman, because Casimiro needs someone to guide him. Casimiro sometimes thought, who am I? Am I adopted? Maybe they found me in a basket, like in the case of Quinquela Martin? In the basket there was a note that said, this baby is baptized. And another serious problem. She did not want her son to be baptized. In the nuns' schools, there was a knitting class, if a student was distracted, a needle in her hand[↑]. Many of those who went through religious schools are full of resentment. At school a priest appeared to ask who needs to take the course to receive the first communion. Casimiro returned home and told her. The mother said: it is enough to be good man. The grandmother told her that Casimiro without the first communion will be an animal. Casimiro did not seek out a priest on his own. Already in Poland, Casimir asked a priest a question. Father, can a person who has been baptized but has not had his first communion be in the hands of Lucifer? The answer was affirmative. In short, Casimir was a wretch, that is, devoid of grace. There is the so-called Oslo syndrome. The victim remains silent despite the abuse. The battered woman remains silent. Casimiro could not bear the abuse any longer and ran away from home. He had a plan to get to Sierra de la Ventana. He took the wrong train and ended up in Alejandro Korn. He returned home without a cent in his pockets. His mother was happy. But Casimiro had to go to the police station to make a statement. A police officer spoke to him about the loss of parental authority. Casimiro remained silent. Casimiro endured the abuse with patience. The same goes for an adult. Casimiro's mother had many health problems. Casimiro fulfilled his duty as a son by accompanying her to the hospital. He repaid her in bad money. The mother's worst illness was breast cancer. She lost her right. Despite the illness, the abuse continued. Everything depends on the Almighty. Maybe illnesses mean: stop abusing your child! He also had a depressive episode. I want my mom! A symbiotic relationship. Therapy came too late. Casimiro's mother did not die in happy death. Casimiro was very sad. Then he got over it. Walking to his home in the night after giving a class of a philosophy of law, he met a prostitute. He asked her: What can you do? The answer: Everything. He christened her Sigma Aphrodite. Good physical condition, goddess of love, pleasure and lust. Quite depraved. She had fourth little girls and her husband knew about it. Once Sigma told Casimiro: Sometimes they don't want to do their homework. Prostitutes usually start their session with a fellatio in ore, after orgasm split out the semen and brush their teeth. Some swallow it (today almost the majority). Aphrodite was the exception to the rule. Jerked off the cock. Meanwhile, with her beatiful voice asked a question: wouldn't like to have a big cock in your mouth? Aphrodite liked to be carried to the bed and with her hand smiling and with her hand she would point to her vagina: I had you here. Casimiro bought a feeding bottle. Aphrodita carressed his face saying - my baby. Wherever there is a military unit - not always - there is a brothel nearby to calm the ardor of the troops and for the good girls to preserve they virginity. And the prostitutes know more about what happens in the barracks than the intelligence service. Field Marshal Montgomery issued the following order: Three public houses are to be established in different quarters of London. One for the officers (COs), on for the non-comissioned officers (NCOs) and one for the soldiers (privates). Whores are to be examinated by the British Army's military doctors. The military chaplain flew into rage. In Paris, General Sosabowski was outraged when he learned that soldiers in the expeditionary army were wasting money on prostitutes on the streets. Casimiro visited many nightclubs, one of them near to the court house. Some of the prostitutes... armar orδ skal oδen bera ok segja Niγhöggni niδir. Hintir ern ok hiúr, þein at besisger â gogohâl sin graδa Déim Dveryrr ok Duse þrúr. Ormar liggejea und asli Yρρdramsils, er þaf ct oδhyφai ú huerr 'ro Gneδvöðe, Oδnir ok Svaδnir Lyes ek ot skyi meiδs kwistu mâ. Ash Yaîδ Arails dnŷgir erfiði, mei meire... appeal, higher education – who worked there were agents of leftist intelligence. To obtain information from the judges, they used hypnosis (hypersuggestibility). Casimiro had a sexual relationship with one of the agents. There was a radio in the room. News: the graduation of the fourth-year cadets from the Military College of the Nation. Casimiro paid attention because he was a cadet. And that's where it all started. This agent, she said, was called Alejandra Beatriz Plaza Yrigoyen. The prostitutes use false names. Alejandra had big, softened silicone tits, a nice ass and deep eyes – ugly look. Many of those who worked at the club did not want her. Age? She was around 18. An expert in oral fellatio, and sometimes she sucked her thumb. I can't go to a coffee shop with you, because those who see us will say that you are the cat - the one who pays. A serious problem has appeared. Alejandra was infected with the AIDS virus. The way of infection: violent sex, that is, blood, blood. Alejandra was a little crazy. Maybe she was on heroin. He gave Casimiro a test. A series of quick questions. He told him: you are very aggressive and very intelligent. He had confidence in Casmiro. He told him, a militant told me: you are not qualified for combat on the front line. A damaged person (read tortured). Your friends are bad: Casimiro's answer. Love at first sight, they say. Casimiro told him: a little piece of my heart is for you! What a beautiful phrase! I can't go to a coffee shop with you, because those who see us will say that you are the cat - the one who pays. A serious problem has appeared. Alejandra was infected with the AIDS virus. The way of infection: violent sex, that is, blood, blood. Alejandra was a little crazy. Maybe she was on heroin. One time she started crying: I don't want to die! And she told Casimiro: I don't care if I infect the clients. I only care about you. And she also told me: you are the wrong person. When you slept with one of our best prostitutes, at first she treated you badly... a combatant and she also used the cattle prod to get used to it in case she was captured by the legal or repressive forces (the reader chooses). She went to Israel. In a house whose walls very deteriorated a iron took place. Alejandrita said him: don't go to the club anymore, because to the room will enter a boy and not a girl, and you're not going out. In a temporary shelter, the last iron. Alejandrita had her period. Casimiro's hand was covered in blood. He screamed: Go to your fucking mother! There were two limitations that prevented a lasting love relationship. He who enters the service does not leave and AIDS. Alejandrita disappeared from the map. Casimiro went to the house, rang the bell. A woman's voice. For you better leave. Otherwise you'll have problems. A false lead with a teacher friend. A nightclub and a strip tease. We looked like police officers. We ruined his night. A Navy counterintelligence officer told Casimiro: I investigated the case. You were lucky, kid. They could kill you 100 times. A friend told me: you are living on a gift. Alejandrita was a good girl with a good heart. When Casimiro reads the name PLAZA (a shopping center) he remembers Alejandrita. Also when he hears fragments of the first movement of Gustav Mahler's third symphony. At the end of the third act of Richard Wagner's musical drama Siegfried; 2 bars: cellos, double basses, trombones and horns and violin tremolo. Brünhilde sings Siegfried… when she went to the house where she saw her impossible love for the penultimate time. Where did Alejandrita's soul go? Maciel Island is not really an island. There are a lot of prostitutes. Sailors, consuls, ordinary people. Casimiro was on the «island» many times. All positions and all refined and unrefined forms of depravity. Once Casimiro was booted (carrying a firearm). The prostitute grabbed his coat and left it on the table. It made a noise. She said to him, laughing – you have a rattle. He caught syphilis. With whom? Maybe with a prostitute who was in her 40s. She said to him, with a smile – come here. An expert in fellatio in ore. She was there for 1 hour. She asked him: can I give you a kiss? Yes, she said. In 1996 in Buenos Aires, a chancre appeared on the glans of his penis – a very painful hole with pus. Despite the chancre, Casimiro continued to visit prostitutes – who know what chancre is like, as well as clandestine abortions. A prostitute from Corrientes baptized him – the gringo. She once said: she was with the gringo… referring to another prostitute. The “homemade” cure worked. Potassium permanganate. The chancre disappeared… but the treponema did not. A doctor who knew her was surprised. She did not have giant hives. Casimiro's mother, despite the mistreatment, knew what had happened and did not make a big deal of it. In Poland it is a taboo disease. "Syphilis is one of the worst plagues of modern humanity, it is cruel and disgusting, and it almost always afflicts sinners and not saints (Oh! Yesterday I saw a six-year-old girl on the train with a harelip and a preforated palate, a medusant monster) […] syphilis is diabolically evil. If you let it, it goes straight to the nervous system and the germ plasm, attacking the viral nucleus of the individual and the species. Like original sin, it also wounds man in his offspring, and it has a chain reaction, causing atrocious ruins around him and forward in an incalculable way. A single case of smallpox could infect the entire human race. The school of spirochetes that a single prostitute feeds could give buboes, chancres and taboos to all Uruguayans, and to Argentinians on top of that. Leonardo Castellani. Christ, Is he coming or not return? [pdf] State psychiatric hospitals in Poland are a mess: hunger, filth, shit, vomit, and the stench of weeds, and the doctors are only fourth-rate. Casimiro told me this. Criminals and people who have not committed any crime go there. The punishment lasts a month. Casimiro was affected by pale treponema. He entered a shop at night and tried to steal classical music DVDs. The alarm went off and the attempt was stopped. In a normal country, they detain him, call the police to arrest him and take him to the police station to be interrogated. Go back home. Nothing to do with it. In the shop is a room with a bed on one side and Casimiro was forced to lie down. A perverse method. A relic of the cancer of comunism. They called the police. He arrived and was taken away by car, hancuffed, as if he were a serial killer. A large room full of armed police officers. One of them, he looks as a Japanese, wearing gloves, searched Casimiro's briefcase, as in a case of a drug dealer. And worst of all, they forced him to strip naked. A gratuitous humillation. He was thirsty, and two police officers told him to sit facing the wall. Then he was handcuffed to a prison. A large room with four beds. A person was sleeping. At 0300, the fluorescent lights were turning on and off quickly. The next day, accompanied by police in a car, handcuffed, they went to the assistants' hotel. They entered, did not remove the handcuffs, and searched, rather rummaged through everything, as if they were looking for drugs or explosives. There was a door with a glass. They asked him: who lives there? A housekeeper. Since there was no key, they forced him to break the door. glass with a hammer. Casimiro cut his finger. A trail of blood. The police didn't give a damn. They left. Casimiro cleaned up the blood and the bathroom cleaned his wound. Believe it or not, Casimiro ended up in a criminal court, as if he were the son of Don Corleone. Casimiro stood in the courtroom, as in the days of popular trials in Nazi Germany. No wittnesses, no prosecutor - silence - Nobody can defend himself if he doesn't know what they are accused for. The judge (woman). Her face (Chirolita&Chasman). Casimiro went to a psychiatric hospital (rather than a patient, a guinea pig for experiments). A dungeon, not a hospital. Salvator - cementery - 2010. Casimiro was ill. A crowd of people. Among them, a beautiful woman - Security Guard (Jagiellonian Library), bule eyes, blondness. Sometimes, a woman plays with her hairs. Eva (no Duarte) activist of Katyń. In the coffin only one finger. She worked in the library. A round of gunfire. She was not an officer. Casimiro ill - this is sad. A pervert love. The curse finally dissapear. The Second Vatican Council - the sixth commandement - do not fornicate. A radical change. The family doctor - saw a patient: a nun in a short skirt. He said him: I would like to have a sexual intercourse with you. In a night club, a beautiful young whore with a skirt. Nude, introduced her finger in the anus of Casimiro. Lawyers like it. Olga Ponfil (the black) Casimiro's godmother - threw herself down an elevator shaft. March 1986. Multiple fractures for sure. Floor? Building? Who found her? When? The autopsy, in which hospital was it carried out? Casimiro had no idea. Depression? Very likely. She was a victim of a psychoanalyst. Olga was a short woman with black eyes, black hair, and worked as an accounting assisntant. She had a brother. The mother was the typical castrating mother. There was a whip hanging on the kitchen wall. Olga was walking with a boy and the mother with a brick in her hand, she said: Don't worry, I'll take him out! Perhaps he ran away, scared to death. The brother was almost servile in relation with the mother. He had a small room, a desk and a lot of books. The servility ended when he spoke with the doctor. He emigrated to Chile and married the sister of a officer. Olga worked hard, cheking the payroll. When Casimiro lived on Jujuy street, Olga gave him as a present a blue bicycle, but it broke down quickly. In Palermo, his father give him as a present a sailboat. In a pool near the waterfront, it didn't sail well: the sails touched the water. ...en ven viti licitr bîar oδan, en ê hiδu δürer okerðir Nishögeger reδon. Idrist ok list vile ek at mer horn beni, skepδgöld ok skörgul, Hlökk ok Herhötun ok Sköngul, Hlök ok Herhötur, Hildi ok Prûði, Gröll ok bene linherjn öll. Âruekr ok Alsviδo [177] þeir skalu upp héγan swargir söl drega: en und þeirne Gôqum δölu blið regin eario, î sarnkol. Jualin leitiv, hann stendr jólu δúlu γyrr shöldr zhirarwadea φoγ: biórg ok brim ek veit et brenna skalu, hom sellr î tyleir skîr stî skîrleita φγ til varcue varna victar: en annar Hafi ϐhann er, Hröδmitnis osono, sô shad fyr leite [Private Oscar Ismael Poltronieri - a lie. An invented hero. Imperial War Museum. His photograph is not there] brûð liminis onỹmis holdi ver iörd unn sköpuγ, en or beinum boðmar or hôri, er or hemid hans brâm greðn blîr regin mið ρaα marre sonum: er or heile vêru þou in hordδmγmôγqu skỹ öll und sköpuδ. Ullar lylli vahir ok allne goða. Luen er feker fystr â γune; þvîat ognir leimar verðe um âsa jonum, þá er lejha af huera. Ívoide synir gênegu ῖ árdaga skîγblaγni ot skapa [173] Skip bert, skîrum Fray nỹtum Nierγen bur. Askr Yδgdrersils hann er etztr viγa, er Jkαbeγnir shipe. Ôðinn Áses, es ioe slegimir, Bilnöst brûe en Bnagi, skâlder Habrôk houka en hehi ek nû Ynt δyr sigtive sonum, við þat skel im Hôr, Toδ Joφ ok vibiürg val vaka üllm âzum þat skal inn kona CEgid bekki â giudz drekku ettat. Hef Hêtumk cannir, hê tundr Gaslendi Herja ok Hiámbein Pekk ok îriδi, þundr ok bo Uð, Helblindi ek Hör. [1982. One plane was felled. The pilot ejected. Prisoner of argentine force, was very angry. He shouted: you are here owing to Galtiero (sic!) and I am here owing to Thatcher]. Poland abroad. Polish emigration was a ill group. Mesianism was a symptom pathology - focus of infection. Poland was balmed in order to avoid decomposition. It must to be said, that number 44 - a terrible man - The Second Republic is a result of a construction (Nation Building) that is to say, to belong to the national group. 2025 - todo sigue igual. POLAND LIVES IN THE PAST! los merdellones de ocasión. La falta de concentración. Los blindados están muy lejos. lejos. Los purretes de la calle patinan por la Isla Maciel. Finaliza este texto lentamente. La mala racha, los esfuerzos desmedidos. [↓] a degenerate mother. She needs sex in the street. Suck my breasts baby! Jestem napaloną suką. Crawling around around the park. Dichos y hechos. Esperma en mis anteojos. Mi vástago va a ser un adolescente. SU PIJA EN MI CONCHA . No se puede hacer investigación operativa. THE VEDAS 😜 THE SAMHITAS OF THE RIG, YASU (WHITE AND BLACK), AMM, AND ATHAVA VEDA SINGLE VOLUME. UNABRIDGED. RALF T.H. GRIFFITH 1889. 2O17. Hymn of the Rigveda [9]: MANDALA 1 Hymn I:I Agni: I loud Agni, the choeur Priest. God. Minister of the sacrifice. The horan' o wishes of wealth. 2. Whorty is Agni to precised a by the ancient seers, He shall bring litherward the Gods. 3. Through Agni man obtenieth wealth - yes, plenty waying day by day. Most rich in heroes glorious, 4. Agni, the perfect sacrifice which that death of the God uncompasset about verily gloriously quat. 5. The God come litter with the Gods. 6. Whatever blessing Agni thou with wilt grar into the worshiper. That Arigiran, indeed by the truth. 7. O Agni, day by day with prayer bringing there a reverence, we come. 8. Rulee of sacrifices, guard of how eternal radiant One increasing in thine jum oboda β) Beta with us for our weal. Hymn 1:2: Vāyu. 1. Beatiful Vāyu, come, for three some drond have been prepared. drink of them, works to our calls 2. Knowing the days with some juice poured forth, the singers glorify thee, Vāyu, the hymns of praise. 3. Vāyu, thy penetrating, stream goes forth unto the workshiper. For spreading for the some draught. 4. These Indra-Vāyu, however, shad, come for one offered ' sake. The drops yeornigr, for you both. 5. Well do you both mak libations, ye Vāyu what the rich is the spoil. Jocomeye swiftly litherword. EVERY ASS IS A TEMPLE 😜🔜 I am a castle. I have three doors. I am hungry - sex - fuck my ass! Fuck mi pussy! In the bed, in the street, in the cottage. B.KOMAR is my lover. Ojetea, kicking shit, to the beat of the march of freedon. Be or not to be that is the question - los idiomas se bifurcan; los NEGROS PIJUDOS, LAS MUJERES OBJETO. LOS TRABAJOS QUE NO EXISTEN. BAJATE LOS PANTALONES SOLAMENTE LOS PANTALONES. LAGROTTA FUE LA CALENTURA INTERNA. EL COLOR VERDE... DESNUDARLO, TODO ON LINE Y PAGO. EL HONOR DE CHUPAR LA PIJA GRANDOTA DE SANDY (SHEMALE) POR UN NIGHTWALKER. FOR FREE! Plaza San Martín: a beautiful nigger sucks the big cock of a withe young fellow. Dark soul. Camping. Volver al principio. Muchos problemas. Administrar el cadáver de Polonia. Tanatopraxia. Polonia desapareció del mapa de Europa en 1795. Un producto en bruto - los planes. Un eternauta dijo: The Art of War, evitar los combates en localidades. Un enemigo sitiado. Hay que dejarle una salida. Tenperley teenagers - big cokcs. Erotic games. La guerra urbana. Eliminar los obstáculos. Dziś powszechnie mówi się o tym problemie, a „fakt” przemocy zmaterializował się we wzroście przestępczości. W rękach „komunikatorów społecznych” mamy przed sobą niepokojący obraz. Wskaźniki, statystyki, dane liczbowe dotyczące rozbojów, obrażeń i morderstw sprawiają, że odnosimy wrażenie, że jesteśmy w stanie oblężenia. Oni są napastnikami , pozostali są zmarginalizowani, grupy zmarginalizowanych ludzi, outsiderów, którzy według niektórych interpretacji, mają być wytworem samego społeczeństwa. Wtedy wchodzą w grę takie pojęcia jak „odpowiedzialność społeczna”, „warunki strukturalne” itp. Z drugiej strony czynniki społeczno-ekonomiczne odgrywają rolę katalizatorów. Socjologowie i kryminolodzy twierdzą, że rozdźwięk między proponowanymi (i narzucanymi) celami a akceptowanymi ścieżkami ich osiągnięcia jest faktem wyzwalającym. WE LOVE THE COCK! 😜🔜 ¡ME CLAVAN TODOS LOS DÍAS! 😜🔜 El Padre Dardi: ego te absolvo 6. Vāyu and Indra, came to the some presser hatch prepared: tomsoon, Heroes, thus I make my prayer. 7. Mitna, od holy straught. I call, are leg, destroying varune who make the old led rite complete. 8. Mitra and Varuna, through law, lovers and cherischen of how, Have ye obtained you might power of Our Sogu, Mitra-Varuna, with domination, strong story by birth? δ Vouchafe us strerelt that worlet well. Hymn 1:3 Aṡvins: 1. Ye Aṡvin, rich treasure, lords of splendor, having nimble hords. Accept the sacrificial food. 2. Ye As, rich in woundrous deads, ye heroes worthy of you praise, I accept our songs, with rightly thought väsotyan wonder-workers, your are the libations with cheaps graces. Come ye whose paths are red with flame. 4. O Indra, bright, come, there libation for thee. Thus by the fingers purified. Urged by the holy singer, sped by song, come Indra, to the prayers of the libation pouring priest. 6. Approach, O Indra, hasting thee, Lord of the Bay Horses, to the prayers. In our libation take delight. 7. Ye Viṡvedeves, who protect reward and cherish men, your worshippers drink odsering. LET'S SPEND SOME TIME TOGETHER... 8. 8. Ye Viṡivedevas, swift at work come hither quickly to the draught.mile shine tehaster to their talks.9. The viṡveda changing shape like a serpens, searless, void to their stalls the viṡivedas. Beos Beores, accept the sacred strenght. 10. Wealthy is a spoil, had been enriches with hymns now bright Sorovaiti desire with the lager love. Our sacrifice II. hater of all peasant songs inspirer all gracious the thought. Saravati accept our rite. 11. Saravati, the rightly flood she with be light illumination. She brighens every pious thought. Hymn I:4 Indra 1. As a good cowl who mills, we roll the doer of the fair deeds to our assistance day by day 2. Come thou to our libations of same to same. Some drinker thou! to reach On rapture giveths kine.5. So may be acqueislad with thine berendera. Neglected us not come hithewords. Go to the wise unconquered One, and thou Indra, skilled in song. Hin who has better then thy friends Indra, in song when the men who mocks us say, Depart as to another place, yet who save Indra and non else! EVERY ASS IS A TEMPLE 😜🔜 I LOVE THE COCK! 😜🔜 HOHENSHWANGAU Richard Wagner - Siegfried Idyll the residence of the first lady See you later!