Legislative Agenda Formulation Prioritizing policies on FP/MCH, TB, Vitamin A Supplementation and HIV/AIDS (Source: Philippines- Canada Local Government Support Program (LGSP)) LEAD FOR HEALTH ORDINANCE WRITING WORKSHOP ON FP/MCH, TB, VITAMIN A AND HIV/AIDS Angeles City June 28-30, 2005 RENE A. LLORIN PLCPD Manager, Local Advocacy Program The Stages in the Policy Making Process AGENDA SETTING POLICY ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION POLICY IMPLEMENTATION Problem ID POLICY FORMULATION Budget POLICY ADOPTION What is an Agenda? Webster defines agenda to mean a list of things to do, subjects to discuss or business to transact Local Legislative Agenda Is a package of priority legislative measures designed to support local development priorities, particularly those defined in the executive-legislative agenda (ELA); serves as the road map to guide the sanggunian in identifying, analyzing and formulating solutions to problems and issues requiring public policy action; and is a list of prioritized ordinances and resolutions for enactment during a specified period, usually three years, contributing to the attainment of the LGU vision and mission. Usefulness of the LA Organizing and prioritizing the work of the sanggunian Ensuring convergence of the LA and ELA Setting clear performance targets of the sanggunian Educating the people on the work of the sanggunian Assessing the performance of the sanggunian. Potential sources of your legislative agenda (1) primary source of legislative agenda is the comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan evolved by the local development council and subsequently approved by the sanggunian. Potential sources of your legislative agenda (2) The individual; Citizens opinion and other public feedbacks on local government performances; Views, comments and aspirations articulated during public assemblies, meetings, etc.; Program of government of the local chief executive; Vision of the individual member of the sanggunian of what he wants his local government unit to become within or beyond his term of office; Potential sources of your legislative agenda (3) Implications of the Code to local legislation as well as the implications of emerging local government trends brought about by a complex interplay of various socio-economic and political variables in the locality; and Policy directions which are MUSTS in order to influence positive development in the locality. Potential sources of your legislative agenda (4) LEAD for Health Results of the Assessment Planning Workshop Community Based Management Information System Health Facility Assessments Results of Training workshops What is legislative agenda development? Legislative agenda development is a process whereby the needs, demands and aspirations of individuals, organized groups or of the community as a whole, are translated into a legislative blueprint or road map as a basic reference document from which may evolve ordinances or resolutions to be enacted by the sanggunian. Steps LA Formulation (1) Step 1. Organizing the LA team Step 2. Identifying and prioritizing issues Step 3. Consulting with stakeholders Step 4. Revisiting the LGU Vision and Mission Step 5. Formulating goals and objectives Step 6. Prioritizing programs and projects Steps LA Formulation (1) Step 7. Determining legislative requirements Step 8. Identifying legislative capacity development needs Step 9. Building commitment Step 10. Adopting the LA and preparing action plans Step 11. Popularizing the LA Step 12. Managing the LA Step 1: Suggested LA Team Structure Step 2: Identifying and prioritizing issues - Assessment 1. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Sanggunian in the 1991 LGC 2. Mandates from national laws or republic acts 3. Presidential and administrative issuances 4. Minimum Basic Needs data 5. Comprehensive Land Use Plan 6. Comprehensive Development Plan 7. Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan 8. Executive Agenda or program of action of the past administration 9. Legislative Agenda of previous sanggunian Step 2: Clustering of Problems and Needs a) Social development b) Economic development c) Environmental management d) Governance e) Development Administration Step 3: Consulting with stakeholders a) Local Development Council b) Heads of administrative departments or local executives c) National agency representatives in the LGU d) Civil society leaders from the private sector, NGOs and POs Step 3: Why Consulting with stakeholders is Important a) To ensure the accuracy of the identified needs and concerns b) To build stakeholder support and ownership of the LA c) To generate ideas on possible programs and projects to address identified issues d) To generate ideas on relevant policies and legislative measures to address identified issues. Step 4: Formulating or Revisiting the LGU Vision and Mission • What do you want your LGU to become? (vision) • What is your LGU trying to accomplish and for its people? How is your LGU going to attain its purpose? (mission) • Does the vision remain valid in expressing the general aspirations of the LGU? • Does the mission translate the LGU vision in concrete and measurable terms? • Does the initial list of priorities contribute to the attainment of the VMO? Step 5: Formulating goals and objectives • Goal: To provide access to affordable and clean water for all households in the LGU. • Objective 1: To install a potable water supply system in each barangay. • Objective 2: To rehabilitate 50% of the existing water supply network in the municipality. Step 6:Prioritizing programs and projects and capacity development needs Goals and objectives can make an impact on the lives of the people in the LGU only if they are translated into programs and projects. Step 7: Determining legislative requirements 1. Identify LGU development thrusts and strategic directions. 2. Examine each of the strategic thrusts and actions (i.e. goals and objectives, programs, projects, policies) and identify policy/legislative gaps. 3. Identify areas requiring policy/legislative gaps. 4. Draw up a list of priority policy/legislative measures. Step 8: Drafting the LA (template of an LA) 1. Title and Period Covered 2. LGU Vision and Mission Statement 3. Statement of Goals and Objectives 4. Strategic development thrusts 5. Priority Programs and Projects 6. Needed Legislative Measures 7. Purpose (i.e. state purpose of each legislative measure) 8. When Needed (i.e. state month and year ordinance/resolution will be adopted) 9. Committee Responsible (i.e. identify the sanggunian committee which will take the lead for crafting the ordinance or resolution) Strategic Thrusts Family Planning TB Vitamin A/MCH HIV/AIDs Priority Programs & Projects Needed Legislative Measures Purpose When Needed Responsible Committee Step 9: Mobilizing support of stakeholders Present the draft LA in a multi-sectoral consultation. Soliciting the support and commitment of stakeholders from civil society. Gather the comments and suggestions of participants to the public consultation and use these to revise the LA Step 10: Adopting the LA Finalization of the LA into the Sanggunian’s roadmap Through a resolution Unanimous in adopting a resolution to implement the LA within its term. Step 12: Managing the LA The LA will remain a vision for the LGU if it is not translated into ordinances. It is important that the Sanggunian prepares an action plan or calendar of activities to translate the LA into a working document Step 11: Popularizing the LA The LA can be the sanggunian’s advocacy tool. to get the community aware It can also serve as a marketing tool What to watch out for A tendency towards encyclopedic wish list in agenda formulation insufficient appreciation of the institutional and political realities through which reform initiatives have to be carried forward over-focusing on what does not work while ignoring what does work, and, a lack of clarity as to where the agenda best interfaces with goals. Final Thought On a more specific level, legislative agenda development facilitates the smooth grinding of the legislative mill to obviate unnecessary waste of time and efforts by the members of the Sanggunian. Thank You!!!!